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/sit for mounts =]

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RE: suggestions: Apparently they don't have a suggestions forum because it was too difficult to keep track of it all and for the relevant staff to spot topics they want to read, so now suggestions go into whichever part of the forum is most appropriate.


RE mount emotes: I like this idea. Even if it was just a way to manually activate the existing animations it would be nice, especially if they stayed sitting down. Although I think each mount has different animations, and currently the only one which sits down is the raptor. I like that because I think it helps give each one it's own personality, but it might make turning them into emotes harder. (I'd suggest something like /mount1 and /mount2 which could then play a different animation for each one - e.g. sit and shake for the raptor - but I know I'd never be able to remember which is which.)


If they could add sitting animations for the other mounts that would be even better.

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