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WvW insane matchup


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> @"Djamonja.6453" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > > Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years.

> >

> > Perhaps Anet takes the WvW dailies into account :P


> What part of player hours is confusing you?


So you do dailies without playing? Wow tell me more.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > @"Djamonja.6453" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > > > Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years.

> > >

> > > Perhaps Anet takes the WvW dailies into account :P

> >

> > What part of player hours is confusing you?


> So you do dailies without playing? Wow tell me more.


Technically pve player doing wvw daily does count, but their play hours should be so small as being insignificant. The original post I was commenting on made it sound like the poster thought it was player count and included people never stepping into wvw.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years.


That is wrong sadly, server count is all on that server from start.

.. we are full server.. but none in wvw.. compared to the servers that was wvw..

We, full server has no cue whatever.. and a high populated server has 60 to 80 cue on all bl at same time.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

> The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

> The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)


> Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.


> And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.


That is right, but still doesn't help our server from beeing destroyed. with zero cue when the others has 60 to 80 cue on all bl. Who to blame, anet..

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > More info:

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> >

> > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> >

> > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> >

> >


> Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still nam> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > More info:

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> >

> > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> >

> > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> >

> >


> Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.


If it was like the moderator says.. Piken as example would be full at reset.. but alone thats not the case at all. We do not have many that just visit wvw for daily etc.. We are a solid community.. Still no cue at all as single server. Even when the 2 other servers have cues above 60 on every bl .. Can never be justified.. it perfect way to kill a server. and anet need to do something. WvW is not balanced in any way server vise. It's just stupid they let it run... Many leave the game due this.. and servers die. All of us loose on this sadly enough.. and it should be so easy to control it. but anet do not seams to care at all!

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Am in AG and can say the population balance between servers is utter trash.


Started in T5 after relink and the MU (elona + jade sea) felt somewhat dead with occasional blobs showing up from enemies.


Climbed to T4 and the MU (kodash + augury) is even far more dead compared to what it was in T5. Literally many people cba to even log in cause theres nobody to fight from enemy side.


On Friday will climb to T3 and the only hope we have is that Baruch maybe will give us some fights cause abbadon is dead. Though BB usually raids only at night time when people are going to sleep.


Good balance anet.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > @"Djamonja.6453" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > > > Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years.

> > >

> > > Perhaps Anet takes the WvW dailies into account :P

> >

> > What part of player hours is confusing you?


> So you do dailies without playing? Wow tell me more.


> @"brews.9418" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

> > The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

> > The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)

> >

> > Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.

> >

> > And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.


> That is right, but still doesn't help our server from beeing destroyed. with zero cue when the others has 60 to 80 cue on all bl. Who to blame, anet..


can't blame anet for redistributing the good commmanders. blame yourself for not taking the initiative in being the greatest poopsock commander they've ever seen. blame yourself for not taking the initiative to train the glorious puggles. blame yourself for not playing 40 hrs a week for the glory of your realm!

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> @"brews.9418" said:

> > @"Liston.9708" said:

> > Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years.


> That is wrong sadly, server count is all on that server from start.

> .. we are full server.. but none in wvw.. compared to the servers that was wvw..

> We, full server has no cue whatever.. and a high populated server has 60 to 80 cue on all bl at same time.




> The algorithm that determines the world population levels has been changed to include the WvW population only.


Nope, you're wrong. It's been a long time since PvE players etc counter for world population.


Full server does not equal Queue's on all maps at all times. It is simply a number ANet set for whatever purpose. It could be a number they set because they don't want a single world to be large enough to run an entire match-up by themselves, so you need your link to compete.


Add the usual clauses:

* It takes a couple of weeks (at least) for server status to update, due to player movement.

* Most players are naturally biased to see enemies as x2 numbers, and themselves as half of their actual numbers.

* Many players only play at specific time periods, and thus have an incomplete picture of all other time periods. If you play only eu prime time on BB for example you're going to think you're always outnumbered.

* The fact that all match-up's are 2vs1, so you're always going to be outnumbered roughly x2 at most times (by average).


The entire WvW mode is quite literally designed to make you feel outnumbered at all times. You're not supposed to have as many players as the opponents (combined).

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > More info:

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> >

> > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> >

> > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> >

> >


> Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.


If you don't want to be flagged as full when you're weak in primetime, stop artificially inflating your wvw tier with huge nightcapping groups who only play when the other servers are asleep.


See: SFR.


The only result is that your server remains in a tier where your primetime is miserable for you...

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At the last relink, they had TC as the 4th overall server...I can't laugh hard enough at this. Even with a couple servers becoming a link and a few links becoming hosts, we are not, and have not been, 4th for months (closer to over a year). I have the outnumbered buff so often that last week I finished all my tickets on 4 accts and got my 5th storage (never played) account though to plat. The good news is, even my lowly alts are getting all their tickets each week. The bad news is, there is no way this can continue, with whatever "algorithm" they are using, because it isn't getting anything right. Just like them letting everyone bandwagon 10 minutes after relinks happen, it needs to stop.

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Server status nothing to do with pve players?! Please. I've seen many pve players in wvw complain about how they have to wvw just to get the gift of battle., then leave as soon as they're done. I've seen many pve players go into wvw just for 'double xp week' or some other event, then leave as soon as its over, leaving us wvw players to deal with map blobs after they ppt'd us to the higher tier. I've seen pve players and small guilds move servers just coz the server is in a higher tier and they want to play wvw, which is fair enough, but only to stop playing or change server a few weeks later, after the server they had moved to became full or 'very high'.

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> @"dragontree.8092" said:

> Server status nothing to do with pve players?! Please. I've seen many pve players in wvw complain about how they have to wvw just to get the gift of battle., then leave as soon as they're done. I've seen many pve players go into wvw just for 'double xp week' or some other event, then leave as soon as its over, leaving us wvw players to deal with map blobs after they ppt'd us to the higher tier. I've seen pve players and small guilds move servers just coz the server is in a higher tier and they want to play wvw, which is fair enough, but only to stop playing or change server a few weeks later, after the server they had moved to became full or 'very high'.


Overpopulate and area and extract all the resources and move on when they cant deplete more? Silly humans

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It's not Anets fault. Players are the problem and always were. "Hey, we have a cool fight guild. Let's search for cool fights and transfer to xy where all the other cool fight guilds are". Random players follow because the cool fight guilds make them have their loot drops and maybe one day they can be a member of "the cool fight guilds".

That stupid behaviour hasn't changed since season 1 when everyone tried to stack a server into oblivion just to "win" a matchup that's not even giving you a reason to win except for the option of boasting: "lol we won"

Don't blame Anet for killing the game mode. You can blame them for bad balancing, but not for wanting to earn money with their game. As long as players transfer every re-link because they feel the need to stack a server and get a karma train going there won't be any changes.



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> @"geist.4126" said:

> It's not Anets fault. Players are the problem and always were. "Hey, we have a cool fight guild. Let's search for cool fights and transfer to xy where all the other cool fight guilds are". Random players follow because the cool fight guilds make them have their loot drops and maybe one day they can be a member of "the cool fight guilds".

> That stupid behaviour hasn't changed since season 1 when everyone tried to stack a server into oblivion just to "win" a matchup that's not even giving you a reason to win except for the option of boasting: "lol we won"

> Don't blame Anet for killing the game mode. You can blame them for bad balancing, but not for wanting to earn money with their game. As long as players transfer every re-link because they feel the need to stack a server and get a karma train going there won't be any changes.




And add the guilds that bandwagon to server they know everyone is jumping to, to make sure they can ktrain empty maps...


By the other hand... this is intentional by the game Mode Itself.

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