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Dragon Bash Underwater Holographic Precursor Weapons

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Dear Anet,

The Holographic Precursor Weapons from the Dragon Bash Victory Coffer are very cool, but...I would love Underwater Holographic Precursor Weapons. Rage would be beautiful! I would have selected Rage in a heartbeat! Venom & Carcharias!

Please :)


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I didn't realise the underwater weapons aren't included. That's disappointing, I'd probably have gotten one of those if they were because I have a pretty good selection of land weapons already but not many good underwater skins. I think Venom would look amazing as a holographic weapon.

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Because ArenaNet apparently thinks that not many people like underwater content enough to warrant to make new underwater skins for it.


And while Im guessing lots of people agree on the underwater content, I personally believe it's one of those things that make GW2 slightly more unique and interesting than other generic MMOs.

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