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rate the usefulness of each mount

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1 = bad 5 = good











dizziness-5 (no dizziness from using it)












dizziness-1 (very dizzy from using it if i use evade in successions)











control-1 (literally no control, no breaks, no sharp turns when at full speed)






control-4.5 (-0.5 for random wall clinging)



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Raptor- 5 (best mount for just going places, best dismount damage))

Springer- 4.5 (LOTS of use getting onto high places, dismount stun is really good))

Skimmer- 3.5 (only used on water and in brandstorm, slow on land)

Jackal- 2.5 (Slower than raptor, only really useful for sand portals.)

Beetle- 2 (Uncontrollable. Essential for a few events and getting through some barriers, but otherwise a waste of time)

Gryphon- 4.5 (Decent land speed, decent vertical jump, can be really fast if you can get it high enough to dive.)

Warclaw- 5/1 (Best mount in WvW, just awful in PvE)

Skyscale- ?.? (Don't have it yet)

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My ratings:

Raptor - 4.5, really like it but not too good for vertical or steep areas

Springer - 4, Also really like it, but its slow speed gets me knocked off too often

Skimmer - 2.5, only useful in water or brandstorm areas, so not as useful as the others

Jackal - 1.5 - Very little use apart from sand portals and some adventures

Beetle - 2 - Rarely use it for travel in very flat areas, but often gets stopped by small obstacles or corners.


Warclaw isn't even on the list, shows how useful it is in PvE ;) =)


Don't have griffon or skyscale yet

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1) Griffon is so versatile. Most terrains have some verticality that the griffon can simply jump above instead of going around. There’s also plenty of height in a lot of areas for the griffon to get a slow swoop.

2) Raptor is amazing for flatter terrains where the griffon isn’t useful.

3) Skyscale is useful for terrains too high for the griffon, or not enough space to swoop, but it is so sluggish and clunky to use. Its vertical movement is slow and it constantly sticks to things. A wanna be flying mount that I don’t find fun to use.

4 - tie) Springer is only useful for quickly going up, or for CC engage. With the introduction of the Skyscale, its usefulness went down since the Skyscale can go higher. Its jumping charge needs to be faster.

4 - tie) Skimmer is only useful for skimming water. It needs to be able to swim.

4 - tie) Beetle is only for long distance travel I plan ahead, in situations where I can’t use the griffon. It needs endurance upon mounting.

4 - tie) Jackal is slower than the raptor. Avoiding fall damage isn’t too useful since I can just rush with raptor than switch to griffon. Evade is also not that useful since I can evade just fine with other mounts. Aside from using portals and dashing up some hills, I prefer the raptor. However, it is somewhat versatile and doesn’t need any buffs, IMO. Overall, I find the jackal very hard to rate and can see why some prefer jackal over raptor.

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* **Raptor:** 4 (good on the ground, even though the Jackal is better; really good animations)

* **Springer:** 1 (made redundant by the Skyscale, horrible for horizontal movement, annoying sounds)

* **Skimmer:** 2 (while it's useful in most maps, it's too slow on common ground, and its sway can induce motion sickness)

* **Jackal:** 5 (incredibly useful on the ground, very precise controls, immunity to fall damage, can use portals, is pretty)

* **Griffon:** 5 (amazingly versatile, rewards skilled use, can be incredibly fast, has nice animations)

* **Beetle:** 2 (hard to control, endurance fills very slowly, the beetle itself is ugly and its saddle is even uglier, useful in straight paths)

* **Skyscale:** 3 (effectively makes the Springer redundant, has very precise controls, decent at horizontal movement, meh animations)

* **Warclaw:** 0 (completely useless in PvE)

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