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Join Us for a Special Live Event TOMORROW (Friday August 30)

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1/ Can you tell us the current progress on Alliance system and future WvW content roadmap?

2/ GW2 is losing players from every game modes, and one of the major reason behind this phenomena is due to the lack of communication and 0 hints of what dev teams are working on than 'we might do this later if we can'; are you aware of this and are there any plans and solutions rather than 'we will work on it'?

3/ Does your game balance team consider current PoF meta in WvW is healthy? Is profession (skill) balance team even consider WvW when they tune skill strengths and its efficiency?

4/ Do devs even play WvW, not just pugging/roaming around like squirrels but in an actual guild run with current meta comp?

5/ Do you still believe Living World and Main Story Episodes is the **_BEST SOLUTION_** to bring back leaving or already left users as well as new players?


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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Oh, really? Last I heard there were 3 Living World Teams, and last announcement Mike Z. said they were adjusting release cadences, and no specific time between was, at that time, stated.


> The 4 Content Teams were mentioned in the April update by Gamer Director Mike Zadorojny: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72842/what-s-next-for-guild-wars-2/

I assumed that one of those was the Raids/Fractals team. Does that mean it no longer exists? Does that mean that LS is all the content teams are working now? Does that mean the expac team is gone as well?


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Here you can see the Dragon: https://imgur.com/KpqlEzU

> >

> > As I said, not seeing a Dragon


> Glasses required? ;)


> > no matter how many little drawings people scribble into the random **snow/blizzard patterns**


> https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=998&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Sea+Spray


> > @"Psientist.6437" said:

> > Looks like a winter storm to me, **the particles are very distinct and are being blown in different directions**.


> Which also happens when a dragon ascends from the ocean (waves, sea spray).


The painting doesn't have any of the features that would readily identify it as sea spray though. There are no semi-solid masses of water near the bottom, little difference in particle size or shape, no organically shaped droplets and no large 3D structure. We see bright, distinct, evenly sized particles; which are the distinct features of a winter storm. There are good reasons everyone seas a winter storm. The only part that could possibly read as water splashing is the surface under the particles. It could be distant waves or an artifact of the painterly effect the artist employed when depicting wind sculpted snow. If it were water producing spray, I would expect to see all the features that appear between the surface and fine mist seen in the images you linked.


Maybe there is a dragon, it would be amazing if the studio released future versions with a giant face becoming more distinct.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I've followed the advices of someone on reddit and swapped colors:

> >

> > ![](https://imgur.com/EfGs3DL.png)

> >

> > That is one of the best pic to see the discreet eyes. I'm now sure about jormag.


> I really don't see a _dragon_ in this vague outline. It looks more like the vague outline of a wolf's face.


> Maybe Garm got lost in a snow storm, in the Shiverpeaks, near a beach.




Lol, At least we can rule out outer space and jungle.


Living World Season 5: Whirlwind of Allusion


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Looks like a September launch is likely then unless they are planning to launch it the same day since it is a Tuesday (highly unlikely though)


> The announcement is on a Friday. I guess they could release it the next tuesday, which is september 3, but I get the feeling it'll be the 10th. Still, it's nice to know that in a little over a month we'll get an announcement. Kind of sad things are taking so long, but at least something is happening.


In a way it makes sense though. While many people, myself included, would indulge themselves in PC gaming over summer vacation, etc, many people cannot as they participate in outdoor activities, travel with their families for camping, cottage, etc. In other words, summer can be a bad time for gaming populations, so to launch the next chapter of the game in the "back to school" window is a sound idea.


ANET has also been giving us tons of festivals and events in the meantime. I won't suggest they were 'engaging' content or anything, but when I found myself looking for a reason to log in, I did sometimes decide that killing a few world bosses for extra loots was a way to have some fun.


I happen to be off work on the 30th, so I might actually be able to catch one of these broadcasts ;)

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Of course, this is probably why they don't tell us anything in advance. We're like kids shaking the presents before Christmas. Then again, that was always part of the joy of Christmas to me as a kid. The guesswork, the fondling. Even when I KNEW something was probably just clothes, it kept me occupied.


In marketing speech, that's called "buzz". If we weren't discussing this, or trying to guess what it was, that would be a negative sign for the suits.

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> @"Adotiln Urthadar.1823" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Do the Devs have, and will they share with us, an expected release cadence for Living World Season 5?

> > 1 - 2 month intervals?

> > 2 - 3 month intervals?

> > 3 - 4 month intervals?

> > 4+ month intervals?

> >

> > Are there still 3 Living World Teams? More? Less?

> > Are there any other Guild Wars 2 projects being worked on? ;)


> This information has already been told to us - there are 4 living world teams and they are still aiming for the 2-3 month release cadence.


Not totally sure that is still true. Also re cadence, I seem to recall there was a post highlighting that was going to be extended.. if I cared more I would search, but as the cadence has never been an issue for me and actually would be happy to see it extended, I don't care :)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > > > I really, **really** love the Guild Wars 2 Living World graphic used in this thread.

> > >

> > > I find the newsletter's image even better:

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/bYQ6pX9.jpg "")

> > >

> > > So much for "no elder dragons", I guess. ;) Or this could be a general reference to crossing the ocean to Cantha - who knows?

> >

> > I can see creepy Dragon eyes :O


> Me too! :o


> And to whoever thinks this was snow: have your eyes checked. :p


I have looked at the image with my glasses on and off(yes, I saw the tongue sticking out), and it still looks like a snow flurry to me...just like that dark image in the back doesn't look like the jagged peaks of mountains, but a torn rag hanging down from an opening...honestly, the image can be a million things if you look at it long enough...it could also be absolutely nothing, which honestly I would prefer them to try and do, just so all this speculation would have actually mean nothing.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Oh, really? Last I heard there were 3 Living World Teams, and last announcement Mike Z. said they were adjusting release cadences, and no specific time between was, at that time, stated.

> >

> > The 4 Content Teams were mentioned in the April update by Gamer Director Mike Zadorojny: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72842/what-s-next-for-guild-wars-2/

> I assumed that one of those was the Raids/Fractals team. Does that mean it no longer exists? Does that mean that LS is all the content teams are working now? Does that mean the expac team is gone as well?


What it means, at least my interpretation is that now there are 4 content teams that can work on any type of content needed, which would actually make more sense to me than have specific teams working on specific areas as you can leverage the different talent available in each team to assist in what ever that team needs help with...and that almost sounds like what happens listening to some of the latest Guild Chats.

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I can't come up with questions because there's no topic. I mean, my main preliminary question is "what are you announcing? A road map, pending content, a new game, player housing, dates of WvW Alliance implementation?" And that'll be answered soon as you actually do the announcement, at which point the focused questions can commence.

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If you intend to introduce expansion level content in the living world, how do you intend to monetize the game for sustainability? Will the game still have expansions?

Are you going to further rework underwater combat?

Are you going to introduce an underwater mount?


(Related note: My engineer is built around the flamethrower, yet I can not use the flamethrower underwater. I also do not get separate traits underwater, making all my flamethrower specific traits useless in water. Will this be addressed?)

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > > I really, **really** love the Guild Wars 2 Living World graphic used in this thread.

> >

> > I find the newsletter's image even better:

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/bYQ6pX9.jpg "")

> >

> > So much for "no elder dragons", I guess. ;) Or this could be a general reference to crossing the ocean to Cantha - who knows?


> I don't know but I do see kind of a face here. But I'm not sure if this is water or a snowy landscape.




I see a dragon's face, maybe Jormag. Not sure.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I've followed the advices of someone on reddit and swapped colors:

> >

> > ![](https://imgur.com/EfGs3DL.png)

> >

> > That is one of the best pic to see the discreet eyes. I'm now sure about jormag.


> I really don't see a _dragon_ in this vague outline. It looks more like the vague outline of a wolf's face.


> Maybe Garm got lost in a snow storm, in the Shiverpeaks, near a beach.




Would be interesting if it is a wolf's face :D

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> @"PaladinVII.1647" said:

> If you intend to introduce expansion level content in the living world, how do you intend to monetize the game for sustainability? Will the game still have expansions?


This is also a big question in my mind - considering the possibility that LW5 **is equivalent to** expansion 3, and they are changing the delivery model again - are they going to lock things behind gemstore or how do they expect to get players money for expansion level content in LW...


It's intriguing, looking forward to finding out in a month.

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Speculation: regarding the logo, red and blue may signify Primodius and Jormag as many have already speculated, but red and blue were also used for the Kurzick/Luxon factions in Cantha in GW1, so this may possibly suggest Cantha rather than dealing with a couple more dragons.



1. Is there any update on WvW alliances?

2. Are there plans for releasing new expansions? Or will everything be delivered via Living World seasons?

3. Is there a finite cap in the number of elite specializations possible before balance becomes too complex to manage? If so, how is that finite number determined?

4. Will the Mac client continue to be updated for future MacOS releases? Will it ever be updated to take advantage of Metal?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi everyone,


We see a lot of excitement on this thread and I wanted to mention that this also means that there are a lot of off-topic posts that are steering the discussion in multiple directions that are not the original one. We deleted some posts so that this thread can focus on sharing questions and thoughts about this Special Live Event, but their creators are free to report them in a new thread if they want to. It's fine to speculate or analyze what we say, but please do it respecfuly :) We definitely don't want any of you to lose any enthusiasm and excitement (or be hyped if that's your thing), except when it comes to being off-topic. This also applies to replying to posts that are off-topic!


Thank you everyone for your passion and understanding!

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> Speculation: regarding the logo, red and blue may signify Primodius and Jormag as many have already speculated, but red and blue were also used for the Kurzick/Luxon factions in Cantha in GW1, so this may possibly suggest Cantha rather than dealing with a couple more dragons.


That's a very interesting point, and one I hadn't considered. However, the wiki states that Emperor Usoku conquered both the Kurzicks and the Luxons, and assumed absolute power over both of them. Do they even still exist?


And Stephane...I know what you're really up to over there, you're trying to hide evidence of the Tengu! But you can't stop all of us! My guild is ready for a raid on the Dominion of Winds, and we're taking everyone with us who wants to go! Let's see them Tengu!





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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> Speculation: regarding the logo, red and blue may signify Primodius and Jormag as many have already speculated, but red and blue were also used for the Kurzick/Luxon factions in Cantha in GW1, so this may possibly suggest Cantha rather than dealing with a couple more dragons.


> Questions:

> 1. Is there any update on WvW alliances?

> 2. Are there plans for releasing new expansions? Or will everything be delivered via Living World seasons?

> 3. Is there a finite cap in the number of elite specializations possible before balance becomes too complex to manage? If so, how is that finite number determined?

> 4. Will the Mac client continue to be updated for future MacOS releases? Will it ever be updated to take advantage of Metal?


I really hope #4 is not out of bounds to speculate on! (Well, how can it be considering we do not know what the announcement is.) The mac client has some 32 bit code and does not work at all with the Mac OS release coming out in a few months.

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Are their any plans to provide better communication directly on the forums? I am not interested in Guild Chat , Streamer schedules or reddit QandA but actually communicating on the games official forums. This question may seem a little out of place but I assume there is something worthy of taking the game in a new direction to schedule a live event and this is something I would like to see take a new direction.

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