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Anet back in Silent Mode

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Didn't they say that about the Skyscale achievements?


> Edit: "It would have been helpful to communicate our design goals for the mount’s acquisition clearly before the release of the episode."

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77191/an-update-about-the-skyscale-acquisition


Well then I stand corrected in that regard, yet I see it with nothing else. What is keeping them from doing the same with other aspects of the game that aren't as "immediately controversial".

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> ArenaNet also said something similar in regards to the first expansion, as well as the second, and Mount skins, I believe.


In regards tot he first expansion about what? The pricing situation? That was also "immediately controversial", as was the debacle with Mount skins that happened however long back.


I should be more specific, I apologize.


I have never seen ANet, beyond immediately controversial gameplay problems like with the Skyscale, actually acknowledge mistakes made with balance, dropped or "dead" content like dungeons, consistently ignored issues with game balance, glitches or QoL matters, or that their communication methods thus far have been *sub*par. The only thing we see consistently from ANet right now is their inability to actually address long term gameplay issues, and especially they don't address them properly and we *never* get any information beyond whatever is dropped into the patch notes as a "generalized summary". Nor has ANet acknowledged the veritably dropped ball in regards to PvP, WvW and Dungeons (already said this I know).


It took them 2 years to apparently even attempt to address Sic Em Soulbeasts in PvP and all they did was essentially turn their 20k+ crits into 17k+ crits...which legitimately doesn't solve the problem *at all*.


As well as pulling this little genius move with Thief.


(March 5th 2019 Balance update)

![](https://i.imgur.com/Y7ehDeu.png "")


(July 16th 2019 Balance update)

![](https://i.imgur.com/L6y9kgD.png "")


They reverted a change that was made in an attempt to balance out Deadeye perma stealthing by just tacking on the 2 seconds they removed from Silent Scope onto a trait that they *will* use like that is just okay and it'll be fine. And lets just not even begin with what happened with Weaver...they trade, or don't even fix, one issue and make an entirely new one that just contributes to the decline of PvP in the game.


This is why they should have taken the opportunity on Friday to have their Guild Chat be for discussing the upcoming balance changes they posted about only days prior rather than talk about *cinematics*.

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There’s no excuse to have this much silence about a MMOs future plans. When it comes down to it’s poor management(see glass door reviews) and the Devs unfortunately getting flack for it. It doesn’t matter if they can’t deliver on the hype or not. Players need something to look forward to. Something to retain the veterans and keep the population growing. We need to know if Raids/Fractal cms are being ditched or not. And if Anet is actually putting a higher priority on this game. Compared to before the layoffs. Are xpacs going to be released? If not, it would be nice to know.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Poormany.4507" said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > Lets stop kidding ourselves. The expectations of getting mountain size content in a f2p game needs to stop. I get it we are jealous that games like ff14 and WoW seem to have so much going on but the reason for that is the subscription. We get very little in the content department so what can they possibly say to get us excited. Nothing IMO.

> >

> > Except it's not a f2p game since we bought expacs/LW/gems, so I think we should be able to expect reasonably frequent new content and updates for that money paid.


> Your expectations are set too high. A 1 time purchase is not gonna put this game in the category you want it to be. The guaranteed money from a sub is what is needed to get that constant and consistant stream of meaty updates. Sure the gem store is nice but you dont need real money to acquire anything off it, thanks to the ability to convert. This game is in category of its own and people need to stop placing it as the same tier of MMO as the big 3, which all have a sub, cash shop and most importantly way more players. I love this game too and wish anet had that big kitten budget, but the truth of the matter is, it doesn’t.


What are you talking about?

This game isn’t truly f2p. Gem stores have been proven that they generate more revenue than subs. The monthly revenue for gw2 is 2mil+. Also all the players who have to pay for living world episodes? Yeah they can grind for it, but without the LW maps it takes a very long time. Most people just want it right away. Also do you know how much WvW guilds pay to server hop every month or so? It’s 600-700g per player depending on the current gem value. Most players aren’t making enough gold to pay for all of this. You can’t tell us this game doesn’t have the income needed to generate consistent content.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Guild Chats are scheduled a couple of months in advance. Perhaps, they did not know when, exactly, the balance patch would be released in order to schedule it for last Friday.


Where has this been talked/posted about where they say Guild Chats are scheduled a couple of months in advance?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> AFC? Guild Chat? It's one of Rubi's posts/statements.


Then they should change up the format. Or just legit have a stream every week called "Devstream #" for the kind of information people are looking to hear about. Aka the important game stuff that we're talking about in threads like this one. Not cinematics....I get it; they have a talk show format and they have taken questions from the community in the past but from what I've seen out of the stream, and just based on the current state of their communication methods...it doesn't cut it. If it *did* then things wouldn't be the way they are with people asking and just desperately looking for any kind of actual information on the future of this game and they wouldn't feel like they are starved of said information in the months between releases and balance patches.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm sure Rubi will consider your feedback in the manner it deserves.


> Good luck.


I'm not holding my breath. This is the way they've done things for years and its coming to a head now as an issue for a lot of people, at least more explicitly than in the past. I've come to the realization of these problems on the tail of experiencing much better communication from other developers and began to realize that ANet just doesn't match up, and then I look at the "blunders" over the course of this game and the neglect and inability to actually address problems in the game and it just compounds into threads like these.


What doesn't help are the people who are overly-optimistic. Optimism is fine and I'm not opposed to acknowledging when they improve or do something positive, but I need to *see* that first.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> I'm not holding my breath.


Heh, I think I.c. meant something different from what you understood.


It's a shame that ArenaNet is failing to communicate properly now, when we have so many players feeling restless about the game's future. There are too many uncertainties about Season 5; between that and the layoffs, it's easy to understand why people are afraid for the future of the game.


Just like they previously admitted a [communication failure](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81314/anet-back-in-silent-mode/p6) in the past, they should realize they really could tell us more about the future now. Even if only to reassure the community.

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Arena net not communicating won't ever put me off playing.

However, as a player, getting new content, like the skyscale, doing what was asked only to find it constantly dumbed down and spoon fed is bringing me closer to wondering what my future is here. I am despairing at every little tweak the skyscale is getting with these event rewards for one. Constantly dumbing down content, nerfing build and skills at every whim is getting tiresome.

I watched the last stream as i always do and I felt something has changed.

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The constant argumentation of this game's defenders that there is not much money be cause it's not subfee based is wrong. There are a lot of free to play games or buy to play etc. which generate enough revenue. No, the problem of anet is there failing middle management doing shitton of stuff and scrapping it, ditching it and doing lots of running idle. It is basically like a Japanese company where the boss tells their coworkers about his 'great' project, but it's shite, and no one dares to say it's shite. So, they work for half a year on it til the boss notices concerns and realises it's shite and they just lost a ton of working hours. That's how anet works. I can't imagine anything else. The potential was there and they didn't do much out of it.


FFXIV they turned around and the newer expansions the better the reviews. They really nail and and know how to do stuff what people like. At anet it seems they just don't want to see themselves as 'oh this is cool, let's do it' no they try to shape and change and make it gimmicky etc etc and in the end it's just more annoying and wasted manpower.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.


I'd rather have something thoughtfully planned than something thrown together and released too quickly.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.


> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.


> I'd rather have something thoughtfully planned than something thrown together and released too quickly.


No one is asking them to rush anything, no one is asking them to make any commitments to anything. That is *not* what is being discussed here.


All we want is for them to *communicate*, communicating something isn't committing to something, it is simply *letting us know*, keeping us informed on where this game could go, what ANet is looking into in terms of content and the future of this game as a whole. If they have to put a disclaimer on it constantly "Not a final product, subject to change" then *fine* they should do that, in fact a company I have reference multiple times does the *same exact thing*.


Here, watch the Devstreams from these guys. You can see how they communicate and how down to earth they are with their own community and how up front about things they are, especially in their devstreams from the past few years.


Sue me, I linked something for another game.


My point is that ANet could and should do better at communicating with us as a community and over the past 7 years they just *have not* done so and its especially creating problems these days due to the unsure nature of things after the lay offs and the compounding problems in the game that are either not even remotely properly addressed or have yet to actually be addressed. 7 year old game and still no accessibility options like colorblind settings.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.


> > @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.

> >

> > I'd rather have something thoughtfully planned than something thrown together and released too quickly.


> No one is asking them to rush anything, no one is asking them to make any commitments to anything. That is *not* what is being discussed here.


> All we want is for them to *communicate*, communicating something isn't committing to something, it is simply *letting us know*, keeping us informed on where this game could go, what ANet is looking into in terms of content and the future of this game as a whole. If they have to put a disclaimer on it constantly "Not a final product, subject to change" then *fine* they should do that, in fact a company I have reference multiple times does the *same exact thing*.


> Here, watch the Devstreams from these guys. You can see how they communicate and how down to earth they are with their own community and how up front about things they are, especially in their devstreams from the past few years.



> Sue me, I linked something for another game.


> My point is that ANet could and should do better at communicating with us as a community and over the past 7 years they just *have not* done so and its especially creating problems these days due to the unsure nature of things after the lay offs and the compounding problems in the game that are either not even remotely properly addressed or have yet to actually be addressed. 7 year old game and still no accessibility options like colorblind settings.


But the community will rage if something doesn't go ahead (people moan about player's housing). The road map has already been mention somewhere, next session is due when it is ready.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:


> But the community will rage if something doesn't go ahead (people moan about player's housing). The road map has already been mention somewhere, next session is due when it is ready.


First, sorry if my english isn't perfect, hope you can understand my message none the less

I don't think the commuity will rage if they explain why something doesn't go ahead. Lets take for exemple aliances in WvW. Anet said that feature will come. People have been waiting for years. Wouldn't it be much better to be open about the development of the feature and if the times comes and its not a feasable thing they do a long talk with the community and explain why it won't be possible? Of course there will always be people raging, its the internet, but i doupt that if had shown the work they have been doing and they explain they reasoning for pulling the plug instead of hoping the community forgets about it, a lot of people wouldn't rage. I understand wanting to surprise the players but there are times where you could do surprises and times where you could be open and comunicative. Imagine a relationship where things are looking a bit grim, you would hide things in order to do a surprise and pray that the other person doesn't think the worst or would you be open and try to talk to resolve the issues? I know its just a game but try to do the surprises when people aren't worried about the future and be open and try to better the game when there are more doupts


anyway, just my thoughts, you are entitled to a different opinion


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can we PLEASE stop with the fucking warframe shit ? like JESUS every MMO i play people are saying "hey warframe does this better then this game" "warframe did better then this game" "i will play no other MMO then warframe because its the holy land where the devs are the gods that rule this land, where we the peasants are allowed to live" like wtf ?! i dont care if people like that game, i dont care if people play that game, i like it myself, but it gets SO fucking annoying when you go into the forums or even INGAME and people pray for this game, like it should be the only fucking MMO that should exist ! i literally stopped playing it because it got so annoying...maybe i had bad luck and that where heavy fanboys and girls in that days and i'm not here to defend Anet, of course they should talk some more, but i get SO fucking mad now when i read "warframe did blah" how long will it take that INGAME people will non stop talk about warframe in gw2 srsly...sry that this wasn't part of this thread, but i just got INSTANTLY mad because i cant go into forum without reading something like this...


and yes im better now thank you very much

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.


> I'd rather have something thoughtfully planned than something thrown together and released too quickly.


Thats kinda subjective? Id call 2 or 3 of se4's episodes thrown together but the episodes were also delayed so idk...

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.

> >

> > > @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > > > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > > > ArenaNet only communicate regards to new contents when they can commit to it. Am sure they are exploring new ideas etc or working on few now. Creating new contents takes way longer then just playing through it.

> > >

> > > I'd rather have something thoughtfully planned than something thrown together and released too quickly.

> >

> > No one is asking them to rush anything, no one is asking them to make any commitments to anything. That is *not* what is being discussed here.

> >

> > All we want is for them to *communicate*, communicating something isn't committing to something, it is simply *letting us know*, keeping us informed on where this game could go, what ANet is looking into in terms of content and the future of this game as a whole. If they have to put a disclaimer on it constantly "Not a final product, subject to change" then *fine* they should do that, in fact a company I have reference multiple times does the *same exact thing*.

> >

> > Here, watch the Devstreams from these guys. You can see how they communicate and how down to earth they are with their own community and how up front about things they are, especially in their devstreams from the past few years.

> >

> >

> > Sue me, I linked something for another game.

> >

> > My point is that ANet could and should do better at communicating with us as a community and over the past 7 years they just *have not* done so and its especially creating problems these days due to the unsure nature of things after the lay offs and the compounding problems in the game that are either not even remotely properly addressed or have yet to actually be addressed. 7 year old game and still no accessibility options like colorblind settings.


> But the community will rage if something doesn't go ahead (people moan about player's housing). The road map has already been mention somewhere, next session is due when it is ready.


If ppl rage when a clear msg has been given about whether whats shown is final or not then thats on them. Anet shouldnt strip the rest of us of valuable communication for those ppl.


Also what they gave us wasnt a roadmap.

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Another thing is Gw2 is the only mmo mmo-esque title without a conference. Wow has it, eso has it, ff14 has it, bdo has it, warframe has it, destiny has it (kinda), poe will have it later this year as well.


Its a powerful thing to stroke your fanbase's ego and make them feel like big things are happening in their favourite game.



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