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NA WvW is in freefall


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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> I think it's just that BG is playing much less now, and they use BG as a measuring stick to determine "full" threshold. So the threshold for full is now lower. Just my guess though, I don't know exactly how they determine these things.


That only explains for Full, not all the other thresholds below it, they all don't need to be constantly moved like a yoyo.

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I don't know that I trust Anet's visible metrics at all. Dead empty worlds are listed at medium, and so are worlds like FC, which is definitely not empty. Obviously activity varies a great deal between timezones but still...different servers with the same listed populations are dramatically different with actual populations.


It would be far more honest if they ever actually listed servers as low population.


As for BG, they're just hibergating trying to open again. The usual manipulation. Anet will cave, open BG, and suddenly they'll be at the top of T1 again.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> BG killed WvW a long time ago.



Your map has queue to get on it and you have the outnumbered buff :) Its funny though because you can tell by these refugees that come to servers now that they were on that server because they never taught them anything other than to press 1. So you come across 20 people by yourself and think you are done for but then your target limit has killed 5 of them instantly. So then you end up killing them all when all BG had to do was teach them about armor and trinkets which they only gave out weapons to press 1 with. Then they get on forums because they died saying thief or whatever other class killed them needs a nerf.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Indeed a big jump in NA population.

> Anvil rock, Borlis pass, Maguuma, all jump from high to very high.

> Mag jumped from med to very high in two weeks, new bandwagon? sleeper agents?

> NSP HoD SBI from medium to high.



Not a jump in NA population but a decline in BG's pop which is what they use as a measuring stick for wvw server populations.

If BG is the only full server and is last place in every time zone pop except SEA then it would make people scratch their heads as to why other servers are much lower

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> Does ANET even look at the actual WvW population when they create these "teams"? Why is Maguuma and SBI together? This month is such a waste.


I think it would help if they cut down the amount of time servers are linked. Cut the 8 week period in half to 4 weeks, or even 2 weeks. I'm contemplating giving the game a break or quitting as I'm not looking forward to getting stuck in T1 versus the BP/FC/BG mega-bandwagon for the next month and a half.


It's weird because the JQ/HoD link actually has the most people playing I've seen in a LONG time, but we are still massively outnumbered and outskilled. Only other match I've been in that was this outnumbered was when Anet screwed up and gave that host 3 links by mistake. It's awful.

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