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New Core Necro balance notes next week


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > I got a question why is obtenna defending sustain nerfs to necro?


> Because I recognize that other things won't get fixed if we have broken or unintended tools in the toolset. I can't tell you how many times I've seen EXACTLY this behaviour in every MMO I've ever played; the bugs and unintended elements are always targetted first, no matter what the current state of the game.


Except anet didnt say they are changing it as a correction due to a bug you are being overly critical and defensive here its fine to have your opinion but it does not make your opinion fact you speak on things as if they are facts



> You know what screws me over as a necro? I can tell you it's not the loss of OP'ed healing in shroud because I'm pretty sure OP'ed healing in shroud wasn't in the plan in the first place. Maybe you think denying this was too strong changes that ... pretty sure that doesn't play into how anet makes plans for any class they are changing.


Well lets get it right first off it was not op in 90% of situations in most game modes so lets not call it that.

IT was op if you hit a cluster of mobs with say soul spiral etc.

If you were attacking a single target even more so one at the end game level on a glass build healing for a few hundred or possibly even a few thousand hp is not considered op. I'll tell you right now that in raids taking a hard hit and thinking soul eater will heal you to full hp in a few swings is a thing. ITS not.

Doing bounties on a glass cannon build and taking a hard hit taking a few swings wont refill your hp.


Ideally I can understand anets want to reduce the effectiveness of this trait for hitting clusters of mobs as thats the only time the trait is very strong and instantly refills your hp. But there are other ways to accomplish this simply reducing the heal effectiveness by half or a certain % in shroud would have sufficed as reducing sustain while keeping a great trait mechanically safe as a full functioning trait in and out of shroud vs a ANOTHER TRAIT that necro now has that will not partly work in shroud. WE ALREADY HAVE A TON OF THESE.


Back to the topic.... Are you sure it was not mean to heal in shroud from the start? How can you be so sure?

Just because a trait does not label that it will or will not work in shroud does not mean that it should not or will not work in shroud. Deathly Chill for example states when you inflict chill you also cause bleeding. It never states that it will or will not work in shroud which is implied that it will work in both.


Now if you want to make the argument that the old soul eater didn't heal in shroud there for this one should not either ill tell you why that didnt happen. Its not because the trait was disabled in shroud. Its because when you activate reaper shroud the game's code registers your character as holding a hammer and not a great sword. This means that by the old soul eaters code command or obvious text "You must be holding a great sword for it to activate" But if the game sees you as holding a hammer then its obviously not active. This is why the old version did not heal in shroud/function in shroud.


Ideally this soul eater the new version before the nerf today was set to be a great trait that provide function both in and out of shroud it thematically made sense and now that its losing one of its biggest features completely in shroud its going to become mostly a bland damage modifier. They could have reduced the heal % to 2 or 3 % and even accomplished what they were aiming for this while allowing the trait to keep some of its thematic flavor. The fact that you "might" whole heartedly support the idea of the nerf with your mind "possibly" set in the wrong direction is kind of astounding.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE



> after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET


> honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock


Worst class in pve? Lmao Wut mate?

Soul eater healing only while I shroud maybe with slight heal reduction woulda made more sense than this silly change but dont say that necro especially reaper us a bad pve class,it and ranger are literally the two classes that u can faceroll everything in pve with ur feet lol

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> That commission looks amazing.

> Except it belongs to our mortal foe ?

> Any commission done for your Necro?


Unfortunately, no. I'd still like to get one but I'm very picky with style, has to be just right. I have an artist in mind but the last time I asked he said he was too busy.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Sounds to me like deathshroud 2 is getting the nerf bat as well. Sounds like "this skill isn't homing anymore"

> Which would make it completely useless.


> This patch, sorry to say that, is an huge "f... You, necro players" right in our faces.


> Not a single issue of necro gets addressed.


> Instead they nerf the only good trait that somewhat kept you alive in pve and wvw.

> Was it to strong? Maybe. Remove it completely? - no!


> This really makes me sad and makes me wanna cry. If you look at all the fancy things, other classes get


So. I was right? Nerf bat to deathshroud 2?

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > I got a question why is obtenna defending sustain nerfs to necro?

> >

> > Because I recognize that other things won't get fixed if we have broken or unintended tools in the toolset. I can't tell you how many times I've seen EXACTLY this behaviour in every MMO I've ever played; the bugs and unintended elements are always targetted first, no matter what the current state of the game.


> Except anet didnt say they are changing it as a correction due to a bug you are being overly critical and defensive here its fine to have your opinion but it does not make your opinion fact you speak on things as if they are facts


You actually think Anet implemented OP healing on Soul Eater in shroud on purpose? That's not at all inline with the theme of the class or the other shroud heals that exist. Not sure you thought this through.


See, the problem here is that there are LOTS of clues to tell you what was going on Soul Eater Shroud heals wasn't right ... you just have to be open to seeing them. The best one is the fact that they are wholly removing it. If it was intended ... it wouldn't be completely removed.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> So. I was right? Nerf bat to deathshroud 2?


If you used it for the movement it's a nerf, if you used it for the damage it's a buff. The change ease a lot damage rotation in death shroud but hurt heavily it's mobility (which isn't something surprising from ANet). You can squeeze out 2 more perma bleed out of your rotation in PvE, which is not a bad thing granted that before it was hard to maintain dark paths 2 bleed stacks.


Against players, the core necromancer will have to play the skill in a different way than they were favoring melee for the first attack of the chain. _Dark pursuit_ might be an interesting tool against mobility thiefs that engage you at melee range and shadow step away when they see themself lose ground. With the proper strategy, this new shrd#2 can potentially be a lot more useful than the previous _dark path_ that could be outrun. However it come at the cost of instant direct mobility and a bit more brain cells to use.


Edit: I only feel that _dark path_ itself need a shorter base CD. 6 seconds instead of 8 and it would be quite good. It doesn't matter if the 2 seconds are instead added to _dark pursuit_ or if the chill duration is reduced even further to 2 seconds.

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