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Shall we introduce Open World PvP to PvE maps?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > The moment I got ganked while doing my PvE things in PvE maps, I'll uninstall.

> > It would be a signal for me the game will be flooded with hit and run kids in one shot builds, very soon.


> But think about this.


> In a Open World PvP environment, gankers will undoubtedly be born.

> These gankers would go around killing other players and they will have skulls on their heads.

> But they won't be the only group around.


> Another group will rise to battle these gankers. The Night Watchmen.

> Players who group up to patrol the maps and protect the helpless skull-less players.

> Skull-less Players who would fight against Skulled Player killing groups.


> _A new ecosystem will be born.

> The food-chain will be rearranged.

> Villains will rise.

> And Heroes will heed the call._


> **Let the war begin!**?


That's not how this situation has played out, ever. The usual result is just mindless ganking of pve players until they quit, either the zone, their game session or the game.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > The moment I got ganked while doing my PvE things in PvE maps, I'll uninstall.

> > > It would be a signal for me the game will be flooded with hit and run kids in one shot builds, very soon.

> >

> > But think about this.

> >

> > In a Open World PvP environment, gankers will undoubtedly be born.

> > These gankers would go around killing other players and they will have skulls on their heads.

> > But they won't be the only group around.

> >

> > Another group will rise to battle these gankers. The Night Watchmen.

> > Players who group up to patrol the maps and protect the helpless skull-less players.

> > Skull-less Players who would fight against Skulled Player killing groups.

> >

> > _A new ecosystem will be born.

> > The food-chain will be rearranged.

> > Villains will rise.

> > And Heroes will heed the call._

> >

> > **Let the war begin!**?


> That's not how this situation has played out, ever. The usual result is just mindless ganking of pve players until they quit, either the zone, their game session or the game.


But...if we make the reward for killing higher skull tiered foes very attractive...maybe it would be enough to attract players to be protectors against the player killers...

Like maybe...killing a Red Skull Pker gives a random Precursor drop.

And it will be a very rare occurance because I think it will be very hard to reach Red Skull given that PvE players far outnumber PvP players, PvP players with skulls in open world face a lot more danger travelling the maps since large number of PvE players can just attack and kill them easily with auto-attacks.

Pkers are unlikely to survive getting out of the White or Yellow skull tiers.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> It would work.


You are in the wrong game.


Limited resources is defintely not what gw2 set out to be.


At the OP.

No, that quickest way to kill off gw2.


Go play WvW.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > The moment I got ganked while doing my PvE things in PvE maps, I'll uninstall.

> > > > It would be a signal for me the game will be flooded with hit and run kids in one shot builds, very soon.

> > >

> > > But think about this.

> > >

> > > In a Open World PvP environment, gankers will undoubtedly be born.

> > > These gankers would go around killing other players and they will have skulls on their heads.

> > > But they won't be the only group around.

> > >

> > > Another group will rise to battle these gankers. The Night Watchmen.

> > > Players who group up to patrol the maps and protect the helpless skull-less players.

> > > Skull-less Players who would fight against Skulled Player killing groups.

> > >

> > > _A new ecosystem will be born.

> > > The food-chain will be rearranged.

> > > Villains will rise.

> > > And Heroes will heed the call._

> > >

> > > **Let the war begin!**?

> >

> > That's not how this situation has played out, ever. The usual result is just mindless ganking of pve players until they quit, either the zone, their game session or the game.


> But...if we make the reward for killing higher skull tiered foes very attractive...maybe it would be enough to attract players to be protectors against the player killers...

> Like maybe...killing a Red Skull Pker gives a random Precursor drop.

> And it will be a very rare occurance because I think it will be very hard to reach Red Skull given that PvE players far outnumber PvP players, PvP players with skulls in open world face a lot more danger travelling the maps since large number of PvE players can just attack and kill them easily with auto-attacks.

> Pkers are unlikely to survive getting out of the White or Yellow skull tiers.


Listen any open world PvP leads to this, nothing more




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It depends. Firstly it wouldn't work if we were all each other's enemy and second that means splitting people up into different 'enemy factions' and that wouldn't work with how the Guild system works here.

This , however, is how I see factions. Kurzick Vs luxon maybe even another doing big scale battles in the open world to claim towns and cities. Massive bosses to over come as a 'faction' with the enemy closing in.

Factions could even be a complete new PVP area.

WvW is not the same. This area wouldn't be hoodwinked by meta builds and elitism. It could even only be a PvP zone at certain times. It would be a free for all, come as you are.

But This game isn't set up this way. people don't play it to be ganked while leveling, and there isn't PvP armour seperate to PvE armour. The complains would need a seperate forum.

So as much as i feel it would bring some excitement, i fear too many people, if it *could* happen would just be against it.

BUT this game does need something to keep you on your toes, there is no doubt in my mind. But it wouldn't be this, here.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for.


But couldn't you cooperate with other people in open world pvp to maximize the ganking potential of poor schmucks who are trying to get stuff done?

In all seriousness having a few maps that are essentially wvw but in the open world could be fun and if not just ignore them.

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I honestly don't see any point in why we would need or even want that? Not only are there a ton of reasons to why GW2 specifically can't really support this system in the first place - like a few ppl already pointed out -, I don't see the necessity at all.

1) WvW is already Open World PvP with faction system and you always have the possibility to roam and gank ppl already - with the difference to oppvp that they are probably prepared to fight

2) If you want any form of small scale fights (1v1, 1v2, up to 5v5) you can always use the game browser in PvP (there are more than enough empty servers lying around) or if the interest is really there, get yourself a custom arena.

3) If that's too much effort and you don't mind or maybe even want PvE balance (like it would be the case in open world pvp) you can also always go into guild halls and fight there..

4) You can even do GvG in say the Mists Arena (although I'd wish there is a proper GvG mode with its own rewards, rules and stuff.. maybe even on-demand ATs since this already gets implemented in sPvP, may as well adapt it to GvG)

5) Well.. sPvP isn't just there for fun and the community, although unfortunately rather small, is very active. Just join some unranked or ranked matches or even ATs there


Literally the ONLY player vs player experience you can't cover with all of this is ganking (probably new or "undergeared") people doing completely non-PvP-related stuff and ruin their experience. Why would you want to introduce that? And don't tell me "BcUz On DeMaNd 1V1". No. that's not 1v1 to oneshot ppl while not suspecting anything (gawd I hate those people in Black Desert claiming one-shotting completely undergeared and unsuspecting people as soon as they leave a safe zone is a valid form of PvP


And *maaaaybe* - and I give you the biggest benefit of the doubt here - you actually don't aim for oneshot-ganking noobs, I can promise 99% of "open world PvP'ers" will.

Most of us have probably seen that more than enough times in other games, I don't want that in GW2 as well. Drives away ppl even more.

But hey, that gives me an idea.. If you want to get constantly ganked as soon as you go to basically any place where you can progress or farm.. just go play Black Desert for a while, problem solved.


As a side node: To those who say make it an option: Do you really think basically anyone in PvE will enabled pvp mode then? Like honestly. >99% would just turn it off as soon as they log in after its introduction and leave it there until the end of time.



Btw.. in WvW there's a well established dueling area.. 1v1 areas are so dead nowadays it's not even funny.. ever wondered why? Just wanted to put that in the room.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:


> 1) WvW is already Open World PvP with faction system and you always have the possibility to roam and gank ppl already - with the difference to oppvp that they are probably prepared to fight


You answered it here.


>with the difference to oppvp that they are probably prepared to fight


People want to gank others and have easy kills. They don't actually want pvp.

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> @"Koranami.2309" said:

> Honestly, this would make me never play this game again lol. If it was something you can opt out of I'd be fine with it, but forced PvP is a HARD no for me and many people I know. I know some people dig it, but all I've ever gotten out of the experience is griefers and people ruining the entire gaming experience. I'm fine with PvP being an OPTION though, so people can PvP outside of WvW and Ranked. As this is listed though, pass for me. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.


funny thing... i used to never be bored of open world pvp games (aion is a good example). and i get bored of gw2 very quickly. believe me. open world or faction vs. faction is something that gives a whole new perspective on a game. and it never gets boring. but apparently gw2 is full of pve carebears. that's quite obvious now. what u should do is try an open world pvp game.. and u'll see how amazing it gets. instead of farming same old metas and dying out of boredom u could just go and fight against a faction that u r at war with. i miss open world pvp mmos. pve can never capture your interest for too long.

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> > @"Koranami.2309" said:

> > Honestly, this would make me never play this game again lol. If it was something you can opt out of I'd be fine with it, but forced PvP is a HARD no for me and many people I know. I know some people dig it, but all I've ever gotten out of the experience is griefers and people ruining the entire gaming experience. I'm fine with PvP being an OPTION though, so people can PvP outside of WvW and Ranked. As this is listed though, pass for me. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.


> funny thing... i used to never be bored of open world pvp games (aion is a good example). and i get bored of gw2 very quickly. believe me. open world or faction vs. faction is something that gives a whole new perspective on a game. and it never gets boring. but apparently gw2 is full of pve carebears. that's quite obvious now. what u should do is try an open world pvp game.. and u'll see how amazing it gets. instead of farming same old metas and dying out of boredom u could just go and fight against a faction that u r at war with. i miss open world pvp mmos. pve can never capture your interest for too long.


Fight me on any online arena, moba.

You just want to gank people that are minding their own business, doing pve things and don't wanna be content for you.

P.S. PvP suxxx in gw2, this comes from a person that remembers dota 1 all stars.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Dave.6819" said:

> > > @"Koranami.2309" said:

> > > Honestly, this would make me never play this game again lol. If it was something you can opt out of I'd be fine with it, but forced PvP is a HARD no for me and many people I know. I know some people dig it, but all I've ever gotten out of the experience is griefers and people ruining the entire gaming experience. I'm fine with PvP being an OPTION though, so people can PvP outside of WvW and Ranked. As this is listed though, pass for me. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.

> >

> > funny thing... i used to never be bored of open world pvp games (aion is a good example). and i get bored of gw2 very quickly. believe me. open world or faction vs. faction is something that gives a whole new perspective on a game. and it never gets boring. but apparently gw2 is full of pve carebears. that's quite obvious now. what u should do is try an open world pvp game.. and u'll see how amazing it gets. instead of farming same old metas and dying out of boredom u could just go and fight against a faction that u r at war with. i miss open world pvp mmos. pve can never capture your interest for too long.


> Fight me on any online arena, moba.

> You just want to gank people that are minding their own business, doing pve things and don't wanna be content for you.

> P.S. PvP suxxx in gw2, this comes from a person that remembers dota 1 all stars.


nah. the most fun thing is roaming alone or even in 2-3 groups. and fighting against people who are also roaming for pvp. ganking pve folks isnt fun. roaming and fightin ppl who are also lookin to fight ppl. that's whats fun. well atleast in aion no1 cared bout pve. groups of 2 to 5 people used to roam and fight against other groups. folks who roam and kill people who are doing quests/farming are the worst. but no1 rly did that. we ignored pve'ers. i mean why fight someone who isnt even using a pvp build just killing mobs?

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> It would work.


If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > It would work.


> If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.


"should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.


limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.


and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.


If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > > It would work.

> >

> > If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> > Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.


> "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.


> limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.


> and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.


> If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.


The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.

Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a area

is an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.

Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.

Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!


AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.


Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.

You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.


Geez so many cryers...

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > > > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > > > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > > > It would work.

> > >

> > > If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> > > Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

> >

> > "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.

> >

> > limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.

> >

> > and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.

> >

> > If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.


> The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.

> Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a area

> is an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.

> Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.

> Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!


> AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.


> Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.

> You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.


> Geez so many cryers...


If you created a new map for this purpose, whatever. I'd get done with whatever I needed and leave. But old maps have many parts integrated into them, and it isn't fun to deal with gankers when you just want to PvE.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > > > > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > > > > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > > > > It would work.

> > > >

> > > > If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> > > > Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

> > >

> > > "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.

> > >

> > > limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.

> > >

> > > and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.

> > >

> > > If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.

> >

> > The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.

> > Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a area

> > is an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.

> > Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.

> > Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!

> >

> > AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.

> >

> > Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.

> > You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.

> >

> > Geez so many cryers...


> If you created a new map for this purpose, whatever. I'd get done with whatever I needed and leave. But old maps have many parts integrated into them, and it isn't fun to deal with gankers when you just want to PvE.


New maps would work. But why? I mean old maps that are DEAD... serves absolutely no purpose. Rarely someone is in there to complete questing. So why not delete quest since no one is doing them no more in does areas. If you time things right with my limited harvesting idea, it might in fact help out to repopulate low populated questing zones while waiting for resources to respawn in them pvp zones.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > > > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > > > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > > > It would work.

> > >

> > > If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> > > Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

> >

> > "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.

> >

> > limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.

> >

> > and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.

> >

> > If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.


> The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.

> Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a area

> is an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.

> Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.

> Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!


> AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.


> Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.

> You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.


> Geez so many cryers...


They can't just up and move old stories from the maps. There's a linear story line, players like to work through. And you don't get to decide whats boring for others.


Also, "Guild Wars" title, has nothing to do with pvp, it's a story line, not factions.


I am not against creating a new pvp map. But with the games mechanics, that would be a WvW map not Tyrian.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > Open world pvp in dead map's only. I mean really dead maps. That will work.

> > > > > Open world pvp will fail if there's no reason why to pvp in it. So incentive should be focused on collecting limited amount of resources per day per zones.

> > > > > Now see the greed take over & create war on it's own.

> > > > > It would work.

> > > >

> > > > If it's well implemented, there is no reason why PVE's can't keep on enjoying leveling & Questing with out having PVP players ganking them at every turn. As i said above.

> > > > Have the pvp zones exclusively implemented in dead maps. & Dead maps there are a lot in the world of Tyria. Have does maps be farming maps to be harvest for it's limited resources. It has to be limited so players feel they must compete blood & sweat to win it. You can solo & you can compete as guilds doing rounds. Nay sayers should be more open to this idea instead of shutting it down right away. Especially when my idea explicitly protects players that only wants to be questing with out having gankers on there head all the time.

> > >

> > > "should"... No we shouldn't and neednt be open to a game mode we won't like.

> > >

> > > limited resources between players is not a gw2 concept.

> > >

> > > and dead maps have pvers trying to complete story steps.

> > >

> > > If you want actual pvp, and not just to gank people.. go to the 2 modes designed for it.

> >

> > The point of open world pvp is competitiveness. Gw2 concept was GUILD WARS! Not casual playing. But that's what we got in the end.

> > Competition between guilds has to have incentive other then the trash we see in WvW. Fighting for resources that is harvested in a area

> > is an exact reflection of real life. Where the Elites are fighting for Oil & Uranium & gold.

> > Fighting for limited resources in an area means gone for X amount of time. Could be 3 hours or could be a day. Time factor should depend on the hour of time population is around to play.

> > Dead maps questing should just be removed anyway. Cuz it's boring & dead! Push all Quest to more populated pve'r maps. There fixed!

> >

> > AS i said, it wont interfere in your casual PVE playing in the world maps. But plz stop crying about how it would affect you when it wont even interfere with your playing.

> >

> > Everyone will tell you that WvW is badly implemented. Reason why most servers are dead. & if they do an open World pvp they might as well kill off WvW. Spvp is another story.

> > You all need to calm down. Open world pvp done right wont interfere with your casual playing. If you don't feel like pvp'ing in it, don't! You can keep on casually playing your pve with out interference.

> >

> > Geez so many cryers...


> They can't just up and move old stories from the maps. There's a linear story line, players like to work through. And you don't get to decide whats boring for others.


> Also, "Guild Wars" title, has nothing to do with pvp, it's a story line, not factions.


> I am not against creating a new pvp map. But with the games mechanics, that would be a WvW map not Tyrian.



Either way i don't mind. I think it should be done properly with a good incentive so not to repeat WvW & the whole reason why we fighting for.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for.


> But couldn't you cooperate with other people in open world pvp to maximize the ganking potential of poor schmucks who are trying to get stuff done?


That’s cooperative PvP not cooperative PvE.


> In all seriousness having a few maps that are essentially wvw but in the open world could be fun and if not just ignore them.


1) I’m also not interested in having PvP toxicity added to PvE maps and having to ignore that.

2) from what I understand of the OP’s suggestion it’s not optional PvP on those maps so again not ignorable if I want to play on them or need to go there to get achievements.



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The vote "if implemented properly" is if implemented this way:

Opt In!

Otherwise bubyes gw2


When you enter WvW or PvP, you clearly understand you are entering a Player vs Player situation. If I don't want to fight other players, I go to PvE.

Now if you allow PvP in those areas, make it opt in, so I can set myself to "Having none of that, find another one to gank" status.


I steer away from ANY game where I can find myself in a PvP situation without me opting in for it.

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General open world PvP no.. WvW is more or less what that is.


But i've long been a supporter of adding dueling to the PvE game whether that be via a challenge system or adding a few PvP arenas around specific locations (likely major cities) so people can have duels and the rest of us can enjoy watching.


There's good roleplay elements for that and we know the mechanics to do this already exist as there is a PvP arena in the Suns refuge instance where you can fight with your friends.

I dunno how much work it would be to implement that into each of the home towns (Black Citadel already has a literal arena area which could be used for it, as does NW Gendarran Fields I think) but I think it's something that would definitely be worth doing, specially if you could progress some PvP or WvW achievements like players killed.

Hell they could even do some open world tournament like events every now and again for fun without impacting the PvP game at all, it may even end up encouraging some people to try official PvP and WvW.

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