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What are you spending your festival tokens on?

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I have all the home instance nodes, bought the dragon helms (for fun) and now I'm not sure what to do with them. I don't like the Sovereign weapons so probably won't be getting those, especially as they cost gold to boot.


May just sit on them until the 2020 Festival where, hopefully, new rewards will be added.

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I finished picking up the last of the minis I didn't have yet, unlocked a couple of novelties, bought several Zephyr Lanterns for my guild, and I'm debating unlocking a couple more novelties or unlocking some skins. I already had the home instance nodes, or I'd have probably done those first.

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I haven't spent a lot of tokens and favors this year. There's nothing left for me to unlock (except the sovereign weapons) and I got all AP I can from Drooburt. There's nothing left that's worth spending them on. I won't be unlocking any sovereign weapons at all because I dislike them. They look like they've been carved out of sparkly cheese, not like weapons at all. They look like what someone who never saw a weapon in his life might imagine weapons would look like based upon second-hand accounts. And despite my dislike, I would be unlocking them for completeness sake if they didn't cost gold as well as favors. I'll be holding on to all tokens and favors in the (idle?) hope that there might be something new next year. I can spare a single storage slot.

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> @"Greg.7086" said:


> I'm buying the nodes for my home instance


What nodes? Who's selling them? Where? I can't find anyone at the Labyrinthine Cliffs who has any nodes. (Maybe I've already got them, so they aren't showing up?)

Many of my achievements were completed last year, and the vendors don't seem to have anything of interest to me. So I've been kinda ignoring the festival this year, unfortunately. But if there are some worthwhile nodes, I'd have a little interest in doing something there.

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> > @"Greg.7086" said:


> > I'm buying the nodes for my home instance


> What nodes? Who's selling them? Where? I can't find anyone at the Labyrinthine Cliffs who has any nodes. (Maybe I've already got them, so they aren't showing up?)

> Many of my achievements were completed last year, and the vendors don't seem to have anything of interest to me. So I've been kinda ignoring the festival this year, unfortunately. But if there are some worthwhile nodes, I'd have a little interest in doing something there.


Gift of Sprockets - gives the Sprocket Generator

Gift of Quartz - gives the Quartz Crystal node

Krait Obelisk Shard - give a Krait Obelisk Hero Challenge, useful for charging quartz, and also 1 HP for each character.

All have been available for Laurels and gold before, so you might very well have them already.

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Probably guildhall decorations, I've got no real use for th tokens at this point.. and today I maxed out the Droobert AP so the tickets are going to get stockpiled for weapon skins until i've the gold to buy them.

Unfortuantely I was hoping to have more AP to farm for this year but the event is more or less a complete rehash of last years so there's almost no new AP to persue since most of the annual achivements offer 0 AP and only a small amount of new AP is available that isn't timegated which i've already got.

At this point the 10 AP I get from several days of dailies is all I have to keep me playing the festival each day.

Other than that i've little else to do in it.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> > > @"Greg.7086" said:

> >

> > > I'm buying the nodes for my home instance

> >

> > What nodes?


> Gift of Sprockets - gives the Sprocket Generator

> Gift of Quartz - gives the Quartz Crystal node

> Krait Obelisk Shard - give a Krait Obelisk Hero Challenge, useful for charging quartz, and also 1 HP for each character.

> All have been available for Laurels and gold before, so you might very well have them already.


(Sigh). Yes, I have them.


I have tried, but there just isn't that much to keep me interested this year. I wish the crystal search were available again. But having done it once, I guess I don't get to do it again if even just for fun and no special reward. It even took me awhile to find the baby dolyak race, which was always quick and fun. It seems to me that events were announced better in the past. I see the winners of the skimmer race, but I never catch the beginning. I guess they want me to go offline for schedules, or wait around at the start until it begins.


Anyhoo, I'm just a bit underwhelmed / disillusioned this year. And not enough people are joining the boat for little mobile parties.

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Minis, maybe a novelty or two, and


Petrified wood (for accessories) and Winterberries (for breathers). I only need two more accessories to get all my toons to have them. And, only five breathers to go.


If there are any left, dungeon currency (so I can get the Caudecus Manor weapon/armor collection completed). One more accessory!

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Didn't buy anything last year because I was new to the game and didn't know what any of those things were. This year I got all the home instance nodes and the dragon helm just cause I had extra tokens.


Everyone complains about not having new rewards in the festivals so I decided a while ago that I'd only *aim* for a few of the rewards each year, plus whatever I farmed by accident.

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I only had the Mk II Watchknight tonic left from previous years (mostly S1) to unlock, so I've been planning to get that after spending 3k on legendary shards per week (due to being out of town, I've barely scrapped the 3k per week so far), and use remaining favors on sovereign and divine sovereign weapons.

On my alt, I'm just slowly collecting the skins since it doesn't really have much.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> The vendors are a bit overwhelming and underwhelming at the same point. You do not really know where to start or what would be worth to spend. At the Festival of the Four Winds, you can gain two different pieces of currency.


> - **Favor of the Festival**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Favor_of_the_Festival

> - **Festival Token**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Token


> There are a couple of LS1 items at the vendors, which can be obtained at two different vendors at the moment. You can purchase them for Tokens and 1 **Laurel** OR for 25 Laurels and 15 gold (each) at a **Laurel Merchant**. If you compare those two, you quickly realize: If you want any of those items, obtaining them during the Festival of the Four Winds is cheaper. Laurels have a high value in the endgame, so it is good not to waste them early. You cannot really farm them, except for Login-Rewards and Achievement Chests.

> **Laurel**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laurel

> **Laurel Merchant**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laurel_Merchant



> **Home Instance Nodes**



> **Gift of Quartz - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Quartz Crystal Formation** for your home instance (gathering/mining). There are a couple of places in the game where you can mine **Quartz Crystal**: Glint's Legacy in the Crystal Oasis (PoF), Drytop (Core Tyria) and of course Labyrinthine Cliffs during Bazaar/Festival of the Four Winds. All these nodes have one thing in common, they only loot regular Quartz Crystal (the blue one). Blue ones can also be purchased from TP. The special part about the Gift of Quartz, it has a chance to loot **Charged Quartz Crystal**. You can obtain 1 Charged Quartz Crystal per day, per Account if you fuse 25 regular Quartz at a "place of power" (= glowing floating orb, Hero Challenge, touch). To fuse them, you just need to have 25 or more in your inventory. Charged Quartz is used for a couple of annoying crafting-products. Most of them are trade-able and quite expensive, because the Charged Quartz is time-gated. Example: **Piece of Skyscale Food**

> **Quartz Crystal Formation**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quartz_Crystal_Formation

> **Quartz Crystal**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quartz_Crystal

> **Charged Quartz Crystal**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Quartz_Crystal

> **Piece of Skyscale Food**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Skyscale_Food


> **Gift of Sprockets - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Sprocket Generator Node** for your home instance (gathering/mining). Mining the Generator loots **Watchwork Sprockets** and **Blade Shards**. Watchwork Sprockets can be sold on TP, but are also ingredient for a couple of interesting recipes, which gain more money. The Blade Shards are a core-ingredient for the **Spinal Blades Backpack**. This is a special backpack that was introduced during the **Escape from Lion's Arch** and **Battle for Lion's Arch** (Living World Season 1), it has 5 tiers, where you constantly upgrade the current version until you end up with an Ascended Backpiece with selectable stats, that can be dyed (once per item).


> There also exists a recipe that helps creating Blade Shards with Watchwork Sprockets, to speed the crafting-process up. The skins are nice, as you can see in the links below.

> **Sprocket Generator Node**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sprocket_Generator

> **Watchwork Sprockets**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Watchwork_Sprocket

> **Blade Shard**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blade_Shard

> **Spinal Blades Backpack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spinal_Blades

> **Escape from Lion's Arch**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escape_from_Lion%27s_Arch

> **Battle for Lion's Arch**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_for_Lion%27s_Arch


> **Krait Obelisk Shard - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Krait Obelisk Shard (hero challenge)**, which grants every character 1 **Hero Point** (touch). It counts as one of the above mentioned "places of power," which means you can also fuse 25 Quratz Crystals into 1 Charged Quartz Crystal there. That is all. Of all the three nodes, this one is really just optional. Can be unlocked once you have unlocked everything you really wanted. The access for the place of power is quite convenient though. A lot of players just grab 25 Quartz Crystals before they farm their home-instance and charge the Crystal on the go.

> **Krait Obelisk Shard (hero challenge)**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait_Obelisk_Shard_(hero_challenge)

> **Hero Point**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_point




> **Skins**



> **Fervid Censer - 400 Tokens**

> The **Fervid Censer** is a yellow rose back-piece (rare) with a **Settler's stats**. It spawns particles around the flower and is the counter-part of the **Desert Rose Skin** you can buy on TP. It suits to a lot of different armor- and dye-combinations, especially those where no other backpiece really fits (imho).

> **Fervid Censer**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fervid_Censer

> **Settler's stats**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributes

> **Desert Rose Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Rose_Skin


> **Fused Gauntlet Ticket - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> This is a _3in1 unlock_, that means you unlock the **Fused Gauntlet Skin** on all three weights (heavy, medium & light). The tooltip appears to be a little strange, but it is pretty much exactly what you get. Upon using the **Fused Gauntlet Ticket**, you spawn a **Vigil Requisitioner**, who will exchange your Fused Gauntlet Ticket for any of the three weights, exotic item (**Sentinel's stats**). In addition the purchase unlocks the skins for the two remaining weights.

> **Fused Gauntlet Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/aa/Medium_Fused_Gauntlets.jpg/220px-Medium_Fused_Gauntlets.jpg

> **Fused Gauntlet Ticket**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fused_Gauntlet_Ticket

> **Vigil Requisitioner**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil_Requisitioner

> **Sentinel's stats**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributes


> **Gas Mask Skin - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> Once again a _3in1 unlock_, depending on how you dye the **Gas Mask Skin**, it can look rather scary or scientific. Sadly there is no skin for an Aqua Breather.

> **Gas Mask Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gas_Mask_Skin


> **Mask of the Night Skin - 400 Tokens**

> Although this is also a _3in1 unlock_, the Maks of the Night Skin is rather cheap. It does not look very spectacular. Still, it fits to almost every Mesmer and a couple of other magic designs.

> **Mask of the Night Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mask_of_the_Night_Skin


> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scrap - 10 = 64 Tokens (1,600 Tokens in total)**

> Long story short, you need 250 **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scraps** to unlock the **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Skin**. The Scraps and the Fused Gauntlet Ticket are the result of what happens if you turn a meta-achievement/collection reward into a purchasable item. The old Living World was a bit weird in general. Sadly it is only one shoulder-piece and there is not much variety throughout the races and genders. Look at the link, if you don't like the skin, skip it till "later."

> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scrap**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Watchwork_Shoulder_Scrap

> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Watchwork_Shoulders


> **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set - 400 Tokens**

> The **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set** was introduced during the first Dragon Bash we had in GW2. It is another _3in1 unlock_, for the **Horns of the Dragon skin**. You have seen it in the **Loading Screen** of the recent Dragon Bash in Hoelbrak, worn by a choya. Although it looks quite impressive, it only has 1 dye-channel.

> **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horns_of_the_Dragon_Helm_Set

> **Horns of the Dragon skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horns_of_the_Dragon

> **Loading Screen**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/30/Dragon_Bash_loading.jpg/800px-Dragon_Bash_loading.jpg


> **Slickpack - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> The **Slick Pack** was introduced in the **Twilight Assault**, Twilight Arbor Aetherpath release. Since the Engineer profession has lost the **backpacks** of the kits, this is a good looking alternative for both Flamethrower and Elixir Gun users. It also fits to other classes.

> **Slick Pack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slickpack

> **Twilight Assault**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twilight_Assault

> **backpack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Elixir_Pack_render.jpg



> **Sclerite Karka Shell - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> The **Sclerite Karka Shell** is a weird backpiece with 8 tentacles coming from **The Secret of Southsun**. It is an exotic item with Settler's stats again. There are not many looks this piece suits to, at least it is unique.

> **Sclerite Karka Shell**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sclerite_Karka_Shell

> **The Secret of Southsun**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Secret_of_Southsun


> **Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> **Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> **Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> Those also count as _3in1 unlocks_, so you only have to purchase one of each type (Sun, Wind & Lightning) to unlock the skins for all three weights. The wind skin fits quite well to the radiant armor set from achievement-chests.

> **Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/b/be/Zephyrite_Sun_Helm.jpg/241px-Zephyrite_Sun_Helm.jpg

> **Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/ef/Zephyrite_Wind_Helm.jpg/256px-Zephyrite_Wind_Helm.jpg

> **Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Zephyrite_Lightning_Helm.jpg




> **Novelties**



> **Zephyr Sanctum Model**

> This is probably the most entertaining Gizmo in the game. It is a small model of the old Zephyr Sanctum. It can be placed on the ground. People who interact with it can see the **cutscene** of the Sanctum. The real sanctum does no longer exist in Tyria. Its old location was, where Ellen Kiel's Phoenix Dawn is currently docked at the Labyrinthine Cliffs (south of the Skydock Waypoint).

> **Zephyr Sanctum Model**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyr_Sanctum_Model

> **cutscene**:




> The other Novelties and Minis are also interesting. But if you are looking for worthy investments, I would start with those listed above. I explained what they are and how they can be useful. Again, you can also purchase each of them for 25 Laurels + 15 gold. In my opinion, the Festival Tokens are cheaper. It is just a personal recommendation.


> I am still busy with unlocking those. Once I am done with them, I'll go for the other vendors and skins. Since the Festival Tokens are a currency now, you are also not forced to spend them right now. Especially the **Sovereign Weapons** and **Divine Sovereign Weapons** cost a lot of gold in addition to the Favors of the Festival. I simply store the Favors in my bank and purchase the weapon-skins when I have enough gold.

> **Sovereign Weapons**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sovereign_weapon_skins

> **Divine Sovereign Weapons**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Divine_Sovereign_weapons



> As our forum still breaks links, I used another format. Every blue object is listed below the paragraph with the suitable link. Just copy/paste it into your URL bar. Sorry for the inconvenience. @ forum-team: **This-Is-Tedious-And-Takes-Ages!**




This is an awesome post. For new players like me it can be a little daunting figuring out what the big hoopla is about festivals events and what we should be doing as first time participants to make the most out of it the first time around.


This post here really helped me feel like I did npt waste a good opurtinuty due to lack of knowledge and made it easy to figure out what i wanted get done in it. Seriously I bookmarked this thread for this post alone!



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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> The vendors are a bit overwhelming and underwhelming at the same point. You do not really know where to start or what would be worth to spend. At the Festival of the Four Winds, you can gain two different pieces of currency.


> - **Favor of the Festival**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Favor_of_the_Festival

> - **Festival Token**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Token


> There are a couple of LS1 items at the vendors, which can be obtained at two different vendors at the moment. You can purchase them for Tokens and 1 **Laurel** OR for 25 Laurels and 15 gold (each) at a **Laurel Merchant**. If you compare those two, you quickly realize: If you want any of those items, obtaining them during the Festival of the Four Winds is cheaper. Laurels have a high value in the endgame, so it is good not to waste them early. You cannot really farm them, except for Login-Rewards and Achievement Chests.

> **Laurel**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laurel

> **Laurel Merchant**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laurel_Merchant



> **Home Instance Nodes**



> **Gift of Quartz - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Quartz Crystal Formation** for your home instance (gathering/mining). There are a couple of places in the game where you can mine **Quartz Crystal**: Glint's Legacy in the Crystal Oasis (PoF), Drytop (Core Tyria) and of course Labyrinthine Cliffs during Bazaar/Festival of the Four Winds. All these nodes have one thing in common, they only loot regular Quartz Crystal (the blue one). Blue ones can also be purchased from TP. The special part about the Gift of Quartz, it has a chance to loot **Charged Quartz Crystal**. You can obtain 1 Charged Quartz Crystal per day, per Account if you fuse 25 regular Quartz at a "place of power" (= glowing floating orb, Hero Challenge, touch). To fuse them, you just need to have 25 or more in your inventory. Charged Quartz is used for a couple of annoying crafting-products. Most of them are trade-able and quite expensive, because the Charged Quartz is time-gated. Example: **Piece of Skyscale Food**

> **Quartz Crystal Formation**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quartz_Crystal_Formation

> **Quartz Crystal**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quartz_Crystal

> **Charged Quartz Crystal**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Quartz_Crystal

> **Piece of Skyscale Food**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Skyscale_Food


> **Gift of Sprockets - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Sprocket Generator Node** for your home instance (gathering/mining). Mining the Generator loots **Watchwork Sprockets** and **Blade Shards**. Watchwork Sprockets can be sold on TP, but are also ingredient for a couple of interesting recipes, which gain more money. The Blade Shards are a core-ingredient for the **Spinal Blades Backpack**. This is a special backpack that was introduced during the **Escape from Lion's Arch** and **Battle for Lion's Arch** (Living World Season 1), it has 5 tiers, where you constantly upgrade the current version until you end up with an Ascended Backpiece with selectable stats, that can be dyed (once per item).


> There also exists a recipe that helps creating Blade Shards with Watchwork Sprockets, to speed the crafting-process up. The skins are nice, as you can see in the links below.

> **Sprocket Generator Node**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sprocket_Generator

> **Watchwork Sprockets**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Watchwork_Sprocket

> **Blade Shard**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blade_Shard

> **Spinal Blades Backpack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spinal_Blades

> **Escape from Lion's Arch**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escape_from_Lion%27s_Arch

> **Battle for Lion's Arch**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_for_Lion%27s_Arch


> **Krait Obelisk Shard - 400 Tokens**

> This results in a personal **Krait Obelisk Shard (hero challenge)**, which grants every character 1 **Hero Point** (touch). It counts as one of the above mentioned "places of power," which means you can also fuse 25 Quratz Crystals into 1 Charged Quartz Crystal there. That is all. Of all the three nodes, this one is really just optional. Can be unlocked once you have unlocked everything you really wanted. The access for the place of power is quite convenient though. A lot of players just grab 25 Quartz Crystals before they farm their home-instance and charge the Crystal on the go.

> **Krait Obelisk Shard (hero challenge)**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait_Obelisk_Shard_(hero_challenge)

> **Hero Point**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_point




> **Skins**



> **Fervid Censer - 400 Tokens**

> The **Fervid Censer** is a yellow rose back-piece (rare) with a **Settler's stats**. It spawns particles around the flower and is the counter-part of the **Desert Rose Skin** you can buy on TP. It suits to a lot of different armor- and dye-combinations, especially those where no other backpiece really fits (imho).

> **Fervid Censer**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fervid_Censer

> **Settler's stats**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributes

> **Desert Rose Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Rose_Skin


> **Fused Gauntlet Ticket - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> This is a _3in1 unlock_, that means you unlock the **Fused Gauntlet Skin** on all three weights (heavy, medium & light). The tooltip appears to be a little strange, but it is pretty much exactly what you get. Upon using the **Fused Gauntlet Ticket**, you spawn a **Vigil Requisitioner**, who will exchange your Fused Gauntlet Ticket for any of the three weights, exotic item (**Sentinel's stats**). In addition the purchase unlocks the skins for the two remaining weights.

> **Fused Gauntlet Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/aa/Medium_Fused_Gauntlets.jpg/220px-Medium_Fused_Gauntlets.jpg

> **Fused Gauntlet Ticket**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fused_Gauntlet_Ticket

> **Vigil Requisitioner**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil_Requisitioner

> **Sentinel's stats**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributes


> **Gas Mask Skin - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> Once again a _3in1 unlock_, depending on how you dye the **Gas Mask Skin**, it can look rather scary or scientific. Sadly there is no skin for an Aqua Breather.

> **Gas Mask Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gas_Mask_Skin


> **Mask of the Night Skin - 400 Tokens**

> Although this is also a _3in1 unlock_, the Maks of the Night Skin is rather cheap. It does not look very spectacular. Still, it fits to almost every Mesmer and a couple of other magic designs.

> **Mask of the Night Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mask_of_the_Night_Skin


> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scrap - 10 = 64 Tokens (1,600 Tokens in total)**

> Long story short, you need 250 **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scraps** to unlock the **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Skin**. The Scraps and the Fused Gauntlet Ticket are the result of what happens if you turn a meta-achievement/collection reward into a purchasable item. The old Living World was a bit weird in general. Sadly it is only one shoulder-piece and there is not much variety throughout the races and genders. Look at the link, if you don't like the skin, skip it till "later."

> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Scrap**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Watchwork_Shoulder_Scrap

> **Twisted Watchwork Shoulder Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Watchwork_Shoulders


> **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set - 400 Tokens**

> The **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set** was introduced during the first Dragon Bash we had in GW2. It is another _3in1 unlock_, for the **Horns of the Dragon skin**. You have seen it in the **Loading Screen** of the recent Dragon Bash in Hoelbrak, worn by a choya. Although it looks quite impressive, it only has 1 dye-channel.

> **Horns of the Dragon Helm Set**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horns_of_the_Dragon_Helm_Set

> **Horns of the Dragon skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horns_of_the_Dragon

> **Loading Screen**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/30/Dragon_Bash_loading.jpg/800px-Dragon_Bash_loading.jpg


> **Slickpack - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> The **Slick Pack** was introduced in the **Twilight Assault**, Twilight Arbor Aetherpath release. Since the Engineer profession has lost the **backpacks** of the kits, this is a good looking alternative for both Flamethrower and Elixir Gun users. It also fits to other classes.

> **Slick Pack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slickpack

> **Twilight Assault**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twilight_Assault

> **backpack**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Elixir_Pack_render.jpg



> **Sclerite Karka Shell - 1,600 Tokens & 1 Laurel**

> The **Sclerite Karka Shell** is a weird backpiece with 8 tentacles coming from **The Secret of Southsun**. It is an exotic item with Settler's stats again. There are not many looks this piece suits to, at least it is unique.

> **Sclerite Karka Shell**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sclerite_Karka_Shell

> **The Secret of Southsun**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Secret_of_Southsun


> **Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> **Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> **Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin - 800 Tokens**

> Those also count as _3in1 unlocks_, so you only have to purchase one of each type (Sun, Wind & Lightning) to unlock the skins for all three weights. The wind skin fits quite well to the radiant armor set from achievement-chests.

> **Zephyrite Sun Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/b/be/Zephyrite_Sun_Helm.jpg/241px-Zephyrite_Sun_Helm.jpg

> **Zephyrite Wind Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/ef/Zephyrite_Wind_Helm.jpg/256px-Zephyrite_Wind_Helm.jpg

> **Zephyrite Lightning Helm Skin**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Zephyrite_Lightning_Helm.jpg




> **Novelties**



> **Zephyr Sanctum Model**

> This is probably the most entertaining Gizmo in the game. It is a small model of the old Zephyr Sanctum. It can be placed on the ground. People who interact with it can see the **cutscene** of the Sanctum. The real sanctum does no longer exist in Tyria. Its old location was, where Ellen Kiel's Phoenix Dawn is currently docked at the Labyrinthine Cliffs (south of the Skydock Waypoint).

> **Zephyr Sanctum Model**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyr_Sanctum_Model

> **cutscene**:




> The other Novelties and Minis are also interesting. But if you are looking for worthy investments, I would start with those listed above. I explained what they are and how they can be useful. Again, you can also purchase each of them for 25 Laurels + 15 gold. In my opinion, the Festival Tokens are cheaper. It is just a personal recommendation.


> I am still busy with unlocking those. Once I am done with them, I'll go for the other vendors and skins. Since the Festival Tokens are a currency now, you are also not forced to spend them right now. Especially the **Sovereign Weapons** and **Divine Sovereign Weapons** cost a lot of gold in addition to the Favors of the Festival. I simply store the Favors in my bank and purchase the weapon-skins when I have enough gold.

> **Sovereign Weapons**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sovereign_weapon_skins

> **Divine Sovereign Weapons**: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Divine_Sovereign_weapons



> As our forum still breaks links, I used another format. Every blue object is listed below the paragraph with the suitable link. Just copy/paste it into your URL bar. Sorry for the inconvenience. @ forum-team: **This-Is-Tedious-And-Takes-Ages!**




You forgot one home node but is only available at festival vendor in hooligans area in Lions Arch.


Gift of Candy Corn

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