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WvW insane matchup


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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> It's almost impossible to align playtime because it's a player mentality thing. Many players it seems have no interest in playing outside their guild raid times. That's not Anet's fault.


ANets fault is to design 24/7 matches and denying to accept that this is a fault.

There were tons of good proposals to fix that in the forum, time-sliced matches and participation weighted scoring where my favored.

And: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Proposal-for-a-new-competive-WvW


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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > It's almost impossible to align playtime because it's a player mentality thing. Many players it seems have no interest in playing outside their guild raid times. That's not Anet's fault.


> ANets fault is to design 24/7 matches and denying to accept that this is a fault.

> There were tons of good proposals to fix that in the forum, time-sliced matches and participation weighted scoring where my favored.

> And: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Proposal-for-a-new-competive-WvW



weird, says page not found. forum is buggy. :/

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > It's almost impossible to align playtime because it's a player mentality thing. Many players it seems have no interest in playing outside their guild raid times. That's not Anet's fault.


> ANets fault is to design 24/7 matches and denying to accept that this is a fault.

> There were tons of good proposals to fix that in the forum, time-sliced matches and participation weighted scoring where my favored.

> And: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Proposal-for-a-new-competive-WvW


Like in most other games with short matches that loose 90% of their players within the first 2 months of their lifetime because no cares about the matches, yeah Anet *really* made a mistake making this a continous MMO that pulls people back every week for 7 years.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > It's almost impossible to align playtime because it's a player mentality thing. Many players it seems have no interest in playing outside their guild raid times. That's not Anet's fault.


> ANets fault is to design 24/7 matches and denying to accept that this is a fault.

> There were tons of good proposals to fix that in the forum, time-sliced matches and participation weighted scoring where my favored.

> And: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Proposal-for-a-new-competive-WvW



-24/7 has its pros and cons. Designated times for rvr also has its pros and cons. WvW has lasted 5+ years, while many others with ~2hr ish of rvr time have failed.

-weighted scoring might've been the most favored vocally. hardly believe that the players in the other 22hrs would be enthusiastic about it. they're just not as vocal. being on the west coast, if wvw revolved around the hillbillies of new york. i probably wouldn't bother playing.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

> The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

> The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)


> Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.


> And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.


Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.


I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.

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> Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.


> I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.


Agreed, don't really love my server. But we've never transferred.


"Quality of fights?" nah, it's just that those guilds have weak leadership and feeble lemmings. They follow the circus to share members, they need people to reinforce that they are some form of greatness. Realistically, they couldn't shoulder the burden of engaging more difficult fights. The guilds that transfer always ask the same questions 1) what guilds are on your server? 2) what coverage do you have? 3) will you PPT for us, cuz we're a fight guild? Nah, they were never good enough to shoulder the burden of being elite and standing with the few against many. They were always the many vs the few. The utter trash that couldn't hack it, so they cry for "fair fights," changing the game mode, clamor for recognition while they sputter to adapt. The guilds continually fail to live up to their marketed persona. They reform, repeat, and recycle the garbage of a guild they are as they try to live up to something they can't.

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> @"juno.1840" said:


> Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.


> I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.


I've been on the same server from the launch of the game. You don't change your home country or favourite football team even if they are doing badly, do you? You fight to make them better instead of quitting. Server pride lives, man.



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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:


> > Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.

> >

> > I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.


> I've been on the same server from the launch of the game. You don't change your home country or favourite football team even if they are doing badly, do you? You fight to make them better instead of quitting. Server pride lives, man.


Game vs. RL is not even close to being an appropriate comparison.


I have no attachment to my virtual server association in WvW. I don't know anyone who is serious about WvW that does.


I can see where server fight quality might matter less to a solo or small team roamer. Is that your main play style in WvW?



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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

> > The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

> > The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)

> >

> > Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.

> >

> > And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.


> Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.


> I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.


my 2nd in command in nsp. =p


on that note, yes ppl transfer. as for me, ive been around too. until ive found my few guys worth playing with.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

> > The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

> > The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)

> >

> > Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.

> >

> > And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.


> Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.


> I challenge you to find any WvW player that's been around for a while who has never moved servers... ever.


But they aren't moving for "quality", they are moving for easy fights where they can always win their timezone with superior numbers.

On a side note, TC has a bunch of players who, like myself, have been on TC since beta, and have never been anywhere else.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> Am in AG and can say the population balance between servers is utter trash.


> Started in T5 after relink and the MU (elona + jade sea) felt somewhat dead with occasional blobs showing up from enemies.


> Climbed to T4 and the MU (kodash + augury) is even far more dead compared to what it was in T5. Literally many people cba to even log in cause theres nobody to fight from enemy side.


> On Friday will climb to T3 and the only hope we have is that Baruch maybe will give us some fights cause abbadon is dead. Though BB usually raids only at night time when people are going to sleep.


> Good balance anet.


It would quite interest me, how you're feeling about it now? :) It seems AG has made their way up and next week will be T1.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> Nobody loves their server. People move all the time because what they care about is quality of fights. Server population affects the quality.

Maybe true on most international servers but at least all German servers I know have some sort of core community who stick to "their" server no matter what... More often than not they are more into community aspects than doing hardcore PPK but heh - to each their own.

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So, the linkup system is not perfect. It cannot be, if it tries to hit a moving target, as transfers can happen any time during the linkup period making any measurements undertaken during the time when the linkups are determined pretty much arbitrary. You could as well not measure things at all.


But all that whining about the matchups? Yeah, there are bad weeks, sometimes several in a row. But the system is kinda transparent, isn't it? You win, you go up a tier, you lose, you go down a tier. Usually by tuesday you can already tell what it's gonna be; you can examine the target tier and see who will be there next week.

Quitting the game because of a bad matchup? I don't really get it. Well I do, but it appears to me as if ti was like this: People who quit because of a week of bad matchup have, in their hearts already said goodbye to this game. Little to do be done about that.

All it takes is waiting one or two weeks and you'll eventually find yourself in a fitting matchup for your server again.


Of course, in an ideal world, this would not be necessary! It would be pretty awesome if even within a matchup there's be some kind of balance-mechanism which would help to keep the game interesting for all sides. I assume that such system would not be easy to implement, and thus we'll have to wait. It would ne nice, though, to get some reaction from side of ArenaNet on this.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> Snip 8<


> All it takes is waiting one or two weeks and you'll eventually find yourself in a fitting matchup for your server again.


> Of course, in an ideal world, this would not be necessary! It would be pretty awesome if even within a matchup there's be some kind of balance-mechanism which would help to keep the game interesting for all sides. I assume that such system would not be easy to implement, and thus we'll have to wait. It would ne nice, though, to get some reaction from side of ArenaNet on this.


> Snip 8<




I agree with you...we shouldn't have to wait one or two weeks to find a fitting Match-Up. This SHOULD NOT be necessary.


Hope others reading this post will agree with this sentiment.




Solution is to use a Match-Up model that doesn't need a "balance-mechanism" & allows players to weekly pick their own Match-Ups.


The Match-Up model needs to use all population imbalances (big & small) to create a cycle of Match-Ups that are Mentally Healthy for the players & Competitive in nature.


Current Match-Up design burns out Commanders without providing a niche for new & upcoming Commanders to learn their trade in.


Veteran Commanders are not allowed to gracefully stand-down with honor & dignity.


The toxic response to unbalanced Match-ups is tanking which destroys any Competitive game play...which would be the primary reason why WvW veterans return to play...


Sadly our fragile WvW ecosystem will collapse in a slow & tortured strangling of its life force...IF the Match-Up model continues down the path to use Server Linking & Alliance Linking in the Long-Term...imho




ANet by poor judgment & dev actions...are slowly & methodically killing their "Goose that lays their Golden eggs".


Server Linking has put WvW into a position where doing nothing like before...is NOT an option because of the slow persistent erosion that it's doing to our Long-Term community base.


Good-bye to the Long-Term WvW crowd of players...ANet doesn't need your real money that you've been spending in their Gem Store...it's to ANet's folly & misfortune...as your money follows you out the door.


Interestingly...these same Long-Term WvW crowd of players...will continue to return...in hopes that WvW can be changed into something that encourages Match-Ups that are Mentally Healthy for the players & Competitive in nature. It's up to ANet to make this change.




It might not be easy to create, but it's possible to do in 5 simple steps:


1) Remove the current match-up system, but keep a system for World Ranking.

2) Assign each World server a "single map" to defend - (Could be a Single BL or a Single unit of Multiple maps owned by the same server).

3) Let players pick any three "server owned maps" to fight on weekly.

4) During the week show players the top three enemies attacking their "home owned maps".

5) Finally only reward players when they fight on a map or an enemy map that is "Ranked Higher or Equal to" their home server.


We really need a solution that takes into account that differences in server populations...even huge ones...are a natural part of things...imho


Knowing is half the battle, but we'll continue to actively discuss things that simply distract or does nothing to fix the problem.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"brews.9418" said:

> Hi

> This match up and prolly many more.. we are against insane populations. At reset we had no cue on any borderland.. The servers we was fighting had 60+ cue on ALL borders. Same through last days. We run 15 to 20 i squad against map blobs and full squads all over the map. This is a perfect way to totally destroy a really nice community.. and make people leave our server.


> I just wonder how anet can do this?? Our server is FULL.. but its a PvE server from start off.. So not many in WvW. Anet need to change this.. count how many WvW players ther is, then match up.. Many want to join our server... but they are not able to due we are FULL of PvE players.. that never go to WvW.. So this matchup.. wile the 2 other servers hav cue, we run around getting wiped out.. and people start talking.. leaving. and our beloved server dies slowly :(

> Anet NEED to do something about this.. NOW!!!!


> I hope to get a reply on this from a moderator.. and i hope they are working with a solution.


That's how Anet game needs to work, huge pop vs medium vs small... the smaller population server caps structures back from the ktrain to generate more ktrain...


its a HUGE design and concept flaw .

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