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How do you make legendary runes/sigils?

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Maybe I'm a dummy, but I can't figure it out.


I got the same letter everyone did, but Grandmaster Hobbs is pretty enigmatic on the subject. The Master Crafters don't have much to say either. They are just selling receipts for lucent motes, which drop satchels every three receipts....but these just contain generic materials.


How does one actually get one of these new purple shinies? Is it just RNG? Can someone explain how it works and/or point me to a link describing this process? Or is it a mystery?



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I was wondering what the time gate would be - and it's those kitten provisioners. :/ Well at least some are really easy (eg mystic forge stone).


Tbh the rest of it doesn't look to bad - one condensed might/magic, fair enough. And the other gift looks straightforward. So mainly gold cost and provisioner tokens for gift of craftsmanship.

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Yea, I don’t know what Anet is thinking at this point.


Let’s look at runes/sigils for just one class/profession and at the more obnoxious items.


Elementalist for example.


6 Runes for an armor set.

120 Mystic Clovers

300 Provisioner tokens

6 Gifts of Might and Magic each

300 Mystic Aspects



1 of each weapon type, I think that’s reasonable since your build changes your weapons/stats in many cases.


Staff, Sword, Dagger (2), Scepter, Warhorn, Focus


7/8 Sigils - Staff takes 2 and if you want to run dual daggers you need an additional.

210/240 Mystic Clovers

350/400 Provisioner Tokens

7/8 Gifts of Might and Magic each

525/600 Mystic Motes


Who even knows how ridiculous the Motes/Aspects will be when we can learn to craft them and not have to buy them.


And this is just one for class/profession. I imagine people would at least want to do one set for heavy/medium/light.


Another option would use shared inventory with an extractor. Then you can make fewer total. But then you have to constantly swap runes/sigils and keep backup exotic variants for when you pull them and don’t to swap them... I guess.


Idk to me that seems a bit absurd for a “convenience” item that has no cosmetic or any other bonus attached to it.

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From what I understood from the recipes, a single rune has the same cost in Gift of condensed might/magic and a double cost in Mystic Clovers than a piece of legendary armor. And, because this is not enough and ANet feared that all the players will rush to craft hundred of runes/sigils, they added a time gate too - the provisioner tokens :#.


Well, this is another item we have in game only because ANet wanted it to be ingame. Not to be crafted, but only to be there, just for protection - in case someone will ask for them. The same situation as in the 32 slots bag.


I wonder who decides the quantity of each material on each recipe. Now GW2 has no official economist. So, **who** decides this? Is this a team effort? Is the recipe of a rune the result of a single person calculations? Is that person (or the team) playing the game?


If you look back, before the change to the rune acquisition (and salvage) you will see that the request for legendary runes/sigils was not a very strong/repeated often one. Instead you will see numerous requests for raising the **Jewelry** crafting to 500. And the possibility to craft our own ascendant trinkets. We have now the ANet promise that they work to raise the **Cooking** crafting to 500. And the legendary trinkets. But not for all the characters. Only one different piece for the entire account. You will see a lot of requests for build templates. Instead we have now the Legendary Runes aberration.


I wonder if these ... changes are made indeed with the intention to improve the game and to keep the players. Because more and more "improvements" are not very demanded by players / not very high in the players priority / not implemented as the players demanded. Some of the improvements are even against the QoL (see the UnID bags replacing the direct drop - now it takes a lot of time to identify and then salvage the bags after a 2 complete Dragonfall metaevent for example. You need the bank to store the UNID bags if you don't want to salvage them directly).


Is this a mockery? Because if it is not, I start to think that ANet has a way of thinking totally different of mine. And because this is their game and I cannot change it, I think in the near future I will find a game with developers being normal persons, having a way of thinking closer to my understanding.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> 30 Mystic Clover per Rune/Sigil is just insane. Imagine how many Coins you will have to waste in the Mystic Forge... no, thanks.

1 coin = 1 clover if you use fractal vendor and buy 2 items per day

also we get 2 Mystic Clover each time then finish pvp/wvw track, so everyone who play get additional arox 2 or 4 per day.

Have 200+

So I don't see any insane m coins waste in leg craft. Burn them in forge is obsession.

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> @"lare.5129" said:


> 1 coin = 1 clover if you use fractal vendor and buy 2 items per day

> **also we get 2 Mystic Clover each time then finish pvp/wvw track, so everyone who play get additional arox 2 or 4 per day.**

> Have 200+

> So I don't see any insane m coins waste in leg craft. Burn them in forge is obsession.


Are you joking? How many players you know will do 2 reward tracks per day every day to have enough clovers for a rune set? For more than 50 days in a row? That means around 10 hours of WvW daily if you play with all the boosters and 16 hours daily without boosters. Do you really think that playing 16 hours per day for 50 days a single game mode is the right way for these runes? HM - in some periods 16 hours is my entire play time for a week :-) Not for a day.

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I currently own 4 full sets of legendary armor and am well in possession of the gold and account bound materials (LI too) to craft a 5th one strait off the bat. I also own all 3 legendary trinkets as well as multiple legendary weapons for my main.


I have absolutely 0% incentive to craft even 1 legendary rune or sigil. That should tell you how ridiculous this feature is.


Now one might ask: why does it matter this time around? Legendary have always been quality of life features?


The answer to that is simple: Legendary runes/sigils have:

- no benefit over legendary armor which is vastly cheaper and more useful

- no unique effect, for those people who get things for the shiny (trinkets were already a huge gold dump of uselessness)

- have a completely shitty menu implementation (meaning I have to rely on arcdps and templates still)


The way I see it, people with severe OCD might get the runes/sigils if they decide to forgo a ton of gold. Any one else will go with still expensive but more sensible options for gearing (aka more legendary armors or multiple sets of ascended gear). Hell even getting an infinite upgrade extractor for ascended gear is sinigificantly cheaper (and easier to use) than getting legendary runes/sigils.


Way to miss the mark on this feature.

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@"Roquen.5406" said:

> Yea, I don’t know what Anet is thinking at this point.


> Let’s look at runes/sigils for just one class/profession and at the more obnoxious items.


> Elementalist for example.


> 6 Runes for an armor set.

> 120 Mystic Clovers

> 300 Provisioner tokens

> 6 Gifts of Might and Magic each

> 300 Mystic Aspects



> 1 of each weapon type, I think that’s reasonable since your build changes your weapons/stats in many cases.


> Staff, Sword, Dagger (2), Scepter, Warhorn, Focus


> 7/8 Sigils - Staff takes 2 and if you want to run dual daggers you need an additional.

> 210/240 Mystic Clovers

> 350/400 Provisioner Tokens

> 7/8 Gifts of Might and Magic each

> 525/600 Mystic Motes


> Who even knows how ridiculous the Motes/Aspects will be when we can learn to craft them and not have to buy them.


> And this is just one for class/profession. I imagine people would at least want to do one set for heavy/medium/light.


> Another option would use shared inventory with an extractor. Then you can make fewer total. But then you have to constantly swap runes/sigils and keep backup exotic variants for when you pull them and don’t to swap them... I guess.


> Idk to me that seems a bit absurd for a “convenience” item that has no cosmetic or any other bonus attached to it.


Just a quick note here on the current cost of these upgrades. If we exclude the Spirit Shards, Karma and the cost of the Motes and Aspects the base cost of the other materials is ~380g per rune and ~440g per sigil.


So 6 runes would cost about 2,200g and 4 Sigils would cost about 1,750g. 8 Sigils will cost 3,500g. So your full Elementalist loadout would cost you about 5800g _without_ including the cost of Motes or Aspects.


If we use the _current_ market cost of Motes and Aspects then the cost of 6 Runes is about 8290g and your 8 legendary Sigils is about 12,500g. Now, I hope the cost to actually craft those is a hell of a lot cheaper but who knows; they're making some... interesting decisions recently.


Now, just a PSA here for people: an Endless Upgrade Extractor will cost between 2,600 (sell order) and 1650g (buy order) on the Trading Post and a Permanent Bank Access costs between 3,500g (sell order) and 3,365g (buy order) on the Trading Post.


You only really need the Endless Upgrade Extractor for free Rune or Sigil changes but if you have both you don't even need to carry the Runes or Sigils in your inventory. I have two bank tabs full of sigils and runes and, realistically speaking, I could delete half of those because I never use them.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Omg. So minimum total cost for one full set of Leg Runes and Sigils is 2,200g + 1,750g = 3,950g?!! Sigh. Don't know what to say anymore -.-


No, that's the minimum cost WITHOUT the new materials required. The actual cost is way way higher as explained by Pifil.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > Omg. So minimum total cost for one full set of Leg Runes and Sigils is 2,200g + 1,750g = 3,950g?!! Sigh. Don't know what to say anymore -.-


> No, that's the minimum cost WITHOUT the new materials required. The actual cost is way way higher as explained by Pifil.


The best possible scenario is that the Motes or Aspects cost about a gold (I suspect there's about a 0% chance of that) and then cost is about 50g higher per Rune, and about 75g higher per Sigil so about another 600g for the full loadout of 6 Runes and 4 Sigils. Cheaper if you're an Elementalist or Engineer, of course.


My guess is that the motes will require 30-50 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of Symbol of Control, Symbol of Enhancement and Symbol of Pain for Mystic Motes (for Sigils), probably 1 of each Symbol per Mote as you need 75 of them per Sigil. I would guess that you need 20-40 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of each Charm of Brilliance, Charm of Potence and Charm of Skill for Mystic Aspects (for Runes) again probably 1 of each Charm because you need 50 per Rune.


So these utterly wild-ass guesses would put each Mote at about 1.5g or an additional 90g or so per Sigil and each Aspect at about 2g for an additional 100g per Rune barring any panic buying/profiteering once the recipes become known. So the total cost would be about 4,910g assuming these very _conservative_ estimates.


To be honest though, my guess is based on the notion that they have reasonable recipes for Motes and Aspects, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual recipes required several times those numbers of ingredients or even some short-sighted mix of numbers based on current market value (so the Mystic Aspects may require 1 Charm of Brilliance, 2 Charms of Potence and 4 Charms of Skill because 1 Charm of Brilliance currently costs about as much as 2 Charms of Potence or 4 Charms of Skill).


Anyway, we'll eventually know when people unlock the recipe.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > Omg. So minimum total cost for one full set of Leg Runes and Sigils is 2,200g + 1,750g = 3,950g?!! Sigh. Don't know what to say anymore -.-

> >

> > No, that's the minimum cost WITHOUT the new materials required. The actual cost is way way higher as explained by Pifil.


> The best possible scenario is that the Motes or Aspects cost about a gold (I suspect there's about a 0% chance of that) and then cost is about 50g higher per Rune, and about 75g higher per Sigil so about another 600g for the full loadout of 6 Runes and 4 Sigils. Cheaper if you're an Elementalist or Engineer, of course.


> My guess is that the motes will require 30-50 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of Symbol of Control, Symbol of Enhancement and Symbol of Pain for Mystic Motes (for Sigils), probably 1 of each Symbol per Mote as you need 75 of them per Sigil. I would guess that you need 20-40 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of each Charm of Brilliance, Charm of Potence and Charm of Skill for Mystic Aspects (for Runes) again probably 1 of each Charm because you need 50 per Rune.


> So these utterly wild-kitten guesses would put each Mote at about 1.5g or an additional 90g or so per Sigil and each Aspect at about 2g for an additional 100g per Rune barring any panic buying/profiteering once the recipes become known.


Maybe, but given current drop rates from bags unlikely. Now this is anecdotal, but I spent around 2-3k Lucent Crystal (so what, around 70-90 bags. I didn't really keep track) and didn't see a single mote drop (sold my remaining 7-8k Lucent Crystal). There is also a limited drop research already available: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cjusk0/1000_satchel_of_loot_drops_value_spreadsheet/


From 1k bags there was 4 Mystic Motes and 3 Mystic Aspects gained. Suffice to say, at current cost this part alone will make up a significant cost of the rune/sigil.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

>For more than 50 days in a row?

50 day IF you have zero at start. Mostly who play have 50, 100, or full stack ..


> Are you joking?



>How many players you know will do 2 reward tracks per day every day to have enough clovers for a rune set? For more than 50 days in a row?

at weekends I close 2 track and +2 from fractal per day, per work day 2 from fractal and 80-100% one track. And I am NOT hardcore player.


>That means around 10 hours of WvW daily if you play with all the boosters and 16 hours daily without boosters.

why without? boosters is not problem


Anyway, summary, leg runes is not necessary content, I pref have 12 sets.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > Omg. So minimum total cost for one full set of Leg Runes and Sigils is 2,200g + 1,750g = 3,950g?!! Sigh. Don't know what to say anymore -.-

> > >

> > > No, that's the minimum cost WITHOUT the new materials required. The actual cost is way way higher as explained by Pifil.

> >

> > The best possible scenario is that the Motes or Aspects cost about a gold (I suspect there's about a 0% chance of that) and then cost is about 50g higher per Rune, and about 75g higher per Sigil so about another 600g for the full loadout of 6 Runes and 4 Sigils. Cheaper if you're an Elementalist or Engineer, of course.

> >

> > My guess is that the motes will require 30-50 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of Symbol of Control, Symbol of Enhancement and Symbol of Pain for Mystic Motes (for Sigils), probably 1 of each Symbol per Mote as you need 75 of them per Sigil. I would guess that you need 20-40 Piles of Lucent Crystal and a number of each Charm of Brilliance, Charm of Potence and Charm of Skill for Mystic Aspects (for Runes) again probably 1 of each Charm because you need 50 per Rune.

> >

> > So these utterly wild-kitten guesses would put each Mote at about 1.5g or an additional 90g or so per Sigil and each Aspect at about 2g for an additional 100g per Rune barring any panic buying/profiteering once the recipes become known.


> Maybe, but given current drop rates from bags unlikely. Now this is anecdotal, but I spent around 2-3k Lucent Crystal (so what, around 70-90 bags. I didn't really keep track) and didn't see a single mote drop (sold my remaining 7-8k Lucent Crystal). There is also a limited drop research already available: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cjusk0/1000_satchel_of_loot_drops_value_spreadsheet/


> From 1k bags there was 4 Mystic Motes and 3 Mystic Aspects gained. Suffice to say, at current cost this part alone will make up a significant cost of the rune/sigil.


Hmmm, yeah, you're probably right, the Motes and Aspects are Rare in the Satchel and the Gifts are Super Rare and history has taught me that ArenaNet's "Rare" actually means practically no chance (a less than 1% chance) and "Super Rare" actually means absolutely no chance (less than 0.001% chance).


Out of curiosity I got 4 Satchels then realised that I was basically paying about 2g for about 30-40s worth of the random items you get showered in every day.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> And I have 100s without knowing how or why I got them lol


Good for you. People who have crafted many legendaries are usually running short of them.


> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > 30 Mystic Clover per Rune/Sigil is just insane. Imagine how many Coins you will have to waste in the Mystic Forge... no, thanks.

> 1 coin = 1 clover if you use fractal vendor and buy 2 items per day


That also requires 150 Fractal Relics, which many people who don't do Fractals daily (or ever) don't have. I, for instance, am still using mine to upgrade all characters with +5 attribute infusions (from both, Fractals and WvW), with one characters left.


> also we get 2 Mystic Clover each time then finish pvp/wvw track, so everyone who play get additional arox 2 or 4 per day.


That's a lot of time invested for only two Clover and will take a long time for most players for only a single upgrade (I do WvW often, but not everyone does). Again, insane requirement in my book.

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