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How hard would it be for Areanet to make a mastery that can change how boon sharing works in raiding

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The raid instances would have a special rule/mastery where every boon that can be shared among allies,

instead of being shared among (or only 5) people it will be changed into shared among 10 people.


How hard would it be to make this change?

It being a raid "Instern other reason here" **Mastery** means it wont affect pvp/WvW and PVE/story



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> They prob would just change skills to aply to 10 ppl as they ave been doing for a while.

They might not be willing to do that for too many skills for WvW balance reasons. Also, at least for some skills, change to 10-man cap was tied to weakening of the skill, because they assumed double coverage - which obviously can have adverse effect on Fractals.


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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Why, though?


> That would make raids even easier than they already are.


because anything that can't be killed by a bunch of uncoordinated randoms in rare gear by just auto attacking is way to hard for the average player

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This is for one thing only

**Raid Diversity**

They can adjust how hard raiding is after

Are raids too easy?

Add challenge modes to every tier and adjust that difficulty for the people who want the challenge and the rewards

No one wants diversity?

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> This is for one thing only

> **Raid Diversity**

> They can adjust how hard raiding is after

> Are raids too easy?

> Add challenge modes to every tier and adjust that difficulty for the people who want the challenge and the rewards

> No one wants diversity?


What rewards?


Why would that bring diversity? You'd have 8 dps and 2 supports instead of the 6 dps and 4 supports currently used.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> The raid instances would have a special rule/mastery where every boon that can be shared among allies,

> instead of being shared among (or only 5) people it will be changed into shared among 10 people.


> How hard would it be to make this change?

> It being a raid "Instern other reason here" **Mastery** means it wont affect pvp/WvW and PVE/story




This would kill diversity. Atm we have cool stuff like boon thief and firebrigade comp, with your change we would only have comp that looks like this:

1 chrono

6 dps

1 bs

1 druid

1 heal or dps

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