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There are guilds and groups that complete TT daily so it should not be an issue. As to your question.. Should for some odd reason it is never completed I'm not sure if it cause a failure to advance to the next tier. [i think it is based on number of boss kills though and not a checklist.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Boss_Rush#Community_Goal "I think it is based on number of boss kills though and not a checklist.")


>The tracker updates in 15-minute intervals, increasing as more of the above World Bosses are slain.


Again it is highly unlikely TT isn't completed by some part of the community.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> There are guilds and groups that complete TT daily so it should not be an issue. It wasn't an issue last boss rush.

Hmm, my experience was a bit different. During the last Boss Rush I tried TT four times, twice in organized groups with a commander for each prong of the attack. All four attempts failed though one came close. Still, if advancing to the next tier is a community wide effort, I suspect the gist of your comment is accurate. Surely some group will succeed at TT during the overall event.


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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > There are guilds and groups that complete TT daily so it should not be an issue. It wasn't an issue last boss rush.

> Hmm, my experience was a bit different. During the last Boss Rush I tried TT four times, twice in organized groups with a commander for each prong of the attack. All four attempts failed though one came close. Still, if advancing to the next tier is a community wide effort, I suspect the gist of your comment is accurate. Surely some group will succeed at TT during the overall event.



With TT there is a difference between doing it with a few people that pop tags and post LFG and doing it with an organized guild that has done it countless times. It can be a rather tricky encounter and requires some degree of coordination. I'm pretty sure TTS or at least guilds they seem to be affiliated with still do it daily. Their calendar seems to indicate so. http://ttsgamers.com/event-calendar/ And I know I have run across other guilds that seem to do it daily as I have seen them there at the same time on numerous occasions.


Edit: External links don't seem to be working so you have to copy and paste URLs.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> @"JustTrogdor.7892" Thanks for the link. Those times are a bit awkward for me but I think I can make the earlier one. Will definitely try it during the next Boss Rush.



No problem, I hope you find a good group to do it with. Do note the times on that calendar are UTC time. Also the guilds I have seen organizing start prep at least 1/2 hour before the event if not more so make sure you get there early as the maps tends to fill quickly. :)

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> Taking down world bosses will progress the overall community goal. You’ll receive rewards for each tier you participate in.

That's all the information we have for the upcoming WBR event.


Based on the past events, I read that as meaning that progress increments with every boss death. Moreover, I doubt very much if ANet/2019 is going to make Tier 5 dependent on every group killing every boss that spawns on every instance, or even every time period.


tl;dr I personally am not going to worry about Triple Trouble unless or until someone from ANet states explicitly that it matters.

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Iam going to say this. This exposes a flaw in the mega server concept. Too many spaced out maps. Help automatically fill maps to do events instead of putting that burden on player made taxis.

I like having more hard meta events like this but what i dont like is being sent to a dead megaserver during these events. Even when we dont have organized guilds, at least numbers can get the job done sometimes.

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I see nothing in the announcement about the community needing to kill *specific* world bosses. Last time, as I understand it, it was simply the *number* of boss kills that mattered.


The only difference between killing Shadow Behemoth 10 times and killing 10 different world bosses is that 10 different can be done over a shorter amount of time, for the community goals they'd still be 10 boss kills.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> I see nothing in the announcement about the community needing to kill *specific* world bosses. Last time, as I understand it, it was simply the *number* of boss kills that mattered.


> The only difference between killing Shadow Behemoth 10 times and killing 10 different world bosses is that 10 different can be done over a shorter amount of time, for the community goals they'd still be 10 boss kills.


last time you could kill shadow behemoth 1-3 times each spawn due to multi map, I guess they put in a 15min timer same as they did on the meta event rush this time?

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