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Dune cloak


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Even in full zerker the damage is terrible, has a small range, and rips...one boon? Wow. In a game where everybody shits boons. I get three for 6 secs every 20 s just for being in combat.


The grandmaster no-one asked for and no-one needs, which in itself means it's perfectly aligned with Anet's design principles.

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My impression has been that it's effective in a power shatter build. The fact that it realistically rips Stability first makes it possible for you to reliably CC and protection being next means you do more damage. I find it far from useless at least in how I've been running it. The damage isn't super high but you can time it with other burst damage to add 2-4k to the standard shatter bursts.


It does have a bug with sword leap and the trait not firing though so that sucks.


EDIT: For those who haven't seen my thread about the [boon priority on it](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82468/sand-shards-boon-priority "boon priority on it") you might want to take a look.

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> @"Hackuuna.4085" said:

> My impression has been that it's effective in a power shatter build. The fact that it realistically rips Stability first makes it possible for you to reliably CC and protection being next means you do more damage. I find it far from useless at least in how I've been running it. The damage isn't super high but you can time it with other burst damage to add 2-4k to the standard shatter bursts.


> It does have a bug with sword leap and the trait not firing though so that sucks.


> EDIT: For those who haven't seen my thread about the [boon priority on it](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82468/sand-shards-boon-priority "boon priority on it") you might want to take a look.


You sure boons are not being ripped according to last applied gets removed first?

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > @"Hackuuna.4085" said:

> > My impression has been that it's effective in a power shatter build. The fact that it realistically rips Stability first makes it possible for you to reliably CC and protection being next means you do more damage. I find it far from useless at least in how I've been running it. The damage isn't super high but you can time it with other burst damage to add 2-4k to the standard shatter bursts.

> >

> > It does have a bug with sword leap and the trait not firing though so that sucks.

> >

> > EDIT: For those who haven't seen my thread about the [boon priority on it](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82468/sand-shards-boon-priority "boon priority on it") you might want to take a look.


> You sure boons are not being ripped according to last applied gets removed first?


Absolutely sure, yes. I've tested in multiple ways since posting that and played with it in a live environment. It's always been stripping exactly in that order.

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Well on one side you have :

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dune_Cloak : Grandmaster trait, ~1k5 damage in full zerk, 1 boon removed and copied with less duration than the removed boon.


On the other side you have :

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reckless_Impact : Minor 1 , ~4k damage in full zerk, unblocable, give power. Who is basically the main damage source of war I meet in PvP.


That said, I know GM and minor didn't mean anything but contrary to war, it's nearly impossible to mesmer to stay melee to use this 180 range trait , it seems hard to make a viable build with it.


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I would like Dune Cloak to be really useful, but AoE around the Mirage is not where Mirage wants to be after the Mirage Cloak ends usually. They should have made it AoE around the target and applied by Mirage players next attack, with a 5 second window to use the attack. That allows the Mirage player to use it for the intended purpose appropriately and consistently.


The issue here is a lack of consistency, too many of any Mesmer players skills and traits are not consistent like other professions. This goes all the way down to our Shatters, scaling is not the problem, it is that the clones need to run to their target and they themselves are destroyable. This makes their damage inconsistent.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> I have used it myself in WvW (non meta DPS build) and this is a buff for me.


There are definitely some builds that can make use of it, and while it may buff yours, it is not as versatile as IH. That said, I do like popping Dune Cloak when facing Boon heavy enemies, most of the time though I will only switch to that if I find IH is not cutting it. This generally means getting out of combat and changing builds though, and thus a fight reset.

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> @"Delofasht.4231" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > I have used it myself in WvW (non meta DPS build) and this is a buff for me.


> There are definitely some builds that can make use of it, and while it may buff yours, it is not as versatile as IH. That said, I do like popping Dune Cloak when facing Boon heavy enemies, most of the time though I will only switch to that if I find IH is not cutting it. This generally means getting out of combat and changing builds though, and thus a fight reset.


I used to use IH, however I wasnt getting as much use out of it as I liked. Never really ran EM so started using DC (while still not getting a lot out of it. Im glad for this particular change as it made the once somewhat useless trait at least somewhat useful lol.


Now....if my PC would ever come back to me fixed, ill be even happier lol.

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Most mirage builds want to stay AWAY from oponents, not close. if they come close thats to do quick burst and get out.

the only exeptrion to that was axe builds, for which old dune cloak was better becouse the damage was condi, and it increased condi duration for much more damage. And axe wasnt getting as much value from IH as other weapons making DC good choice. Now its in theory good but in practice its not gonna be used at all.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> So, anyone is using this after the patch? =p


> I personally don't think the changes they made to it have any effect, since it won't be picked (still not worth picking)


> Share your experience if you have used it please, and how it went =p


Yes its still a dead trait, i actually like it better before the patch though, they should just set it back to the previous state and find a way to move it to the master trait line instead of grandmaster. I think 20% extra condi duration to bleeding foes is really good but obviously infinite horizon is better and instead of moving it to master they changed is completely to where its even less usable. They definitely didn't design dune cloak well.

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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> They definitely didn't design dune cloak well.


I think the design is _okay_, but the local radius around the Mesmer annoys me. Wish they would try my idea above... or they could make it a wide line projectile toward the target with a slow travel time so it is still better for a point blank shot but usable from ranged as well.

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yo, this is a good build with dune cloak for solo, small group roaming and even for zergs. enjoy!

i gonna test it in spvp but i don't expect much from it.




p.s.: for some reason clicking the link doesn't work, you have to copy it.

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