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New Dark Path feedback


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#sPvP usage:


In spvp - **it's a straight up nerf to already terrible skill.** The long cast time and terrible projectile speed are still here, while the tracking was lost.

In most cases if you target did not avoid it, it's due to the fact that it charged and cc'd you (blinds included) before you even got around to launching it.


**I think a-net misunderstands what this skill is**.

Dark Path has at least 3 major roles:


**1. Pursuit.**

You don't chase slow targets, you chase the fast ones. Obviously chasing skill must be fast itself to have any meaning.

**2. Boon Corrupt.**

If slotted with path of corruption it's an aoe corrupt. But corrupting is a **counter** mechanic. It is reactionary, especially if you're in clunky shroud which is usually popped when they are in your face and you're trying to survive, and corrupt as a means of defense (get a fear outta their stab, or at least weakness out of their mights).

**3. Kiting.**

Now that teleport to enemy part is separate from applying the chill, it can also be used to kite. But again kiting shouldn't be this slow, especially given how necro's disengage sucks and he is very short on ways to quickly build distance between him and pursuer.


Currently the skill fails at all three in competitive.


#PvE usage:


In PvE it actually does fine. The smalll radius is bit troublesome - you want to bunch up your enemies for it, but then again bunching up in melee on a core necro that is cc vulnerable is a bit ..not optimal. Tbh i would much rather see it bounce from target to target letting it be a ranged tool (with option to gapclose) rather then be forced to use spectral grasp pulling lots of mobs into my face. Should these mobs be cc heavy, it may be a pain...



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if you cast it at max range combined with the cast time and slow moving projectile it take about 2 sec to reach the target , and the enemy can avoid it by just walking in the opposite direction (doesn't even need to dodge) .

Anet over killed it with the cast time and slow moving projectile .

it's their new trend of making every thing on necro slow and useless ( remember focus 4 , and Grasping Darkness with the last patch both changed to slower attack ).

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> if you cast it at max range combined with the cast time and slow moving projectile it take about 2 sec to reach the target , and the enemy can avoid it by just walking in the opposite direction (doesn't even need to dodge) .

And eats at least 2 life blasts for about 8k damage while doing so...


> Anet over killed it with the cast time and slow moving projectile .

> it's their new trend of making every thing on necro slow and useless ( remember focus 4 , and Grasping Darkness with the last patch both changed to slower attack ).

When reading the comments about core necro and dark path I get the impression that no one plays core necro on a high level.


1) Why would you want to teleport to a target at 1200 range when your strongest and safest attack is a 1200 range projectile.

2) Isn't baiting a dodge with dark path when your target wants to close the gap a good strategy?

3) Ever heard of doom (shroud3) to fear your target right before dark path connects to deny a dodge?

4) A skill on a 6 second cooldown has to have some miss potential if it is so strong like dark path (aoe, damage, corrupt, chill, bleed, shadowstep).

5) If you really want to teleport to your target, you have at least 2 chances to land dark path in one shroud uptime because the cooldown is very low.

7) Use it strategically and cast it into a blocking target since it's unblockable. Blocking targets don't dodge!

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The projectile speed is far too slow for the intended purpose of the skill, chasing, but yet everything is sluggish in Death Shroud, so I guess it's consistent.


The tracking is non-existent as the projectile goes in a straight line and can easily be avoided. Furthermore I've seen the projectile going into the ground while having a target, so it's clearly buggy.


Transforming the skill from a projectile to a shadowstep would make the skill way more useful. And overall Death Shroud, but also core Necromancer traits/skills, don't need cooldown reduction or improvements, but a complete rework because they're sluggish and don't offer much compared to newer designed traits and skills.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > if you cast it at max range combined with the cast time and slow moving projectile it take about 2 sec to reach the target , and the enemy can avoid it by just walking in the opposite direction (doesn't even need to dodge) .

> And eats at least 2 life blasts for about 8k damage while doing so...


> > Anet over killed it with the cast time and slow moving projectile .

> > it's their new trend of making every thing on necro slow and useless ( remember focus 4 , and Grasping Darkness with the last patch both changed to slower attack ).

> When reading the comments about core necro and dark path I get the impression that no one plays core necro on a high level.


> 1) Why would you want to teleport to a target at 1200 range when your strongest and safest attack is a 1200 range projectile.

> 2) Isn't baiting a dodge with dark path when your target wants to close the gap a good strategy?

> 3) Ever heard of doom (shroud3) to fear your target right before dark path connects to deny a dodge?

> 4) A skill on a 6 second cooldown has to have some miss potential if it is so strong like dark path (aoe, damage, corrupt, chill, bleed, shadowstep).

> 5) If you really want to teleport to your target, you have at least 2 chances to land dark path in one shroud uptime because the cooldown is very low.

> 7) Use it strategically and cast it into a blocking target since it's unblockable. Blocking targets don't dodge!


You are telling others how to use crap skill instead of suggesting the skill to not be crap. What you are saying is correct but thats not what this conversation is about.

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I was actually going to make a post about this myself. For pvp and wvw its literally a shadow nerf or feels like one. The skill is considerably worse than what it was before as it now can be dodged by your target simply changing direction (in most cases unconsciously) causing the skill to miss completely.


You can use it more often but it will now miss more often as well.


This is 2019 we should not be seeing new skills come into the game that track with the same code as

Necromancer staff auto

The old focus 4 reapers touch


Skills like these which are slow, move in a straight line on a path assuming where the target will be a ARE VERY VERY BAD for PvP where people will make tons of movements that you cannot predict and skills that track like this cannot accurately predict them either.


From a Mechanical stand point

The quality of life of the skill not force porting you in to danger is an improvement

Removing the skills tracking and replacing it with a code that attempts to guess at where your target will be after a set time IS NOT an improvement.


Even in pve the old skill would never miss an AI mob unless that mob was doing an evade action. This skill has the potental to miss even PVE AI if they armoving at the cast of the skill but stop moving as the hand is flying. The hand is already on a set path to where it was assuming the monster would be based on the movements it was making at the end of the cast. This results in the hand flying oddly off to the left or right and missing completely


In pvp and wvw this is CONSIDERABLY WORSE


This skill either needs to have its tracking reverted or they need to take a good look at necromancers offhand focus 4 skill and copy that onto Dark path! That is how the skill should track.


I dont approve of this skill in any game mode right now simply because it can miss and it wont be the casters fault that it misses for using it at the wrong time. IT will miss because its using outdated tracking code that attempts to guess where a target will be based on their movements at exactly the end of your cast. If the target is not where the skill estimated them to be because they stopped moving in that direction in the slightest bit the skill will fly off and miss.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > if you cast it at max range combined with the cast time and slow moving projectile it take about 2 sec to reach the target , and the enemy can avoid it by just walking in the opposite direction (doesn't even need to dodge) .

> And eats at least 2 life blasts for about 8k damage while doing so...


> > Anet over killed it with the cast time and slow moving projectile .

> > it's their new trend of making every thing on necro slow and useless ( remember focus 4 , and Grasping Darkness with the last patch both changed to slower attack ).

> When reading the comments about core necro and dark path I get the impression that no one plays core necro on a high level.


you are missing the point



> 1) Why would you want to teleport to a target at 1200 range when your strongest and safest attack is a 1200 range projectile.


We are not concerned with the teleport that part is fine we like that part its a very nice improvement to the skill


> 2) Isn't baiting a dodge with dark path when your target wants to close the gap a good strategy?


No because one of your critical traits causes that skill to corrupt boons and if you are speaking pvp (because you brought up baiting dodges) corrupting boons IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL IN TODAYS META for necormancer sustain and survival especially on core


> 3) Ever heard of doom (shroud3) to fear your target right before dark path connects to deny a dodge?


Are you aware that if the target breaks the fear right now and moves in any direction the skill will miss (without them having to dodge) which is the main issue we are talking about


> 4) A skill on a 6 second cooldown has to have some miss potential if it is so strong like dark path (aoe, damage, corrupt, chill, bleed, shadowstep).


The old version was what 8 seconds and did all of these things with superb tracking and was considerably much better off because it actually required a foe to dodge it.

Also by your definition you are saying it should have been nerfed because it was too strong ( do you really play at the high level i dont think you do)


> 5) If you really want to teleport to your target, you have at least 2 chances to land dark path in one shroud uptime because the cooldown is very low.


Thats not the point most people wont use the teleport unless they feel like they can end the fight thats the whole point of breaking the forced port away from the skill.


> 7) Use it strategically and cast it into a blocking target since it's unblockable. Blocking targets don't dodge!


Once again this was already a thing with the previous skill so what your real reasoning for fighting the idea that removing the tracking made it considerably worse


You clearly cant play at the high level because the things you are spewing dont make sense. Everyone knows these combos and facts you are stating yet you are sitting here claiming that the skill needed to have flaw wiggle room because its to strong for doing the things it already did in its previous version.


1 it was an optional shadow step from the get go

2 it accurately forced a foe to dodge to avoid it because it was sure to hit and cause issues if you allowed it to do so

3 it now can be avoided by simply changing direction slightly which most players will do while in combat without really thinking about it (think about the old reapers touch on focus 4

4 to accurately land it now you will need to be much closer generally to your foe I can promise you in pvp you will not accurately land the new dark pat as often as its older version at 1200 range.

5 its literally just like the necro staff auto let some one staff auto you and step side to side and watch what happens thats what dark path does right now.



Return tracking to the skills projectile

Edit scratch that just return its tracking im rather furious about this

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The tracking problem is big with this skill. If the foe is at range and moving (pvp) it will in 95% times not hit it. Whats the point of it being range skill then? I guess if it was instant skill maybe wouldnt be a problem. But wasting those precious seconds to cast it and for it to do nothing can be problematic in clutch duels. Also no fun having from it if its unreliable, even if new aoe/port is amazing.

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Necro is intended to be stronk on paper but not work in reality.


Its roleplay class, you pretend to play gw2 with reactive fluent combat and instant casts, but in reality you are a gypsy lady precasting everything and hoping it hits at appropriate time.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> The old version was what 8 seconds and did all of these things with superb tracking and was considerably much better off because it actually required a foe to dodge it.

> Also by your definition you are saying it should have been nerfed because it was too strong ( do you really play at the high level i dont think you do)


The old version had a 15 second CD.

All in all this new shrd#2 just need to be used differently than it was before. You "arm" it at close range and use the teleport ability if your foe run away from you. I just find that the CD on the first part (_dark path_) a bit high and that chill ought to be tied to the second part (_dark pursuit_).

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > The old version was what 8 seconds and did all of these things with superb tracking and was considerably much better off because it actually required a foe to dodge it.

> > Also by your definition you are saying it should have been nerfed because it was too strong ( do you really play at the high level i dont think you do)


> The old version had a 15 second CD.

> All in all this new shrd#2 just need to be used differently than it was before. You "arm" it at close range and use the teleport ability if your foe run away from you. I just find that the CD on the first part (_dark path_) a bit high and that chill ought to be tied to the second part (_dark pursuit_).


The pathing fail potential is too high without tracking. The old methods relied on tracking for completion. The new method is just RNG and that is not a skill. Close range is great but "Dark Pursuit" is not a mobility skill if it's outcome is a wild gamble.


Arenanet saying, "the odds are worse but you can try it more," is bad design.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > The old version was what 8 seconds and did all of these things with superb tracking and was considerably much better off because it actually required a foe to dodge it.

> > Also by your definition you are saying it should have been nerfed because it was too strong ( do you really play at the high level i dont think you do)


> The old version had a 15 second CD.

> All in all this new shrd#2 just need to be used differently than it was before. You "arm" it at close range and use the teleport ability if your foe run away from you. I just find that the CD on the first part (_dark path_) a bit high and that chill ought to be tied to the second part (_dark pursuit_).


that defeats the purpose of making breaking the port away from the skill i dont see why this was needed tbh

The fact that spectral grasp and scorpion wire now have a higher hit accuracy simply because their projectiles are faster (despite tracking the in the same way) saddens me.


Dark path is now the equivalent of a slightly faster staff atuo attack in terms of accuracy aka its not very accurate. I would rather have the old version at least it was accurate. Required a foe to dodge it to avoided it rather than them move unconsciously slightly in any direction and the skill miss beyond 600 range some times even closer than that.


Core necromancer improvements that dont make it any more effective than it previously was and shadow nerf to Dark path...

Congrats core necormancer just took 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Just when i was hoping so badly that this change would be a dream come true its a total failure.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > The old version was what 8 seconds and did all of these things with superb tracking and was considerably much better off because it actually required a foe to dodge it.

> > > Also by your definition you are saying it should have been nerfed because it was too strong ( do you really play at the high level i dont think you do)

> >

> > The old version had a 15 second CD.

> > All in all this new shrd#2 just need to be used differently than it was before. You "arm" it at close range and use the teleport ability if your foe run away from you. I just find that the CD on the first part (_dark path_) a bit high and that chill ought to be tied to the second part (_dark pursuit_).


> The pathing fail potential is too high without tracking. The old methods relied on tracking for completion. The new method is just RNG and that is not a skill. Close range is great but "Dark Pursuit" is not a mobility skill if it's outcome is a wild gamble.


> Arenanet saying, "the odds are worse but you can try it more," is bad design.


^ This


And people should not be defending it by saying "You just need to use it while being close now or it requires a different play style" and then naming a play style the the old one forced you into anyways but at least it was accurate. Ideally there was no reason to remove the tracking form this skill.


Even with the all the other buffs to core necormancer its still no real compeitition to any of the elite specs. All they have done here is making me want to give core less time because they have ruined a skills accuracy for no real reason. They fixed focus 4 skill to be proper and accurate and then they take dark path and give it the same issues the old focus 4 skill had. WE BEGGED FOR YEARS about how inaccurate the old focus 4 was unless you used it up close which made it pointless despite its 1200 range potential. Why on earth would anyone think that we would want a skill like that to come back in any form let alone one in core shroud.


I simply cant understand how anyone defends this change.

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I'm not defending the change, I'm saying that you have to use this skill differently now to unearth it's potential which is roughly the same as before. Because, the previous _dark path_ was just as unreliable when it come to connect to a foe despite the tracking.


Now PvE wise it's a huge buff, the skill become 33% more effective. As for PvP/WvW, if you care to adapt to the change (which I doubt when I see how pessimist the answers are) the skill become pretty good against slipery foes that like to hit and run. Sure the necromancer lose an unreliable super slow tracking projectile but anyway, it was rare to ever land this skill when your target was beyond 600 range. Also, against a zerg you'll also have an almost garantee hit which will damage 5 foes instead of just 1.


There is plenty of positive points in this "rework" even if nobody want to accept it. You all judge the skill at it's performance in an hypothetic duel where you'd just want to use the skill to catch up to a foe that don't even try to engage you. We all know that the necromancer is a bad duelist and yet you still judge the rework of the skill on a duelist basis... There is no point, just look at it for what it does and exploit it's potential, don't limit yourself to your expectations and dismiss a skill because it doesn't meet them.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'm not defending the change, I'm saying that you have to use this skill differently now to unearth it's potential which is roughly the same as before.


Before the enemy had easy time running outta it's range. Now he just needs to take a step to the side. Unless he hates change, then running outta range works just as well as before...


> Because, the previous _dark path_ was just as unreliable when it come to connect to a foe despite the tracking.


No. Previous Dark path was unreliable. This dark path is beyond unreliable.


> Now PvE wise it's a huge buff, the skill become 33% more effective. As for PvP/WvW, if you care to adapt to the change (which I doubt when I see how pessimist the answers are) the skill become pretty good against slipery foes that like to hit and run.


Good against slippery foes? How?? Last time i checked slightest movement from enemy means a miss. and it's just as slow as it was before. Just how is that good vs slippery foes?


> Sure the necromancer lose an unreliable super slow tracking projectile


He didn't lose the supe slow and unreliable part. In fact the latter got buffed. He just lost the tracking part.


> but anyway, it was rare to ever land this skill when your target was beyond 600 range. Also, against a zerg you'll also have an almost garantee hit which will damage 5 foes instead of just 1.


Maybe in WvW, because in pvp, the zerg **is on you**. Necro gets focused first, that's a law of physics by now in spvp. And let's not forget crucial detail here. This is a core necro exclusive skill. You're not a scourge who sits on point protected by fb, nor a reaper that by default fights in their face. You're the core nec, the most vulnerable of the 3 to melee attackers...


> There is plenty of positive points in this "rework" even if nobody want to accept it. You all judge the skill at it's performance in an hypothetic duel where you'd just want to use the skill to catch up to a foe that don't even try to engage you. We all know that the necromancer is a bad duelist and yet you still judge the rework of the skill on a duelist basis... There is no point, just look at it for what it does and exploit it's potential, don't limit yourself to your expectations and dismiss a skill because it doesn't meet them.


First off the skill applies 2 stacks of bleeding and a chill. Whoo-freaking-pee..

If you mean **traited** version that corrupts, let me remind you Path of Corruption is competing with two very powerful rivals - Master of Corruption and Terror.

Given Dark Path's reliability I'd say a-net successfully killed a trait for spvp core nec.


Atm this skill's "reliability" is so low in my eyes, i feel i don't wanna press #2 when shrouded simply because i'm delaying the next Life Blast that actually **does something meaningful**, let alone thinking about traiting for the damn thing...



And all that ignoring the elephant in the room, which is this skill being **1200 range** projectile on a **ranged shroud**, which is supposed to work at **range.**

This discussion feels like talking about how axe is a good melee weapon....

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > I'm not defending the change, I'm saying that you have to use this skill differently now to unearth it's potential which is roughly the same as before.


> Before the enemy had easy time running outta it's range. Now he just needs to take a step to the side. Unless he hates change, then running outta range works just as well as before...


> > Because, the previous _dark path_ was just as unreliable when it come to connect to a foe despite the tracking.


> No. Previous Dark path was unreliable. This dark path is beyond unreliable.


> > Now PvE wise it's a huge buff, the skill become 33% more effective. As for PvP/WvW, if you care to adapt to the change (which I doubt when I see how pessimist the answers are) the skill become pretty good against slipery foes that like to hit and run.


> Good against slippery foes? How?? Last time i checked slightest movement from enemy means a miss. and it's just as slow as it was before. Just how is that good vs slippery foes?


> > Sure the necromancer lose an unreliable super slow tracking projectile


> He didn't lose the supe slow and unreliable part. In fact the latter got buffed. He just lost the tracking part.


> > but anyway, it was rare to ever land this skill when your target was beyond 600 range. Also, against a zerg you'll also have an almost garantee hit which will damage 5 foes instead of just 1.


> Maybe in WvW, because in pvp, the zerg **is on you**. Necro gets focused first, that's a law of physics by now in spvp. And let's not forget crucial detail here. This is a core necro exclusive skill. You're not a scourge who sits on point protected by fb, nor a reaper that by default fights in their face. You're the core nec, the most vulnerable of the 3 to melee attackers...


> > There is plenty of positive points in this "rework" even if nobody want to accept it. You all judge the skill at it's performance in an hypothetic duel where you'd just want to use the skill to catch up to a foe that don't even try to engage you. We all know that the necromancer is a bad duelist and yet you still judge the rework of the skill on a duelist basis... There is no point, just look at it for what it does and exploit it's potential, don't limit yourself to your expectations and dismiss a skill because it doesn't meet them.


> First off the skill applies 2 stacks of bleeding and a chill. Whoo-freaking-pee..

> If you mean **traited** version that corrupts, let me remind you Path of Corruption is competing with two very powerful rivals - Master of Corruption and Terror.

> Given Dark Path's reliability I'd say a-net successfully killed a trait for spvp core nec.


> Atm this skill's "reliability" is so low in my eyes, i feel i don't wanna press #2 when shrouded simply because i'm delaying the next Life Blast that actually **does something meaningful**, let alone thinking about traiting for the kitten thing...



> And all that ignoring the elephant in the room, which is this skill being **1200 range** projectile on a **ranged shroud**, which is supposed to work at **range.**

> This discussion feels like talking about how axe is a good melee weapon....


Old dark path was a pvp and wvw skill and it needs to stay that way who is still using core for pve and depending on dark path for damage?

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'm not defending the change, I'm saying that you have to use this skill differently now to unearth it's potential which is roughly the same as before. Because, the previous _dark path_ was just as unreliable when it come to connect to a foe despite the tracking.


> Now PvE wise it's a huge buff, the skill become 33% more effective. As for PvP/WvW, if you care to adapt to the change (which I doubt when I see how pessimist the answers are) the skill become pretty good against slipery foes that like to hit and run. Sure the necromancer lose an unreliable super slow tracking projectile but anyway, it was rare to ever land this skill when your target was beyond 600 range. Also, against a zerg you'll also have an almost garantee hit which will damage 5 foes instead of just 1.


> There is plenty of positive points in this "rework" even if nobody want to accept it. You all judge the skill at it's performance in an hypothetic duel where you'd just want to use the skill to catch up to a foe that don't even try to engage you. We all know that the necromancer is a bad duelist and yet you still judge the rework of the skill on a duelist basis... There is no point, just look at it for what it does and exploit it's potential, don't limit yourself to your expectations and dismiss a skill because it doesn't meet them.


How about we get a skill that does all it says in its description with reliability. How about that? Not the bs that if you can hit 5 target now so we reduced speed and removed tracking from skill. Im not pessimistic, its just the skill is outrageously bad to play in terms of qol. Honestly most of necromancer skills are. Also if we dont see complete overhaul of necromancer animations and qol on skills and anet rethinks their philosophy on necromancers, im quitting. We've been ignored for far too long and seeing thief's new animations is almost the end of the rope for me personally.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'm not defending the change, I'm saying that you have to use this skill differently now to unearth it's potential which is roughly the same as before. Because, the previous _dark path_ was just as unreliable when it come to connect to a foe despite the tracking.


You are right to remind us of the small, positive changes to core shroud and the lack of severe nerfs some other professions experienced.


My problem with the patch is simple: After years of pathing issues making Dark Path unreliable, the previous change to it introduced another tell that is easier to avoid but gave the claw tracking. Now, the skill has the slow claw and no tracking. Using it still results in roughly the same CD as before and it is still as unreliable as it was in 2012. Lower elevation and objects in the path still result in failure and place the skill on cool down.


The one change we all wanted was more reliability but, instead of reducing pathing fails or making it a leap, they separated the skill so at least we do not lose everything when Dark Pursuit fails. To compensate for such an amazing buff, they intentionally removed the claw's tracking to force the skill to fail more often.


Maybe Arenanet made the change just for the sake of burning development hours allocated to Necro. I don't know. The other changes could not have cost many hours with how simple they are.



Turning off homing was, for me, like Arenanet saying, "We know this is Necro's only mobility skill, we know about pathing failures and decided to use it to nerf Necromancer mobility."


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Just wanted to point out another reason why Dark Path is so unreliable now, in addition to terrain shenanigans and homing loss: **it now connects to the first thing it hits on its straight line**. Meaning the thing you're not interested in, right next to you, rather than your wanted target over there. No need to fill a bug report on that one, it's even mentioned in the patch notes - so to add insult to injury, it appears to have been intentional.



To sum it up: I suppose the goal was to focus on the boon corrupt functionality when traited with Path of Corruption, but the only result was that they nerfed to the ground one of the only movement skill Necro had. Also, Dark Path new icon is sheer ugliness (The Dark Pursuit icon is fine). Splitting the skill in two parts is also quality loss, because now you have to remain in shroud and not be CCed to be able to manually activate the shadowstep.


This was 100% a movement skill, similar to warrior sword 2, thief dagger 2, elementalist lightning flash and so on. Its field of application was limited by the slow traveling speed of the projectile, but still you'd use it to pursue a fleeing target (player, skritt burglar, that centaur champion at the Queen's festival...), to confuse the enemy, to plan ahead your new position anticipating incoming aoe, to move around while inflicted by movement impairing conditions, or to close the distance into melee if you're Dagger main hand. Otherwise, you'd roughly arrive at the location at the same time than the projectile.

Now, every single one of theses use cases are hindered or rendered obsolete by the unreliability of the new skill. Though hey, someone did mention that you could theoretically catch up to a thief that used a teleport if your projectile actually hit him and he used its skill in the 3 sec window.... depending on what skill he used, he might be all the way up there while you bang your head against the base of the cliff/wall, but that's that.








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