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Your DPS is Trash

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> If we didn't have guns, people who want to murder, would do so without a gun, so giving everyone a gun shouldn't be a problem, right?


I'm curious, do you have any examples where dps meters are actually to blame for something? You haven't given a single one yet

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> If we didn't have guns, people who want to murder, would do so without a gun, so giving everyone a gun shouldn't be a problem, right?



Still there's no proof from you but a claim.


> And I had plenty of meta boys coming into my group and not knowing certain mobs even exist. Every time we have been to champ harpy in SE, at least one says "lol, didn't even know this exists". I also noticed a lot of people don't even know some mechanics of bosses. Why? It's clear they were thaught how to speedrun through dungeon on their first run. Putting feedback on non reflectable boss, putting aegis and trying to block Champ Icebrood troll etc.

> Oh, so much challenge, yeah. Let's put stealth and swiftness and run to the end. Ohhh, that challenge! Those who intend to learn, can do so on their own, just as much as they could by reading a guide. How did I learn this when it was my first mmorpg and still the only one I play? How do people learn other games that don't hold their hands? Because they have no choice. This game is already super casual and rather easy, now you even want to give them cheats like taco, because god forbid it might take anything more than one button while scratching their kitten to complete the content.


Those people you are mentioning are maybe geared with meta gear + using guides but they still aren't the usual meta players because those people wouldn't even run dungeons like that. Perhaps they have been carried by speed runners some day but nonetheless they are not that kind of players you want to make them. They are the problem in harder content because they know nothing about what comes around the next corner. And those are definitely NOT the ones with dps meters.

And btw. skipping and stealthing had nothing to do with making the content braindead. It is a challenge of "how fast can we beat the content" with utilities the game is handing out. Seriously, I ran dungeon for years and trust me it's not challenging or entertaining fighting all elite mobs for the millionth time just because designers put them in there years ago.

In the end you are confessing that this game is super easy in almost all areas. Even dungeons are super easy nowadays. I think you have no clue about what is possible in there today but still you insist on people fighting every mob there. This is insane, lol. If you really want to face challenging stuff don't view dungeons as a standard. They aren't any longer. They are outdated content and therefore not the benchmark and thus the reason you maybe met some "meta boys" who had no clue about them because they are playing the actual challenging content.


> And that's the problem. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it. "Nah, let's force ourselves through content I don't like with cheats!" What a logic! If it's so old then you should know it without cheating. But maybe you never learned it in the first place?


1. If you need guild commendations (for whatever reasons) you need to do the content because you can't get them elsewhere. Flaw in game design in my opinion because people can get dungeon skins via PvP which is ridiculous. I'd also like to have mystic clover farm option like in WvW. Same stuff.

2. I knew several guild races by heart but they are so boring that when my first guild was done with guild hall we never did them again. After making a 2nd guild years later guess what we had to do the stuff again and hey **it's still not entertaining** and more important: **It's not my entitlement to be perfect in stupid stuff like guild race, I want to be good in CHALLENGING CONTENT.** So, please be a little bit more clever here and don't compare such content to real challenging content like fractals & raids.


> Cool, you shared you experience and I shared mine. Now where is the limit when this becomes a problem. Does every group in existence has to be toxic in order for this stuff to be considered bad? Cheating is bad, but not everyone does it, so it's ok, by your logic.


Nonsense. The thing is your experience is not even near the standard. And if you were honest you would admit that. You like some others before exaggerate so much especially when it comes to dps meters that it's not funny any longer. I'd really love to see you guys collecting data with video proof (not possible I know) so that you could prove your claims.

We have lots of people here with 1k LI (1LI per raid boss kill) never having issues with toxicity be it due to dps meter or let be due to the wrong skin on their weapons. Have they encountered toxicity? Yes, we all have but it's very far from being regularly - not even once in a month and we are playing this content on a daily (fractals) & weekly basis


Let's make it clear: People who experience toxicity every week or even every 10th run are doing things significantly wrong or against the group they are in.



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This is the truth. DPS doesnt mean shit if your consistantly getting down or dead. Real pro players dont care as long as you dont die and have decent dps. And also i find it completely dumb to wait for long periods of time for a specific dps class. Taking 40min to kill 1 boss, even though you 1 shot it, is trash dps. Wish arc could calculate the down time in between as well.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> Past LFGs were pretty consistent to even disallow classes BEFOR entering dungeons and exclusive to players:

> - only 10k AP

> - no necromancer or ranger

> - warrior only

> - exp or kick


Which is why the DPS meter was actually a good thing. In the past, people were trying to be elitist, but had no real metric and just went off ancedotes.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


All I see here is bunch of claims that I'm suppose to believe, because you said so, while I have to provide proof for my own. Somehow you have correct info on what kind of players run dps meter, who are the true meta boys and how often these things occur. Funny you talk about strawman, then you proceed to claim those are not true meta players. LOL. What makes a true meta player? They are using meta gear, meta build and are using meta strategies in encounters. Their experience doesn't matter. You are trying to save your arguments by separating bad players from good, because you don't want to admit a lot of meta players are also bad players.


No, skipping wasn't about how fast you can make it. These are standard runs for a long, long time. It's simply because people think killing those mobs is waste of time and not profitable at all. You are saying killing same mobs for 1000th time is boring. Well, buddy, you are playing the wrong game. You'll be killing exactly same mobs in open world all the time. If you are even decently active you will be doing content you already did plenty of time again. Even if we killed those mobs so many times, does running past them makes for more fun? Seems hell of a boring thing to me and I have to scratch my had and think why are you even there in the first place if you want to skip everything?


I have also ran dungeons for a long time and I have done speedruns for a long time, so don't think you know something I don't. Same party composition, same tactics, everyone knows their exact rotation and what to do in each encounter. Now, that is boring. Every single run is exactly the same, because it's run the same way. And I took dungeons and fractals for example because most people run those.


The fact that you need a third party tool to tell you how to improve yourself and monitor others says enough. There shouldn't even be a discussion about this in the first place and allowing such thing is even worse. Most of people rely on google to tell them how to gear, how to build, which buttons to press and in what order for each boss and then you are going to talk about challenge? :D It really is cute how people who raid think they are some kind of elite players in this game.


Dungeons can be solo'ed. Fractals can be solo'ed. Raids were finished by 5 people in exotic gear. Do you still think you learn the game by looking at meta sites or by playing it? So what is then the point of dps meter? If you are into static reliable clears, you can make friends and guild for that. For anything else, there is no need to monitor people in a freaking game. When you get to that level, you should reconsider what gaming means to you.

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Two things here, for the guys who disagree strongly with DPS-Meters.


First, a Question. How do you think the community would evolve if suddenly DPS meters were banned?


Second a Scenario. HoT time. You are the Raidleader. Raid consists of 2 Chronos, 2 Druids, 2 PS Warriors, 3 Eles and 1 Guardian. No DPS Metres. You do know the following, Ele is the first place on the DPS benchmarks and the second place power DPS is 15k behind. You are trying Gorseval No-Updraft but fail due to lacking DPS. After a few wipes you have to kick someone otherwise the group is most likely to disband. OF the 4 DPS players, who is getting the boot? And why is that player getting kicked.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> > No, they don't. If we didn't have meta builds and dps meters in the game toxic people would still be toxic no matter what. On content that could be overcome with different strategies players with different opinions would come together and it would lead to conflicts. Either we get Hello Kitty Online in GW2 or they just make a single player game out of it (not to mention that outside of some stuff this game is pretty much single player friendly.

> If we didn't have guns, people who want to murder, would do so without a gun, so giving everyone a gun shouldn't be a problem, right?



I dont quite see the positives of a gun as its largely designed to hurt. I would instead compaire dps meters with something that has a practical use and its actually very helpful but in the hands of certain ppl can be used to hurt others. That doesnt make meters tho designed to hurt others.


> > Well, how long would you give players time to finally learn to play the game? GW2 is almost 7 years old now and still there are people with 20k+ AP - meaning they have at least played this game - that don't know anything about using their class properly or that it would help them **and** their group. I mean, you talk about dungeons.

> And I had plenty of meta boys coming into my group and not knowing certain mobs even exist. Every time we have been to champ harpy in SE, at least one says "lol, didn't even know this exists". I also noticed a lot of people don't even know some mechanics of bosses. Why? It's clear they were thaught how to speedrun through dungeon on their first run. Putting feedback on non reflectable boss, putting aegis and trying to block Champ Icebrood troll etc.


Refer to cyninja's fifth type of players u can find in an mmo.


> Oh, so much challenge, yeah. Let's put stealth and swiftness and run to the end. Ohhh, that challenge! Those who intend to learn, can do so on their own, just as much as they could by reading a guide. How did I learn this when it was my first mmorpg and still the only one I play? How do people learn other games that don't hold their hands? Because they have no choice. This game is already super casual and rather easy, now you even want to give them cheats like taco, because god forbid it might take anything more than one button while scratching their kitten to complete the content.


> > > There are just things that shouldn't belong in games, simple as that. Same as Taco for example. Already gave an example of that in that topic related to it. Quite a few people join guild missions with taco on, make it in first shot because they are basically cheating and then boast about it. Or even if they don't boast and want to help, they are like "dude, just get taco, it's ez". Puts pressure on those who don't want to cheat through it, but all these people made it in first try and they are now waiting for those 2 or three to complete it normally. And that is another tool that was supposed to be helpful, but it's not simple as that.


> > Those ego dudes would still boast even if Taco wouldn't be there, just saying.

> > I'm using Taco myself due to several reasons for example guild missions that are very very old content and haven't gotten an update since. These are things you want to get done. The faster the better.

> And that's the problem. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it. "Nah, let's force ourselves through content I don't like with cheats!" What a logic! If it's so old then you should know it without cheating. But maybe you never learned it in the first place


Maybe hes doing the content with friends and he fine with it so long as its with friends.


> > At last, think about it. All the situations you mentioned are not the rule or standard. They are exceptions. If you have people in the guild behaving like this it's a problem of the guild or yours that you haven't already left that community or kicked them out for their skritty behavior. The same applies for dungeon runs. I still do them and it's not the majority that joins chilled runs and then rushes them or being toxic. What happens the most and with an overwhelming majority is that newer players below level 80 join "level 80 only" groups and then "may" have a problem. I say "may" because in lots of runs the experienced people don't say anything and help (a.k.a. carry) them through without being rude or complaining at all.

> Cool, you shared you experience and I shared mine. Now where is the limit when this becomes a problem. Does every group in existence has to be toxic in order for this stuff to be considered bad? Cheating is bad, but not everyone does it, so it's ok, by your logic.




I can see, i guess, why would someone consider using taco as cheating (althou if something is cheating its implied that punishment awaits those caught doing it) but im not sure anet considers taco as a form of cheating. So in reality its just some ppl taking issue with some tools purely because of their own head canon about how things should work and look for ways to justify those opinions by calling such tools cheating or compairing them to something controversial like a gun.


I say i understand it about taco because taco shows u what to do to beat the content, but how does a dps meter show me how to beat 99cm and 100cm?


Last time i checked i myself was learning the boss' mechanics in order o survive while trying to keep an eye on my dps so the boss whould die faster (because the faster things die the less chances the group has of wiping).

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> @"zealex.9410" said:


> I dont quite see the positives of a gun as its largely designed to hurt. I would instead compaire dps meters with something that has a practical use and its actually very helpful but in the hands of certain ppl can be used to hurt others. That doesnt make meters tho designed to hurt others.

Then take religion for example. It was made for good purposes and it was misused on many many occasions for terrible reasons.


> I say i understand it about taco because taco shows u what to do to beat the content, but how does a dps meter show me how to beat 99cm and 100cm?

It doesn't, therefore it serves little purpose and can do more harm than good.


> Last time i checked i myself was learning the boss' mechanics in order o survive while trying to keep an eye on my dps so the boss whould die faster (because the faster things die the less chances the group has of wiping).

Or in some cases people who don't know mechanics, because they didn't learn properly and rely on guides and meta builds, die often and therefore do no dps.



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Not really sure why everyone hates objective data so much. A scale doesnt make a person fat. Theyre fat whether or not a scale exists. A scale simply tells you how fat you actually are. A stopwatch doesnt make you a slow runner. Being out of shape makes you a slow runner. Except in gw2, a dps meter had the ability to capture contextual information unlike these real world examples. A stopwatch cant tell you that you were a slow runner because you stopped to help an old lady across the street. But arc can. What arc cannot do is tell you what types of shoes people are running in. If you can gold medal a 100m dash in sandals, no one would care that you're in sandals. Same with raid content, if you can do good damage and mechanics with a nomad bearbow, no one would care.


People need to stop hating objective data.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > can do more harm than good.


> How exactly are dps meters harming anyone?


Haven't seen anyone point this out yet. I've seen folks point to PEOPLE doing harm, but not DPS meters.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:


Someone who is installing a dps meter is at least someone who is more engaged in the game than over 90% of the player population in GW2. People who do not care about their own dps and of others would never install such a tool because it serves no purpose for them. So yeah, if you are a "meta boy" just copying builds and you are bad. What would the dps meter show you? Right, that you are terrible in what you are doing. Trust me, almost no one is that stupid, running around like a clueless/headless chicken, not being able to do proper dps and then - on top - calling others out for their bad dps. I've seen a lot of interesting stuff but that would be the first time for me. And it also makes no sense at all.


Of course skipping also was about how fast you can make it otherwise you just wouldn't care about. Trash mobs are slowing you down if you fight them, Sherlock.

In addition you are wrong I don't like to play open world so that's a no-no to me "killing exactly same mobs in open world all the time." Not everybody plays the same like you do. Plus, yes it makes fun running by, not getting hit, get perfectly through an instance in the shortest amount of time I can because it's a sign how well your team and you can execute those things. Killing a boss/trash mob/whatever + the loot is not the main goal for lots of players. They want to be good at it and improve their play style instead of hitting pinatas for hours. Same thing why I play games like They are Billions on 800% while lots of people do 25%. **That's** what's boring to me personally.


Concerning speed runs or not: Different people, different likings. I don't know what's so bad about it. I won't join your group, you probably won't join mine - hopefully because we have different opinions of how to deal with content. Don't get me wrong. I am not attempting to speed for the record run but I want to be fast and not struggle with content I've mastered for years now. I don't have endless time besides working + family + friends.


Nobody said "we need" a dps meter all the time but there are situations - especially in raids - where it makes sense to use one. Examples were named, for example no-updraft Gorseval. You won't do this kind of content if your team is lacking damage and a dps meter is the only way to show it. Without it you can't troubleshoot and the result is you disband the squad or keep endless wiping without knowing who is responsible for it. Sorry, but that's not how I want to deal with challenging content. And again for you: Dungeons and usual T4 groups are not challenging content for the part of the community you are discussing with here in this subforum.



> Dungeons can be solo'ed. Fractals can be solo'ed. Raids were finished by 5 people in exotic gear. Do you still think you learn the game by looking at meta sites or by playing it? So what is then the point of dps meter? If you are into static reliable clears, you can make friends and guild for that. For anything else, there is no need to monitor people in a freaking game. When you get to that level, you should reconsider what gaming means to you.


Strawman again.

1. Most people aren't able to solo dungeons & fractals. Most of them don't even survive 5% of the boss hp when they are confronting an encounter alone.

2. Most people still wipe to raid bosses for hours although they are 10 players and the boss has been solo'ed. For example Cairn or Sloth. Same applies for every other boss. They all were low-manned.

3. The dps meter can show you if the pug group you're in is able to kill a boss or not. You won't beat Gorseval and others while having 3 or more dps players doing 5k straight. It's not going to work and I want to know that otherwise players & me would quit and nobody knows the reason why it failed. You have literally 0 chance to do something against that either you kick everyone or keep on failing.

4. A dps meter can also show you if you have the wrong gear equipped. I had it so often that people wore their healer/tank gear and they forgot to change it. A dps meter clearly shows that.

...and there are many more situations where a dps meter is an advantage and not a disadvantage.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> >

> > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> >

> > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> >

> > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> >

> >


> of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


> so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


> put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


> tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> to see that you can inflict the max damage..


> which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


> so you don't really need that arcdps..


> unless you can do something rottingly fishy with it..


Well. Here are my reasons I use arcdps:

1) templates. I will not play without them. It makes each boss 30 seconds+ longer

2) to see if the changes I made for my rotation improve my dps or if that was a bad idea

3) to see power level of squad so I can chose best strategy

4) to kick players that are under chronomancers.


I dont care what build players use as long as they dont have any toughness and they deliver. If they dont then I will kick/leave no matter if they have meta gear or not.


In your calculation you forgot about human factor. Even with best gear 2 players will perform diferently.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I dont care what build players use as long as they dont have any toughness and they deliver. If they dont then I will kick/leave no matter if they have meta gear or not.


You don't like random pugs u meet in 250LI groups that somehow as a power DH got more than 1300Toughness and when u ask them they show 0 communication and just straight up ignore you?


How dare u wanting to kick such players! /s


But to add to your reasons for me personally I also use it:

5) To see if I didn't forget to change a piece of gear, happened frequent I had 2 power trinkets instead of viper.

6) to see how my boonuptime is when playing chrono, or how the chrono their boonuptime is.

7) the mechanic addon requires arc, no fun having people wipe the group with mechanics in the end. For example dhuum, two players are shackled and only one moves but you don't see name of who has the shackle too cause in stack. You can find out what person just killed some people and most likely has no clue about all mechanics if it happens twice or three times in a row.

8)Not related to raids, but removing those incredible annoying event and achievement panels in the top right corner. I don't care dragons bash is going on or which dailies it are.

9)for the FPS, ping and refresh numbers are neat to see if/when you get some spikes and like the look better of it then the nvidea fps shower.

10) If you're in a static, logs to see how you compared to other weeks is really helpfull and shows a better/more in depth fight details for burst, movement of players, etc..


and think that are all, and ngl i can't live wo any of them anymore.


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This thread is a perfect example of a toxic, anti-fun and braindead community. If you want to ban dps meters or think dps doesn't matter, you understand nothing about this game and should really go play with likeminded people or play singleplayer games where nobody cares that you are bad at everything you do.

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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > This thread is a perfect example of a toxic, anti-fun and braindead community.

> > Few players do not make a community.

> >


> Something something rotten apple, something something the bunch.

Something something one rotten apple, something something the apple orchard is rotten


Something something [Fallacy of Composition ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_composition "Fallacy of Composition")


In short, again, few players do not make a whole community.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > This thread is a perfect example of a toxic, anti-fun and braindead community.

> > > Few players do not make a community.

> > >

> >

> > Something something rotten apple, something something the bunch.

> Something something one rotten apple, something something the apple orchard is rotten


> Something something [Fallacy of Composition ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_composition "Fallacy of Composition")


> In short, again, few players do not make a whole community.





Don't throw around fallacies like handgrenades if you have no idea what you're talking about. You're dumbing down discussions, it's just not a good discussion culture. Has become kind of a trend in the pseudointellectual parts of the internet, and it's a shame.


"A rotten apple spoils the bunch" is exactly the right proverb for this kind of situation. Now get out.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> So i really liked @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 idea about being able to select your dps be hidden from Arc. I wonder if that's something that can be done on the Arcdps side or if it's something that anet would have to implement. Based on the Website info.


> **how does it work**

> arcdps hooks client network data before it is overwritten (among other helper functions), making it not user agreement friendly.

> however, in the feb 2017 ama, arenanet has granted 3rd party tools permission to collect and display combat stats via means previously not allowed.

> these are runtime modifications only, no changes are made to files on disk.

And if you turn it off you will be kicked since they woud know your DPS is trash and thats the only reason to hide it xD

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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > > This thread is a perfect example of a toxic, anti-fun and braindead community.

> > > > Few players do not make a community.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Something something rotten apple, something something the bunch.

> > Something something one rotten apple, something something the apple orchard is rotten

> >

> > Something something [Fallacy of Composition ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_composition "Fallacy of Composition")

> >

> > In short, again, few players do not make a whole community.

> >


> https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fallacy_fallacy


> Don't throw around fallacies like handgrenades if you have no idea what you're talking about. You're dumbing down discussions, it's just not a good discussion culture. Has become kind of a trend in the pseudointellectual parts of the internet, and it's a shame.


> "A rotten apple spoils the bunch" is exactly the right proverb for this kind of situation. Now get out.


To address the fallecy fallecy you should give a non Fallecious argument. The proverb only applies when the whole population gets "toxic" as a consequence of the few.


So please don't throw fallecies around without knowing what your talking about :p

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depends on the sort of groups you join,

if you are joining a full clear raid or an exp raid group, or a cms+t4s fractals group, then they are going to have standards. The general standard is being reasonably competitive in DPS. If you are doing extremely low, say, half of someone else playing DPS, then yeah people are going to call you out and i would too. if you are doing 90% of someone and getting flamed then its a different story, and they are being really nitpicky. Usually people only monitor DPS in CM fractals and exp raid groups, because decent dps is not required but makes the fights a lot easier especially in pug runs.


If you are getting flamed in t4 fractals or semi exp / training raid groups then thats their fault for false advertising, as high dps is not needed there.

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Before this tool ppl wanted everyone being full zerker and when something went wrong you had to ping gear and if you weren't full zerker you were blamed and so on.


Since the introduction of this tool no one ever asked about my gear ever again. I can play whatever build I like, as long as I make sure I contribute. I sometimes use hybrid healing/dps builds in fractal pugs while delivering okay dps and so on. No one cares, you can do whatever you want, as long as you do your job it's fine. This is great and I love it. Even in raids I usually play some very offmeta stuff and ppl don't care and let me do my custom stuff as long as I contribute.


The problem starts when ppl do builds that do not comply with the minimum req of the encounter itself (the enrage timer) and/or work only in a specific setup, that would work when planned correctly, but not in a random pug environment.

This won't happen if you do your studies and learn and test your custom builds on the golem. I never reached 30kdps on any golem try, but have my leg armor and ring with pugging, so I guess it's mostly fine...

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