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Chronomancer feedback since July 16.19

Hiraga Taichiru.1580

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On the PVE side, Chrono is is less flexible, but otherwise remains strong. The Domination/Duelilng build still has 37k DPS, the Illusions/Dueling build is still the king of open world, and the Diviner buff build will still maintain permanent alacrity and quickness for anyone smart enough to stand in the wells.


I haven't taken chrono into PVP or WvW, because my brain has logically deduced that it will be utterly terrible there. The lack of free shatters means that the defensive toolbox is now gone. No more using distortion to stop an attack, no more using diversion to stop an ambush. Clones die very fast, so unless you're in a 1 on 1 duel, chronomancers have had their power severely reduced.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I haven't taken chrono into PVP or WvW, because my brain has logically deduced that it will be utterly terrible there. The lack of free shatters means that the defensive toolbox is now gone. No more using distortion to stop an attack, no more using diversion to stop an ambush. Clones die very fast, so unless you're in a 1 on 1 duel, chronomancers have had their power severely reduced.

Chrono may be gone in WvW - I dont think I've seen any since the patch hit - but in return there is a massive upswing in the amount on mirages. They're everywhere now, both shatter and condi builds and all of them positivly vomitting out clones. Condi in particular was rare to meet once a week, now its half a dozen in a day.

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PvE it is not fun anymore, very clunky, too dependent on clones. In WvW it is completely dead because dependent on clones, in GvG u have 1 Grav and 2x Illusion - that's still why you play Chrono in GvG (boring af). PvP did not tested my stuff there but Bunker Chrono got hit hard (no Distortion) and Power Chrono, which was a quite nice high risk high reward, is no more.


Seems only Raids is left for Chrono which I don't play.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> The Domination/Duelilng build still has 37k DPS, the Illusions/Dueling build is still the king of open world.


Ever since patch, these few statements have been doing my head in. *Yes*, chrono can reach 37k, but only under PERMA SLOW, which is only properly maintained in RAIDS. With no slow (so basically outside of raids, like look at fracs), dps chrono falls straight down to the 29k range - a number which is apparently making dps holos bawl their eyes out.


I don’t know how illu/duel chrono is king of open world when core mes blows up things *way faster* and has more ‘instant’ panic keys. The only thing chrono is good at in open world now is chronobursting champs/bosses or soaking up more dmg if played tanky.

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Chronomancer is only good in open world for its utility (alacrity + quickness).

Boon share is no longer a thing. Shared distortion was removed too. Danger Time was nerfed in half recently so taking Dueling and Domination is an absolute must in order to recover the raw damage seeing as shatters were just nerfed in this last patch. Yes, F1 damage was reduced right under our noses and faked to make it look like it was a buff while the target is under the effect of Slow.

Combined with losing IP, that's the reason power chrono DPS is down about 12k (significant 20%~ total dps loss).

Mesmer is better for soloing open world. It's got better bursts, self-shatter for heal / condi cleanse / party Aegis and finally, distortion. It lacks alacrity and quickness as well as slow and chill in certain circumstances. I do miss CS too but the trade-off for IP isn't worth any of that.

Going Renegade or even Firebrand do feel like healthier options in regards to the fun-factor. But that's just me.

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> @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > The Domination/Duelilng build still has 37k DPS, the Illusions/Dueling build is still the king of open world.


> Ever since patch, these few statements have been doing my head in. *Yes*, chrono can reach 37k, but only under PERMA SLOW, which is only properly maintained in RAIDS. With no slow (so basically outside of raids, like look at fracs), dps chrono falls straight down to the 29k range - a number which is apparently making dps holos bawl their eyes out.


> I don’t know how illu/duel chrono is king of open world when core mes blows up things *way faster* and has more ‘instant’ panic keys. The only thing chrono is good at in open world now is chronobursting champs/bosses or soaking up more dmg if played tanky.


It falls to the 31-33k range. Danger Time is a 10% modifier in raids.

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Ok chronomancer after the last balance patch...


First a little info about my setup (I play same setup in all modes):


I play pve and pvp with my character (used to enter wvw with exact same build as well but haven't entered it after getting warclaw).

Weapon: Greatsword

Build: Domination 2, 2, 1 / Dueling 1,3,1 / Chrono 2,2,3

Skills slotted: greatsword skills on 1-5 , ether feast, signet of inspiration, mirror images, well of calamity, gravity well. I do have sword/focus in second weapon set but I never use them as it basically means I am dead fast and I only use if I really need to for a melee tactic at boss so you can forget about second weapon sets :P In pvp replace the signet with Feedback skill.

Gears: Berserker exotic with ascended accessories and backitem (5% damage rune in greatsword, no sigils).


Side notes:

- I never did proper dps checks but last time I tried raid golem (few patches back) I managed to do 10k damage with golem buffs (according the combat info from game. I don't use arcdps. I don't use foods/buffs.

- In pve I do open world content mostly (worldbosses/meta events/achievements and ofcourse festivals). Now and then I step foot in tier 1 fractals (no AR slotted but have the masteries). Dungeons I have done the story ones and did a normal path in Twilight Arbor and the one in Ascalon. Fractals and dungeons I have not done after patch on any toon.

- Pvp I do daily on this toon (its the only one that goes pvp coz I don't like my others for it or they are not even feasible options in my hands). I do daily ranked and am in silver 3 atm. Since patch I lost 2 matches and won the rest (may say more about the team I was with vs my performance regardless of class). I never duo-queue.


So after patch... I ended up deciding I would change nothing in my build. Damage output is slower and lower on any game mode. But I am fine with that because, despite it used to be my main (its on par with my renegade as I like the playstyle I choose there in pve), I do not like powercreep so in my book all classes in game (core apart) needs to be downtuned so we are back to power levels of core game. Let them adjust mobs and bosses instead if they are impossible then.... The class feels clunkier atm because of the feeling that you are kept on hold a long time to spawn a clone (and phantasms seem to not always reliably turn into a clone regardless of them finishing their skill). Skill f4 and f5 should be split again. You will not use the dodge if it ports you kinda. Not in pvp, not in pve. I basically lost my few second defensive skill so I have to rely on others in pvp a bit to keep me up enough when a flock gets on me and in pve I basically have to run away from the danger way ahead... Needing clones to use a shatter is fine with me (I don't have to shatter myself, it always was a broken idea...why have clones if you can do same without any of them). The issue I feel is the too slow clone generation possibilities on all weapon skills (I heard scepter can summon them with their autoattack or something?). I basically need to get 3 clones up (my greatsword skill 2 + mirror images. When I have 3 up I can use 1 shatter skill. So I could pick the one to slow and then the f1. And then I have to wait a very long while to press skill 2, the mirror images again and have the shatter off cd. Ofcourse I also use my greatsword skill 4 that gives phantasms that can turn in 1 clone but in 90% of time they refuse me to pop a clone so I cannot rely on this at all. In pvp, nothing really changed for me when it comes to win/loss and playstyle (clones I can generate same as in pve but just needs time). Clones don't seem to die faster than before because honestly both now as in past, as soon as there was 1 aoe they were gone anyways. Some will say, but we could shatter ourselves... but even that could be easily bypassed by the opponent prior patch and the effects of it were a few seconds as well. I basically would only change something regarding ease of clone generation without breaking the class and make clones spammable so it feels less clunky. This would give players more options on weapons and utilities and such to pick since now we are kinda stuck with a build that could generate clones or utilities that generate clones. Chronomancer is a little boring atm as you cannot pick something because it seems fun since you cannot live without clones (in example: If I would want a porting skill in my utilities I would have to throw my mirror images out which means I can generate only 1 clone every 8-9 seconds while I kinda need 3 clones for a shatter so I get 1 back so 27 seconds of play before I can shatter once). And then adjust core mesmer and mirage to this "you need a clone up to shatter" and adjust the shatters to same versions as chrono since the damage went a lot lower. And ofcourse also put all other powercreeping builds back in line (both power as condi) so they are at core game levels. So Anet should still have a look on this class and specs (and others).

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > The Domination/Duelilng build still has 37k DPS, the Illusions/Dueling build is still the king of open world.

> >

> > Ever since patch, these few statements have been doing my head in. *Yes*, chrono can reach 37k, but only under PERMA SLOW, which is only properly maintained in RAIDS. With no slow (so basically outside of raids, like look at fracs), dps chrono falls straight down to the 29k range - a number which is apparently making dps holos bawl their eyes out.

> >

> > I don’t know how illu/duel chrono is king of open world when core mes blows up things *way faster* and has more ‘instant’ panic keys. The only thing chrono is good at in open world now is chronobursting champs/bosses or soaking up more dmg if played tanky.


> It falls to the 31-33k range. Danger Time is a 10% modifier in raids.


It’s more like 20% (+). The 15% crit chance = 315 precision = 315 power, which is 9-10% more power on a fully buffed (+food etc.) pchrono who runs optimal stats for no slow (3.2k). 100% * 9% * 10% = 120%.


Not gonna go on about how benchmarks are slightly inflated since it ends shortly after a second chronoburst (it’s not average dps, which lower dmg builds would bench closer to).

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Like I said in another thread, hitting quality of life isn't the proper way to set drawbacks. _Illusionary Persona_ was made baseline because it's a much needed quality of life, removing it as an e-spec drawback isn't the right path to take.


I know it's difficult for ANet to temper with the professions' UI but the best way to adress the mesmer's e-spec's powercreep is to reduce the e-spec's max number of illusions to 2, down from 3. This would make the chronomancer more reliable and tune done the mirage damage powercreep (Yes _ambushs_ are damage powercreep).

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I saw someone mention that CS doesn't start until the first clone is shattered too. I haven't got around to testing this **(edit: I've just tested this, and it seems the rumors were false. Using CS works nearly instantly)**, mostly I've reverted back to core Mesmer which is incredibly more useful now in groups, though it doesn't have quickness and alacrity. But it does have IP and it does have Distortion. I ressed a bunch of people at DS meta while under the effects of 4 second distortion. Something I **could not** do as a Chrono. So much for "team player".

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There seems to be a wierd bug with my UI. All the skills are blueish and work but I'm kind of missing alacrity.


Oh wait, nvm. My chrono is called firebrand now and ever since I've worked on my Renegade condi rotation even my Mirage sees only use in like 2 raid bossfights.

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This was the laziest and most unproper way to do ANYTHING with chrono, I mean I understand that ANet wants to see FB and Alac Rev and other classes like that in normal use, but just imagine this, what if all 3 of these classes would be on the same level of support capability? Like actually, the thing that chrono can give you alac and quickness while FB or Rev can only do one of these that means the class is too OVERPOWERED or just its not balanced? The right answer is that it was not balanced, it was not balanced since years, and ANet could only come up with the idea of "Hey there is this chrono player amongst us, we all hate him right? *everyone says yes* okey what if we completly destroy chrono so it will be too sh*t even to be part of garbage level?". Like srsly, ANet is a game developer company but one of the most laziest ones IF not the laziest ones when it comes to balance patches, instead of reworking classes and making them balanced that way they take things from classes that make them what those classes are and expect that everyone will cheer in happiness

But hey, they get all their ideas from watching chrono plays on YT and other platforms since I doubt any ANet member can even do any kind of raid boss properly as a chrono, and honestly, doubt if they can do any boss as any role...At this point, I can understand people calling a certain game *cough* FFXIV *cough* as the "game of GW refugees"

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So after i tried many.. many builds and gears from conndi to dmg to support to half dmg and half support to half dmg and half condi and finaly to half condi and half support. so here is what i think (and i want you to add your thoughts here):

chrono is does not shine in condi dmg while mirage can shine along with scourge

chrono (now) can't inflect high dmg as in warrior-revenent or even mirage even burst classes (waver/mirgae/thief and 2 specs berserker) will shine and do better job than chrono.

chrono can't shine when it comes to condi since the idea of its build and skills are all non-damaging conditions

chrono left in the dark in comparison between support classes, you can't actually support in competitive modes (WvW/Pvp)..(FB-Scraper-tempest-revenet specs) perform better.

So im leaving the game, my soul memser spec has been nerfed too much.



When i think about support, the first thing comes in mind is FB

When i think about burst dmg with high sustain i think of warrior

when i think of strong condi and many targets i think of scourge

when i think about support with high CC/reflects i think of tempest

when i think about support stealth then it goes to scrapper... etc

Now every class has their own way to shine, but i can't see chrono shine in any way... am i the only one here ?



ill leave you all with good manner, i thank whoever made the game fun for me. and Now Cya


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