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Vanilla Guildwars2 as a PvP only game.


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This is just an idea. I am not begging for it to happen as I know it wouldn't. Alot of people don't want open world pvp and i think in some ways it's a shame, so here's the basics

The game would use existing game maps so instead of camps, keeps towers etc that you get in wvw you would fight over the villages and towns. The Towns would include a big boss fight to achieve meaning that the 3 servers (as the set up for wvw) would be able to not only fight the boss but each other. The sieges would include claiming DR and would be massive fights.

As a 'vanilla map' there would be no mounts or gliding as this wouldn't include HOT or POF.

The mobs would still be there as you would still need to level, so the first map for each race would be pvp free and dungeons would become solo instances to level in peace.

There would be a completely different set of armour so a PvP set per say which you would need medals or token from capping the areas and player kills. Lower end armour would be made available from venders. There would be a purpose to capping as well, maybe opening new maps like the old alliance battles or areas like the old JQ or FA.Player ranking would exist (needs thought)

I know this sounds like WvW but i find those maps a bit meh if i was to be honest and this would be a way of scratching the open world pvp itch.

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Interesting idea, but the world would be too big. Groups would capture a town and just camp there. Find one taken? Go take another.


Besides that, you'd be diverting Anet's seemingly limited resources into creating and maintaining a second game, which is what this would be.

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I'd love meaningful world PvP, with a number of caveats. It's a shame WvW didn't become it, but I'm not sure ANet splitting the player base with creating different GW2 games would be a good idea, both for them and the players. Maybe a LS zone with voluntary PvP (flagging), with separate PvE and PvP currencies for entirely optional rewards - perhaps a good time to introduce some grindable mount skins? But I doubt any of this will happen, as surely many would cry foul over the introduction of PvE gear being used in a PvP context, since that tilts the playing field towards veterans.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> This is just an idea. I am not begging for it to happen as I know it wouldn't. Alot of people don't want open world pvp and i think in some ways it's a shame, so here's the basics

> The game would use existing game maps so instead of camps, keeps towers etc that you get in wvw you would fight over the villages and towns. The Towns would include a big boss fight to achieve meaning that the 3 servers (as the set up for wvw) would be able to not only fight the boss but each other. The sieges would include claiming DR and would be massive fights.

> As a 'vanilla map' there would be no mounts or gliding as this wouldn't include HOT or POF.

> The mobs would still be there as you would still need to level, so the first map for each race would be pvp free and dungeons would become solo instances to level in peace.

> There would be a completely different set of armour so a PvP set per say which you would need medals or token from capping the areas and player kills. Lower end armour would be made available from venders. There would be a purpose to capping as well, maybe opening new maps like the old alliance battles or areas like the old JQ or FA.Player ranking would exist (needs thought)

> I know this sounds like WvW but i find those maps a bit meh if i was to be honest and this would be a way of scratching the open world pvp itch.


Hope this never happens ever.


As someone whose played PvP games for 15 years or so, Gw2 is a breath of fresh air. The biggest pull for Gw2 for a lot of players is the "Friendly Community Aspect " and generally speaking in open world we have a core of friendly, helpful, more social players.


PvP unfortunately attracts a lot of "self-centredness" style game play along with the whole host of anger, toxicity, trolls, bug-abusers, hackers, cheats, wannabe bad-boys, and general hostile no-lifers that feel they have to prove something in a PvP game.

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I think an optional pvp turn on switch would be okay, they do this in other games. That way only the people out in the world that want to pvp will turn it on, everyone else just goes about their business. PvP in open world does offer a new way to play, i played on a high pop rppvp server in another game and it was really an experience, guilds would literally have battlefield wars where they would meet at an open field and wage war. Most of the people on that server were hardcore rpers and pvpers so everything was done in character , i really think it was the best time i ever played a game.


> @"Greg.7086" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > This is just an idea. I am not begging for it to happen as I know it wouldn't. Alot of people don't want open world pvp and i think in some ways it's a shame, so here's the basics

> > The game would use existing game maps so instead of camps, keeps towers etc that you get in wvw you would fight over the villages and towns. The Towns would include a big boss fight to achieve meaning that the 3 servers (as the set up for wvw) would be able to not only fight the boss but each other. The sieges would include claiming DR and would be massive fights.

> > As a 'vanilla map' there would be no mounts or gliding as this wouldn't include HOT or POF.

> > The mobs would still be there as you would still need to level, so the first map for each race would be pvp free and dungeons would become solo instances to level in peace.

> > There would be a completely different set of armour so a PvP set per say which you would need medals or token from capping the areas and player kills. Lower end armour would be made available from venders. There would be a purpose to capping as well, maybe opening new maps like the old alliance battles or areas like the old JQ or FA.Player ranking would exist (needs thought)

> > I know this sounds like WvW but i find those maps a bit meh if i was to be honest and this would be a way of scratching the open world pvp itch.


> Hope this never happens ever.


> As someone whose played PvP games for 15 years or so, Gw2 is a breath of fresh air. The biggest pull for Gw2 for a lot of players is the "Friendly Community Aspect " and generally speaking in open world we have a core of friendly, helpful, more social players.


> PvP unfortunately attracts a lot of "self-centredness" style game play along with the whole host of anger, toxicity, trolls, bug-abusers, hackers, cheats, wannabe bad-boys, and general hostile no-lifers that feel they have to prove something in a PvP game.


I really think it depends, the people i played with were older and into heavy RP, if you showed up on that server as a gank troll or an ahat you didnt last long and soon moved off.

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It would be a separate game, not a on/off switch. Totally different. You wouldn't have to buy into it if you didn't want too.

You will never escape the trolls/ self centeredness. This game may be 'better' as it is but the trolls are still there.

But like i said just an idea and yes anet wouldn't buy into a second version i get it. Many people have said over the past their ideas and this was mine that I stupidly wrote and published.

But I like it *shrugs*



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I would love if they did a map that you could enter and select your instance: pvp enabled, or pve.


But it would have to be a single map.


What is lacking for me is the type of pvp that I like. I like pve meta objectives. If they could combine them, that would be so good. Unfortunately, WvW does not have meaningful pve in it, and nodes can change so fast there is no meaning.


I'd like to see a map like wow's Alterac Valley. 2 sides that are trying to get to 2 different goals. There is O and D on both ends, but whoever gets there pve objective first wins and the instance is over.

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