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Another Patch, Another Nerf Necromancers.


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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > Core Shroud still sucks though, by comparison. I'm not sure why people are acting like its gonna revolutionize it.

> > >

> > > Agree; the changes merely add a tiny bit more utility to shroud in Core builds. Being in Death Shroud is still a dps loss. The cool down reductions mean DS utilities will be available a little more often. That is all. The shroud transform cool down is the same. No skills outside of shroud have changed. No core traits anyone cares about were changed, either.

> >

> > I dont think the core shroud sucks that bad.... it think its ok ish just too many other flaws along side it make core as a whole feel like its about 3 years behind everything else in the game. Core necro is still not as solid as say core mesmer, guardian, ranger, warrior, even ele perhaps. Until some trait reworks happen that make it so core will never be competitive on a end game level it has nothing to make it so in pve end game and nothing to make it terrifying in pvp. You can ideally just run circles around it and run over it provided you have at least a bit of condi clear.

> >

> > Its also oddly forced into a hybrid play style to make it function at its best instead of it allowing it to be either one separately as its own thing.

> > If boon corrupts focused had a set priority on which boons get converted over others no matter how they were applied that would help necro a bunch in pvp but not in pve. its in a rough spot and i feel like no one on the balance team plays necro enough to really under stand how the majority of players who play it feel about its flaws and strengths. So they always pick the wrong things out when making changes to it. Occasionally they do something good by what seems like sheer luck.

> >

> > I wish every core class was like guardian. Core Guardian has to be the most balanced profession in the game imo. Its solid, strong, has ok ish sustain, can do big damage, can also die if you go glassy, its crafty but not over rewarded for any singular particular thing through its skills or traits.

> >


> I think core Necro is doing okay, personally. Although I do feel that there are a lot of match ups that are difficult/impossible to win in an open field, I also feel that core is stronger than many give it credit for. Assuming you have terrain to play with, Life Blast can do a colossal amount of damage if built for it and everything a hybrid build can hit you with is pretty painful as well. That, as well as being naturally durable thanks to core Shroud not degrading as quickly as Reaper Shroud, and I think core Necro is doing alright.



I agree that it can do damage but when matched up to other things the damage it does is not = to anets ideals. Necromancer is slow but more punishing. Life blast does a chunk of damage but its kinda slow. Other professions with faster play styles do just as much or more damage but are faster. This is kind of where i puzzle around anets ideals of why keep this kind of ideal if you dont capitalize on it properly. By technical standards imo life blast for example when built for raw damage should be punching a touch harder for as slow of an attack as it is.


> I prefer core over Reaper or Scourge and I've been a Necro main for many years. I do think it could use more adjustments but it also always bothers me when people speak of it as though it's the worst core spec there is or like it's impossible to win against a decent opponent. Shortly after PoF release was when it was at it's weakest because it was before many of the elite specs were toned down and certain Necro traits/skills hadn't been changed. Around that time was when I stopped playing Necro for quite a while because it was at a point where I was losing a lot more fights than I was winning regardless of how well I played. That was the only time in the 5 1/2 years and 5k hours I've been playing Necro that I actually gave up on it. So I'm just glad it's no where near the sorry state it was in then.


I personally prefer core over scourge myself but reaper is a n enjoyable change of playstyle from mid range to melee. IF core was a bit more up to date (more viable for end game) i would probably play it more over reaper too.



> Anyway I didn't mean to insult anyone about their concerns for Reaper or about their opinions on core so I hope it didn't come off that way. Some of the following comments, even if not responding directly to my own, made me feel I should be clear about that.


No insults at all here i dont think ;) no worries.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> By technical standards imo life blast for example when built for raw damage should be punching a touch harder for as slow of an attack as it is.

It can with Dread. I often play a full glass power build and while a target is Feared I can hit any where between 8 and 15k Life Blasts. Often times, even against more durable opponents, I can 2 - 3 shot them if I play my cards right. Sigil of Rending + multiple traits that apply Vulnerability on top of rapid Might generation and I can usually max out on Vuln stacks in just a few seconds, or with one interrupt, and Life Blast becomes a death cannon.

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> @"Tobias.8632" said:

> ESO has necromancers now and the devs treat them much better then GW2's devs do, abandon ship


Yeah. I've got a couple amazon gift cards. Been thinking of moving to ESO. I'm pretty much done with GW2, Anet and their inability to actually think through what they're doing.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> "all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful." - Reducing effectiveness of reaper survivability, while buffing core necromancer, the only "meaningful" thing I see here is choosing an elite spec is becoming more of a hinderance. No scourge changes, No Life steal reworks, Reaper Nerfs, No Staff or Focus tweaks.


> What is the point in choosing an Elite Spec if they just Nerf it to hell and buff core?


They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I'm happy with many of the changes to core Necro and excited to give them a try. I haven't been playing much lately ( the last time I was online was about a week ago I think ? ) but seeing these patch notes has made me want to hop on again.


> That said, I'm also a little disappointed compared to the changes many of the other professions got. It seems like the buffs to core are mostly cooldown reductions with a slight functionality change to Dark Path ( which I'm still on the fence about because I was one of the few people who loved Dark Path ) while most of the other professions had various significant reworks. I understand not every profession got huge buffs or reworks, but it certainly made me less happy about the buffs to core after seeing what everyone else was getting. Like at first it was "yay! love for core Necro hype!" then it was "oh... Can I have some more cool stuff too? Look what they got!"


> Either way I'm content, even if a little disappointed by comparison. But in regards to the Reaper nerf, I'm not nearly as bothered as everyone here seems to be. It's _one_ trait... Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an _insane_ amount of healing when cleaving mobs, granted it is a pretty significant reduction to offensive potential by not taking Reaper's Onslaught. Still, you could full heal yourself with a few swipes of the Shroud when using both of those traits and having no Healing Power. I don't think Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an OP combination, that isn't what I'm saying. I do however think it was very strong and although sustain potential will be reduced without the healing from Soul Eater, I don't think it's any reason to throw a fit as much as you guys are. It's literally _one_ thing related to Reaper that got a nerf. Just be glad we're not Revenants because it looks like they got kneecapped pretty good.


> Reaper is and will remain strong in the right hands. I'm in no way concerned with the nerf because it was perfectly good before Soul Eater healed based on outgoing damage so it will be just fine going back to that.


The reason(s) I have an issue with this, are as you mention taking blighter's boon/Soul eater is a dps loss, Necromancer overall does not have a lot of defensive abilities or traits, it's all rather Mild or Hindering, Like if a necromancer gets CCd, good luck doing anything before you die, sort of thing, or if you get chased, good luck escaping anything that has more than one movement skill, Removing something that could let Necromancer survive - also note this was ONLY within Melee range, Is a Horrible change that should be re-thought. Necromancers have never really been loved, they have a lifesteal mechanic while is extremely bad compared to GW1 lifesteal ( and revenant's Lifesteal is getting a 400% buff so Necromancers are even further left behind), the Removal of Hexes means Necromancers should be more about Conditions, However we get left with Bleed... Bleed and Poison, while you look at someone like Mesmer who gets torment and confusion, Which are MUCH stronger, then there's Renegade who gets bleeding and Piercing on the same skills, meaning more Bleeding at the same range, without Any self-hurting skills like blood is power.


That and the fact that I haven't seen a GOOD Necromancer Skill Rework, Ever. Focus and Warhorn got gutted, and They removed the One reaper trait I loved after Hot dropped which was Chill dealing damage, It was Unique, it made necromancers Feel like condition masters as they made a normally non damaging condi Do damage, but no, they instead get a trait as a GRANDMASTER that is WEAKER than a core Revenant skill. ( 2 bleeds on chill vs 1 torment on chill, 1 torment does the same as one bleeding, and that is without moving, moving doubles it)

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > "all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful." - Reducing effectiveness of reaper survivability, while buffing core necromancer, the only "meaningful" thing I see here is choosing an elite spec is becoming more of a hinderance. No scourge changes, No Life steal reworks, Reaper Nerfs, No Staff or Focus tweaks.

> >

> > What is the point in choosing an Elite Spec if they just Nerf it to hell and buff core?


> They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change.


I would like to reply by stating, ( yes this is a snowcrows thing), Out of Shroud reaper does more damage than In shroud reaper past 50% health, so shroud is only useful in raids before 50%, If we then look at pvp, Reaper shroud is a melee focused shroud with No fast way to approach enemies as the leap is very slow in comparison to core shroud, In the patch notes this time, Soul Eater is being nerfed slightly by fixing a bug, or "bug", However the fact necromancers cannot be healed in shroud outside of Two specific traits and they do not heal a lot, If you get ccd in shroud ( which is very easy to be) and it gets burst down, you lost your healing, and Unlike raid bosses Players can evade attacks so your DPS will be bad aswell since your best DPS is melee range with No chasing.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > I'm happy with many of the changes to core Necro and excited to give them a try. I haven't been playing much lately ( the last time I was online was about a week ago I think ? ) but seeing these patch notes has made me want to hop on again.

> >

> > That said, I'm also a little disappointed compared to the changes many of the other professions got. It seems like the buffs to core are mostly cooldown reductions with a slight functionality change to Dark Path ( which I'm still on the fence about because I was one of the few people who loved Dark Path ) while most of the other professions had various significant reworks. I understand not every profession got huge buffs or reworks, but it certainly made me less happy about the buffs to core after seeing what everyone else was getting. Like at first it was "yay! love for core Necro hype!" then it was "oh... Can I have some more cool stuff too? Look what they got!"

> >

> > Either way I'm content, even if a little disappointed by comparison. But in regards to the Reaper nerf, I'm not nearly as bothered as everyone here seems to be. It's _one_ trait... Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an _insane_ amount of healing when cleaving mobs, granted it is a pretty significant reduction to offensive potential by not taking Reaper's Onslaught. Still, you could full heal yourself with a few swipes of the Shroud when using both of those traits and having no Healing Power. I don't think Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an OP combination, that isn't what I'm saying. I do however think it was very strong and although sustain potential will be reduced without the healing from Soul Eater, I don't think it's any reason to throw a fit as much as you guys are. It's literally _one_ thing related to Reaper that got a nerf. Just be glad we're not Revenants because it looks like they got kneecapped pretty good.

> >

> > Reaper is and will remain strong in the right hands. I'm in no way concerned with the nerf because it was perfectly good before Soul Eater healed based on outgoing damage so it will be just fine going back to that.


> The reason(s) I have an issue with this, are as you mention taking blighter's boon/Soul eater is a dps loss, Necromancer overall does not have a lot of defensive abilities or traits, it's all rather Mild or Hindering, Like if a necromancer gets CCd, good luck doing anything before you die, sort of thing, or if you get chased, good luck escaping anything that has more than one movement skill, Removing something that could let Necromancer survive - also note this was ONLY within Melee range, Is a Horrible change that should be re-thought. Necromancers have never really been loved, they have a lifesteal mechanic while is extremely bad compared to GW1 lifesteal ( and revenant's Lifesteal is getting a 400% buff so Necromancers are even further left behind), the Removal of Hexes means Necromancers should be more about Conditions, However we get left with Bleed... Bleed and Poison, while you look at someone like Mesmer who gets torment and confusion, Which are MUCH stronger, then there's Renegade who gets bleeding and Piercing on the same skills, meaning more Bleeding at the same range, without Any self-hurting skills like blood is power.


> That and the fact that I haven't seen a GOOD Necromancer Skill Rework, Ever. Focus and Warhorn got gutted, and They removed the One reaper trait I loved after Hot dropped which was Chill dealing damage, It was Unique, it made necromancers Feel like condition masters as they made a normally non damaging condi Do damage, but no, they instead get a trait as a GRANDMASTER that is WEAKER than a core Revenant skill. ( 2 bleeds on chill vs 1 torment on chill, 1 torment does the same as one bleeding, and that is without moving, moving doubles it)


I loved that unique touch on chill damage too.

Sad that it is now 1 bleed on chill ?

One of the worst or best balanced GM trait depending on how you see it.


But let’s not give up on the chill Reaper!



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Chill Reaper's 100% viable in wvw tbh imo. I play Celestial Chill Reaper with axe/dagger and greatsword, master of corruption and CPC. Use stuff like the Dragon's Revelry Starcake and Sigil of the Stars to give you even more celestial stats, and Runes of Divinity for more and also a massive boost to your HP. With more than one Bloodlust and a fully stacked sigil you have a ludicrous amount of stats which'll make everything work together. Expertise is your only problem so add +exp wvw infusions to your gear and run a few pieces of whichever expertise spread you need; Viper's or Trailblazer's, depending on whether you need offense or defense.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > "all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful." - Reducing effectiveness of reaper survivability, while buffing core necromancer, the only "meaningful" thing I see here is choosing an elite spec is becoming more of a hinderance. No scourge changes, No Life steal reworks, Reaper Nerfs, No Staff or Focus tweaks.

> > >

> > > What is the point in choosing an Elite Spec if they just Nerf it to hell and buff core?

> >

> > They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change.


> I would like to reply by stating, ( yes this is a snowcrows thing), Out of Shroud reaper does more damage than In shroud reaper past 50% health, so shroud is only useful in raids before 50%, If we then look at pvp, Reaper shroud is a melee focused shroud with No fast way to approach enemies as the leap is very slow in comparison to core shroud, In the patch notes this time, Soul Eater is being nerfed slightly by fixing a bug, or "bug", However the fact necromancers cannot be healed in shroud outside of Two specific traits and they do not heal a lot, If you get ccd in shroud ( which is very easy to be) and it gets burst down, you lost your healing, and Unlike raid bosses Players can evade attacks so your DPS will be bad aswell since your best DPS is melee range with No chasing.

Well after the nerf i don't think anyone would want to bother with reaper in raid, the healer has to heal everyone and probably wouldn't want to wait the reaper to get out of shroud to heal everyone, so why bother with extra effort when you can get a berserker that does the same and can be healed with everyone else. I don't get why the "second life bar" is taken like is so great and even better than block.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > "all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful." - Reducing effectiveness of reaper survivability, while buffing core necromancer, the only "meaningful" thing I see here is choosing an elite spec is becoming more of a hinderance. No scourge changes, No Life steal reworks, Reaper Nerfs, No Staff or Focus tweaks.

> > > >

> > > > What is the point in choosing an Elite Spec if they just Nerf it to hell and buff core?

> > >

> > > They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change.

> >

> > I would like to reply by stating, ( yes this is a snowcrows thing), Out of Shroud reaper does more damage than In shroud reaper past 50% health, so shroud is only useful in raids before 50%, If we then look at pvp, Reaper shroud is a melee focused shroud with No fast way to approach enemies as the leap is very slow in comparison to core shroud, In the patch notes this time, Soul Eater is being nerfed slightly by fixing a bug, or "bug", However the fact necromancers cannot be healed in shroud outside of Two specific traits and they do not heal a lot, If you get ccd in shroud ( which is very easy to be) and it gets burst down, you lost your healing, and Unlike raid bosses Players can evade attacks so your DPS will be bad aswell since your best DPS is melee range with No chasing.

> Well after the nerf i don't think anyone would want to bother with reaper in raid, the healer has to heal everyone and probably wouldn't want to wait the reaper to get out of shroud to heal everyone, so why bother with extra effort when you can get a berserker that does the same and can be healed with everyone else. I don't get why the "second life bar" is taken like is so great and even better than block.



Exactly, If they don't let you get healed while in shroud, at least let you heal yourself in shroud.

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> @"Isaiah.2936" said:

> im not happy with this game anymore...they keep nerfing my favorite class...its time to move to ESO.


I have putting in way more time with ESO lately since they added a real necro. Anet needs to figure out what a necro is and isn't. I can tell them right now, that the current implementations of ALL designs for this class are as far as a necro as you can get.


My gem balance is zero and that is where it will stay

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> > @"Isaiah.2936" said:

> > im not happy with this game anymore...they keep nerfing my favorite class...its time to move to ESO.


> I have putting in way more time with ESO lately since they added a real necro. Anet needs to figure out what a necro is and isn't. I can tell them right now, that the current implementations of ALL designs for this class are as far as a necro as you can get.


> My gem balance is zero and that is where it will stay


I mean, they definitely knew what a necro was in GW1.

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you expect anything else from Anet? they hate necro and never want it to be viable in endgame PVE you are only allowed to be a boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE at least that is the vibes I get from Anets balance team, best part is that core necro is not even that good to, so we got 2 not that good elite specs and a not so good core. GREAT JOB ANET, honestly I don't think there will be any saving for necro till MAYBE JUST MAYBE the next elite spec but that is hoping for a miracle

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> @"Isaiah.2936" said:

> im not happy with this game anymore...they keep nerfing my favorite class...its time to move to ESO.


they have been nerfing necro since the start it feels, every elite spec is a big buff and makes them viable! to then be nerfed over and over and over and over, repeating. there is a reason why I have not properly played the game for months now if anything I just log on to get updates and my daily logins, nothing else because of how they have treated necro

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> @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.


and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.


> and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P


What are you even talking about. Reaper is plenty viable and has been buffed over and over again since PoF while scourge has been nerfed over and over again.


In PvP solo queue, I would rather see Reaper or even core necro on my team than a scourge because of how reliant it is on support like FB. The only overwhelming strength of scourge is WvW blobbing and even there Reaper is plenty fine.



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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > > I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.

> >

> > and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P


> What are you even talking about. Reaper is plenty viable and has been buffed over and over again since PoF while scourge has been nerfed over and over again.


> In PvP solo queue, I would rather see Reaper or even core necro on my team than a scourge because of how reliant it is on support like FB. The only overwhelming strength of scourge is WvW blobbing and even there Reaper is plenty fine.




I don’t want to disregard specific things for game modes, but there should be an equal usage of elite specs in all three game modes if it was well balanced, as in Reaper in PvE is a lot different to PvP reaper because of the thing you fight.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > > > I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.

> > >

> > > and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P

> >

> > What are you even talking about. Reaper is plenty viable and has been buffed over and over again since PoF while scourge has been nerfed over and over again.

> >

> > In PvP solo queue, I would rather see Reaper or even core necro on my team than a scourge because of how reliant it is on support like FB. The only overwhelming strength of scourge is WvW blobbing and even there Reaper is plenty fine.

> >

> >


> I don’t want to disregard specific things for game modes, but there should be an equal usage of elite specs in all three game modes if it was well balanced, as in Reaper in PvE is a lot different to PvP reaper because of the thing you fight.


That is and should not be possible unless you want to massively homogenize every single class. Some class/spec will be better or worse at different game modes because different game mode need different things. For example base thief is actually really good in PvP but useless in Raids because PvP has a lot more focus on mobility but PvE cares more about damage. This is never going to change because as you said the object you fight is different. I am perfectly fine with some specs be good at one mode but bad in others, because the alternative is homogenization.

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > > > > I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.

> > > >

> > > > and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P

> > >

> > > What are you even talking about. Reaper is plenty viable and has been buffed over and over again since PoF while scourge has been nerfed over and over again.

> > >

> > > In PvP solo queue, I would rather see Reaper or even core necro on my team than a scourge because of how reliant it is on support like FB. The only overwhelming strength of scourge is WvW blobbing and even there Reaper is plenty fine.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I don’t want to disregard specific things for game modes, but there should be an equal usage of elite specs in all three game modes if it was well balanced, as in Reaper in PvE is a lot different to PvP reaper because of the thing you fight.


> That is and should not be possible unless you want to massively homogenize every single class. Some class/spec will be better or worse at different game modes because different game mode need different things. For example base thief is actually really good in PvP but useless in Raids because PvP has a lot more focus on mobility but PvE cares more about damage. This is never going to change because as you said the object you fight is different. I am perfectly fine with some specs be good at one mode but bad in others, because the alternative is homogenization.


The issue however is the things are not balanced for multiple game modes, for example in PvE raiding, not being able to be healed in shroud means you either Lose dps above 50% health or you don't get healed, whereas in pvp it's fine as it's balanced there since you COULD in theory be a lot tankier than normal as players do not have the absurd amount of health as raid bosses.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i'm just hoping next balance patch has an overhaul to necro's defensive abilities


We are asking for proper/scaling defensive tools for Necro since literally 7 years, so don't get your hopes up.



Also just did a Hero point run on Scrapper just now for fun, soloing all the difficult PoF and HoT HP's, testing the new Traits etc., and it's essentially immortal unless you get straight up oneshot. In Full Zerker that is.

But yea, Reaper, which already actually had less sustain than Scourge, definitely needed a nerf. Especially one that in turn completely crippled it again in PvP.


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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> > > > > > I think someone in the Mesmer forum said it best, they are Killing all of the HOT specs so people will be forced to buy POF. I hope this isn't the case and they have a plan to fix this but it's looking more and more like that's exactly what they're doing.

> > > > >

> > > > > and then after everyone buys PoF THEN they bring out a new spec ( maybe why there is no expac between LS4 and LS5 ) and nerf PoF :P

> > > >

> > > > What are you even talking about. Reaper is plenty viable and has been buffed over and over again since PoF while scourge has been nerfed over and over again.

> > > >

> > > > In PvP solo queue, I would rather see Reaper or even core necro on my team than a scourge because of how reliant it is on support like FB. The only overwhelming strength of scourge is WvW blobbing and even there Reaper is plenty fine.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I don’t want to disregard specific things for game modes, but there should be an equal usage of elite specs in all three game modes if it was well balanced, as in Reaper in PvE is a lot different to PvP reaper because of the thing you fight.

> >

> > That is and should not be possible unless you want to massively homogenize every single class. Some class/spec will be better or worse at different game modes because different game mode need different things. For example base thief is actually really good in PvP but useless in Raids because PvP has a lot more focus on mobility but PvE cares more about damage. This is never going to change because as you said the object you fight is different. I am perfectly fine with some specs be good at one mode but bad in others, because the alternative is homogenization.


> The issue however is the things are not balanced for multiple game modes, for example in PvE raiding, not being able to be healed in shroud means you either Lose dps above 50% health or you don't get healed, whereas in pvp it's fine as it's balanced there since you COULD in theory be a lot tankier than normal as players do not have the absurd amount of health as raid bosses.


Is 90% health mate.


I don't think you realized this but Reapers have been playing with this for a very very long time. Soul eater was just introduced 3 months ago. Did everybody just forget to play with decimate defense suddenly?


When you are going to shroud, you should be doing an axe 2 while well of suffering and nightfall is ticking at the same time. Since soul eater still heals out of shroud, it would take a pretty lucky hit at the exact right moment for you to lose scholar. Hell if you want to remove that chance without a doubt, take the heal shout and use it before shroud. Do you know how much dps blood fiend do? 50-100.


This is completely overblown. I have been player pretty much nothing but power reaper in my raids and the amount of times where I am forced to go into shroud with less than 90% hp can be count in one hand.


In PvP you take decimate defense


> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > i'm just hoping next balance patch has an overhaul to necro's defensive abilities


> We are asking for proper/scaling defensive tools for Necro since literally 7 years, so don't get your hopes up.



> Also just did a Hero point run on Scrapper just now for fun, soloing all the difficult PoF and HoT HP's, testing the new Traits etc., and it's essentially immortal unless you get straight up oneshot. In Full Zerker that is.

> But yea, Reaper, which already actually had less sustain than Scourge, definitely needed a nerf. Especially one that in turn completely crippled it again in PvP.



If you are seriously suggesting scrapper is better than reaper in overworld then I don't know what to tell you. Plenty of classes are immortal in zerker gear, the point is how much damage/burst you do while being invincible. Reaper by far has one of the best self damage in overworld that scrapper can't really compete.


In PvP soul eater even prenerf was a niche choice at the most. Decimate Defense is meta still before and after the change. Just actually try to play PvP and you will see Reaper perform exactly the same as they did before in PvP.

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