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What I LOVED; What I HATED in Season 4. [story thingies]


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> @"Electra.7530" said:

> Aurene's "ascension" at the end was like Christ when He ascended to heaven as God while His disciples looked on. It was the same principle. For this I am disappointed. I think that it was perhaps not very original for them to have Aurene "ascend" the way Christ did leaving His "friends" as He called them all watching Him.


> I would prefer the lore not be so reminiscent of real people's faith in a game. I'd rather see something totally original and having nothing to do with religious beliefs in the world.


~~Jesus~~ Aurene received a vision of ~~his~~ her death by ~~his father~~ her mother. Fearful at first, ~~he~~ she lashed out, but soon came to terms with ~~his~~ her death. Upon a struggle before death, ~~he~~ she resurrected after three ~~days~~ months, and would shortly after ascend ~~to the heavens~~ as an Elder Dragon, leaving behind ~~his disciples~~ her allies. ~~His~~ her death and resurrection would spread a faith known as ~~Christianity~~ Order of the Crystal Bloom, a religious and sometimes militant organization.


Honestly, the only thing the parallel is missing is the betrayal of Judas. Aurene is _literally_ [a bad and overused trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrystalDragonJesus). Might as well have lampshaded the whole thing instead of trying to pass it off as serious.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Electra.7530" said:

> > Aurene's "ascension" at the end was like Christ when He ascended to heaven as God while His disciples looked on. It was the same principle. For this I am disappointed. I think that it was perhaps not very original for them to have Aurene "ascend" the way Christ did leaving His "friends" as He called them all watching Him.

> >

> > I would prefer the lore not be so reminiscent of real people's faith in a game. I'd rather see something totally original and having nothing to do with religious beliefs in the world.


> ~~Jesus~~ Aurene received a vision of ~~his~~ her death by ~~his father~~ her mother. Fearful at first, ~~he~~ she lashed out, but soon came to terms with ~~his~~ her death. Upon a struggle before death, ~~he~~ she resurrected after three ~~days~~ months, and would shortly after ascend ~~to the heavens~~ as an Elder Dragon, leaving behind ~~his disciples~~ her allies. ~~His~~ her death and resurrection would spread a faith known as ~~Christianity~~ Order of the Crystal Bloom, a religious and sometimes militant organization.


> Honestly, the only thing the parallel is missing is the betrayal of Judas. Aurene is _literally_ [a bad and overused trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrystalDragonJesus). Might as well have lampshaded the whole thing instead of trying to pass it off as serious.



Well, I was aware of that since January LOL


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But I shared that observation on my Guild's discord, not here, though...

(written on Jan, 11 2019)


Aurene is freaking Jesus, guys...

1329-1332 - she died after 3 years - as Jesus - she was asked to do something beyond her - saving the world, and wasn't sure about it, but she did, and Jesus before his death actually prayed to his Father to let this fate not touch him, but he did, he sacrificed himself, made Satan win temporary.

and now let's hope Aurene will rise up... But in what form, and in what circumstances...

and actually hearing the first ever choir singing in such "churchy" way...

And making the commander and Caithe as st John and Mary...

I think they actually used the Bible motif.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> But I shared that observation on my Guild's discord, not here, though...

> (written on Jan, 11 2019)


> Aurene is freaking Jesus, guys...

> 1329-1332 - she died after 3 years - as Jesus - she was asked to do something beyond her - saving the world, and wasn't sure about it, but she did, and Jesus before his death actually prayed to his Father to let this fate not touch him, but he did, he sacrificed himself, made Satan win temporary.

> and now let's hope Aurene will rise up... But in what form, and in what circumstances...

> and actually hearing the first ever choir singing in such "churchy" way...

> And making the commander and Caithe as st John and Mary...

> I think they actually used the Bible motif.




Too bad that this Bible motif worked against them. I am not a fan of this story as this is purely just a copy-paste.


And well, can a dragon carry any (that amount of) emotional weight to make as sympathize with her? It doesn't work for me. I think that a dragon is too distant from us.

The Bible could work as a really great tool od used well. Also the fact that the Bible is still very used and present in today-world takes away from the mystery of mythology IMO.


I enjoyed moments with Balthazar, Kormir, Joko, and the death of Aurene (it felt really tragic, except we knew she's Jesus so nothing creative there).

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I knew that Anet had written themselves into a corner on Aurines death because there is no way she could be perma dead on account of plot armour.

> We'd already established she was essential in taking on Kralkatorrik.

> Without taking on Kralkatorrik, the world ends!

> Kill him without Aurine, the world ends!


> Kinda obvious she'd come back although I wasn't expecting it in the very next episode >.<

> I hated how they did it though.. LOLJokomagic is a terrible cop out excuse because as far back as Gw1 there is absolutely no explination on how Joko became a Lich.. and as i've mentioned many times in these forums Lich's are a convuluted mess in Guildwars lore with nothing specifically defining them and their power.


> Dragons eat magic.. ok, Liches are Magic.. ok, What is a Lich and how does it work... ????

> It's not so great having a major plot point focused on such a non fleshed out concept.

> I really hope Anet gives us some major backstory on Joko and Liches in general before moving too far on because atm Aurines revival is far too much like a Screw you Kralkatorrik I win button rather than well thought out lore lol


Joko raid incoming?

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I really liked the story from chapters 1 and 2 but after that it just went downhill for me. I liked the story of episode 3 (the map was terrible) until the very end when aurene ex machina's the situation and one shots joko from stealth. After that the hole season left a sour taste, especially the come back of aurene. I know dragons eat magic but i don't recall any situation where they also get the powers of the humans they eat. Or is joko no longer a human? Or can dragons absorb any power apart from divine, and not just Elder Dragon sphere of influence? And how does one become a lich? So many questions that had to be known before using joko's power to bring aurene back.


And if dragons can just gain the power of the people they eat wouldn't it be awesome if glint just ate destiny's edge and just 1 shot kralk from stealth with a gunblaze while in beastform with Garm? Because if the story is going to be written just to create shock value and sound cool that would have been way better /s

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> I really liked the story from chapters 1 and 2 but after that it just went downhill for me. I liked the story of episode 3 (the map was terrible) until the very end when aurene ex machina's the situation and one shots joko from stealth. After that the hole season left a sour taste, especially the come back of aurene. I know dragons eat magic but i don't recall any situation where they also get the powers of the humans they eat. Or is joko no longer a human? Or can dragons absorb any power apart from divine, and not just Elder Dragon sphere of influence? And how does one become a lich? So many questions that had to be known before using joko's power to bring aurene back.


> And if dragons can just gain the power of the people they eat wouldn't it be awesome if glint just ate destiny's edge and just 1 shot kralk from stealth with a gunblaze while in beastform with Garm? Because if the story is going to be written just to create shock value and sound cool that would have been way better /s


I know a lot of people didn't like the way Joko ended, I kinda did though tbh.

But yeah i'm still sour on the Joko magic making her invincible thing.


Lich's need fleshing out in Gw2, at the very least detailed lore on how their magic works and the confirmation or dismissal of phylacteries and soul housing.

There's just too many holes with them atm to have such a big revival plot point based on it.

I hope in season 5 we can at least get some priory NPC researching lich magic or something and give us some answers on what kind of magic they are using.

There's too few liches in the world to just write it off as deathmagic/necromancy.. it's far more potent otherwise there would be invicible lich's running around everywhere lol

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