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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?

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> @RisingWolf.6807 said:

> I usually tip something, **if** I know what mes put the portal down. Time is money - they are spending theirs, and saving mine. It's worth something. I usually send a message titled, "I know it's not much..." with "...but thanks for the port!" In the body, and anywhere from 10 silver to several gold, depending on how valuable that port was to me. I think I average 35 - 50 silver. Sometimes they return it, some reply with a "thanks!" I appreciate the thanks as much as they appreciated the tip.


I have a question for you then. Does " Thank you, but it is not necessary. :)" sound rude to you? I have been putting that down when I return the tip, but I don't know. It is starting to sound rude to me which I don't want.

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Depends on the jumping puzzle.


The mesmer that did the token run and chest port for Chalice of Tears? 50g

The mesmer that repeatedly ported my husband up to do the Not So Secret diving goggles _for over an hour_? 50g


It just depends on the degree of difficulty (at least from my perspective), whether or not I have to listen to my husband rage or not, and my frustration level. Obviously the harder the difficulty or the more arduous it is, I'm going to tip more, because I'm grateful. It saves me time and frustration. I'll just go make the gold back doing other things that don't set my blood to boil.


Additionally, I try to pay some of it forward by porting people when I do things on my mesmer as well. Granted, I can't do some of the complex ports, but people appreciate the port to the occasional mastery point and such.

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First time I used this service I did not know the culture of 'tiping' and due to the limitations of the English I confused "tip" with "hint". which led to a confused dialogue. Shame on me. if at least I remember the name of the mesmer.


I learned a little English through self-taught and never got into English schools, and I only understood the meaning of "tip" when I saw some LFG mentioned "accepting tips" or "tips 2g" mentioning some amount in gold.


Since then I usually give 10g. By the enthusiastic responses, it seems that 10g is considered a fat tip.


For some cultures, especially the Japanese, tip is considered a humiliation, so when the player has some oriental name I ask first if he accepts, because i had cases of players returning the tip.


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I tip nothing usually. Sometimes I tip random stuff from my inventory. We chit chat.


Except once. Like the person who mentioned not so secret and the mes that stuck with him... my guy was porting me and for 2 hours at dry top for the goggles. He even would wait to portal the group(it was daily) until I made it back to the bottom of the jp from waypoint.


I gave him The Energizer.




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I never ask for tips on my mesmer (or for access to my home instance node farm, for that matter), but I accept them when offered.


When taking another mesmer's portal for daily jps, I tip 25s, if I can tell who dropped it. They're usually not difficult puzzles, and the ones that are usually have mesmers parked at them for the purpose, but they're also not making any other game progress while they're helping me save time, so I figure a quarter-gold is good, especially if others are doing likewise.


If it's a JP I need for something else (collection items, frex), I start at 1g and go up from there based off how many times I've attempted it and how relieved I am to be able to move on to other things. I think I sent the very patient mesmer who helped me get the dive in the Not So Secret puzzle 18g, being what I had on me over the nearest even hundred. I tried to send the equally patient mesmer who got me through the Chalice of Tears the second time (the vertigo is real in that puzzle) a fairly large tip, too, but they sent it back.

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I'd say it depends on the difficulty of the JP or whatever it is. I usually tip 1g. I've left my mesmer in places that are hard to get (like a mastery) and put it up on lfg for others cause it annoyed the kitten outta me. some people send 50s, some 1g, some tip in ectos, which i thought was weird. But in the end, its totally up to you and the means you have available. If they demand it, pry it from my cold dead hands.

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A poll in the opening post would have been most helpful for seeing at a glance what the community thinks. I'll add my voice to the "it depends" cause. I differentiate my tips with respect to time saved (on my end), time invested (on their end), and perhaps most importantly: what I'm getting from this port. If it's a daily port, I'll usually tip .5-1g, depending on how horrible the JP is, because I'm at that daily to make money, but think my time is worth more than the time it would take me to do the other daily events.


However, when it comes to achievements, hero points, map unlocks, mastery points, etc., that's a different story. Sometimes, the Mesmer is in a place I literally cannot get on my own and I need to do it for something that's not gold (ex.: Chalice of Tears, Not so Secret, Tomb of Primeval Kings). I tend to tip more in those cases. I also tend to tip more based on the obscurity of the port. Mesmers porting the JP daily will port hundreds of players that day; the person porting an unrelated achievement will see far less. As such, I find it appropriate to tip more for those unpopular, hard-to-reach places because it incentivizes Mesmers to sit there and help people like me rather than go farm meta events for gold.


As a Mesmer, most of the people I port do not tip, but when they tip I've not gotten one less than .5g (although I did get a Rare weapon sent to me once. That was interesting) and I've not gotten a tip above 20g (twice, both times for porting Not so Secret goggles).

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Bro tip? XD. If someone offers for free... You don't give something they don't ask for. This game is designed for players to help each other. If I charged people for using my thief's home stealth in a dungeon I'd be robbing the generosity for players in the game. If you want to help.... Help. If you want to get paid for helping then don't help. Cause the reward is garbage. The rewards will come later in the game. Not by people giving money for it.

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Oh and if someone is porting even if it's easy I'll take it. Just cause it passes time faster.... But pay? XD.


PS. I think you can get more than 2 gold during dailies though. If you did the whole dailies chart the mats and armor are worth for then 2 gs. Not including the 2 gs the daily give.

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I tip what I can afford. If the port is for something I know took effort even for some of my JP-awesome friends (I am JP challenged), I tip generously. (For a daily, less than 2 gold worth of ectos, for a non-daily hard JP, even more.)


I am most grateful that a person asks if they require payment beforehand. If the person is pushy about a tip after allowing me to become intimate with their portal, I offer the most brutal tip of all. (Nothing.)

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