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So, how far can the longbow shoot?


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> @"len.7809" said:

> I've been testing the longbow shooting range with a golem. Skills max range details are shown in the video.


> Shooting range is totally fine. No need for nerf.


Yep it hits from a mile away.... I'm sorry do you think those damage numbers are impressive?

They aren't.

That's why it hits from a mile away.

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> @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > I'm sorry do you think those damage numbers are impressive?

> I'm sorry, is 5k on an autoattack a low number?

Look all this whining every single day will not change anything, systems team already has pointed out, this is a design choice.

>@"balance patch notes" said:

>While we believe the builds and playstyles have a solid place in the game and don't want to take them out of play, certain elements are a bit too far over the edge.


As such this burst it is soulbeast desing choice, the same as thief is extremely bursty. It is a way to play which caters some players.

Just learn to deal with it.


And 5k autos is nothing compared to the 7k hammer autos from revenant which also pierce and is the lowest damage the weapon does.


Sicem is being adjusted not because of the whining but because as the balance team pointed out they wanted to aling the skill effect with some other similar skill from other classes.

>@"balance patch notes" said:

>The skill "Sic 'Em!" is providing a damage modifier that is significantly higher than any other single persistent bonus damage increase, so we're reducing the bonus to match >other similar skills in a competitive setting.

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Range isn't even that big of an issue in small scale pvp because of all of the invulnerabilities/damage mitigation, pre-combat stealths, projectile blocks/reflects, teleports and gap closers. Can't backpedal and maintain that range whilst also continuing to be offensive. Its only a second or two before you're forced to switch into defensive gameplay (in which case you're not attacking) or swap to another weapon.


At least against any half decent player.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Range isn't even that big of an issue in small scale pvp because of all of the invulnerabilities/damage mitigation, pre-combat stealths, projectile blocks/reflects, teleports and gap closers. Can't backpedal and maintain that range whilst also continuing to be offensive. Its only a second or two before you're forced to switch into defensive gameplay (in which case you're not attacking) or swap to another weapon.


> At least against any half decent player.


> ~ Kovu


Unbind backpedal now. Kite by turning tour body at an angle and running with strafe.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Look all this whining every single day will not change anything, systems team already has pointed out, this is a design choice.


Indeed, as pointed out long ago on the old forums. Oddly enough, something similar was done to Revenant's Hammer Bolt and it was labeled as a bug in the patch notes. So, I'm not sure what is Anet's stance on this _currently_. The staff isn't the same as it was before.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Range isn't even that big of an issue in small scale pvp because of all of the invulnerabilities/damage mitigation, pre-combat stealths, projectile blocks/reflects, teleports and gap closers. Can't backpedal and maintain that range whilst also continuing to be offensive. Its only a second or two before you're forced to switch into defensive gameplay (in which case you're not attacking) or swap to another weapon.

> >

> > At least against any half decent player.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Unbind backpedal now. Kite by turning tour body at an angle and running with strafe.


Unbind the 's' key? Not sure what you're referring to.

If I strafe at an angle longbow will stop firing -- rapid fire in particular is often interrupted. That's why if someone moves through me (often happens with thieves) and I'm in the middle of a rapid fire animation I'll (depending on the situation and incoming attack) take my hand off the movement keys entirely and let my character follow through on the attack on their own because I know that if I don't the attack'll be interrupted by no fault of my own or actions of my opponent, and placed on cooldown.

Moreover even if I strafe to the side I don't gain any more distance on someone trying to close the gap than I would moving backwards. On the contrary, they're likely to close the gap sooner. (This is assuming an open plane.) I've been suggesting movement-improvement ideas for the 'skirmishing' line to help mitigate this issue for years.


Also, strafing to the side doesn't help with all of the aforementioned counters (in my previous post) any more than backpedaling. Any competent player has negated the range advantage of longbow within a couple of seconds.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > Range isn't even that big of an issue in small scale pvp because of all of the invulnerabilities/damage mitigation, pre-combat stealths, projectile blocks/reflects, teleports and gap closers. Can't backpedal and maintain that range whilst also continuing to be offensive. Its only a second or two before you're forced to switch into defensive gameplay (in which case you're not attacking) or swap to another weapon.

> > >

> > > At least against any half decent player.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> >

> > Unbind backpedal now. Kite by turning tour body at an angle and running with strafe.


> Unbind the 's' key? Not sure what you're referring to.

> If I strafe at an angle longbow will stop firing -- rapid fire in particular is often interrupted. That's why if someone moves through me (often happens with thieves) and I'm in the middle of a rapid fire animation I'll (depending on the situation and incoming attack) take my hand off the movement keys entirely and let my character follow through on the attack on their own because I know that if I don't the attack'll be interrupted by no fault of my own or actions of my opponent, and placed on cooldown.

> Moreover even if I strafe to the side I don't gain any more distance on someone trying to close the gap than I would moving backwards. On the contrary, they're likely to close the gap sooner. (This is assuming an open plane.) I've been suggesting movement-improvement ideas for the 'skirmishing' line to help mitigate this issue for years.


> Also, strafing to the side doesn't help with all of the aforementioned counters (in my previous post) any more than backpedaling. Any competent player has negated the range advantage of longbow within a couple of seconds.


> ~ Kovu


I don't have backpedal bound at all. You can kite by turning your body but you have to use right mouse to turn your camera and keep target centered. Though when someone is really close it can be a nuisance at times. I actually can't think of a reason to ever actually backpedal. You move slower backpedaling than you do with any other form of motion. If it works for you it works, but I think it would benefit you long term to get used to strafing and keeping camera centered ^-^ As difficult as that may be at times. I also think turning with A and D is quite bad. There are separate keybinds for strafing. Just to make sure we're talking about the same keys here. I move with QWE and use mouse to turn.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > > Range isn't even that big of an issue in small scale pvp because of all of the invulnerabilities/damage mitigation, pre-combat stealths, projectile blocks/reflects, teleports and gap closers. Can't backpedal and maintain that range whilst also continuing to be offensive. Its only a second or two before you're forced to switch into defensive gameplay (in which case you're not attacking) or swap to another weapon.

> > > >

> > > > At least against any half decent player.

> > > >

> > > > ~ Kovu

> > >

> > > Unbind backpedal now. Kite by turning tour body at an angle and running with strafe.

> >

> > Unbind the 's' key? Not sure what you're referring to.

> > If I strafe at an angle longbow will stop firing -- rapid fire in particular is often interrupted. That's why if someone moves through me (often happens with thieves) and I'm in the middle of a rapid fire animation I'll (depending on the situation and incoming attack) take my hand off the movement keys entirely and let my character follow through on the attack on their own because I know that if I don't the attack'll be interrupted by no fault of my own or actions of my opponent, and placed on cooldown.

> > Moreover even if I strafe to the side I don't gain any more distance on someone trying to close the gap than I would moving backwards. On the contrary, they're likely to close the gap sooner. (This is assuming an open plane.) I've been suggesting movement-improvement ideas for the 'skirmishing' line to help mitigate this issue for years.

> >

> > Also, strafing to the side doesn't help with all of the aforementioned counters (in my previous post) any more than backpedaling. Any competent player has negated the range advantage of longbow within a couple of seconds.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> I don't have backpedal bound at all. You can kite by turning your body but you have to use right mouse to turn your camera and keep target centered. Though when someone is really close it can be a nuisance at times. I actually can't think of a reason to ever actually backpedal. You move slower backpedaling than you do with any other form of motion. If it works for you it works, but I think it would benefit you long term to get used to strafing and keeping camera centered ^-^ As difficult as that may be at times. I also think turning with A and D is quite bad. There are separate keybinds for strafing. Just to make sure we're talking about the same keys here. I move with QWE and use mouse to turn.


I mean, I'll give it a try. Its a pipedream of mine to be able to exert continued pressure while limiting an opponent's ability to close the gap _at the same time_. I'll try anything once. I don't suppose you know of any videos of this tactic used in open field or pvp?


~ Kovu

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1500 units plus correction for inflation.

It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.


A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.


But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> 1500 units plus correction for inflation.

> It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.


> A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

> What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

> Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.


> But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.


Damage increase with speed which equals to distance covered..somebody must have skipped his physics class, also we're talking about a middle ages rifle...no a modern sniper rifle and during middle ages, an arcing arrow would have of course covered more distance than a flintlock limited to 75 yards compared to 200 yards of longbow

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > 1500 units plus correction for inflation.

> > It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.

> >

> > A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

> > What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

> > Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.

> >

> > But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.


> Damage increase with speed which equals to distance covered..somebody must have skipped his physics class, also we're talking about a middle ages rifle...no a modern sniper rifle and during middle ages, an arcing arrow would have of course covered more distance than a flintlock limited to 75 yards compared to 200 yards of longbow


I don't wanna be nitpicky but the Predator looks pretty modern ish, and that seems to be a bolt rifle, not a flintlock one.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > 1500 units plus correction for inflation.

> > It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.

> >

> > A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

> > What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

> > Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.

> >

> > But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.


> Damage increase with speed which equals to distance covered..somebody must have skipped his physics class, also we're talking about a middle ages rifle...no a modern sniper rifle and during middle ages, an arcing arrow would have of course covered more distance than a flintlock limited to 75 yards compared to 200 yards of longbow


The damage comes from power in this game, and it doesn't affect the distance of projectiles. An arrow will reach the same distance whether it's aimed at a player at 600 units or at 1200, and whether you have 1000 power or 3000, something anyone can easily see with just bit of strafing to make projectiles go past you . This means they are fired with the same strength regardless of distance, and regardless of power.

We also know that arrows have way more drag than bullets, so they would stop before arrows, it doesn't matter if they are bullets with a simpler technology than ours, bullets still have less drag. A musket could reach over 1000m, a longbow would hardly pass 500m.


But that doesn't matter. What matters is that projectiles fired with an arc can reach past their range, but bullets fired in a straight line won't. It should be either or none, and they should have separate maximum ranges for targeting and for the distance the projectiles can reach. Past that maximum distance the projectile should always disappear for all attacks, not inconsistently for some and not others.


And GW2 doesn't have a medieval setting. It has a multicultural setting, with human culture in Kryta being between rural Romantic and Victorian, but charr are in more akin to the the industrial stage. And asura are way out into the future. They have freaking computers, they work with magic instead electricity, but they have computers, which can beat your computers.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > 1500 units plus correction for inflation.

> > > It would not be that bad if it other weapons could do the same.

> > >

> > > A thief rifle reaching further than it maximum targeting range makes more sense than an arrow doing it.

> > > What would make the most sense both for lore and balance, is having two ranges: The maximum range at which you can target, and the minimum range the projectiles can reach.

> > > Then making specially powerful ranged attacks 'easily interruptable in melee'. So getting hit with melee range attacks while trying to use them would interrupt them, or have a chance to interrupt them.

> > >

> > > But either way damage should decrease with distance, not increase like freaking Long Range Shot.

> >

> > Damage increase with speed which equals to distance covered..somebody must have skipped his physics class, also we're talking about a middle ages rifle...no a modern sniper rifle and during middle ages, an arcing arrow would have of course covered more distance than a flintlock limited to 75 yards compared to 200 yards of longbow


> The damage comes from power in this game, and it doesn't affect the distance of projectiles. An arrow will reach the same distance whether it's aimed at a player at 600 units or at 1200, and whether you have 1000 power or 3000, something anyone can easily see with just bit of strafing to make projectiles go past you . This means they are fired with the same strength regardless of distance, and regardless of power.

> We also know that arrows have way more drag than bullets, so they would stop before arrows, it doesn't matter if they are bullets with a simpler technology than ours, bullets still have less drag. A musket could reach over 1000m, a longbow would hardly pass 500m.


> But that doesn't matter. What matters is that projectiles fired with an arc can reach past their range, but bullets fired in a straight line won't. It should be either or none, and they should have separate maximum ranges for targeting and for the distance the projectiles can reach. Past that maximum distance the projectile should always disappear for all attacks, not inconsistently for some and not others.


> And GW2 doesn't have a medieval setting. It has a multicultural setting, with human culture in Kryta being between rural Romantic and Victorian, but charr are in more akin to the the industrial stage. And asura are way out into the future. They have freaking computers, they work with magic instead electricity, but they have computers, which can beat your computers.


Expecting an elite spec of class to completely "outclass" the main concept idea of an archetype( ranger ) which is the specialized ranged class and it has been so in every MMO since forever...sorry it doesn't work like that , thr 1500 range is one of ranger main perks and I don't understand why that is a problem...thieves have INI, mesmers have clones etc etc.


The 1500 range weapon is one of the benefits of playing a ranger, like it or hate it...won't matter


P.S https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_(character_class) The link explains the ranger archetype in MMOs


This link gives an example of another weapon rangers can use....**rifle** https://telarapedia.gamepedia.com/Ranger ...an idea which could be implemented in GW2 too with an elite spec, imagine an aoe rifle hunter...yeah

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:


> And 5k autos is nothing compared to the 7k hammer autos from revenant which also pierce and is the lowest damage the weapon does.


Yeah, that's cool, except incorrect.


Rounding up obv, the LB shots in the video were doing 5K @ 1.00 attack speed at 1800 (?) units away. Totally the same as Hammer Bolt which hits for around 5.5-6K @ 1.25 attack speed at 1200 units away. But please don't let facts get in the way of your bias. I get it though, if a ranger is foolish enough to try and stand and fight me at range, that usually leads with them heading back to spawn, and I recognize that can lead to bitterness. Rangers can also get piercing btw, just in case you didn't know about that, despite the several builds you have linked in your sig. Rangers can also get unblockable too - I hear that's good.


Moving on,


There was a video floating around at one point of someone comparing the range of Ranger Longbow to Deadeye Rifle - both of which were supposed to 1500 according to tooltips - but the Ranger could hit the DE while the Ranger remained out of range of the DE's rifle. This was raised as yet another indication that the long bow is 'broken'.


I think it's high time ANET fixed this issue, and just updated the tooltip to indicate LB has 1800 range (or whatever), just to troll those who complain about it constantly.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > You'd think the name would indicate it can attack from quite a distance...

> >

> > I mean you know... cuz it's called a RANGEr.


> That's not what ranger means. Surprised at how many people get this wrong.


No, but using that as an argument is no worse off than trying to use logic and realism to justify game balance, which is what this thread has turned into.


~ Kovu

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