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Do you have Pre- POF goals?

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For me these are going to sound silly as a person who bought at launch, but here goes:

1. Finish personal story - just finished retribution and am now on to level 70 story parts!

2. complete Story mode for each of the Dungeons. Yes I know no updates for dungeons and all that but I would like to be able to at least see the story side of things with this content.

3. Start some crafting discipline - not sure which but one of them, Why? Why not Maybe clear out some of my inventory by upgrading materials?


So to you other players What are you hoping to do in the next few days/weeks?

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I had a whole list of things I wanted to finish before PoF launched, but by this point I've pretty much accepted that I'm not actually going to get it all done. It's fine, it's not stuff I _need_ to finish before the expansion, just things I thought I should get done.


For example:

Finish the Season 2 achievements so I can get luminescent armour and the title, mastery points and sinister trinkets.

Finish levelling up my alts characters.

Get enough hero points to finish the HoT elite specs on all my existing level 80's and/or save some for PoF.

Get more crystalline ore for guild minis (I've got some, but not enough).

Get more karma for Season 3 minis (at this point that might get pushed back to Wintersday).

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Finished the leystone armor collection and maguuma map completions, farmed crystalline ore for future legendary weapons, working on crystalline for the rest of the specialization weapons, finishing up on druid backpack collection, farming jade shards for seraph insignias/inscriptions and making sure my alts have enough hero points to unlock the first 2 traits of the new elites to unlock the new weapon collections. So.. yea.. I've had plenty to do.

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I've done most of my pre-PoF prep already. It mainly involved finishing up a lot of unfinished stuff in HoT. Stuff like collections for the original Elite spec weapons, the Order backpacks (since they FINALLY fixed that darn bug that kept me from getting them much earlier), completing most of the map and story achievements for HoT, that sort of thing. I also had a few LS3 things I finished up that I didn't finish on initial releases, of particular note being that I finally finished up the ascended version of the Henge / Druid backpiece, which is a skin I really like. Stuff that I figure if I don't get done now, it'll be some time before I get around to finishing it up later since I'll have a bunch of new stuff in PoF to worry about.


There's still a few things I could do. I've still got a few elite spec weapons to finish up (I did the ones I cared most about in terms of skins, but I may as well finish the rest for the free ascended gear). I still haven't gotten the Order of Whispers ascended pack, though I don't really care that much about that one anyway as the stats aren't particularly useful, the skin is "meh" to me, and ascended backs aren't that hard to get thanks to LS3. Got a few map achieves I could finish up, namely some of the "scavenger hunt" type stuff in the HoT maps (like the totems in Verdant Brink or the fallen Priory in Auric Basin). I didn't do most of the exploration achieves in Siren's Landing (nothing against them, I just was busy with other stuff when the map released so it didn't get much attention from me like most LS chapters usually do), I could finish some of that up, though none of the rewards from those really interest me. I'd kind of like to run through the Trehearne / Caladbolg mini-story again at least once, grab another weapon and see the story again as I rather enjoyed that little quest. Basically all the stuff I have left to do would be stuff that I might do if I feel like it, but I have almost nothing left that I'll really be sad if I don't finish.


The one thing I have left that I would really like to finish is getting the ascended Luminate's backpiece. Its one of my favorite skins from all of HoT and I've wanted it since day 1. But the grind for the materials to craft all those Auric weapons... ugh. I'm maybe half done with the weapon collection and I'm basically out of auric ingots / ores, aside from whatever I've picked up in the last few Dragon's Stand runs I've done. And I'm also pretty low on the currency you need to buy all the core recipes. And I don't think I'd have enough Linseed Oil to craft them all either (or if I did, it'd be basically my entire stock and I'd be left with none in reserve). Finishing up that weapon collection would be a lot of Auric Basin grinding, and I'm just not feeling that.



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I had one: get all mastery points before PoF and I did it a few days ago. :D Then I leveled ALL crafting professions and now...I am a little bit lost. Don't know what I should do next. I unlocked a few skins I haven't had yet and I try to level my other classes. I mean...I still need more ascended armor for my main and I don't have a legendary yet. But I want to wait until PoF and see what's new. And then I will decide which legendary I want to pursue etc.

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I had a long list of things to do before PoF, the first one was deciding on a look for my new Mirage. :p

So I crafted Reaver of the Mists, Lyss, finished my ascended viper set, and did the Lightbringer backpack collection. I also made the scepter caladbolg, an ascended torch and an ascended pistol.

So next up is an ascended axe, and the Abyssal Scepter :) I have 9 days so things are starting to look a bit grim in regards to if I can do it or not (especially since I need 92 more mystic coins) but here's hoping :D

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My main goal was to get as many mastery point unlocks as possible and train mastery tracks. It's a rather nebulous goal, seeing as I don't have a set number I want to get to, but I like the progress I'm making, and I think I'll be able to have a lot of things done by the time the expansion is officially released. Whatever mastery rank I end up having will be a lot nicer than what I had when the expansion announcement was made.

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> @Taelac.7036 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > Finish the Season 2 achievements so I can get luminescent armour and the title, mastery points and sinister trinkets.


> If you're NA and want an extra person for these, I still need the ones for the coat and boots.


Thanks for the offer but unfortunately I'm on EU. But some people in my guilds have promised to help me if I need it, and I'm sure you could find people to help as well.

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