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A feature to not load people on their skyscale while waiting for event.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > This sort of thing has been done before (the Dreamer noise for example) - I don't understand why this is bringing out such toxicity in a certain portion of players.


> Trying to understand other ppl is always tricky but just from reading the thread it seems like that certain portion of players have become toxic bc the new mount has annoyed them to the point that they have come to the erroneous conclusion that ppl are using the mount specifically and intentionally to annoy them . . .


I haven't noticed any toxic behavior from people asking for an option to hide other players sky-scales, quite the opposite, in fact.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > This sort of thing has been done before (the Dreamer noise for example) - I don't understand why this is bringing out such toxicity in a certain portion of players.

> >

> > Trying to understand other ppl is always tricky but just from reading the thread it seems like that certain portion of players have become toxic bc the new mount has annoyed them to the point that they have come to the erroneous conclusion that ppl are using the mount specifically and intentionally to annoy them . . .


> I haven't noticed any toxic behavior from people asking for an option to hide other players sky-scales, quite the opposite, in fact.


Yeah, like I said, always tricky . . .

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Just why do people on their skyscale stays immobile, flapping their wings over 1 inche off the groud? I don't care if you're high up in the sky (still, subjectively speaking, I find the sole point of hovering to be perfectly imbecile, but ok) but why hovering so close to the ground? There is objectively no reason to do it other than "looooook at meeeeee!!!!"

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Just why do people on their skyscale stays immobile, flapping their wings over 1 inche off the groud? I don't care if you're high up in the sky (still, subjectively speaking, I find the sole point of hovering to be perfectly imbecile, but ok) but why hovering so close to the ground? There is objectively no reason to do it other than "looooook at meeeeee!!!!"


Why do people buy bright red cars? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people do any myriad of things that others take notice of? Does it matter? Why do you feel you have the right to tell them what they can and can't do with their mounts?

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > Just why do people on their skyscale stays immobile, flapping their wings over 1 inche off the groud? I don't care if you're high up in the sky (still, subjectively speaking, I find the sole point of hovering to be perfectly imbecile, but ok) but why hovering so close to the ground? There is objectively no reason to do it other than "looooook at meeeeee!!!!"


> Why do people buy bright red cars? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people do any myriad of things that others take notice of? Does it matter? Why do you feel you have the right to tell them what they can and can't do with their mounts?


Hold on.


You're assuming something I never said or thought.


Where did I say that people don't have the right to do "x" things with their mounts?


I'm questioning the necessity of why hovering at literally 1 inch off the ground. There is literally no purpose other than to attract attention. I'm not necessarely "complaining", I'm stating and questioning a thing that is happening that annoys some people and also that have no real motive. There are plenty of ways of enjoying your mount if you want to see it weither on foot or flying.

There are plenty of ways to let people sees you and your mount. Hovering that low above ground does nothing but blocking vision and just attracting unnecessary attention.


Your comparison does not really match, because a red car does not float a bit above ground while having its doors "flapping" constantly in the middle of the main street doing nothing.


At this point, you seem to really defend that like it is your duty. I've stated my opinions.


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If you turn your character model rendering down to minimum you are less likely to see people on a different axis.


But same answer as the people who complained about mounts before the launch of PoF; No.


It’s an MMO. Game is not designed to cater to your personal experience, if you don’t like it or find it annoying figure out something tolerable for yourself.



Maybe try things like semi-afk a distance a way and roller beetle in when the event starts, when majority of the people are on the ground.


Go first person mode and lower your camera until boss spawns.


Face a direction completely away.


Get the mount your self and go to a higher altitude.


Wait by closest waypoint until it spawns.


The UI and in game dialogue offers more than enough information to let you know when the event has started.


I dunno if A-net would be cool about this, but if you can remove or replace the flight models, go for it I guess?


If you cannot accept any of these and it bothers you, don’t do that content.


If I have a headache and someone is jumping around me with a mini tonic, I don’t ask for a feature to visually disable it, I actively put myself in a place where I don’t have to see it.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > > Just why do people on their skyscale stays immobile, flapping their wings over 1 inche off the groud? I don't care if you're high up in the sky (still, subjectively speaking, I find the sole point of hovering to be perfectly imbecile, but ok) but why hovering so close to the ground? There is objectively no reason to do it other than "looooook at meeeeee!!!!"

> >

> > Why do people buy bright red cars? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people do any myriad of things that others take notice of? Does it matter? Why do you feel you have the right to tell them what they can and can't do with their mounts?


> Hold on.


> You're assuming something I never said or thought.


> Where did I say that people don't have the right to do "x" things with their mounts?


> I'm questioning the necessity of why hovering at literally 1 inch off the ground. There is literally no purpose other than to attract attention. I'm not necessarely "complaining", I'm stating and questioning a thing that is happening that annoys some people and also that have no real motive. There are plenty of ways of enjoying your mount if you want to see it weither on foot or flying.

> There are plenty of ways to let people sees you and your mount. Hovering that low above ground does nothing but blocking vision and just attracting unnecessary attention.


> Your comparison does not really match, because a red cave does not float a bit above ground while having its doors "flapping" constantly in the middle of the main street doing nothing.


> At this point, you seem to really defend that like it is your duty. I've stated my opinions.



One reason to hover a few inches off the ground rather than far away is so that these people hovering feel like theyre a part of the group. Many others might be mounted too, why the skyscale folks wouldnt be able to? Some of us like to hover just because it feels different, and some of us still like to be with other people rather than in our own little niche.

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OP - Please give us an option so that I don’t have to see other players’ Skyscales cluttering **my** screen.

Some repliers - No! You do not dictate how other players play. I refuse to let you have an option for your own screen. You will be forced to look at my Skyscale!


Um... OK... Who’s dictating what? :tongue:

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> OP - Please give us an option so that I don’t have to see other players’ Skyscales cluttering **my** screen.

> Some repliers - No! You do not dictate how other players play. I refuse to let you have an option for your own screen. You will be forced to look at my Skyscale!


> Um... OK... Who’s dictating what? :tongue:


While the OP did in fact ask for an toggle option, many follow up posters began expressing that their similar annoyances with the skyscale be answered by suggesting that players not be allowed to use the skyscale in their presence at all. Also your example isn't what's happening in real life at all. These people aren't specifically following around these individual players with the express purpose of taking up their screen with their skyscale and demanding their invidual attention as you've clearly implied. They're just following the group content currently being played. As Gop stated above "certain portion of players have become toxic bc the new mount has annoyed them to the point that they have come to the erroneous conclusion that ppl are using the mount specifically and intentionally to annoy them . . ." You seem to be one of the players coming to this erroneous conclusion.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Just why do people on their skyscale stays immobile, flapping their wings over 1 inche off the groud? I don't care if you're high up in the sky (still, subjectively speaking, I find the sole point of hovering to be perfectly imbecile, but ok) but why hovering so close to the ground? There is objectively no reason to do it other than "looooook at meeeeee!!!!"


Well, as someone who did it without realizing earlier today, here it is: I was happily gathering platinum before Tequatl. About oh, 8 minutes before, I made my way there, but started from too low a height, which meant I reached the cluster of folks just at dust-splattering level. Ordinarily, I will take the time to land and go back up, but my pizza was coming out of the oven, so as soon as I was in 'cluster' I left, got up, rescued my pizza, sliced, served to family and sat back down just in time to hear the something in the water statement. I did realize it once I got back, but, eh, little late at that point.


Also, funny story, I was afking far above a spawn point for a world boss, absently glancing at the group below for the boss every so often and apparently I was TOO high. I missed it entirely. Did manage to mine the leything though. Lesson learned. Don't fly TOO high.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> I just want the option to hide the visual clutter that blocks MY screen - it would have zero affect on anyone else.


> I don't see why that's such a controversial request.


It doesn't seem like it should be, but it always has been and I'm not completely certain as to the why of it either. The best explanation I've heard is that anet makes a lot of money off cosmetics and if players knew other players could turn their cosmetics off anet would make less money off cosmetics. At least that explanation always makes me feel better. It's like seeing an ad in an ad supported game. It sucks but doesn't make sense to complain about it . . .

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> What option? I've played almost every mmo out there and none of them has 'an option'.

Moderate flashy effect, and toggle that all player makes invisible with 1 push key.

For example, an graphic option to show effects only in own party or squad. Or make them simple.


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