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Stop blobbing


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Don't like blobs?

Gather a handful of likeminded people. Get on TS and go to town. Very very effective. You will get lots of fun fights and still make a difference. Ppl need to learn how to take initiative.


It's the same with ppl playing classes not wanted in the zerg. Tag up on your own, gather some ppl and flank or roam or whatever. Theres tons of things you can do withouth running with a blob. and still letting others doing what they like to do.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> Point is that you don't blob or you die. 5 player groups wouldn't take higher damage.


You’re not even bothering to absorb rational feedback...


What makes a group of 5 immune to the damage from a group of 10? ...


You seriously need to think things through.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> One good idea would be that players would take more damage if they stay close other players. For example one meteor shower could wipe 50 player blob of they stack.


Make meteor shower like rev sword 1. Meteors strike upto 5 targets, each target hit will also cause 50% splash damage to adjacent foes. Also add random chance, like chaos storm, for daze/knockdown/cripple to the meteor shower field every second. Make that skill a MONSTER!

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> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > Point is that you don't blob or you die. 5 player groups wouldn't take higher damage.


> You’re not even bothering to absorb rational feedback...


> What makes a group of 5 immune to the damage from a group of 10? ...


> You seriously need to think things through.

It's logical that party (5 players) won't get blobbing debuff because they don't blob. 10 players get debuff because they blob.

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But a mechanical debuff would discourage players from actually playing the game mode while encouraging toxicity in the player population. Under a hard and fast 10 player debuff it would be advantageous for every group to run 9 members as that would provide you with the maximum damage and support without encountering the debuff. If a stray player gets in the range of the group under that system they would suddenly be a blob and be at a disadvantage most likely resulting in a wipe. This would cause conflict due to competing interests, the stray doing their objective and the group with theirs, where conflict wouldn't need to exist. The same mentality could be extended to the out numbered buff and why it doesn't provide a significant mechanical advantage to the out numbered team.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > Point is that you don't blob or you die. 5 player groups wouldn't take higher damage.

> >

> > You’re not even bothering to absorb rational feedback...

> >

> > What makes a group of 5 immune to the damage from a group of 10? ...

> >

> > You seriously need to think things through.

> It's logical that party (5 players) won't get blobbing debuff because they don't blob. 10 players get debuff because they blob.


Luckily for you the devs created a structured pvp mode with specific rulesets. WvW is all about mass combat, and the devs created 5 maps for hundreds of players to duke it out. All this was modeled after DAoC realm vs realm gameplay.


What you are asking for (unlimited AoE skills and now special “debuffs”) is never going to happen in this rvr mode.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > Point is that you don't blob or you die. 5 player groups wouldn't take higher damage.

> > >

> > > You’re not even bothering to absorb rational feedback...

> > >

> > > What makes a group of 5 immune to the damage from a group of 10? ...

> > >

> > > You seriously need to think things through.

> > It's logical that party (5 players) won't get blobbing debuff because they don't blob. 10 players get debuff because they blob.


> Luckily for you the devs created a structured pvp mode with specific rulesets. WvW is all about mass combat, and the devs created 5 maps for hundreds of players to duke it out. All this was modeled after DAoC realm vs realm gameplay.


> What you are asking for (unlimited AoE skills and now special “debuffs”) is never going to happen in this rvr mode.


What's DAoC? Was that out more than 5 years ago? Is it just as good as our WvW?

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > Point is that you don't blob or you die. 5 player groups wouldn't take higher damage.

> > >

> > > You’re not even bothering to absorb rational feedback...

> > >

> > > What makes a group of 5 immune to the damage from a group of 10? ...

> > >

> > > You seriously need to think things through.

> > It's logical that party (5 players) won't get blobbing debuff because they don't blob. 10 players get debuff because they blob.


> Luckily for you the devs created a structured pvp mode with specific rulesets. WvW is all about mass combat, and the devs created 5 maps for hundreds of players to duke it out. All this was modeled after DAoC realm vs realm gameplay.


> What you are asking for (unlimited AoE skills and now special “debuffs”) is never going to happen in this rvr mode.


Yup and because of the very thing you are confirming. Is the reason why players will simply stack on one or two servers. Because stacking servers automatically puts you at a huge advantage. Compared to a server or group without the numbers to compete.


Therefor population disparities will never be resolved in GW2. There for you either stack onto a over bloated server, or you just get stomped by already bloated servers. Because stacking bodies in one place, automatically decreases the number of damage sources you can take. I don't understand how some many people just can not see this.


We had this same problem in ESO. ZOS then released the AOE caps. Instantly afterwards a organized group of say 8 well experienced players. Was able to stomp on players whose only tactic was to stack numbers in one place and burn. Thus giving smaller groups a way to deal with mindless zerglings.


You can say that the zerg would have the same tools as the smaller group of players. However it seems people in this game just can not do basic math. With AOE capped at 5 a mindless zerg of 50 players or more in GW2 will always take less damage then the much smaller group of players.


If there was no AOE cap then the zerg loses it's only supreme advantage against much smaller groups. Because the much smaller groups would be able to land it's damage, onto the zerg that is just stacked in one place. Zergs would then instantly spread out instead of omni-blobbing with a full on map queue, against a server that has maybe 15 to 20 on map.


People will then realize that simply outnumbering your enemies, and coverage. Does not automatically equals a win like it does now. But again the buck falls on ANet to get the game engine updated to be able to handle this. Because that is not even a viable excuse. More so when you have other MMORPGs, that will completely overhaul their game engines multiple times to allow their MMOs to be fun for the player base. CCP with Eve Online, and ZOS with ESO, are the two biggest ones that comes to mind.


Those two MMOs was on track to, and should've completely failed. But those two companies pulled their heads out of their rear ends. Bit the bullet, and started going into, what I'd like to call development overdrive. Which afterward both games went from certain failures. To now complete success stories.


The only reason why ANet refuses to do so. Is just simply due to the fact. That they don't care to. It's pretty much just that simple. ANet simply just does not want to invest the time and resources. Necessary to get GW2's PvP and WvW modes, to where they can start pulling in massive amounts of players and income. At this point ANet is just milking and acting like it's PvP and WvW communities are nothing. When in fact those two game modes has and can again start pulling in massive amounts of players.


But again like usually we have to arrive at the point. "All is vain" Because the devs. and publisher no longer cares. Therefore at this point and time. All is truly vain.

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Uncapped AoE would also make a loose 50 man zerg able to easily kill a 20 man guild because there is no way those 20 can cover 50 peeps in AoE while they themselves need to be stacked in order to blast/heal/boonshare vs an overwhelming force.


The idea that uncapped AoE only helps the poor outmanned is delusional.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > One good idea would be that players would take more damage if they stay close other players. For example one meteor shower could wipe 50 player blob of they stack.


> Make meteor shower like rev sword 1. Meteors strike upto 5 targets, each target hit will also cause 50% splash damage to adjacent foes. Also add random chance, like chaos storm, for daze/knockdown/cripple to the meteor shower field every second. Make that skill a MONSTER!


So make your preferred profession you play unreasonably overpowered? How does that assist the issue? If you want to beef anything up, it should probably be the group play value of the non GWEN professions

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> @Firebaall.5127 said:

> There should be a version of the Mistlock Instability Social Awkwardness for WvW.


> Problem solved.


LMAO. You are forgetting one thing tho. Players on the blob server absolutely lean on blobbing. Any anti-blobbing ideas will be met with extreme prejudice. Regardless of how helpful they are to the gamemode as a whole. Most WvWers in GW2 can not and will not learn how to play, a WvW where blobbing does not equal an automatic win. ANet is pretty much exclusively marketing the game to these types of players.


Thus the server stacking omni-blobbing zerglings, will automatically win in GW2. Because that is what makes ANet money, without having to do any meaningful developmenting these days. System is completely working as intended.


If you don't like it. Just find another game. That whole business model don't depend on, catering to this type of gamer.

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> Just make it so if over 15 allies are within 2000-2500 distance of each other they all receive reduced stats by 25%, and of over 25+ reduced stats by 50%.


Again, you are forgetting players on the blob servers absolutely lean on blobbing. Any anti-blobbing ideas will be met with extreme prejudice. Regardless of how helpful they are to the gamemode as a whole. Most WvWers in GW2 can not and will not learn how to play, a WvW where blobbing does not equal an automatic win. ANet is pretty much exclusively marketing the game to these types of players.


Thus the server stacking omni-blobbing zerglings, will automatically win in GW2. Because that is what makes ANet money, without having to do any meaningful developmenting these days. System is completely working as intended.


If you don't like it. Just find another game. That whole business model don't depend on, catering to this type of gamer.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > Just make it so if over 15 allies are within 2000-2500 distance of each other they all receive reduced stats by 25%, and of over 25+ reduced stats by 50%.


> Again, you are forgetting players on the blob servers absolutely lean on blobbing. Any anti-blobbing ideas will be met with extreme prejudice. Regardless of how helpful they are to the gamemode as a whole. Most WvWers in GW2 can not and will not learn how to play, a WvW where blobbing does not equal an automatic win. ANet is pretty much exclusively marketing the game to these types of players.


> Thus the server stacking omni-blobbing zerglings, will automatically win in GW2. Because that is what makes ANet money, without having to do any meaningful developmenting these days. System is completely working as intended.


> If you don't like it. Just find another game. That whole business model don't depend on, catering to this type of gamer.


I don’t care if they will hate or if it impacts them negatively, I don’t care if they actually have to learn to be better players, blobbing puts a huge strain on server resources, a huge strain on game integrity due to all the calculations etc. the only other option to help with the negative side affects is to reduce the amount of Boon and Condi application ie either on frequency or amount of stacks and to reduce/remove the amount of AoE spam.


I care more about the health of the gamemode and playability than other players feelings.

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > > Just make it so if over 15 allies are within 2000-2500 distance of each other they all receive reduced stats by 25%, and of over 25+ reduced stats by 50%.

> >

> > Again, you are forgetting players on the blob servers absolutely lean on blobbing. Any anti-blobbing ideas will be met with extreme prejudice. Regardless of how helpful they are to the gamemode as a whole. Most WvWers in GW2 can not and will not learn how to play, a WvW where blobbing does not equal an automatic win. ANet is pretty much exclusively marketing the game to these types of players.

> >

> > Thus the server stacking omni-blobbing zerglings, will automatically win in GW2. Because that is what makes ANet money, without having to do any meaningful developmenting these days. System is completely working as intended.

> >

> > If you don't like it. Just find another game. That whole business model don't depend on, catering to this type of gamer.


> I don’t care if they will hate or if it impacts them negatively, I don’t care if they actually have to learn to be better players, blobbing puts a huge strain on server resources, a huge strain on game integrity due to all the calculations etc. the only other option to help with the negative side affects is to reduce the amount of Boon and Condi application ie either on frequency or amount of stacks.


> I care more about the health of the gamemode and playability than other players feelings.


Oh I know I used to as well. But again it sounds like you are just frustrated. That ANet has moved on to another target audience.


One that is much easier to please and don't care about balance. One that is is not willing or interesting in learning how to beat players, with balanced classes and abilities. Ones that just want 2 button I Win Rotations. The ones who don't even want build diversity, because of the fear. That such a thing would allow for more counters to their two button I Win Builds.


You just have to accept it. ANet just don't consider you the target audience anymore. Thus none of the changes you want. Will even be thought or talked about at the meeting table.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > Just make it so if over 15 allies are within 2000-2500 distance of each other they all receive reduced stats by 25%, and of over 25+ reduced stats by 50%.

> Anet's not going to do something that penalizes people for playing together.


Lol wut? You do mean ANet's not going to do something that penalizes people. For intentionally exploiting and abusing the server population mechanics and systems. Because then those guys that was just getting auto wins for doing so. Would no longer have fun, having to fight on a somewhat equal playing field. Thus they would quit the game.


That's what you meant right?

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Let’s think this through...


Anet creates an entire support system that forces players to stack if they want heals and boons... So now some of you want Anet to create a debuff that penalizes players for stacking up...


There is nothing logical about this argument. You will not get unlimited AoE either, for the rational reasons I provided.


This entire mode was designed around the idea of mass combat like DAoC rvr gameplay. That’s the attraction of the mode for many who participate in WvW. If you can’t handle the way the mode was designed there is alternative to pvp play here in spvp.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > One good idea would be that players would take more damage if they stay close other players. For example one meteor shower could wipe 50 player blob of they stack.

> >

> > It's just not the same without your signature.


> This. 100%


I think he needs some more helpfuls.

Oh and likes. I think the majority are from me.

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You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.


The lack of balance is why people are blobbing. And still we've had some side-smallscale the past months. It's not about rewards. Hey some people play games to have fun.

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