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Strategy help on going about things.... first time playing

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I just bought both expansions and have 50 bucks in. I would like to have crafting maxed for weapons, hunting, and leatherworking. Im not sure how many bags of what I will need, how much inventory space, etc... I still havnt even found a banker yet. I don't mind dropping another 10 or twenty in the game but not much more than that. If I even need to. I would like to get a mount at some point also.


So I guess:

1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?

2) do I buy additional crafting bags with gems? Do I need them with only a few professions?

3) I will likely have an alt, so do I need to buy additional shared space with gems?


Anyway, wanted to cover some basics before I spend on needless things on the storefront. Also, let me know what I would need to spend some gems on.





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1) As a hoarder I say yes. I have maxed space and maxed shared slots and it's all *full*. (Of course a lot of it is unlocked skins that I don't want to dump and ANet so far won't let me convert to transmute charges). But there are people that get along fine with the default slots. Still, more room to hold your loot is more time to be out and about before you have to find a bank and/or vendor.

2) If by additional crafting bags you mean bags of mats, no, don't waste the gems, mats are easily obtained in game via drops, salvage, and spending gold on the TP.

3) We got along fine without any shared inventory for many years. It is a serious QoL increase, however, the more alts you have the more you want to easily transfer infinite gathering tools, ascended armor, and such. You can have in the ballpark of 70 alts, and some people do. The game is super alt friendly and every profession is worth trying out, so you may end up with more characters than you expected at the start.


For any gem purchases, I recommend you wait just a tiny bit. August is the game launch anniversary and they often have various sales. Check in game or in the stickied Gemstore News thread here daily for what's on sale (store reset is at 9 am Pacific, the thread is usually updated sometime in the half hour after that, and there will be news blogs on the main ANet page as well as tweets about the day's sales). You might get inventory space, useful gathering and salvage tools, Living Story chapters and more for solid discounts.


For a mount, you get those in game by playing PoF and Living Story Season 4. Mount skins come by various gem store means but are purely cosmetic.


To find a banker, go into any city. It will have a bag symbol on the map (eg Divinity Reach banker is up the ramp from the main gate). Or find any crafting station, they all have bank and wardrobe tabs, no matter where they are.


Welcome to GW2!

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My recommendation:

1) Eventually, but not yet. You'll get larger bags to place in your bag slots, these will be fine!

2) There are no crafting bags to buy with gems. Don't worry too much about crafting right away, you'll gather materials as you play, and purchase more from tge Trading Post.

3) Shared Inventory is very practical but far from necessary. Bank Slots are a likely purchase *in the future*. Again, not right away.

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1) No, you don't need it, but extra inventory space helps. Getting a copper fed salvageomatic in a shared inventory slot would probably be a better investment for clearing and creating inventory space long term across multiple characters.


2) Gems wont help you here. Buy a 12 slot bag from the trading post with gold. From there, start doing fractals. You can buy 20 slots for 200 tokens. Start collecting bandit weapons too, you get a 20 slot bag for collecting them.


3) don't buy an excess of bank slots or shared inventory. What you want is 2 or 3 bank material expansions. This will save you so much banking time and inventory space if your banked materials are capped at 750 to 1000.

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I've been here just over a year this time around, and my main has max huntsman and leatherwork, and I have alts with max tailor, cook, weapons, and jewelcraft.


The tailor makes bags for all the alts, and that's where I store all my extra stuff for now. I haven't bought any extra bank slots yet, just two character slots (one for weekly key run which you should get into the habit of doing) and a bag slot for my main. That's all the gem store stuff I've bought so far, though I do have my eye on things but haven't found the need to spend just yet.


I used a guide to show me how to get all the crafts to max, I don't have the link handy but you can look for it with "gw2 crafting guides" and I'm sure you 'll find it.


Start PoF to get your raptor, all your other characters can use it too. Run your main through the zones, collect as many mats of all types as you can, and when you're ready to start crafting you should have a good start. Do the dailies every day to build up your gold too. Hope this helps. :)



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A good tip for saving space when out adventuring is, salvage all you dont use press the cog at top right corner of your inventory and deposit all materials.

This will transport it to the material storage thats a separate window in your bank by default you can store 250 of each unrefined and refined material and you can use gemstore storage expanders to get a maximum of 2000, but thats not needed for quite awhile.

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Although everything is quality of life improvements and if you're rich and can afford it, why not. However these are the most useful I've found.


Buy what you need and you can always buy more later.

1. extra bank slots

2. shared inventory slots when you can afford them. I've 13 but don't need em all so probably 10 is good. Unless you're rich of course :) and need them for all the passes,etc.

3. Material Storage expansions. 1 expansion works for me. After, extra character slots would be more useful as most stuff that you accumulate alot of you can refine into upgraded versions(ores,planks,etc).

4. Copper fed salvage o matics (get the others(silver or rune) also if you can afford


Extra bag alots for a character I've not needed or found use for. Take your time and decide for yourself as some people find different qol more helpful than others.

You'll also probably want to create your own personal guild later and get 2 storage upgrades.


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I've been playing a couple years on the paid game (played a year free-to-play before that), and I'd recommend you wait and see. I haven't had to buy inventory space yet, though it would obviously help my main character out (her bags are really cluttered with stuff). So play for a while and see what it is you really want before you just blow twenty bucks on stuff that doesn't end up making you as happy as other things might have.


For myself, I prioritize the Gem Store items like this:


1. New character slot (I like having more character options more than other things, and I actually shelled out money for one of these)

2. Copper-fed Salvage-o'matic - repeatedly buying salvage kits over, and over, and OVER... is a real time waster in this game, and never having to carry basic salvage kits is lovely - put the Salvage-o'matic in one of those shared inventory slots you probably got when you bought an expansion, so none of your characters have to carry basic salvage kits anymore. You'll still want a stack of high quality salvage kits for the rare and exotic items though. I bought this.

3. I bought a glider skin I liked for cheap on sale at the gem store because the basic glider you get looks terrible and I got tired of looking at it. That's just me though.

4. I bought Living World Season 2 on sale - mainly because I really wanted to unlock the leg part of the Carapace Armor skin set, and that is literally the ONLY way you can get the legs.


That's all for stuff I did buy. Now here's what I probably would consider buying later.


1. Another character slot. I want a ranger.

2. Increased bank space. I think increased bank space is better than increased character inventory space since it impacts your entire account. Buying increased character inventory space only works for that one character.

3. Once I decide on a main character - and I still haven't really - I would go for some character inventory expansion. Helps for farming.

4. About three shared inventory slots would be nice at some point, so I can fill each with another gem store purchase - an automatic mining tool, gathering tool, and wood gathering tool. Same concept as the Copper-fed Salvage-o'matic. Buying mining picks and axes and sickles ALL THE FREAKING TIME is a time-waster and really inconvenient. Right now I haven't bothered because I'm still buying special tools with Karma in Living World Season 3 maps to help farm unbound magic and grab Ascended trinkets, rings and back items for my characters.


That's about it for my own wish list. I don't care about gem store outfits, because I hate that you can't swap the legs, chest, gloves and mix and match. I don't like being forced to wear an entire outfit. I don't care about mount skins as much as my own character's look. I hate, hate, HATE immersion-breaking minis, and one cool glider skin is enough (just so long as I don't have to look at the ugly basic glider the game gives you). Increasing material storage to 500 might be worthwhile at some point, but really, I sell materials once they hit stacks of 250 on the Trading Post, so it doesn't make a lot of sense for me right now.

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> @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> If the plan is to only use 2 toons. is it worth it to buy the crafting add on from gem store? that way each toon gets 4 crafting selections, or is two each enough?


Personally I don't think the additional crafting licenses are worth it. You can have all the crafting disciplines on the same character if you want or spread them across a few characters but only 2 active at a time on the same character. It only cost 50 silver to switch active maxed disciplines (10 copper per level) and it doesn't take much effort to get 50 silver. By the time you find yourself doing max crafting spending 50 silver to switch active disciplines is something you may not really notice and you probably won't find yourself switching that often anyway. I have most of my max crafting across 2 characters and it has never been an issue to the point where I considered buying those extra licenses.

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ahh, cool didn't know that, thought I could only have two period. also that salv o matic sounds like it might be ok. and from what im seeing about inventory bags, looks like I can craft those as well. then its just a matter of bank space if I have a couple three toons. cool, not bad for 50 bucks I must say. thanks all, was helpful I would have blown some funds on some needless stuff, thanks again.

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> @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> So I guess:

> 1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?

> 2) do I buy additional crafting bags with gems? Do I need them with only a few professions?

> 3) I will likely have an alt, so do I need to buy additional shared space with gems?


1) Not necessary, it will help but it's more important to get bigger bags (eg. 20 slots bag/box) for gold over values reason imo. Do take note that "bag slot expansion" upgrade is character bound, the upgrade can and will be deleted along with the character (if you decide to one day). "Bank slot expansion" is account wide, again not necessary but it will help.


2) Can't purchase bags with gems from trading post (unless converted to gold), and as mentioned above.


3) Bag slot expansion; Yes. Bank expansion is account wide and shared by all characters; No.


Personally, I bought character expansion and equipped my alts with 20 slot bags acting as portable "Banks". Its a cheaper method to solve bag and bank slots issues, getting an alt to play with as bonus :wink:.

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> @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> If the plan is to only use 2 toons. is it worth it to buy the crafting add on from gem store? that way each toon gets 4 crafting selections, or is two each enough?


No. You can always deactivate a crafting prof and re-activate it later without losing anything. And if you plan to make 2 characters you may end up with far more than 2 characters.

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For inventory space I'd recommend trying something like 15 slot bags as they should provide a fair amount of space without being too costly. It can also help having a safe/invisible, oiled and craftsman bag as that will to some extent organise the drops you pick up.

A shared slot may also come in handy for a Copper-Fed Salvage O' Matic rather than using an assortment of 25 use salvage kits.


For crafting, you should be able to have up to two active crafting disiplines and be able to swap them in and out for 50s a time.


As for storage space, alts can work but personally I'd get an extra bank tab or two when you see the need for it and extend your material storage a bit.


With the banker thing, there should be one at the octopus in Lion's Arch amongst other places. It should show up as a bag on the map.


As for mounts, you should get your first one in the first instance upon arriving in the Crystal Desert via a story step after completing the first task there.

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> @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> 1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?


With the new drop system and [32-slot bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag "32-slot bags"), not necessarily. However, over time you will appreciate more inventory space. I suggest you wait until that time comes for you. No need to be hasty about it. :)


> 2) do I buy additional crafting bags with gems? Do I need them with only a few professions?


I don't quite understand. Do you mean crafted bags? They aren't available at the Gem Store.


> 3) I will likely have an alt, so do I need to buy additional shared space with gems?


Depends on which items you already own that are of use for each character. I suggest you don't buy anything until you feel you really need it. Shared Slots and inventory bag space, as well as additional bank tabs, are available for purchase throughout the whole year - they even are on sale every now and then, so no need to hurry.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> > 1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?


> With the new drop system and [32-slot bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag "32-slot bags"), not necessarily. However, over time you will appreciate more inventory space. I suggest you wait until that time comes for you. No need to be hasty about it. :)


While 32-slot bags are cool, they're a higher per-slot cost than trading gold to gems to buy a bag slot, and getting a 20-slot bag on the TP.


Assuming starting with 20-slot bags in all slots, upgrading one to 32-slot is approximately 110 gold for 12 more inventory slots, or just over **9g/slot**.

Buying 400 gems is about 135g, plus 10g for the bag is approx 145g for 20 more slots, or just over **7g/slot**.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> > > 1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?

> >

> > With the new drop system and [32-slot bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag "32-slot bags"), not necessarily. However, over time you will appreciate more inventory space. I suggest you wait until that time comes for you. No need to be hasty about it. :)


> While 32-slot bags are cool, they're a higher per-slot cost than trading gold to gems to buy a bag slot, and getting a 20-slot bag on the TP.


> Assuming starting with 20-slot bags in all slots, upgrading one to 32-slot is approximately 110 gold for 12 more inventory slots, or just over **9g/slot**.

> Buying 400 gems is about 135g, plus 10g for the bag is approx 145g for 20 more slots, or just over **7g/slot**.


Thanks for doing the math. Yes, it's costly for sure. I still prefer larger bags than too many bag slots, though, as I like to keep my inventory window relatively small and the scrolling can get tedious.

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If you're just starting, I'd suggest saving your gems to buy Living World seasons, at least Season 4 (end of the current story thus far). Especially if you are into the story aspect, the Living World fills in what happens between the main story and Heart of Thorns (Living World Season 2 - Season 1 is no longer available but you will get a recap), between Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire (Living World Season 3), and as I mentioned above, what happens after Path of Fire (Living World Season 4). Since you have both expansions, you will get Season 5 once it comes out, as long as you log in.

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Tldr: there is no tldr...




In general play the game before going wild on the gemstore. But some I do find useful, and bought for my second account:

* Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic (best conveniences in the game)

* Endless Gathering Tools (Same as above. "Unbreakable Gathering Tools" cheapest and gets the job done.)


Very nice QoL, but not first priority. Basically figure out what you need them for before putting money at them:

* Bank Tab Expansion

* Character Slot Expansion

* Shared Inventory Slot

* Storage Expander

* Home Portal Stone (Subjective, personally use it a lot)


For example Shared Inventory slots are very useful for putting the copper-fed salvager into, and also the endless gathering tools if you run 2+ characters, so you can easy move them between characters.


Also thumbs up for Storage Expander, makes life easier.




About skins and looks: Most players are going to want some skins/looks early on, if you're one of those then consider it with long term planning. Aim to pick one of each, and decide before hand which ones you want, and how long you're willing to wait for them etc:


* 1 outfit (since you can use it while leveling without using transmutation charges, and on all characters. Pick one you'll enjoy for 80 levels).

* 1 glider skin (because the default one is ugly)

* 1 mount skin (probably the raptor, since its the easiest to unlock)




What to avoid using gems on, at least for now: Character storage.


Basically you start with 4 "bag slots" from the get go, and you can get larger bags. The easiest way is honestly to just gather gold and buy them off the TradePost, look for some cheap 10 slots to start with, and then look at 15 or 18 slots later on as they're usually good value compared to price. The highest you can buy is 20 slots and they tend to cost a bit more. (And you can give them to the next character once you get the 20 slot bags for your main).



* End-game possible to get larger than 20 slot bags, not something worth considering just yet. Most players can manage just fine with 4x 20 slot bags.

* All 8-10-12-15-18-20 slot bags are crafted, and sold by players on TP. The major cost of crafting a bag is the "rune of holding", which in most cases are 95% of the price that you buy it off from the TP anyways. So usually you don't save much, if any, money on crafting it over buying it. Yes it sounds weird, get used to it.

* There are "general" bags, and specialized bags that gather specific stuff for you, helps you sorting. Some like it, others hate it. Personally I like running 1 of each bag type (Equipment, Trash, Mats, Hidden). Use "/wiki bags" in-game to read up on them and what they do.




Other notes:

* Personally really enjoyed the extra crafting licenses, so I fit all crafts onto 2 characters. But the majority dislike them, and on the whole probably not worth the money.

* I'd personally also avoid crafting early on, you level faster than you can keep up with mats to create useful stuff for your first character, and if buying mats it end up a pretty big gold sink. You can buy most craft-able things on the TP for close to the cost of buying the mats to craft them anyways. The main reason people level it is for endgame items (ascended and legendary).

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If you want to do crafting, I highly suggest getting the stack size boost. There will be materials you will accumulate more than 250 of. Otherwise, if you want to run the story more or less through, you're going to want to get the Living Worlds packs. Living Worlds 3 especially has some story content that PoF kind of assumes you know about.

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