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Are rangers wanted in squads now? What would it require ?


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > the problem is rangers are trying to compete with staff eles. maybe a buff to stance share and some other group utility unique to rangers. longbow pierce should be baseline.

> > >

> > > for anyone ignant, barrage (ranger longbow 5) can do 45k in pvp. so its a pretty awesome aoe if you can survive all the retal.

> >

> > Rev does that much with 1 hammer skill. 2 in the worst case. Both witg less cast time and lower cooldown while providing other support and cc.


> lol, no. I meant 45k to one person, and that's just pvp numbers.


Video proof?

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> @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> If you're just playing longbow, then just follow at the backline; no need to be in the squad.


Agree with the no need to be in squad. Behind though, no. You hit the enemy zerg in the flank and/or side and aim to annoy their tag and if you have friends take it out or their mid-back line. Trade off knock out the enemy scourges running mid-front rank. Even better if you get a havoc with you and get the enemy zerg to turn on you or peel some off. Finish them and then assault the enemy zerg again. Running with a havoc, taking out their scourges will get you better results in turning the zerg. Then hopefully your zerg takes advantage of the enemy turn and hit the exposed zerg. Gear in a way that you take some hits but still give some, plan on not getting the zerg buffs and be more pleasantly surprised if you do.


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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> do stop with this tiresome ranger trolling.


I think ranger will remain one those classes since it is effective in soloing and it's a hard counter to necros which are loved by the zerg. So they stay in this love hate region where they are considered OP but not wanted in a zerg. Get them in a group to off-havoc from your zerg and they can be mean when they focus.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > If you're just playing longbow, then just follow at the backline; no need to be in the squad.


> Agree with the no need to be in squad. Behind though, no. You hit the enemy zerg in the flank and/or side and aim to annoy their tag and if you have friends take it out or their mid-back line. Trade off knock out the enemy scourges running mid-front rank. Even better if you get a havoc with you and get the enemy zerg to turn on you or peel some off. Finish them and then assault the enemy zerg again. Running with a havoc, taking out their scourges will get you better results in turning the zerg. Then hopefully your zerg takes advantage of the enemy turn and hit the exposed zerg. Gear in a way that you take some hits but still give some, plan on not getting the zerg buffs and be more pleasantly surprised if you do.


This is exactly how I play. I stay on the fringes (i normally do not join the squad unless asked) and prioritize picking off high priority targets like scourges and downs. If they really tick me off i'll start commander-sniping, but that is rare nowadays as once the commander dies the lemmings get confused and scatter making for a less fun zerg fight. But my whole build is specifically to pick off scourges. And with scourges like cockroaches making up 80% of all zergs nowadays, there is no end of targets for me.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > Video proof?


> all this work...

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7Nvdq3L.jpg "")




No video proof, so i can see the windup and how long it takes to actually get to that number. Also, if you can provide evidence of you doing it to an actual player whos attacking you as well... Just curious if it would work in an actual situation

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In the simplest terms, Ranger would need a new weapon (or completely rewamp one existing weapon) to basically give it an AOE spam weapon.


That would at least let it be viable for zerg play, then it comes down to players figuring out a meta build that is "the best" or "not the best but passable" using that weapon.


It has enough other tools and utilities, but is completely crippled by the weapons/selection.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> Anything a ranger can do in and for a squad, another class does it better.


Not entirely true. They are the most effective at picking off other classes that people find to be a thorn in their side: Scourges, Firebrands, and Revs


If a ranger locks onto any of these 3, it doesn't matter how much reflect is thrown up or how much healing is thrown at them, they will die, and die rather quickly. But a lot of people don't see this, all they see is meta, which is why the vast majority of these "meta groups" fall to numbers half their size.

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As a Ele staff main i say its way more fun playing with my zerk ranger. With the right positioning i rarely die (unless the whole zerg gets swallowed) and the dmg is great. I love targeting eles and necros, they die so fast. My barrage hit like a truck making it great to apply pressure or prevent enemies from sniping us from the top of the walls. Reflects are indeed a problem, but you only see it mid zerg. If u target foes from the sides/behind of even slightly ahead they are DEAD.

Its about knowing my role. Like mentioned above i dont intend to kill FB mid zerg cuz the heals and reflects are too heavy. I weaken the zerg by the edges, and anyone out of position is dead (if i see a FB slightly off i immidiately take them down, doing great dmg to the zerg's survivability). And as a backliner I completely understand if im not placed with FB's to get buffs (never happened getting kicked out of the squad tho).

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > No video proof

> lol dood go do it yourself.


Ah ok, so you don't have video proof of doing it in a real scenario against players.


Thanks then, was just curious but I guess that's all I needed to confirm it's most likely BS

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> @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > No video proof

> > lol dood go do it yourself.


> Ah ok, so you don't have video proof of doing it in a real scenario against players.


> Thanks then, was just curious but I guess that's all I needed to confirm it's most likely BS


45k dmg on player is unrealistic (not thats not possible), its on Golem. On players you can deal 20-25k without sic'em. With buffs,might vul. it goes way up, but its not that usual. I' d love to see 3 zerks using Barrage on a single spot, that would be brutal.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > Anything a ranger can do in and for a squad, another class does it better.


> Not entirely true. They are the most effective at picking off other classes that people find to be a thorn in their side: Scourges, Firebrands, and Revs


> If a ranger locks onto any of these 3, it doesn't matter how much reflect is thrown up or how much healing is thrown at them, they will die, and die rather quickly. But a lot of people don't see this, all they see is meta, which is why the vast majority of these "meta groups" fall to numbers half their size.


As a rev main, rangers are easy to counter.

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