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Legendary Runes/Sigils Overpriced

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So I'm sure this has been brought up before, but the cost of legendary runes and sigils...


To start off legendary runes, and to an extent sigils as well, are really only useful with legendary armor to begin with (costing 300-400 gold a piece as reference. This will be brought up later as well). The reason behind this, outside of a few select cases, every type of builds runs similar or the same runes. For example, most power builds run berserker armor with scholar runes. I say most as power soulbeast uses thief runes. But this extends to healers running mostly harrier with monk runes, and condi usually viper with nightmare. There are a few exceptions to this but that is the general trend. Excluding perplexing runes which are used in 1 case, the most expensive runes as far as I recall are scholar at 4 gold each. Now let's say any character will be running at most 6 builds (power, condi, healer, support dps, WvW, PvP) and the runes cost 4 gold each, a full set will run you 144 gold about.


Currently, excluding the massively over priced mystic aspects which will be added later, these runes have mostly the same cost as legendary armor due to similar crafting requirements. They both share the requirement of gift of condensed magic, condensed might, and craftmanship. But on top of this the runes require 20 mystic clovers where armor requires only 15. 5 clovers doesn't seem like much, but for the full set it is an extra 30 clovers. This alone puts the runes on par with crafting pieces of legendary armor which have far more versatility and save far more inventory space as you saving on full sets of armor instead of individual stacks of runes. Best case, 1 rune costs the same a full set of 6 different runes at worst case scenario. And that is without knowing the cost of the mystic aspects once they become more available. Sad to see something that was so happily talked about being so overly priced that only these who have money to throw away will ever get them.

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There are only two ways to add Legendary Runes/Sigils to the game:


1. Make them very, very expensive.

2. Make them completely free and unlimited, then delete all other kinds of Runes/Sigils from the game.


There really isn't any kind of middle ground here, because as more and more people make Legendary Runes/Sigils, the prices for the non-legendary Runes/Sigils will continue to fall until they become trash items and the game's economy is significantly impacted in a negative way.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> There are only two ways to add Legendary Runes/Sigils to the game:


> 1. Make them very, very expensive.

> 2. Make them completely free and unlimited, then delete all other kinds of Runes/Sigils from the game.


Not necissarily. Yes they are expected to be more expensive just out of having it for conveniance. But when they are the same, if not more expensive than a full set of legendary armor it is almost unacceptable. I could see it being reasonable to get at around 50-75 gold per rune. Which it totally reasonable to pay especially if you have access to legendary armor. But when you are better off just crafting another set of legendary armor and set of runes you have a problem with how you manage the economy for them

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> The problem is that most runes/sigil absolutely suck kitten. The ui is complete dog kitten. I would urge people to craft the armor then craft 1 24 slot bag so you have space for those 4 sets of runes that are actually useful. Complete fail unless your rich you know.


Totally agree. The thing is, runes stack anyway. The 6 runes for a full set take up 1 inventory slot. The saved inventory comes down to at most 5 slots. And most people don't even have that many different sets to work with. The new interface is total garbage too but that is a totally different problem lol

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This is the same reason I won't make the legendary accessories. People say they cost 2k to make BECAUSE they have an aura, so it's worth it. When a single piece of legendary armor only costs like 300g, why should the accessory be 7 times that. I will wait until they add reasonably priced accessories that DO NOT have a god awful aura to them.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> This is the same reason I won't make the legendary accessories. People say they cost 2k to make BECAUSE they have an aura, so it's worth it. When a single piece of legendary armor only costs like 300g, why should the accessory be 7 times that. I will wait until they add reasonably priced accessories that DO NOT have a god awful aura to them.


That is a complete other thing too. All fot them are the same with a stacking effect which is cool but then you look at Coalescence, which really should be different anyway due to it being a raid item, but the only even get the different effects you need multiple of them. On top of it to even show the hard work with coalescence it need all 3 to even show you got it. At that point you may as well get 3 weapons

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> There are only two ways to add Legendary Runes/Sigils to the game:


> 1. Make them very, very expensive.

> 2. Make them completely free and unlimited, then delete all other kinds of Runes/Sigils from the game.


> There really isn't any kind of middle ground here, because as more and more people make Legendary Runes/Sigils, the prices for the non-legendary Runes/Sigils will continue to fall until they become trash items and the game's economy is significantly impacted in a negative way.


Runes/Sigils have only been craft-able for a few months now and prior to that, most WERE worth less than dirt


Anet just switching over to a system that makes build experimentation easier wouldn't have any real effect on anything

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I think the price is ok. Every leg item is overpriced, no matter that is, armor, weapon, ring, or etc.

Ofc sad that eat Mystic Clover but not Glob of Dark Matter or etc.

Have I plan craft leg runes/sigils?

Yes. But properly answer is - "when and how". I predict soon, after few month again everyone and will have a lot of lucetn crystal and no one will want buy it - I will bring that to npc, .. get gift - craft, no gift - no craft.


> @"nexblackheart.3471" said:

> The difference is, legendaries have cosmetics to them. These runes as far as anybody knows have no cosmetic effect to them, so why should they be the same price?

my spvp legendary set say "NO cosmetics effect".

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> My concern about the legendary runes and sigils is that the built template system may require them for full functionality.


I doubt it. Based on the costs involved it seems pretty clear that ArenaNet expects only a slim minority of players to work on the Legendary Runes/Sigils while build templates will have mass appeal. If you have legendary armor/weapons, I'm assuming you can swap out Runes/Sigils and achieve the same effect as the legendary ones at the cost of inventory slots for the Rune/Sigil stacks.


People who don't have any legendary items will most likely not be able to use build templates for changing runes/sigils, but that is to be expected.

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The problem with the runes for me is that a legendary armor piece costs around 300-400g to make where a legendary rune costs around 500g to make. would have been fine if legendary sigils were also the same or a bit more expansive then a legendary weapon but they are the same price as a rune, where a legendary weapon is around 1100 to 2000g to make (depends on tier 1 or tier 2 weapon ofc). It just looks like anet just thought of some random numbers without actually looking at the prices of the legendary armor and weapons.

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> @"donnybeast.9168" said:

> The problem with the runes for me is that a legendary armor piece costs around 300-400g to make where a legendary rune costs around 500g to make. would have been fine if legendary sigils were also the same or a bit more expansive then a legendary weapon but they are the same price as a rune, where a legendary weapon is around 1100 to 2000g to make (depends on tier 1 or tier 2 weapon ofc). It just looks like anet just thought of some random numbers without actually looking at the prices of the legendary armor and weapons.


To be fair legendary armour is both timegated by the insights, and the provisioned tokens. While runes are only timegated by the tokens.

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