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Shall we introduce Open World PvP to PvE maps?

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Allow player killing in open world PvE maps.


**Safe and PvP zones**


* All Core vanilla maps where new players usually start will be safe zones.

* All major Cities will be safe zones.

* HOT and POF maps will allow player killing outside of major Cities.


**Skull Tiers**

Players who initiate attacking others will have a skull above their heads.


* White skull = attacked someone but 0 kills

* Yellow skull = 1-10 kills

* Purple skull = 11-50 kills

* Black skull = 51-100 kills

* Red skull = 101++ kills


**Rewards and Penalties**


* There are no rewards for killing skull-less players.

* Players can attack skulled foes with no penalties / skulls placed on them.

* Higher Skull tiers will have harsher penalties upon death.

* There are better rewards for killing foes with higher Skull tiers.




* Skulls reset the moment a skulled player is killed.

* Skulls reset if the player stops attacking anyone for 24 hours while logged-in.

* A Skulled player who was killed cannot attack anyone again for the next 24 hours.

* Player name and location appears on the Bounty boards when they reach Black Skull and above.

* New achievements both for reaching the different Skull tiers and killing different Skull tiered foes.

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Honestly, this would make me never play this game again lol. If it was something you can opt out of I'd be fine with it, but forced PvP is a HARD no for me and many people I know. I know some people dig it, but all I've ever gotten out of the experience is griefers and people ruining the entire gaming experience. I'm fine with PvP being an OPTION though, so people can PvP outside of WvW and Ranked. As this is listed though, pass for me. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.

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No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.


>[[Open world PvP]](http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/TemperHoof/072012/23486_Guild-Wars-2-Redefines-Open-World-PVP)

>The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.


> >[[Open world PvP]](http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/TemperHoof/072012/23486_Guild-Wars-2-Redefines-Open-World-PVP)

> >The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson


When was that comment made though?

Hopefully things might have changed since then.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.

> >

> > >[[Open world PvP]](http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/TemperHoof/072012/23486_Guild-Wars-2-Redefines-Open-World-PVP)

> > >The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson


> When was that comment made though?

That comment was from 2012. They've reiterated it since, in different words.

For example, [in 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/695146/#Comment_695146)

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.



> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Hopefully things might have changed since then.

What about the underlying design choices would have changed?


Motivation might change, interest might change. The fundamental costs would not; they'd still have to redesign central functions to make it work.


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It's such a terrible idea to add open world PvP to GW2 that it's difficult to know where to even start with addressing this. Here is a list of some reasons why it would be terrible.


1. The vast majority of MMO players despise open world PvP. Especially GW2's playerbase who have been conditioned to cooperate in PvE.

2. GW2 works on a megaserver system, so you cannot even have PvP and PvE servers like in other games. So it wouldn't be optional unlike in the vast majority of popular MMOs.

3. The primary repeatable open world PvE content is world bosses and meta events, which require working together. If open world PvP is a thing all the meta events will suddenly have an insanely high failure rate due to griefers.

4. There is no faction system, which makes it even worse because you have to be wary of every single player.

5. PvP and PvE have split balance. If you think PvP is terribly balanced in sPvP, just play with PvE rules in the guild hall arena.

6. PvP builds are very different to PvE or farm builds. Basically someone on a PvP focused build would easily annihilate all the players on PvE builds even if they are skilled. This is because of how convoluted GW2's build system is. In other MMO's like WoW, the advantage that PvP focused builds have is not nearly as insurmountable as it is in GW2.

7. Due to all of the above this game would die a very quick death.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.

> >

> > >[[Open world PvP]](http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/TemperHoof/072012/23486_Guild-Wars-2-Redefines-Open-World-PVP)

> > >The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson


> When was that comment made though?

> Hopefully things might have changed since then.


It was made some time back but nothing has changed in how they make the game. Cooperative pve is still how the game is marketed and sold. To change now would be a bait and switch tactic to all the people who bought the game and expansions based on that.


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Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

It would work.

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Reason why this doesn't work is there's no sides to something like this in the game. I mean Open World PvP works in WoW because there's the Horde and the Alliance. GW2 just doesn't have anything like this currently. You'd just be afraid all the time that someone decides to gank you because ANYONE could do it. And you can't make it server-based because what's the point? You could WvW instead, and get rewarded for it.

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Yes, let's redesign the game aspect which draws the biggest playerbase to incorporate aspects from the basically dead game mode. Sounds like very sound advice.


> @"shippage.1983" said:

> I have no idea why people don't want this more! Of course make it optional, because a lot of PvErs are definitely not going to want it. Have it like in WoW where you get bonus XP if you flag yourself for PvP.


The same WoW which is removing pvp servers and has been phasing out open world pvp more and more? Yeah, that doesn't seem like a vote of confidence or a successful concept.


I used to play on a pvp server. I have nothing against open world pvp. Yet even I realize that this would be a terrible idea. There is a reason why pvp is so tiny in the MMO market, the vast majority of players are pve.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> The moment I got ganked while doing my PvE things in PvE maps, I'll uninstall.

> It would be a signal for me the game will be flooded with hit and run kids in one shot builds, very soon.


But think about this.


In a Open World PvP environment, gankers will undoubtedly be born.

These gankers would go around killing other players and they will have skulls on their heads.

But they won't be the only group around.


Another group will rise to battle these gankers. The Night Watchmen.

Players who group up to patrol the maps and protect the helpless skull-less players.

Skull-less Players who would fight against Skulled Player killing groups.


_A new ecosystem will be born.

The food-chain will be rearranged.

Villains will rise.

And Heroes will heed the call._


**Let the war begin!**?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > The moment I got ganked while doing my PvE things in PvE maps, I'll uninstall.

> > It would be a signal for me the game will be flooded with hit and run kids in one shot builds, very soon.


> But think about this.


> In a Open World PvP environment, gankers will undoubtedly be born.

> These gankers would go around killing other players and they will have skulls on their heads.

> But they won't be the only group around.


> Another group will rise to battle these gankers. The Night Watchmen.

> Players who group up to patrol the maps and protect the helpless skull-less players.

> Skull-less Players who would fight against Skulled Player killing groups.


> _A new ecosystem will be born.

> The food-chain will be rearranged.

> Villains will rise.

> And Heroes will heed the call._


> **Let the war begin!**?


Like I care what is gonna happen after I got ganked, meaning someone wasted my time and I got pissed.


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