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Satchel of Loot (legendary rune and sigil event)

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As per patch notes: "Grandmaster crafters in Lion's Arch are working to unlock legendary runes and sigils by offering Satchels of Loot to citizens who donate repeatedly to the cause."


I went to LA and bought that 1st item (donation thing) twice from a craft vendor. It withdrawed the resource needed for this twice so it must have donated (hard to see with a spinning number on there) but we get no Satchel of Loot? I saw nothing on either times and I did wait for the reset of the progress counter that happens every x minutes. Did anyone even see any such a satchel? (map chat was not helpfull in this regard as nobody replied).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> (To be fair: confused me at first too, because there was no progress pop up like there was for the last event. Even just figuring out how to donate was... awkward this time.)


Confused me too on both counts. Talked to Hobbs and the other craft masters and couldn't figure out how to donate. Finally, almost by accident, I clicked on the button for wanting crafting supplies and saw the donation receipt. Bought one but nothing seemed to happen. Bought another and watched my total of lucent crystals. Sure enough, it went down but nothing else seemed to happen. Tried a third time and POP! there was a loot box. Somebody else was asking in map chat how to donate and I was able to tell them. Seems like sloppy design to me but maybe there's some reason Anet wants to keep the process obscure.



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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> You get a satchel every 3 donations.

> Hero > General > Tradesman > Legendary Benefactor.


Okay... I couldn't even find an achieve but I expected it to be at community or bonus events lol


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > repeatedly

> I suspect the devs decided that "repeatedly" was more than a single repeat ;)


> (To be fair: confused me at first too, because there was no progress pop up like there was for the last event. Even just figuring out how to donate was... awkward this time.)


It was terribly confusing and jeweler ain't included as npc either which was the craft my toon has.

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1k is an awful sample size> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > You get a satchel every 3 donations.

> > Hero > General > Tradesman > Legendary Benefactor.


> https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cjusk0/1000_satchel_of_loot_drops_value_spreadsheet/


> PSA: take notice of after1000 satchels, how many Gifts of Sigils / Runes dropped.


Oh yeah, I am totally mad that "super rare" doesn't mean within 1k boxes.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > You get a satchel every 3 donations.

> > Hero > General > Tradesman > Legendary Benefactor.


> Okay... I couldn't even find an achieve but I expected it to be at community or bonus events lol


> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > repeatedly

> > I suspect the devs decided that "repeatedly" was more than a single repeat ;)

> >

> > (To be fair: confused me at first too, because there was no progress pop up like there was for the last event. Even just figuring out how to donate was... awkward this time.)


> It was terribly confusing and jeweler ain't included as npc either which was the craft my toon has.


Probably because Jewellers can't craft runes or sigils.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > It was terribly confusing and jeweler ain't included as npc either which was the craft my toon has.


> Probably because Jewellers can't craft runes or sigils.


You can buy the item, with or without knowing the discipline, from any of the armor or weapon discipline specialists.

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Okay Legendary Benefactor achieve only seems to pop up after you did the achievements (checked it beforehand on the location mentioned and even with searching the words and it didn't pop). And ye you can buy item without having any craft learned (you just need to go to npcs offering it as not all do). Was totally worth 5 blood and 1 green unid lol.

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Question: the event to buy those things and receive the Satchels of Loot is over, right? As far as I can tell, those are the only method of acquiring Mystic Motes/Aspects or directly a Gift of Sigils/Runes. Can anyone guess where I'm going with this?

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Its extremely confusing and the collectors/vendors says nothing to guide us. Says to donate material but its really buying a "receipt" from the craft vendors. To get 1 satchel you need to buy 3 receipts or 30 piles of lucent crystals ( value of 2.30 gold now) . I received 4 radiant dust, really!! Anything good is set as Rare and Super rare. I would love to know the real % of the rare and super rare given out.

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> @"Shep.4026" said:

> Question: the event to buy those things and receive the Satchels of Loot is over, right? As far as I can tell, those are the only method of acquiring Mystic Motes/Aspects or directly a Gift of Sigils/Runes. Can anyone guess where I'm going with this?


Its still going on.

And the new factions provisioners have something to do with this also

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> @"Shep.4026" said:

> Question: the event to buy those things and receive the Satchels of Loot is over, right? As far as I can tell, those are the only method of acquiring Mystic Motes/Aspects or directly a Gift of Sigils/Runes. Can anyone guess where I'm going with this?


The event is still ongoing and the whole point of the event is to unlock recipes to allow us to craft Mystic Motes and Aspects directly.

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What a complete and utter clusterkitten this whole leggy runes/sigils mullarkey is. As far as I am concerned ANET have stooped to a new low in developing interesting, fun content for all. This is just a mess from just starting the process let alone actually getting full sets completed.. terrabad, just terrabad.

I am beginning to wonder if maybe these "dead game", threads are going to start gaining merit, cos this is just going to kill the interest for a chunk of this playerbase imo.

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500 per rune is what i predicted in the last thread. Currently the progress bar is around 60percent. Which means it will probably done by the weekend.

My only criticism is the event uses the same item materials needed to for making the gifts while giving nothing in return.

This creates a weird situation, where those who will make the runes will save their crystals, while letting others waste all there materials to let the recipe unlock.

I wish they would have had the recipee not use crystals, and just left a permanent crystal gambler to eat up all the supply. It works for ecto i dont see why it does not work here.

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If another of these are added, a little more information would be helpful. The fact that you could see the collection points on map didn't readily lead to looking at what the vendor had in the tabs. First instincts were there were other collectors and/or there would have been dialogs to the merchants. Maybe a bit more dialog from Hobbs or a bit more in the email message. But when have a number of people all saying, yeah, don't know and you need to go check the wiki for how this was suppose to work means it wasn't so straight forward. Just some feedback.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> This creates a weird situation, where those who will make the runes will save their crystals, while letting others waste all there materials to let the recipe unlock.

> I wish they would have had the recipee not use crystals, and just left a permanent crystal gambler to eat up all the supply. It works for ecto i dont see why it does not work here.


Yes. They are simultaneously sinking the supply while requiring it later...making it more difficult for those who vastly contribute, and easier for those who don't. I don't understand the thinking there.

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