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Who do you wanna see more in season 5??

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Rox found her spot.

Canach may not join us again because he's Royalty now.

Taimi may end up as scruffy/a golem

Don't think cats/flaming swords like water so no Rytlock.

That leaves the humans/norns as last and any new characters.

Who would you like to see more of?

Which new/old characters do you hope to see next?

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Literally anyone else.


I'm mostly done with this game, Anet let me down one too many times. The only thing I'd maybe pay to see in Cantha. I'd love to see it reintroduced to the story, but they'd probably just butcher it with some forced dragon plot like they've done with almost every single thing in the last 7 years.

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Destiny's Edge in core game (Zhaitan episode), current Dragon's Watch in S2, HoT, S3, PoF, S4. We've been already spent long time with them. Isn't it time to leave them and meet new members? Honestry I like Destiny's Edge member rather than Dragon's Watch (Braham, Rox, Majory, Kasmeer and Taimi)

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Inquest, i want them to reclaim more of their villainous aura. They became a bit too much of a joke, while people on the background ate still scared of the pyramid hierarchy at the top. I thought Kudu's daughter was a foreshadowing of their activity. Also good to involve Zojja again

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Would like to see gorrik and canach as a duo. Also Zojia coming back to speak with Taimi/Snaff. The return of evil Phlunt? Will the next story become Phlunted?


Another great idea can be bringing back the sinister triade but becoming stronger in the majority of Tyria. (Pact between Nightmare court-Bandits-Inquest) bringing us at a point we will see the higher members of those organizations. I recently discovered that Thaumanova reactor was a city before, what if, we have a map, that is just a very huge city of the size of the map?

Kinda like LA in the sense of melting races/cultures together but for baddies? You Know... the place to be if you want to trade slaves for some golems and buying some stolen goods! Encampments hosting everyone just like in half of brisban wildlands?

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Tell you what I don't want to see: sand, crystals, or things that are dyed purple. Enough. I've had it. I liked Dragonfall because it contained terrain that wasn't desert and had mobs that weren't purple and crystal covered (well, most of the zones).


I'm done with the desert.

I'm done with the brandand.

I'm done with every model added to the game looking like it came from a desert or the branded.


Looking forward to new stuff, themes and motifs.


And I would always welcome the Tribune's company.


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Canach obviously :)


That Sassy salad has become one of my favorite characters over the last few years.

It was a little disappointing he never got a spotlight moment in the last patch but hopefully he will again soon.

He's the funniest character imo although Taimi is a close second ^^


Being British and all I can't help but have a soft sport for Canach's sarcastic and sassy sense of humor ^^

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One is Job-o-Tron/Hobo-Tron/Hero-tron/Bait-o-Tron. He was a recurring character in Season 1, had a small scene in Season 2, and is part of an event in Jahai in Season 4. Would like to see the golem again at least once a season, such a fun character.


I'd also like to see Zojja, seriously it's been what? almost 5 years since her last on-screen appearance? Controversial opinion but if one of the reasons is maybe Felicia being busy, change her voice actor like Rox and Charr player toons. I just want to see my DE mentor again.

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Since Rox isn't Dragon's Watch anymore, it would be weird to see more of her in future episodes. So out of her and Canach: Canach. Canach is my homeboy.


>! imo I never would have formed Dragons Watch if given the choice. I much preferred when the Commander was the actual Pact Commander. I don't know why you would trade off a hugely capable fighting force in favour of an unequivocally tiny bunch of misfits that don't listen to what you tell them to do, and aren't there half the time. Sure the Pact suffered heavy losses in the war against Maudry, but they recovered. I presume because it was easier to write the story and keep it interesting that way, which is fair, but still, that moment where the player resigned their position was my least favourite moment in GW2, it's the only moment where I have completely disagreed with the Commander's decision.

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I chose other. The current characters around the commander aren't appealing enough. Braham just needs to go. Rytlock, though an awesome Charr, seems as if he's more connected to Logan than anything. The novels with him and Logan really built up story between them and added more layers to their relationship into gw2. As far as the commander is concerned, he saw through balthazar's and kralk's demise so he should be off the hook. Other than wanting action because he is who he is, he doesn't have a bond with the commander as strong as Logan. I love the lesbian couple of Kasmeer and Marjory but clearly people like Marjory better so we don't need them both. Kasmeer can just hang out in DR in the service of the queen. Rox has found her home with the Olmakhan.


To me, Canach is the most interesting simply because of his history. I know it would be difficult to implement, but Canach has every right to backstab an Asuran commander after what they did to him early on. He may even hold some sort of grudge against a human commander since he was under Anise's thumb for a while. But despite all of that, he seems to be both useful (bombs expert) as well as entertaining. He could really make the story interesting if he outright goes against the commander because of something that happened in his past, but I doubt they will do such a thing.


I would like for Sayeh al' Rajihd to make a comeback since we're in the ocean. And my long-shot choice would be Livia. I know her journey was technically over, but I don't think they did such a good character justice from gw1 into gw2.

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