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Does anyone feel the same?

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Definitely seeing more wvw guilds and players leaving the past few weeks. Entire guilds and half of others left for other games (currently on ffxiv or getting ready for classic wow, while some just quitting because others are leaving). Some of these guilds were major contributors to the wvw scene and things seem as empty as they have ever been.

Anything ANET had in mind for improvements simply took too long or people were tired of waiting for follow-ups.

I agree with the sentiment here. It truly seems ANET does not care. It is just one blunder after another after another. Balance patches come and go with no real change, things have been too stale for too long, legendary runes/sigils seem like wasted time (for now) or were implemented too awkwardly and I am sure ANET has something BIGGER in mind but they just seem to go about it all wrong and irritate more people than they please now days. Even if something huge is mentioned in a month (which is far too long since the last update imho) it will be like putting a band-aid on a corpse.


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People come and go. Been like that since release. The current wave of leavers is nothing like the one during the long content drought before HoT. About 90% of my friendlist simply "disappeared" after a while back then. It is far from that bad right now even if some people have had enough or find themselves in the need of a break. There are also a lot more new players coming in compared to before.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> People come and go. Been like that since release. The current wave of leavers is nothing like the one during the long content drought before HoT. About 90% of my friendlist simply "disappeared" after a while back then. It is far from that bad right now even if some people have had enough or find themselves in the need of a break. There are also a lot more new players coming in compared to before.


Do you have number/evidence that there are a lot more new players coming compared to before ?

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > People come and go. Been like that since release. The current wave of leavers is nothing like the one during the long content drought before HoT. About 90% of my friendlist simply "disappeared" after a while back then. It is far from that bad right now even if some people have had enough or find themselves in the need of a break. There are also a lot more new players coming in compared to before.


> Do you have number/evidence that there are a lot more new players coming compared to before ?


You first...

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > People come and go. Been like that since release. The current wave of leavers is nothing like the one during the long content drought before HoT. About 90% of my friendlist simply "disappeared" after a while back then. It is far from that bad right now even if some people have had enough or find themselves in the need of a break. There are also a lot more new players coming in compared to before.


> Do you have number/evidence that there are a lot more new players coming compared to before ?


My friendlist is my best evidence. Not sure if you played during the long content drought of 2015 but I certainly did and I meet multiple times as many new players nowadays than I met back then. Some of my friends quit recently, most are still around. But almost everyone quit or went on a break back then.

I hope you have some evidence to disprove this if you disagree.

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For me things are a bit stale. Crown Pavillion is cool and all but after one round I’m done. Wvw and pvp are much of the same - although most of my time is spent in those game modes.


I think most people are waiting for new content whether that’s season 5, new elites, or just something different.

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I'm not quitting. However it is Summer time and I can see why some people might want to distance themselves from the game to be more active in real life (like go outside and enjoy the nice weather while we have it) because fall will be here before you know it. Then everyone will come back, you'll see. They'll freeze their asses off in the cold weather and will want to stay inside again and watch their tans disappear lol

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The game just feels like it has nothing to do after awhile. I kept my self busy with achievements for the longest time but I realize I'm not naturally an achievement hunter and I was just doing it to find something to do. I guess I got a good 7 years out of this game that's a very good run. I've grown tired of the GW2 formula of 1 new map with a currency to grind with maybe an hour of actual content then the rest of the time is grinding the currency for the next 9 months. There's not enough to do, not enough story, not enough fractals, no more dungeons, not enough raids, it's not enough for any subset of the population whether its PVP or WvW or PVE. This game is the casualist of the casual but we don't even have an auto dungeon queuer or raid finder nor do we have different difficulty tiers. There's lots of content people could get their hands on if they made it easier to access already in the game. im honestly too lazy at this point to form a group and sit and wait for people to join when I can jump in FFXIV or ESO and just queue raid or dungeon up and away I go! I'm sure the group content population would go up if they added a daily random queue with decent gold rewards that you don't have to setup yourself. The SPVP pop would probably go up to if they moved away from standing on little circles and made it so that you interact with a flag or something rather than being confined to fight on a little circle. Doesn't help though that balance issues in this game is magnified more than in other games because it has 2 of the most toxic pvp classes I've ever seen in a game just due to their design.


Its sad it feels like a lot of resources and revenue was funnelled into whatever this other project was that was cancelled and now the game is dying on the vine due to a lack of content which ironically was caused by funnelling said resources elsewhere and so now the cash cow doesn't make enough to support itself even. They shot themselves in the foot. They should have kept the expansion cadence of an expac every two years.... we could be happily playing Cantha right now alongside Shadowbringers and Elswyr but Anet really flubbed this one. Great game, great artistic team, great devs, but their management and balance team never seems to be on the same page with their player base.


**tldr: **They really need to be working on an expac and they need to be dropping hints something is coming. They need to balance the game so all elites have one viable build instead of this ridiculous power creep. They need to start making paid dlcs ala ESO that are more meaty then living story. Create an optional monthly sub that gives access to all of these dlcs or make them purchasable with gems….I'll pay money for more content at a faster pace no issues here. Anything to generate revenue so there's more content at a faster pace. People are leaving because there's nothing to do here and tons to do in ESO and FFXIV.

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I am sad about this game. 7 years... and nothing serious to satisfy all sides of community (PvP, WvW, PvE). I only join to do my daily Unranked PvP, because I only like to PvP with friends, and I get 2 gold after 1 match by completing my dailies. Then I'm out, sad game.

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