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Make Dungeon Great Again!

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My Beautiful Suggestions To Make Dungeons Great Again! Here it is :


Number One : Make Dungeon Bossess Drop Armor and weapon Skins!

-You Feel Rewarded After Killing Evil Angry Bossess

-No Boss Skipping! Kill Everything! Kill!

-Armor and weapon preset is random


Number Two : Make Dungeon Drop Mount Skins!

-Mount Skin Drop Rate Make it 0.00001


To Make People Not Spamming Dungeon. You Can Only Do Dungeons Once A Day (Every Path You Can Do Once A Day Only) .

Right Now People Are Just doing Dungeons For Tokens. Is a No No Good Thing.

Dungeon Now Is Not New Player Friendly Too. Sad :(


Make This Happen Please Arena Net. Make Dungeons Great Again!

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> Right Now People Are Just doing Dungeons For Tokens. Is a No No Good Thing.


You have failed to explain why this is bad.


Also I fail to see how any of your suggestions, which are only reward related, in any way change how dungeons would be friendlier for new players.


> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> Make Dungeons Great Again!


Great idea, use a highly political divisive phrase to get accross your point. You do realize that this automatically alienates half your readership (or more considering many players are not from the US) right?


Recommendation for the future, if you are serious about anything or any point: keep your message as clear and unpoluted as possible. The last thing you want is politics, religion, personal beliefs, etc. conflict or distract from what you are actually tring to conveigh. Unless you are pretargeting a specific group of people and want to speak to only them.

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Dungeons already are great, still. They are roughly as rewarding as they were in the past. They just compete with a ton of other content. Plus veterans from the early years have done them more times than they care to count, leaving them less inclined to return.


So before offering a solution, you might want to clarify the problem you hope to address.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> My Beautiful Suggestions To Make Dungeons Great Again! Here it is :


> Number One : Make Dungeon Bossess Drop Armor and weapon Skins!

> -You Feel Rewarded After Killing Evil Angry Bossess

> -No Boss Skipping! Kill Everything! Kill!

> -Armor and weapon preset is random

Who is skipping bosses in dungeons? The vast majority of dungeons have no skippable boss. The only one that comes to mind is the rng troll in Ascalon. Can anyone help me out here and point out some others? Are you talking about trash mobs?


> Number Two : Make Dungeon Drop Mount Skins!

> -Mount Skin Drop Rate Make it 0.00001

The only in game earnable mount skins, and you want them to be from ancient free-to-play content that doesn't even use mounts, and was literally officially abandoned by Anet? That is a terrible idea. Maybe if mount skins could be earned in a few other areas first. But the first/only earnable mount skins should not be from dungeons. And it definitely should not be from a 1 in 100,000 drop rate on something you can only do once a day.


> Make This Happen Please Arena Net. Make Dungeons Great Again!

I just want to say that when you capitalize the first letter of every word, it doesn't draw attention and make people like your ideas. It just makes you look less serious, and also its distracting because it looks like Every Sentence Is an Acronym (ESIAA).


edit: oh and of course the gorilla boss in Arah


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Well some less experienced pugs used to skip kholer in ascalon catacombs back in the day.

> Both Kholer and cave troll are optional bosses, not part of the dungeon path itself. That's why you can easily "skip" them.



Yea I know it was an answer to thrag.9740 question Im just bad at quoting sometime

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It would be nice if dungeon bosses have a chance to drop exotic weapon/armor with dungeon skin (like Nightmare weapons and armor in TA).

I don't think dungeons needs to be super boosted with loot. It would be great to make people not skip dungeons (I don't like skipping. One mistake at the end and you have to go through hell again). Maybe something like (kill X mobs to open the boss), create mini-events with killing groups of mobs, e.g. wiping gravelings in the tunnels before boss (otherwise boss shouldn't spawn). Loot should be scaled to the character's level. If you're doing AC on 80lvl char, u should get 80lvl gear (especialy trinkets with orbs).

Maybe just add more and useful things to the dungeon vendor for tokens.

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I'd have them hire back the people who either left or were sacked - the people who made the original dungeons- and have them work with the current people so that their taught how to work on dungeons again. This, because to date the excuse given for why we don't get new dungeons is that making them is, 'hard' or 'too difficult' and yet we now have raids.


How is a raid wing with environmental hazards, interstitial mobs with special mechanics, and bosses with special mechanics that much different to a dungeon? Add more health and an enrage timer to any of the bosses in our current dungeons and you have a mini raid wing- So I'm just not seeing it.

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