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Infusion effects in PvP?


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I'm guessing (total guess here) that infusion are independant of armor skin so ... using standard models will change your skin but might not remove the effect of infusion either way ...


Maybe ... so it would have to be changed to remove infusion when activated. Maybe it 's too big the effort and we know that sometimes infusions are getting out of control.

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Currently, all infusions are implemented as an upgrade to weapons or armor or trinkets. In PvP, all stats derive from the PvP Amulet & Sigil.


So to allow infusions in PvP, either the aura effect has to be moved into the wardrobe (which might then limit some of the effects, including on-swap and overlaps) or some other mechanic needs to be setup to make it possible.


So while it's possible, it's just nowhere near as easy as flpping a switch.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> I'm guessing (total guess here) that infusion are independant of armor skin so ... using standard models will change your skin but might not remove the effect of infusion either way ...


> Maybe ... so it would have to be changed to remove infusion when activated. Maybe it 's too big the effort and we know that sometimes infusions are getting out of control.


WvW is the answer to this. I don't believe that's how it works. I think standard models wipe infusions.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

It's not something we're necessarily opposed to. But as others have noted, because of the unique way gear/stats and such are handled in PvP, it's not a simple "toggle this button" type fix. Additionally, if we did this, we'd definitely need to ensure that standard enemy models removes the infusion effect, given how loud they are. In on our long list of "someday maybe" changes, but not high on the list.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's not something we're necessarily opposed to. But as others have noted, because of the unique way gear/stats and such are handled in PvP, it's not a simple "toggle this button" type fix. Additionally, if we did this, we'd definitely need to ensure that standard enemy models removes the infusion effect, given how loud they are. In on our long list of "someday maybe" changes, but not high on the list.


Ben, given that many folks work hundreds of hours to acquire infusions, and that infusions are a main driver for event participation (top lootbox drops), don't you feel it would encourage cross-mode gameplay? Something that healthy for PvP seems like a worthwhile investment.


While I understand and acknowledge it's not as easy as toggling a button, I work close to this realm, and I don't think it would take more than two weeks for a capable team to implement. Albeit it know it's not a top priority, but — bear with me — if it's something that benefits multiple game modes, why not knock it out?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's not something we're necessarily opposed to. But as others have noted, because of the unique way gear/stats and such are handled in PvP, it's not a simple "toggle this button" type fix. Additionally, if we did this, we'd definitely need to ensure that standard enemy models removes the infusion effect, given how loud they are. In on our long list of "someday maybe" changes, but not high on the list.

While you are at it:

Auras of legendary armours also effects standard models.

And in WvW it is possible to avoid standard models _(including the standard weapons)_ by using a _(combat)_ transformation tonics – making standard models useless, since this way it is possible to run around as a Charr, Asura etc. again with all its flaws _(effect size, animation)_.

And riding a mount/Warclaw overrides the standard weapons, too.


By the way: You still remember, why you introduced the standard models, don’t you? Too many effects and bling bling on a character was one of the reasons you failed in esports and ESL. Now, you are re-introducing all this with no option, to turn them off client sided.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> Ben, given that many folks work hundreds of hours to acquire infusions, and that infusions are a main driver for event participation (top lootbox drops),

No matter how many hours that is, it's dwarfed by changes that would benefit the entire community. Only a fraction of players have infusions and only a tiny fraction of those also PvP. In contrast, there are a slew of other requests (including those that are just visual).


Not every good idea is going to get the dev time it deserves.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's not something we're necessarily opposed to. But as others have noted, because of the unique way gear/stats and such are handled in PvP, it's not a simple "toggle this button" type fix. Additionally, if we did this, we'd definitely need to ensure that standard enemy models removes the infusion effect, given how loud they are. In on our long list of "someday maybe" changes, but not high on the list.


If infusion effects are to obtrusive, why was aurora and vision changed in today's patch to be displayed? They are just as noisy and are still displayed if standard player models are enabled. Maybe you updated the standard player models to now hide vision and aurora, I didn't test it yet, but nothing in the patch notes hints that this is the case.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > Ben, given that many folks work hundreds of hours to acquire infusions, and that infusions are a main driver for event participation (top lootbox drops),

> No matter how many hours that is, it's dwarfed by changes that would benefit the entire community. Only a fraction of players have infusions and only a tiny fraction of those also PvP. In contrast, there are a slew of other requests (including those that are just visual).


> Not every good idea is going to get the dev time it deserves.


My point is the small change will boost cross-gamemode play, which benefits the company a great deal.


For myself, I don't really care anymore. I used to have ember infusions, Aurilliums, Pospholums, ect. I sold them all because I stopped WvW almost entirely. That's my favorite part about infusions, you can sell them when you're done with them. The only thing I still have is a full set of ghostlies.


I'll buy them all back, and possibly even some gems to gold, if they implement in PvP, which I view as my main game mode. Might even make my guild do more events together, too, for the PvE boxes.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> My point is the small change will boost cross-gamemode play, which benefits the company a great deal.

(1) it's not a small change and (2) whatever boost it might be still won't compare to the boost that other changes could have, given that they'll interest more people


Put it another way: how many people do you think would start (or restart) PvPing if this change were made?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > My point is the small change will boost cross-gamemode play, which benefits the company a great deal.

> (1) it's not a small change and (2) whatever boost it might be still won't compare to the boost that other changes could have, given that they'll interest more people


> Put it another way: how many people do you think would start (or restart) PvPing if this change were made?


1- In the scheme of things, it's actually very small. It's not a switch you flip, but it's code that's already implemented into the game. It has to be massaged and tested and then rolled out, but it's nothing compared to adding a new map -- let's be real here.

2- That's subjective. What other changes are in play? More than a story/espisode/festival being released, yeah more people will play that. But if as a side project this gets rolled out, then you'll have more cross platform participation IN those rollouts.

3- For the most part, people won't react to this change. People who have infusions will continue to use them and enjoy them. People who don't have them and don't like them will continue to use standard models (if you weren't already using them for the asurans, you're not in competitive play). People who always wanted them but never had them before will begin to go for them. Per the rules of every change, you'll get one or two debbie downers who take to the forum to complain, and then forget about it in a week or two. Standard models exist for a reason.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> 1- In the scheme of things, it's actually very small. It's not a switch you flip, but it's code that's already implemented into the game.

The developer just posted that it's not code already implemented in the game because PvP gear works differently.



> but it's nothing compared to adding a new map -- let's be real here.

Yes, let's be real: it's more effort than you've estimated and you admit it won't impact that many people.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > 1- In the scheme of things, it's actually very small. It's not a switch you flip, but it's code that's already implemented into the game.

> The developer just posted that it's not code already implemented in the game because PvP gear works differently.



> > but it's nothing compared to adding a new map -- let's be real here.

> Yes, let's be real: it's more effort than you've estimated and you admit it won't impact that many people.




It won't negatively impact many people, and maybe it will keep around some of a dying population. Seems worth it to me.


It's not more work than I've estimated unless Ben comes in and says: Nex, you're wrong.


I estimated it would take a sprint (2 weeks) for a targeted fix. No way it takes longer.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > 1- In the scheme of things, it's actually very small. It's not a switch you flip, but it's code that's already implemented into the game.

> > The developer just posted that it's not code already implemented in the game because PvP gear works differently.

> >

> >

> > > but it's nothing compared to adding a new map -- let's be real here.

> > Yes, let's be real: it's more effort than you've estimated and you admit it won't impact that many people.

> >

> >


> It won't negatively impact many people, and maybe it will keep around some of a dying population. Seems worth it to me.


> It's not more work than I've estimated unless Ben comes in and says: Nex, you're wrong.


> I estimated it would take a sprint (2 weeks) for a targeted fix. No way it takes longer.


Scoring this change with other seemingly pressing issues/updates, this doesn't even make the cut. This gets put into the backlog and not touched for a while.

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