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Algorithm seems like it is punishing me for winning a few games


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Please, no presuppositions; not my first rodeo.


* I have an alt account - a 'free' account - so that I can play on a WvW server I used to be on

* I am using unranked PvP to gain tomes of knowledge, although I've noticed the same pattern in ranked on my main regardless of if I've (comparatively) increased in rank.

* What I notice is not so much that I'm faced against more experienced players after winning a few matches, ALTHOUGH I typically AM when this happens, but

* I notice that I continually am matched vs a very good comp i.e. spellbreaker, scrapper, mirage, soulbeast, scourge,

* while I am then matched with a team that is just ridiculous in terms of comp i.e. rev, rev, core necro, [someone not very good at:] thief + core ele (me because I don't have expacs on this account and before I have to deal with seven people telling me to play a different class please 1) understand that it has nothing to do with the core issue I am describing/irrelevant and 2) "please, no presuppositions; not my first rodeo".).


I notice this consistently enough to question it, although I realize that a pattern/correlation is not causation.

**There is already code in the game that attempts to make the teams reasonable in terms of composition while not being too restrictive**. What I think could be implemented is a more rigid and restrictive balancing algorithm. **I also recognize that this restriction would increase queue times** which would be great because better pvp experience with a longer queue time is still a better overall experience, imo.


I am wondering if any of you have noticed anything similar or your thoughts on possibly restricting the compositions further.

If it's a stupid idea, I don't mind you pointing it out but give it to me straight, not snarky...


If you disagree, please **make a compelling argument** for why, which isn't 5 words long or in the format of a quick "gotcha" troll attempt (I've been on these forums for too long as you can see .. )

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You have left out key details, which include the profession you were running, what build you were running with that profession, and your overall ranking, but I think I can explain this phenomenon pretty simply.


when you win games, your rating goes up. because of this, your team rating will be higher than normal, now that your rating is higher. because both teams are balanced to be somewhat even rating, you are now getting matched against tougher opponents. these tougher opponents could simply be better players, or using better builds, or using better professions, but their rating is higher than the opponents you fought before....because YOUR rating is higher than before.


if you get matched against these better opponents and lose, it does unfortunately possibly mean that you simply weren't good enough to advance your rating...while those with superior skills/builds/professions were.


it could've just been bad luck as well, getting matched against better comps, but you can communicate with your team and see if anyone can swap to counter comp. rarely works, but worth a shot.


but basically what im trying to say is, higher rating = tougher games. losing = you're not good enough to advance possibly. maybe try something new, or keep trying if you think you are good enough. you cant get bad luck every time.

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I appreciate the response but I don't think you really got to what I was getting at, that or I really butchered my post and it wasn't clear enough; rating is not team composition and I understand how the PvP system works. Rank/rating is also not to be confused with skill - I've been in plat twice, doesn't make me good at the game, just means I got lucky with my team since that's often what holds me back more than anything. What I'm describing in this thread, though, is specifically build/class composition disparities that seem to occur after a winning streak. I'd rather wait longer for a match with, for example, the same classes matched against each other, than be subject to an opposing team that is inherently better structured because the algorithm put two of the same class on our team, etc etc ...

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The matchmaking algorithm has a hard cap of two of the same professions per team. This doesn't prevent players from swapping to another class and in theory have five of the same class on a team. There will never be a time where they'll change the matchmaking algorithm to put together an ideal comp vs. ideal comp. This is why they allow you to change your class and spec during the warmup period.


Simply, change your spec, change your class, and adapt to your opponent.

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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> Please, no presuppositions; not my first rodeo.


> * I have an alt account - a 'free' account - so that I can play on a WvW server I used to be on

> * I am using unranked PvP to gain tomes of knowledge, although I've noticed the same pattern in ranked on my main regardless of if I've (comparatively) increased in rank.

> * What I notice is not so much that I'm faced against more experienced players after winning a few matches, ALTHOUGH I typically AM when this happens, but

> * I notice that I continually am matched vs a very good comp i.e. spellbreaker, scrapper, mirage, soulbeast, scourge,

> * while I am then matched with a team that is just ridiculous in terms of comp i.e. rev, rev, core necro, [someone not very good at:] thief + core ele (me because I don't have expacs on this account and before I have to deal with seven people telling me to play a different class please 1) understand that it has nothing to do with the core issue I am describing/irrelevant and 2) "please, no presuppositions; not my first rodeo".).


> I notice this consistently enough to question it, although I realize that a pattern/correlation is not causation.

> **There is already code in the game that attempts to make the teams reasonable in terms of composition while not being too restrictive**. What I think could be implemented is a more rigid and restrictive balancing algorithm. **I also recognize that this restriction would increase queue times** which would be great because better pvp experience with a longer queue time is still a better overall experience, imo.


> I am wondering if any of you have noticed anything similar or your thoughts on possibly restricting the compositions further.

> If it's a stupid idea, I don't mind you pointing it out but give it to me straight, not snarky...


> If you disagree, please **make a compelling argument** for why, which isn't 5 words long or in the format of a quick "gotcha" troll attempt (I've been on these forums for too long as you can see .. )


Actually, power creep is so high right now, that most classes can perform most job roles or least double on the fly and perform them adequately enough to wait for a +. This means that the function in the algorithm that attempts to balance team comps by class, could be reduced in its rigidity because it isn't currently as important as it used to be. The only thing that is important or crucial, is that if one team comp has a support, the other team comp should also have a support. Outside of that, there is actually a lot of room to counter play between all of the other classes.


Then the function to simply find closer rating values to pair with and against each other could be strengthened. So we don't have 1800s going against 1450s. This would more than likely enhance match quality and leave que times roughly the same.


I mean most people would agree with this example:


Traditionally, double Thief comps that have no support are trash. But with how this current meta is working, what team would you rather be on?


1. FB 1450 / Scourge 1450 / Herald 1500 / Holo 1500 / Spellbreaker 1500

2. Thief 1550 / Thief 1550 / Herald 1500 / Holo 1500 / Spellbreaker 1500


I would chose to be on the team with the 1550 Thieves, easily. Things are a little different nowadays now that damage is so high. Point being, is that it seems player skill level in general is now more important than team comp, at least from my subjective experiences.


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