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Guilds Recognition need to take center stage in alliance

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When was the last time...

* Any of us checked the [leader boards ](https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na "leader boards ") and felt awe at the top 3 servers?

* Any of us felt that we were doing something meaningful and contributing to a group purpose and goal?

* Any of us felt that winning a match meant anything?


There needs to be more recognition and purpose for effort put into playing WvW.

WvW needs to feel rewarding to play and contributing to the entire group effort needs to feel meaningful.

Hack and slash fun can only keep a player engaged so much.


It is not easy building bonds and a sense of belonging server-wide because there are too many people and too many transfers.

However, Guilds are just the right size to build a close knit community.

Giving recognition and rewards to Guilds is very important in giving the community a strong united goal to doing well in WvW.


The new Alliance system is going to reset every season (8 weeks) which is not so different from the current re-links every 8 weeks.

This means that ranking should not be alliance based.

I doubt anyone is going to care if Alliance A or B did better in Season 1 since Alliances are just a more volatile form of the current server.

Alliances will change, but Guilds largely remain the same.


However, how many of us know the top Guilds that have fought alongside us?

How many of them are recognized for their skills and/or contribution?

It is best to have a leader board purely for Guild performance to encourage stronger community building and stronger ties to keep players engaged and feel they are contributing towards something meaningful in WvW.


Some suggestions below just for discussion.




* There will be separate leader board for different guild size (e.g. 1-20 members, 21-50 members, 51-100 members etc.)

* There will be a 1 week window for Guilds to apply before the start of each Season

* Guilds will need to apply with all their participating members to be applicable for the ranking each Season.

* Guild size and the board they will be ranked under will depend on the number of members who applied during the 1 week window.

* Each player can only register under 1 Guild and cannot be changed during the Season.

* Only registered members during the window will be able to contribute to their Guild's scoring for that Season.


**Ranking Metrics:**


* Guilds will be ranked based on a combination of metrics like KDR, PPT etc. all giving a certain amount of points.

* For e.g., killing an enemy adds 2 point, getting killed will subtract 1 point.

* For e.g., taking a tower adds 20 point, losing a tower when you are on the same map will subtract point?

* All activity done by the Guild's registered members will contribute a certain amount of points which will be tallied up and ranked at the end of every season.




* Guilds that have contributed the most for their respective leader board gets ranked 1st for the season

* All registered members of the top guild gets a WvW Crown + Title, similar to the PvP Tournament Crown + Title.

* Slight variation in the title for each winning Guild depending on the size category that they were ranked under.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The new Alliance system is going to reset every season (8 weeks) which is not so different from the current re-links every 8 weeks.

> This means that ranking should not be alliance based.

> I doubt anyone is going to care if Alliance A or B did better in Season 1 since Alliances are just a more volatile form of the current server.

> Alliances will change, but Guilds largely remain the same.


This is wrong.


Alliances would always remain under the alliance system, thats the point. They are a player led group of guilds and players. They would never reset. You are mistaking alliances for worlds.


So the basis for this post is wrong and the correct thing is that **the alliance should take center stage**. The guilds are important members, but they fight for the alliance.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> When was the last time...

> * Any of us checked the [leader boards ](https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na "leader boards ") and felt awe at the top 3 servers?

> * Any of us felt that we were doing something meaningful and contributing to a group purpose and goal?

> * Any of us felt that winning a match meant anything?


> There needs to be more recognition and purpose for effort put into playing WvW.

> WvW needs to feel rewarding to play and contributing to the entire group effort needs to feel meaningful.

> Hack and slash fun can only keep a player engaged so much.


> It is not easy building bonds and a sense of belonging server-wide because there are too many people and too many transfers.

> However, Guilds are just the right size to build a close knit community.

> Giving recognition and rewards to Guilds is very important in giving the community a strong united goal to doing well in WvW.


> The new Alliance system is going to reset every season (8 weeks) which is not so different from the current re-links every 8 weeks.

> This means that ranking should not be alliance based.

> I doubt anyone is going to care if Alliance A or B did better in Season 1 since Alliances are just a more volatile form of the current server.

> Alliances will change, but Guilds largely remain the same.


> However, how many of us know the top Guilds that have fought alongside us?

> How many of them are recognized for their skills and/or contribution?

> It is best to have a leader board purely for Guild performance to encourage stronger community building and stronger ties to keep players engaged and feel they are contributing towards something meaningful in WvW.


> Some suggestions below just for discussion.


> **Rules:**


> * There will be separate leader board for different guild size (e.g. 1-20 members, 21-50 members, 51-100 members etc.)

> * There will be a 1 week window for Guilds to apply before the start of each Season

> * Guilds will need to apply with all their participating members to be applicable for the ranking each Season.

> * Guild size and the board they will be ranked under will depend on the number of members who applied during the 1 week window.

> * Each player can only register under 1 Guild and cannot be changed during the Season.

> * Only registered members during the window will be able to contribute to their Guild's scoring for that Season.


> **Ranking Metrics:**


> * Guilds will be ranked based on a combination of metrics like KDR, PPT etc. all giving a certain amount of points.

> * For e.g., killing an enemy adds 2 point, getting killed will subtract 1 point.

> * For e.g., taking a tower adds 20 point, losing a tower when you are on the same map will subtract point?

> * All activity done by the Guild's registered members will contribute a certain amount of points which will be tallied up and ranked at the end of every season.


> **Rewards:**


> * Guilds that have contributed the most for their respective leader board gets ranked 1st for the season

> * All registered members of the top guild gets a WvW Crown + Title, similar to the PvP Tournament Crown + Title.

> * Slight variation in the title for each winning Guild depending on the size category that they were ranked under.






If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.”




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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > The new Alliance system is going to reset every season (8 weeks) which is not so different from the current re-links every 8 weeks.

> > This means that ranking should not be alliance based.

> > I doubt anyone is going to care if Alliance A or B did better in Season 1 since Alliances are just a more volatile form of the current server.

> > Alliances will change, but Guilds largely remain the same.


> This is wrong.


> Alliances would always remain under the alliance system, thats the point. They are a player led group of guilds and players. They would never reset. You are mistaking alliances for worlds.


> So the basis for this post is wrong and the correct thing is that **the alliance should take center stage**. The guilds are important members, but they fight for the alliance.


Unfortunately there are posters on this forum that feel they have the facts but, when it’s pointed out that they are incorrect, they do not edit their posts to reflect accurate information.

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I was pretty in awe at the wvw leaderboards until season 1 tournaments. then i realized the "leaders" were the ones that had the most players while i slept or at work. and the loudest players advocating for "winning" contributed the least.


But I do agree, there should be a Guilds, Alliance, and player leaderboard for wvw. With varying metrics for each.



-PPK, deaths, PPT gained from claimed objectives, T3 caps, insert other possible metrics.



Yaks killed, camps capped, Tower Caps, keep caps, PPK, deaths




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