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How to do deal with two Revenants?


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Is there any strategic way to deal with this situation? I play thief but I imagine it's just as bad facing it on most professions. As thief if I run into a double revenant setup (which I've done a handful of times) I usually just focus on decaping and rotating to avoid them. If they so much as see one of my pixels I'm dead. I feel completely shut down when playing against this. Any tips? Just assume the fetal position maybe?



I should say specifically in the case they are a duo that move together. If they are just two randoms it's a _little_ easier to deal with because they are not coordinating as heavily.

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Meta revenant specializes in picking off targets that are already low on health/cd's or ganging up on them with superior numbers then use the momentum to snowball the rest of the map. In fair fights (even numbers where both sides start at full health and resources) revs are manageable for most common specs with core guards and reapers having the most trouble. So the way you deal with rev comps is you play agressive and force them to take the fair fights (or unfair in your favor). If you attack them early rather than letting them gank you when you are already under pressure you kill their ability to get momentum going. While their chasing mobility is their greatest strength, their disengage mobility and resustain is rather mediocre so once they are engaged in a fight one side will likely end up dead so play well and get the kill or play poorly and die trying. It isn't a guaranteed win method as you still need to be able to handle the fights and a good player on rev can win matchups where they are disadvantaged in depending on skill levels but you aren't going to survive long outnumbered against good revs nor should you be able to.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> Is there any strategic way to deal with this situation? I play thief but I imagine it's just as bad facing it on most professions. As thief if I run into a double revenant setup (which I've done a handful of times) I usually just focus on decaping and rotating to avoid them. If they so much as see one of my pixels I'm dead. I feel completely shut down when playing against this. Any tips? Just assume the fetal position maybe?



> I should say specifically in the case they are a duo that move together. If they are just two randoms it's a _little_ easier to deal with because they are not coordinating as heavily.


It's not easy to deal with two revs/two thieves/two mesmers that are coordinating. Your best bet is a duelist build with built-in blocks and evades, or a support/tank build (IE FB+Scourge). In my personal experience, prot holo can survive if it has enough support from its team, because Static Shield can stop the rev spike in its tracks. The revs need to die quickly after that though, or it'll happen again.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> Is there any strategic way to deal with this situation? I play thief but I imagine it's just as bad facing it on most professions. As thief if I run into a double revenant setup (which I've done a handful of times) I usually just focus on decaping and rotating to avoid them. If they so much as see one of my pixels I'm dead. I feel completely shut down when playing against this. Any tips? Just assume the fetal position maybe?



> I should say specifically in the case they are a duo that move together. If they are just two randoms it's a _little_ easier to deal with because they are not coordinating as heavily.


ArthurDent gave a pretty good explanation.


Since you play thief, build-wise, something like [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU4an0MBlOhNGDGOBUGjFmCj/RWJ/kexgXQNgrAEAGAA-jZBHABcs/wAXEAAeAAaXGQ8jAAA) would probably be pretty decent for fighting/surviving against revs.


Here are a few ways you can use your skills to counter them:


1. Watch out for Phase Traversal. You can use Head Shot if you're in d/p to interrupt their S5, S3, or w/e skill they use after the teleport.

2. If you get revealed by Gaze of Darkness, you can use Shadow Meld to remove the reveal and stealth.

3. If they use Unrelenting Assault (S3), you can Head Shot the start of the cast if you can react fast enough. If they are already evading and you _aren't_ revealed, stealthing using P5 -> Heartseeker or evading while in rifle will cancel the attack. If you _are_ revealed, using Shadow Meld will also cancel the skill.

4. Asides from that, make sure you dodge/blind/interrupt skills like S2, S4, Burst of Strength, Chaotic Release (knockback in glint), kite out of Elemental Blast and you should have an easier time against them.

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Soft condi spam:

Ex sage fb + blood scourge.


Things with excellent stand off + no ports.

Ex rifle holo on skyhammer side nodes.


Generally speaking though, your best strategy is to range them with you team and most importantly: jump the enemy rev immediately after they attack your ally. For example on holo I watch for the shiro leap and immediately cast rifle 4 upon activation.


Your best tool is using counterpressure to peel the revs off your allies. Typically your teammates will have get out of jail cards (elixer s / endure pain / renewed focus /etc) that will keep them alive at least ~5s. Rev offense and defense shares the same resources. Pressuring them into stunbreaking etc will take the huge pressure off your ally and is how you stay alive.

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well... just stealth the entire game as you should be :lol:


pretty much it's the same topic, how to deal with 2 or more of the same class, 2 scourage can bomb and hold any capture point or choke point, a single war can pretty much perma stun and having to deal with 2 of them (not to mention the ridiculous amount of dmg can dish out with berserkers, i've seen dual berserkers run straight for lord at start of the match and chomped him down in < 3 sec), a single heal scraper can bunker down and if you need to deal with 2 of them bunkering 2 points, a single mesmer is annoying enough with their illusions and having to deal with twice the number of two of them :astonished:, a single de is annoying enough with the constant sniping and having to deal with two of them constantly focusing target sniping taking you down from miles away within secs :angry:, and the list goes on and on and on


hence in one of the thread i posted, i would very much prefer to see a hard cap on a single class per team (we have 9 classes to chose from) for ranked pvp


unranked have no limit, and AT can have up to 2 of the same class (so there are room for other classes)

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Yea, like the others already pointed out, be aggressive, avoid the burst (S4 and S5 primarily) and maybe even use S3 to your advantage. Shadowstep away from the teamfight or point you're trying to decap while they're attacking with S3 (maybe while in daggerstorm to be extra safe) and shadow return back, then they're 1200 range away and will have to use Sword5 or Phase Traversal to reengage quickly (you've already decapped the point by now probably or your team already took a slight advantage in the teamfight, depending on the situation) which makes them more predictable and keeps the energy low(er).


You could also always opt for a high evade/mobility or maybe even condi build since Rev heavily relies on landing the few bursts it has (auto-attack damage is also high but only melee, so kiting with shortbow is also a good option.. Shortbow2 and 4 spam works wonders) and is reeally heavily pressured by basically any condi build since the condi cleanse is abysmal. Only downside for conditions is that it's unavoidably feeding into Infuse Light but then again, even if they manage to get a few k healing out of it, they'll probably be dead a couple seconds afterwards anyway.


And just play the traditional ganker, wait until they've engaged in a teamfight, already used their bursts and hunt them down, since their disengage potential is also abysmal. They have to use every bit of energy they have to Riposting Shadow away and on Glint they only have Infuse Light for sustain which has quite a bit of cooldown and can be outplayed ultra easily by actually doing nothing to them for just a couple of seconds.

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