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Permanent flying with skyscale!

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> You tell all kitten. It would be awesome and you know it. It was awesome in Burning Crusade as well. But you deny yourself that it would be awesome. Making stuff 'irrelevant' is a void argument; if you want to do the stuff then do it. And giving us an almost-but-not-really-perma-flying-mount just hurts my guts. That said, there would be the difference of being much slower than the griffon. And besides that you can sometimes 'skip' whole maps with your griffon too. So why all the fuzz about this? Just do it, but anet never does something that is really cool. They always are _not_ going to use the full potential... Instead we have now a super gimmicky, annoying climb mechanic.


I mean yeah it was awesome...at first, then the reality set in. World PvP died off pretty hard, people would just skip over most things and it in general just kind of muddied the experience of the game. Thats why they don't allow flying from the get go when they release an update or an expansion in zones related to said content and expansion, you have to jump through a few hoops to get access to it.

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> @"Saerin.1032" said:

> I know this doesnt belong here, but did i miss something with this "kitten" thing ? like from Vyncius that "It killed the "kitten" interactions with-", REALLY want to know it xD


forum has a bot that replaces swear words with kitten in your posts or comments, try it

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I agree with the OP's opinion, I also would love "real" flying. It wouldn't reduce my enjoyment of the game, waypoints already make it easy to skip huge amounts of content.


Tell me truthfully that any of you have never skipped content before, that when you are traveling you don't use the waypoints but instead run through every zone stopping to fight even mob that agro's you.

Sometimes you just want to get where you're going as quick as possible and don't want to spend your quality game time "enjoying" all the content on the way ;-)


One way to handle skipping new content is to grant a flying stamina buff for each zone you have 100% completion on.


This gives the best of both worlds, you cant skip new content/zones until you have fully experienced the entire zone and once you have fully enjoyed all the content you can fly over it next time if you wish.


You still have to have a mount capable of flying, not a trivial task in its own right, kinda means you have to have enjoyed a lot of content first before you can even get the ability to fly.

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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > You tell all kitten. It would be awesome and you know it. It was awesome in Burning Crusade as well.


> No we don't. That's why nobody but you is saying it. And having played WoW for a long time, no it wasn't. It cheapened all the content.


Not quite. The Burning Crusade was designed with flying mounts in mind. You couldn't even get to the Tempest Keep instances without one, and many zones like Shadowmoon and Blade's Edge will designed to be painful on ground mounts, but manageable with flying mounts. Problem was, they couldn't keep designing every future zone, so they had to restrict flying at every turn. In Wrath they had the Winter Flying license, etc etc etc.


So for TBC flying was great, but it became more of a problem with each subsequent expac. Blizzard said they even considered removing flying from the game completely in WoD, but instead cooked up Pathfinder.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.


> Never say never.


> Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.


Well of course people can change their minds. But with regards to mounts in particular, I think they opted to go ahead with them because they thought of a cool concept for them: have them all do something different with the environment. This way they are quite unique and can provide something other than just "I move fast now."

Their vision for dungeons also fell through once the game actually came out and now it's basically abandoned content. So I don't blame them for turning to raids as an idea. I'd be interested to see where they said no healers ever though cause it seems weird to me to have the healing power stat if you don't want healers.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.


> Never say never.


> Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.


Do you have a source showing that they said **never**? All I remember hearing/reading was that it were no plans. That’s a different than a definitive “never”.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.

> >

> > Never say never.

> >

> > Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.


> Do you have a source showing that they said **never**? All I remember hearing/reading was that it were no plans. That’s a different than a definitive “never”.


All those interviews were on Gw2Guru so most of the old interviews are lost to the web. I was around back then and wasn't against that design philosophy so I remember these statements. All those Anti WoW attitudes changed over time.

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> @"Artits.2795" said:

> As others have pointed out, before PoF Anet shot down any possibility of mounts. And here we are now. It'll be a while before they come to their senses and rework Skyscale and Griffon to be proper flying mounts but it'll happen eventually.


No you remember wrong it was players like me who said mounts wasent needed since we had waypoints and switftness.

Anet stayed out of that discussion intentionaly, but when they desided to add mounts they ofcourse toned down on waypoints so said mounts would be needed.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > > > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > > > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > > > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.

> > >

> > > Never say never.

> > >

> > > Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.

> >

> > Do you have a source showing that they said **never**? All I remember hearing/reading was that it were no plans. That’s a different than a definitive “never”.


> All those interviews were on Gw2Guru so most of the old interviews are lost to the web. I was around back then and wasn't against that design philosophy so I remember these statements. All those Anti WoW attitudes changed over time.


I'd have to see the exact wording but I don't remember them giving a definitive no. This could easily be along the lines of people who took things that Anet said they were working on as a promise.


Found something:


> Eric: Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as **mounts,** ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 **upon initial release**.




Had to look back in the wiki FAQs history to find that reference.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.

> >

> > Never say never.

> >

> > Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.


> Do you have a source showing that they said **never**? All I remember hearing/reading was that it were no plans. That’s a different than a definitive “never”.


What the Devs _actually_ said about Mounts was that there would be no Mount with the release of the game.


The Devs actually talked about Raids (and Raid-like content) in pre-release interviews.

The Devs said there would be no hard 'holy trinity'; instead there would be support roles, but no dedicated healers.

"The intention is to give support classes an outlet for their protective nature while also requiring them to be fully aware of the battlefield, instead of just watching their allies' health bars."

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > > Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> > > > It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> > > > It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> > > > Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.

> > >

> > > Never say never.

> > >

> > > Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.

> >

> > Do you have a source showing that they said **never**? All I remember hearing/reading was that it were no plans. That’s a different than a definitive “never”.


> What the Devs _actually_ said about Mounts was that there would be no Mount with the release of the game.

> http://guildwars2.cz/otazky-odpovedi-pro-guildwars2-cz/2/

> The Devs actually talked about Raids (and Raid-like content) in pre-release interviews.

> The Devs said there would be no hard 'holy trinity'; instead there would be support roles, but no dedicated healers.

> "The intention is to give support classes an outlet for their protective nature while also requiring them to be fully aware of the battlefield, instead of just watching their allies' health bars."


Pretty much. They never gave a definitive “never” to mounts. Goes with the whole “on/off the table” meme.


It’s also kind of odd that this thread has those stating that Anet had said no mounts (as if it were common knowledge) when all of the pro-mount threads prior to PoF centered around the opposite.

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People are deluded if they think the mounts will be reworked to simple wow style flying mounts. It would invalidate every other mount, as well significantly reduce skin sales, due to all but griffon or skyscale being obsolete. And these mounts, skyscale included, are far more interactive than any of the simple mounts in wow.

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I don't get people digging up posts from years ago to justify some kind of "gotcha" moment? We had a live stream a few MONTHS ago, where they clearly stated they didn't want freely flying mounts. I suggest that is sufficient indication, given these are the current developers working from current design plan, that there will be no WoW style flying mounts for the foreseeable future.


Probably won't be an LFR, automated group finder, mini battles, open world PvP either, or any of the other many things WoW has that GW2 doesn't; which is to suggest that if what you want to play is WoW...go play WoW :expressionless:

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Probably won't be an LFR, automated group finder, mini battles, open world PvP either, or any of the other many things WoW has that GW2 doesn't; which is to suggest that if what you want to play is WoW...go play WoW :expressionless:


This is exactly what I did, after the Skyscale collection came out I quit playing GW2. Starting playing WoW again. If you don't like something, find something you do like. You are only punishing yourself if you continue to play something you are not enjoying, most of my GW2 days I just logged in did dailies and logged out. I still keep up on patch notes and forum for GW2 in case I decided to return in the future.

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