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No Mount = Garbage


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > That's an absurd correlation there ... you don't know why those people were laid off.

> > > > >

> > > > Obviously due to not generating enough revenue to please the people on top, or even keep a office full of workers.

> > >

> > > ... and even if that's true (It's irrelevant to argue if it is), it's ridiculous to come to the conclusion that doling out paid content for free to people that don't want to pay is the solution to that.

> >

> > The solution is to bring new players in to the game and persuade them to spend money. If your mode is garbage, why would they want to spend money on a feature to even give the garbage a chance? Lost revenue and useless labor.


> That has nothing to do with what we are talking about specifically in this thread. The fact is that if I can get mounts in WvW without purchasing PoF ... where is the persuasion to spend the money? You just gave it away! What you are saying makes no sense in this case. If the content of PoF isn't enough to get people to pay for it, then it's reasonable that the requirement to 'be even' in competitive modes does.


It does. It means to stop working on imbalancing the game to get people to pay and instead make fair fun content that all can enjoy. The persuasion is to support the game with the cash shop. Which is constantly updated with functionality and cosmetics.


> >

> > > >

> > > > > It's also absurd to imply we need to throw free content at non-paying players and charge paying players for the same content to make their business model work.

> > > > You do know that lots of people paid way more then just recent PoF adopters to play the base game and even HoT right? Saying that its only non-playing players effected shows how much you obviously dont know about the situation.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >I mean, nothing you are going to say is going to convince anyone that their business model is a failure that needs these kinds of dumb ideas to fix it. It's worked for 7 years and based on the fact that they continue to follow it, it's obviously working.

> > > >

> > > > Delusional. If you believe that the current system of WvW is whats keeping this game afloat then you are beyond reasoning with. This game is being carried by its PvE alone.

> > >

> > > I never made ANY claim that the current WvW system is what is keep this game afloat ... now your just inventing things I never said. Besides ... if WvW isn't important enough a game mode to keep this game afloat, why in the hell would anyone make paid PVE content free to players that don't want to pay to enable WvW players like you are suggesting? That would be dumb.

> > >

> >

> > ??? Who said anything about free PvE content?


> Well, let me be more clear, that's what I am talking about ... so I can only assume if you are replying to me, you aren't having your own conversation about something else. We are talking about mounts that require PoF to obtain ... and how people think you should be able to have them without it. That IS talking about free PVE content. But of course, if you don't think we are talking about easy mounts for people that don't have expansions, feel free to redirect the conversation and I will decide if I want to reply to you.



Your talking about that in the WvW section? In a topic that specifically is talking about the WvW mount...


I'm done with you. You dont even understand the context of this topic so your reasoning is so far beyond skewed.


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> @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's an absurd correlation there ... you don't know why those people were laid off.

> > > > > >

> > > > > Obviously due to not generating enough revenue to please the people on top, or even keep a office full of workers.

> > > >

> > > > ... and even if that's true (It's irrelevant to argue if it is), it's ridiculous to come to the conclusion that doling out paid content for free to people that don't want to pay is the solution to that.

> > >

> > > The solution is to bring new players in to the game and persuade them to spend money. If your mode is garbage, why would they want to spend money on a feature to even give the garbage a chance? Lost revenue and useless labor.

> >

> > That has nothing to do with what we are talking about specifically in this thread. The fact is that if I can get mounts in WvW without purchasing PoF ... where is the persuasion to spend the money? You just gave it away! What you are saying makes no sense in this case. If the content of PoF isn't enough to get people to pay for it, then it's reasonable that the requirement to 'be even' in competitive modes does.


> It does. It means to stop working on imbalancing the game to get people to pay and instead make fair fun content that all can enjoy. The persuasion is to support the game with the cash shop. Which is constantly updated with functionality and cosmetics.


You don't know how Anet allocates resources to achieve those things, so no, you can't say different activities in game development are related ... just like you haven't got a clue about Anet's business situation, even though you like to talk like you do. If a player isn't willing to make purchases to remain competitive in WvW, you think they are going to dump their money in the cash stop? That's a laugh. That's just a contrived reality to justify the absurb ideas that Anet should give away paid content because people don't want to pay.


The fact is simple (if you can stop from getting lost in the weeds for a moment). It doesn't make sense for Anet to accommodate players with access to paid content just because they can't be bothered to pay. I know you think you have this figured out as THE way it's going to save the game from it's failing business model that has been working for the last 7 years, but giving away your goods for nothing just because people don't want to buy them isn't a sustainable or sound business practice.


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Create a rental mount that never gets a speed boost in any territory and doesn't have the additionally traited abilities. Allow it to be rented with various currencies; gold, materials, badges. Allow new players to rent it as they work on their own. Rental lasts for 'x' amount of time like a buff. Leaving WvW cancels buff. Problem lessened. They can't access the rental outside of WvW. If they don't have PoF then rentals cost more. Make it so it's more cost effective to get the mount the regular way.

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> @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >

> Delusional. If you believe that the current system of WvW is whats keeping this game afloat then you are beyond reasoning with. This game is being carried by its PvE alone.


Delusional to reason with a clown fiesta anyways. When are you taking your show to vegas?


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I came back to the game after a five-year break about two months ago. I knew nothing, forgot all my keybinds, was completely confused with the new mechanics, specs, zones...


As soon as I entered wvw as a vet wvw player (about a month ago), I noticed how it sucked to be the slow coach. Yes, you'll get stomped, and overrun, but many open tags are aware of the tails and they wait for people! Also, befriend newbs like yourself in pugs, work on your mobility together, some of you might survive! Getting the mount isn't that difficult. Just follow the rest of the tips that people have already suggested. I'd say bigger frustration is to obtain Minstrel's set (if you decide to play support) than to get the wvw mount.

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> @"Ulyssean.1709" said:

> Can't keep up the zerg

> Get stomped for lagging behind

> Can't capture points in time

> No offense to WvW players but Anet can enjoy new players trying it out and then leaving forever twenty minutes later. If they want WvW to retain players this needs fixed.



If this is because you don't have the expansion, then that is a different point entirely. Otherwise, it's an example of you not wanting to put in a bit of effort. This mount is one of the easier ones to acquire and this is coming from someone who doesn't like WvW that much.


I needed another Gift of Battle, so I hopped in, joined a random commander, and after a few hours I had all but the reward track for the Warclaw done. The reward track is 8 hours without boosters and about 4 hours if you run the WvW track boosters (Guild, Heroic Boost, Birthday Boost, BLC Boost, etc). If you don't want to sit in WvW for 4-8 hours with max participation then you can also use the potions. It takes 80 potions to complete a reward track and you can get ~6 potions a day just by doing the dailies. So that can be done in two weeks if you just do those dailies.


As far as keeping up with the zerg, just try to make yourself as mobile as possible. I was on ranger, so I stayed in SB and would use GS 3 + charge from the Gazelle off cooldown to try to keep up. It was a bit of a pain but I was able to be there for all the major events/fights. If you are on a more mobile class like Thief, Warrior, or Mirage with Mimic/Blink/Sword MH then you can probably keep up a bit better.

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> @"Roquen.5406" said:

> > @"Ulyssean.1709" said:

> > Can't keep up the zerg

> > Get stomped for lagging behind

> > Can't capture points in time

> > No offense to WvW players but Anet can enjoy new players trying it out and then leaving forever twenty minutes later. If they want WvW to retain players this needs fixed.

> >


> If this is because you don't have the expansion, then that is a different point entirely. Otherwise, it's an example of you not wanting to put in a bit of effort. This mount is one of the easier ones to acquire and this is coming from someone who doesn't like WvW that much.


> I needed another Gift of Battle, so I hopped in, joined a random commander, and after a few hours I had all but the reward track for the Warclaw done. The reward track is 8 hours without boosters and about 4 hours if you run the WvW track boosters (Guild, Heroic Boost, Birthday Boost, BLC Boost, etc). If you don't want to sit in WvW for 4-8 hours with max participation then you can also use the potions. It takes 80 potions to complete a reward track and you can get ~6 potions a day just by doing the dailies. So that can be done in two weeks if you just do those dailies.


> As far as keeping up with the zerg, just try to make yourself as mobile as possible. I was on ranger, so I stayed in SB and would use GS 3 + charge from the Gazelle off cooldown to try to keep up. It was a bit of a pain but I was able to be there for all the major events/fights. If you are on a more mobile class like Thief, Warrior, or Mirage with Mimic/Blink/Sword MH then you can probably keep up a bit better.


People don't want to put the effort in, that's the problem. They just want instant gratification or to just complain until Anet makes everything easier for them. They don't want to take the time and effort to make an extra 30 bucks to buy an expansion, they don't want to spend the extra X amount of hours collecting all the pieces for the Warclaw, they just want to sit in front of their computers and have everything handed to them and just push 1 to win. Same goes with those that want to erase Warclaw from WvW. It's just too hard or too time consuming to work for the "Fights" they want to have.

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i totaly agree on WvW without mount.Sorry for bad english

First i have to defeat mount then player and they can run away easily

Without mount** kill or be killed** and its the spirit of **WvW** and **pvp**

Just merge maps and shrink to half will solve problems.

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> @"Lokman.8326" said:

> i totaly agree on WvW without mount.Sorry for bad english

> First i have to defeat mount then player and they can run away easily

> Without mount** kill or be killed** and its the spirit of **WvW** and **pvp**

> Just merge maps and shrink to half will solve problems.


Yeah, SIMPLY merge and shrink to half ... you know, a 10 minute job.

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It's hard not to notice these, running around during the Dragon's Bash festival:




The tech exists - it's already in game. 10s for 1 hr of mount use. Even comes "with a whistle to call it back if you dismount."


What reason then can there be for not having the exact same vendor available at every spawn in WvW to rent out a Warclaw? The mount would have no mastery points, so only 2 dodges, slower, no sniff, etc, but it would give players something to help keep up with everyone else.


And while I suppose some players might just spend 10 silver each time they log in, rather than do the collection for the mount, but they weren't going to get the mount anyways. At least this way, those who are working to get the collection completed won't have as painful a time doing so.


You can rent mounts for races / festivals, so this is no longer a question of "can they", but of "will they"?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> It's hard not to notice these, running around during the Dragon's Bash festival:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roller_Beetle_Rental

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raptor_Rental


> The tech exists - it's already in game. 10s for 1 hr of mount use. Even comes "with a whistle to call it back if you dismount."


> What reason then can there be for not having the exact same vendor available at every spawn in WvW to rent out a Warclaw? The mount would have no mastery points, so only 2 dodges, slower, no sniff, etc, but it would give players something to help keep up with everyone else.


> And while I suppose some players might just spend 10 silver each time they log in, rather than do the collection for the mount, but they weren't going to get the mount anyways. At least this way, those who are working to get the collection completed won't have as painful a time doing so.


> You can rent mounts for races / festivals, so this is no longer a question of "can they", but of "will they"?


This exactly. I am not saying give people mounts, they should work towards them, but for people just returning or new people it would be better if they had options as they were working toward their own mount.

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If they start giving more freebies go ahead and make a rental command tag for 10 silver, cause that follows the same logic as the rest of this thread. PoF goes on sale for 15 dollars a few weeks each year....it doesn't get much cheaper than that. If that is whats stopping people they need to quit typing on the forums and make their own lemonade stand to make 15 bucks of profit...that should take MUCH less time than convincing Anet to give out freebies!

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> @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> If they start giving more freebies go ahead and make a rental command tag for 10 silver, cause that follows the same logic as the rest of this thread. PoF goes on sale for 15 dollars a few weeks each year....it doesn't get much cheaper than that. If that is whats stopping people they need to quit typing on the forums and make their own lemonade stand to make 15 bucks of profit...that should take MUCH less time than convincing Anet to give out freebies!


Actually it's not the same. Having a rental tag does not give you an across the board advantage regardless of what class you choose. It's not about how cheap PoF is. It's not even about working towards the mount. It's about a progression in additional buffs that should never have existed in the first place. It's been described many times over already.

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> @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> If they start giving more freebies go ahead and make a rental command tag for 10 silver, cause that follows the same logic as the rest of this thread. PoF goes on sale for 15 dollars a few weeks each year....it doesn't get much cheaper than that. If that is whats stopping people they need to quit typing on the forums and make their own lemonade stand to make 15 bucks of profit...that should take MUCH less time than convincing Anet to give out freebies!


Comm tag doesn't give speed buff, 10-12k extra hp, extra 3 dodges, etc.

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I don't understand the complaints. Warclaw was one of the easiest, if not the easiest, to obtain... just a little time-consuming due to how long it took to complete the reward track. If you can't handle that, then maybe you don't need a Warclaw. Some of you really need to grow a pair.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> > If they start giving more freebies go ahead and make a rental command tag for 10 silver, cause that follows the same logic as the rest of this thread. PoF goes on sale for 15 dollars a few weeks each year....it doesn't get much cheaper than that. If that is whats stopping people they need to quit typing on the forums and make their own lemonade stand to make 15 bucks of profit...that should take MUCH less time than convincing Anet to give out freebies!


> Comm tag doesn't give speed buff, 10-12k extra hp, extra 3 dodges, etc.


Maybe not but if you're a decent commander it will give you a large number of players to help absorb much more than 10-12k hps, but thanks for dodging the financial aspect of my post :P

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There is no need to get Warclaw unles you wvw. It does nothing in PvE. A person who does wvw is going to put in the effort. The amout of crap u have to do to get the other mounts is huge compared to warclaw. I only have bunny and raptor because of this. If you only want warclaw to sit on it in towns and cant be stuffed doing the bit off wvw it needs dont bother and please stop whining.


Some sort of rental would be a good idea.

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Seems the only defense for why there shouldn't be a rental system is that the game goes on sale every year.


Everything else is just people somehow blind darting the actual issue. Seriously if you keep saying "because pve this, because pve that" then you are... cant say it cause il get another red flag. ?

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> @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> > > If they start giving more freebies go ahead and make a rental command tag for 10 silver, cause that follows the same logic as the rest of this thread. PoF goes on sale for 15 dollars a few weeks each year....it doesn't get much cheaper than that. If that is whats stopping people they need to quit typing on the forums and make their own lemonade stand to make 15 bucks of profit...that should take MUCH less time than convincing Anet to give out freebies!

> >

> > Comm tag doesn't give speed buff, 10-12k extra hp, extra 3 dodges, etc.


> Maybe not but if you're a decent commander it will give you a large number of players to help absorb much more than 10-12k hps, but thanks for dodging the financial aspect of my post :P


It's about balance

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Not sure if posts are not read or if just trolling. :/ I guess when the point gets made and can't be disputed it either gets spun into a new argument or covered completely.


Can't wait for another expansion and a repeat of this same problem. I'll be sure to shrug and quote this thread. Later.

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