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Anet back in Silent Mode

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Now as was suspected, and pointed out, with the Legendary Upgrades release after people got their eyes on the preview one week prior; there is feedback coming in on the exact things people had seen an issue with before the Legendary Upgrades even released.


> The cost. To get all 6 of the runes would still cost twice the amount you'd spend on just buying an Infinite Upgrade Extractor which serves near the *exact* same function.


> The interface changes. People are actually pointing out that it looks and feels *worse* than what we had already.


> However yet again ANet gave 1 weeks notice for an upcoming change/feature implementation and as such the design and development work had essentially already been completed, therefore *any* feedback that came in between then and when it released had gone pretty much ignored and unattended to. Not so much as a mention of "Alright, we see your feedback" and now ANet will have to run damage control, if they even will at this point, to either change the interface back (unlikely) or look into how they can improve it. The most that may be seen is *maybe* addressing material amounts to reduce the cost...but I also don't see that happening either.


> Not to mention I don't expect them to actually communicate at all with the community about said feedback on these things after the fact, they'll just let it sit there and fester like they have with many other things in the past.


Just wait. They didn't release the complete thing yet, they will release the actual legendary rune and sigil update, in a few years, with lots of changes that they already know and are working on, without the need for our feedback. Everything we say, they already know it, they simply release it this way to test us if we can spot the mistakes. Have faith. /s

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Now as was suspected, and pointed out, with the Legendary Upgrades release after people got their eyes on the preview one week prior; there is feedback coming in on the exact things people had seen an issue with before the Legendary Upgrades even released.

> >

> > The cost. To get all 6 of the runes would still cost twice the amount you'd spend on just buying an Infinite Upgrade Extractor which serves near the *exact* same function.

> >

> > The interface changes. People are actually pointing out that it looks and feels *worse* than what we had already.

> >

> > However yet again ANet gave 1 weeks notice for an upcoming change/feature implementation and as such the design and development work had essentially already been completed, therefore *any* feedback that came in between then and when it released had gone pretty much ignored and unattended to. Not so much as a mention of "Alright, we see your feedback" and now ANet will have to run damage control, if they even will at this point, to either change the interface back (unlikely) or look into how they can improve it. The most that may be seen is *maybe* addressing material amounts to reduce the cost...but I also don't see that happening either.

> >

> > Not to mention I don't expect them to actually communicate at all with the community about said feedback on these things after the fact, they'll just let it sit there and fester like they have with many other things in the past.


> Just wait. They didn't release the complete thing yet, they will release the actual legendary rune and sigil update, in a few years, with lots of changes that they already know and are working on, without the need for our feedback. Everything we say, they already know it, they simply release it this way to test us if we can spot the mistakes. Have faith. /s


Should be nominated for an Emmy for that performance.


In all seriousness...the fact that they use the live game environment as their *testing* grounds...needs to not be a thing.


Actually like someone even pointed out, they've actually done proper testing before...they just don't anymore. How do I know that? Observation. Look at balance, look at Raids *now*, look at sPvP matchmaking, look at WvW *in general*.


I actually told someone about much of the state of things with GW2 and they were baffled. I told them about how one week, on a Thursday, they posted a big thread for upcoming balance changes, in which many of the changes were reworking a lot of big things for some classes, yet the Friday stream, Guild Chat, was about *Cinematics*. They laughed and I don't blame them. You don't drop a post less than a week in advance of big balance changes and your only discussion of them are the vague, barely passable summaries given in the notes themselves and then have your stream, which has done things like showcase game changes and feature implementations, the very next day be about a topic *completely unrelated* that pretty much *no one* cares about. There were more people watching one of ANets partners than there were watching that stream on Cinematics.


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there is a time and place for that kind of stream with that kind of topic...but it *was not* that time and that place, especially with how not great ANets communication is and that *really* showcased how out of touch and disengaged they are these days from their own community just on a broad spectrum.

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**Just give people something to look forward to...**


the miracle of transparency.

returned after a 5 year break and realizing that nothing changed.

no transparency.

so peeps wonder what a staff of 300 (?) people are doing all day long. not even a spare 2 or 3 of them to keep the community informed what anet is up to ?

not talking about a piece of information thrown at us every once in a while.

that feels like back in the 2000s when games like this where a new worldwonder and no one cared for deeper information.

returning "events" for "oh so challenging" worldbosses is the best you can do to entertain your gamers while you develop new stuff ? not even changing worldbossmechanics ?

so many well designed places in this game. places you visit once or twice. could be easily turned into new dungeons. nope.

right on, so lets repeat it all over. again and again.


**your players develop over the years, you dont.**

disappointing, outdated.



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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes


Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.


This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes


> Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.


> This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.


Nope, it has nothing to do with them doing it *in this thread*. You're missing the point. It is *how* they do it and how *frequently* it is done. Which is not well and not frequently, of which *several* examples have been made detailing as much to support those points. This isn't to draw them into an argument, this is to give them feedback on their approach to it.


Yes, we have been given an announcement of an upcoming Dev presentation on August 30th. We are as of right now unaware of what that will include, understandably so, but until the actual date of the presentation we still know very little. We also don't know if it will even be a sign that things will change, again because we do not know the contents of the presentation. A healthy level of skepticism is reasonable here.


They are having a Q&A with the Narrative team that ran until today. Yet while this is partially what is being talked about here it is still scarce information and we are still lacking any acknowledgement of any of the other topics that people desire more communication about. Things like details as to how the swiss tournaments will work, pvp balance, acknowledgement of feedback for the new Legendary stat swap interface, acknowledgement of feedback for the cost of Legendary Upgrades, if they are even still working on Alliances for WvW, build templates, known bugs/glitches/exploits, etc.


It isn't about what they say *in this thread*, I wouldn't say there is a desire for them to engage in an "argument" with the players nor that there is a desire for them to *personally respond* to this specific thread. I would say, however, that there is a desire to see them acknowledge the criticism and feedback for a variety of things in just some form which they just have not done. Maybe they will do so on August 30th, we don't know...so all that we can do is continue to give feedback and criticism on things being done with the game between now and until such a time as we know differently.


You're taking this as an attack on the devs, and yeah many here are frustrated and are expressing as much, but they are doing so because they wish for the devs to see it and hopefully listen and do something about it. Not *specifically* in this thread but, again, in some form.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp


> Ah, it seems I stand corrected. Some actual acknowledgement of balance feedback.


> See, Obtena? Not looking to start fights or draw them into arguements, just looking for things like this. A step in the right direction.


its something. Now disable rampage on warrior

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp


> Ah, it seems I stand corrected. Some actual acknowledgement of balance feedback.


> See, Obtena? Not looking to start fights or draw them into arguements, just looking for things like this. A step in the right direction.


Except we always had these things. Nothing here is new.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp

> >

> > Ah, it seems I stand corrected. Some actual acknowledgement of balance feedback.

> >

> > See, Obtena? Not looking to start fights or draw them into arguements, just looking for things like this. A step in the right direction.


> Except we always had these things. Nothing here is new.


Not really, no. Yes they inform us of upcoming balance patches, but still only 1 week before it launches. Any feedback given on *balance* changes from those patches hasn't been acknowledged in this way in well over a year outside of informing people of a *bug* with something.


So no...not really. *This* post by Irenio is definitely new in regards to their communication with players and their feedback after a balance patch has hit, at least within the last year. There was a post made about Abrasive Grit with Rune of Sanctuary when the Rune changes first hit back in 2018 but it has still been rather scarce in regards to anything else done with balance patches. Especially the Berserker rework, Sic Em changes, Scrapper changes, etc that we only saw acknowledgement of 1 month later (like with Berserker rework) or in the case of the others it came 3 to 4 months later. Well except Sic Em, it took them 2 years to actually address that and still...didn't do much and we also saw basically nothing talked about in regards to it between PoF release and now.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes


> Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.


> This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.


Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> >

> > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> >

> > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.


> Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.


So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> >

> > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> >

> > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.


> Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.


Yes. In another game people would run into game gods inworld, both at planned stuff and just randomly. I wound up unlocking the 'was shooting the stuff with a well-known game god over IMs and almost made them miss a meeting' achievement. In their equivalent of guilds a game god or two was listed on the rolls of one I co-ran because they walked by and were interested in what we were doing. Eventually the company put a stop to all that and the game went downhill fast.


GW2 has (hopefully not totally 'had') an environment with that same openness. I am not liking the direction things are heading.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> > >

> > > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> > >

> > > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

> >

> > Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.


> So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.


That isn't what they are implying or saying. Nowhere in that sentence is there an implication of wanting them to come into *this* thread, or any other thread for that matter to respond to these comments. Also again you are assuming there is hostility...there is displeasure, irritationg, etc, but the intent is far from hostile. Criticism isn't inherently hostile, it is just criticism.


What Acheron was saying is that the attention the thread has lends some credence to the idea that players actually want more community engagement and communication, not anything to do with this thread specifically but in a general sense.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> > > >

> > > > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> > > >

> > > > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

> > >

> > > Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.

> >

> > So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.


> That isn't what they are implying or saying.


Actually ... there is, which is why I'm asking.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> > > > >

> > > > > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> > > > >

> > > > > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

> > > >

> > > > Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.

> > >

> > > So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.

> >

> > That isn't what they are implying or saying.


> Actually ... there is, which is why I'm asking.


There really isn't...


If you go back to it...


"It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes"


That was the initial post and all this was doing was pointing out that the thread has attained some measure of attention, and as I said before pointing that out was to state that it seems to have some measure of credence because of this.


Unless I am misunderstanding what you're saying...then I'm not sure what to tell you.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> .. and the fact that devs haven't responded to it is not speaking volumes about their communication.


These are each of their posts, all of which could be the only ones you are referring to.


> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> I think a lot of this mess could be avoided if they just had a dialogue with people.

> Hmmm, weird.


> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> I think that is just it. People HAD faith, lost it and are looking for a reason to get it back. But, the silence is not helping.


> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes


Kind of sounds like a misunderstanding because that is very much not what was said or implied.

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They have an announcement at the end of the month, what it will be worth or what it will show and give us is yet to be seen. At this point living world won't get my faith back nor do I think A-net care. I don't believe they care how we feel about current events; People need to stop assuming companies and game designers are their friends because we are clearly just a resource for them. That much has become evident.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> > >

> > > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> > >

> > > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

> >

> > Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.


> So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.


Nobody asked them come to this thread. Give us hope and faith Anet, you are listening to our criticism. Especialy about WvW, pvp, hard pve, balance and last thing we had from anet was terrible legendary gear UI.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > It seems as though 10 pages (so far) and over 12k views about ANET being silent..._speaks _volumes

> > >

> > > Again ... what do you want them to say in this thread to appease you? It's a little game ... because Anet has communicated since this thread was made .. but because they don't do it HERE ... it speaks volumes about how they communicate? No, it speaks WAY more about the people that complain about communication than it does about how Anet does it.

> > >

> > > This whole thread is nothing but a challenge to draw them into an argument. They just aren't going to do that.

> >

> > Not trying to draw in an argument. Just pointing out that people clearly desire more of a since of community with the devs, that is all.


> So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.


It isn't this thread I am specifically referring to. I am just saying 'in general' to any instances or possible grievances (e.g. delay on wvw alliances, falling pops, etc) or even to just say hello, we are glad to have you here today. I am actually not expecting too much at all I don't think. I am seeing little hostility, just concern about the game we all play.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> So why is them not responding to this thread an indication they don't do that? So you basically think that devs coming in to 'discuss' their communication in a hostile thread is the kind of communication you are primarily looking for from them? Jeez, you don't expect too much if that's what you are implying.


I expect communication about the UI they added for legendary gear stat swap.

I expect communication about the UI used by the legendary runes and sigils (same as above).

I, and others, pointed out that the UI has issues simply by looking at the single image they had with the announcement.


Fast forward 1 week and everything I didn't like about it is still there, zero changes. Would it be so hard to communicate that image 1 month before the update hit live? So we could give feedback, like I personally did, then there was an entire thread about it. Telling them that their UI needs work, so there was enough time to update it and make it actually useful. Why is asking for earlier communication so bad?


But then we get posts like yours to "reserve judgment until it is released" and "you can't tell how something works from a picture". Well guess what, we CAN know how something works from a picture. We did. It was too late. Now we play the catch up game and wait for them to patch things, after they are released. I seriously hope build templates will have proper testing.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > They aren't going to give you any insights of any other projects because people don't understand what 'maybe' means.


> I guess that's why they told us quite early when expansions were dropping. Or why they did that post about upcoming features 6 months ago. I can't imagine the ones managing the game don't know when things will come, until it's one week from their release. As a manager/director you are supposed to know the roadmaps, that's part of the job description. No, this is more likely a "policy" they have so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past (hype trains) but you know there can be a middle way.


> Notice how a lot of games that are flourishing are open with their communication, it's not a coincidence.


A lot of games with open communication have also failed. Wildstar had open communication. So does Anthem. Saying that games with open communication are succeeding without taking into account the games with open communication that are failing is a red herring. To make this work, you'd need to poll all games, see which games are communicating and which aren't, do a comparison between the two groups and get a percentage. I strongly suspect the the communication of the devs is not a major factor in the success of the game. For one thing, only a small part of any games' audience follows games anything but casually.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > And, ArenaNet has listened to player feedback when they gave refunds (from the Gem Store), as well. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Flamekissed-Armor-Skin

> > Or, gave a free $10 item due to player feedback. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pre-purchase-community-address/


> The Flamekissed Armor Skin situation was back in *2013*


> And the pre-purchase situation was back in *2015*.


> These are both things that happened 6 years ago and 4 years ago, respectively. Which I believe it has already been established that *today*, as in the *present*, things are very different.


Two months ago, people complained about the time-gating in the SkyScale collection and Anet made a patch that changed it so that there was less time gating. There are examples of this sort of thing all along. If you're not seeing them, you're probably not paying attention. Before that people complained that there was only mount packs that had RNG and you couldn't select a mount, so Anet released a mount collection package.


It's called confirmation bias. You want examples of how Anet does listen sometimes, and listening btw, doesn't have to mean obeying, and how they've made changes due to what we say, there are two, one of them quite recent. It's okay to not like the direction of Anet's communication but to imply they've only listened to us in the distant past is a fallacy.

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