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pvp /WvW Storyline/lore


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Alright probably asking A LOT but i would definitely like some lore on how we came to the Heart of the mists or even why servers are fighting for that matter, love the game modes thats the only reason i ask but for example eso has lore for there WvW and what happens if your side wins......

honestly just wanting more lore, im in love with it hahah

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mists related lore is pretty cheap, mists is a "fabric of reality" or whatsover, a place that "host multiverses"... in short, a whole setup to just say that it is a place where anything can happen without much justification or lore explaination, like people killing each other forever.... so the pvp/wvw there are just it, pure fantasy.

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I think it's the wrong way build lore just to try to please the lore overthinkers, simply would be better should not have lore to explain the pvp, in that same way Mortal Kombat dont have lore to explain ressurrection after a character is completely dismembered when suffer a **fatality**, and also dont have lore explaining the onipresence of shao khan voice narrating all our fights....., so the gw2 wvw/pvp/mists lore is basically that: a way to leave pre-answered the overthinkers who try to ask how people get killed indefinitely without consequences.

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There is _some_ lore, but there isn't a ton.

* WvW is the "Mist War," where alternative versions of Tyria battle against each other. The worlds are literally different "worlds" of Tyria.

* In the Edge of the Mists, you find a lot of Aetherblades, who hid from the Lionguard during the events of LW1.

* Airships were invented by the Pact and show up in the Edge of the Mists, as a Tactivator for Stonemist Castle, and can be seen on the borderlands; possibly first brought to the mists by the Aetherblades

* The Mistlock Instability: Mists Convergence uses the Skyhammer from spvp on the player characters, which is evidence that spvp is near the area of the mists where fractals take place

* The Urban Battlefield fractals takes place during the Ascalon War between the humans and charr, and involves a wvw-like raid on a human keep, complete with enough siege to make YB blush

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> There is _some_ lore, but there isn't a ton.

> * WvW is the "Mist War," where alternative versions of Tyria battle against each other. The worlds are literally different "worlds" of Tyria.

> * In the Edge of the Mists, you find a lot of Aetherblades, who hid from the Lionguard during the events of LW1.

> * Airships were invented by the Pact and show up in the Edge of the Mists, as a Tactivator for Stonemist Castle, and can be seen on the borderlands; possibly first brought to the mists by the Aetherblades

> * The Mistlock Instability: Mists Convergence uses the Skyhammer from spvp on the player characters, which is evidence that spvp is near the area of the mists where fractals take place

> * The Urban Battlefield fractals takes place during the Ascalon War between the humans and charr, and involves a wvw-like raid on a human keep, complete with enough siege to make YB blush


wow omg thank you this was pretty cool ! :) so there is some lore at least there is some, its interesting to know the different spvp matches are all about different time zones but makes sense with it being in the mists, also the WvW lore is kinda cool to now WISH there was something that happened if your version of tyria won vs the other vs like something lore related haha thats awesome ty!

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Lore for PvP and WvW tends to be very basic background stuff and that's all. There's some lore - more for WvW than PvP - but not too much. In effect:


For both:

* The Mists contains all that is, was, and ever will be; one's able to reach multiple worlds via the Mists, which is why PvP and WvW take place there.

* In both games, different servers represented different worlds / realities. GW1 never went into it, never defining just what those other servers were beyond "not our Tyria", but for GW2, the servers represent alternate Tyrias.

* While in GW1, (high end) PvP happened within The Rift - the center of all things in the multiverse - this isn't the case in GW2. Instead, GW2 PvP/WvW happens in fractals - islands of existence created randomly by the Mists by copying one or more times+spaces of a world (so far, we've only seen fractals of Tyria's past); most are relatively accurate (until external individuals - e.g., the players - enter), though some aren't at all.

* How people got into these areas of the Mists is no longer entirely clear. Original lore was that Balthazar opened up a portal after the flooding of Lion's Arch, but this was seemingly retconned as instead we got the asura gates - the only lore on the asura gates being "the asura discovered how to make a gate leading to the Mists!" basically.


For WvW:

* As mentioned, the servers represent other Tyrias. WvW is specifically known as the "Mist Wars" where these worlds are fighting each other for resources in their respective battle against the Elder Dragons.

* Although players know that it's a battle against other Tyrias, in-universe this is an unknown fact (or those who do know aren't sharing). Mist Warriors (the Tyrian army fighting in the Mist War) proclaim that the enemies are "pure evil" without remorse or compassion.

* The fractals that the Mist Wars take place in are created from "components" out of multiple times and places - the Warclaw being the prime example of such, with its armor showcasing features of multiple Tyrian cultures and eras.

* Edge of the Mists was discovered by Scarlet Briar and, more specifically, the Aetherblades. Why or how is unclear, but they've taken refuge there after the events of Twilight Assault (aka Aetherpath TA dungeon), first in preparation for the battle of Lion's Arch (Season 1 finale), and then retreating from it. As its name implies, it is on the edge of the Mist Wars, and quite possibly the Mists that surround Tyria itself (same goes for the borderlands too, but a little less so).

* Nothing really happens "when one side wins" because within time, the fractals reset. Just as they do mechanically.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> * Nothing really happens "when one side wins" because within time, the fractals reset. Just as they do mechanically.


That fact had not occurred to me. The weekly reset does make it like a fractal where everything resets as if nothing happened. Just like how you can kill Mai Trin over and over, the war is fought over and over.


In this case, the fractal story that in order is: Chaos, Twilight, Shattered Observatory would provide some more lore into wvw/spvp, in addition to the main purpose of explaining fractals.

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wvw, battlegrounds, before if you won, had bonuses to your world, which was one way to give honor to your pve supporters.


now, because of mega servers, the lore behind it, as a means to gather resource changed or is forgotten. all that is known is the enemies are your doplegangers. evil indeed they are. =p



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> wvw, battlegrounds, before if you won, had bonuses to your world, which was one way to give honor to your pve supporters.


> now, because of mega servers, the lore behind it, as a means to gather resource changed or is forgotten. all that is known is the enemies are your doplegangers. evil indeed they are. =p


IIRC, the buffs from WvW lasted well past the existence of megaservers. But they were indeed removed eventually. So while the lore still exists, it no longer gets shown in mechanics like it did.

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> what kind of buffs did it give if you won ?! i think its about time for some kind of new map lol i was watching some older videos it does seem people stray away from obi sanctum :/


Pretty much same thing you can get from the guild buff vendor in guild halls. Which is why I think they removed it, to replace with guild hall buffs.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> > what kind of buffs did it give if you won ?! i think its about time for some kind of new map lol i was watching some older videos it does seem people stray away from obi sanctum :/


> Pretty much same thing you can get from the guild buff vendor in guild halls. Which is why I think they removed it, to replace with guild hall buffs.


If you're curious about the specifics, well, [here they are.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists) It actually managed to coexist with guild buffs for nearly two years; if memory serves, they ended up scrapping it for the reward chests.

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