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Lightbinder Blade appears ripped from Rift Concept Art


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Really close.

> >

> > That one on the right is gorgeous. The one on the left would be without the energy effect on the blade. Which is the gw2 model?


> Not the gorgeous one. Anet has a strong desire to take nicel weapon models and add all kinds of glow of them.


It makes them glowrious!

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Really close.

> >

> > That one on the right is gorgeous. The one on the left would be without the energy effect on the blade. Which is the gw2 model?


> Not the gorgeous one. Anet has a strong desire to take nicel weapon models and add all kinds of glow of them.




Missed opportunity for a weapon that is elegant without being simplistic. I love the level of detail but the addition of yet more light show kills it for me.

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All the people sitting here saying they ripped off Rift while I've seen so many versions of this I can't even place the first time I've seen it. I wanna say one of the Final Fantasy games. Then there's Penny from RWBY, I think there was a Magic the Gathering card, and I never forgot that annoying blade monster that was a giant sword with blades around it in SotT. Didn't Runescape or Everquest have something like that too?

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Artist borrow concepts and styles all the time. Where we be without the folks who learned from Frazzetta, for instance. Good thing the Romans are not around to carp in the internet. =)


Learning doesnt mean 95% copying. The art world is very stingy when it comes to copy artists.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> All the people sitting here saying they ripped off Rift while I've seen so many versions of this I can't even place the first time I've seen it. I wanna say one of the Final Fantasy games. Then there's Penny from RWBY, I think there was a Magic the Gathering card, and I never forgot that annoying blade monster that was a giant sword with blades around it in SotT. Didn't Runescape or Everquest have something like that too?


But this isn't borrowing from the design. This looks like a copy. So what's with the defending?


This weapon was created after the one in Rift. And it's just as identical as it gets. It's cool to draw inspiration from different sources but this is a straight rip off. Isn't it?


The artists here walk a very risky path.

While I love the artstyle od GW2, this is unacceptable to me and I want to know what's behind this weapon. I think some people (including me) want answers.

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In case anyone is curious, [this weapon's design was placed up for sale](https://www.renderhub.com/nicu-tepes/fantasy-sword-13-3d-model "this weapon's design was placed up for sale") (royalty-free) in 2018 (for $28 dollars), presumably by the artist who originally made it.


Because it's royalty-free, that means Rift and ArenaNet both may have legitimately bought it.


EDIT: The Rift concept art, however, is (supposedly) from 2012. Interpret that how you will. [More deets here](

"More deets here").
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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> In case anyone is curious, [this weapon's design was placed up for sale](https://www.renderhub.com/nicu-tepes/fantasy-sword-13-3d-model "this weapon's design was placed up for sale") (royalty-free) in 2018 (for $28 dollars), presumably by the artist who originally made it.


> Because it's royalty-free, that means Rift and ArenaNet both may have legitimately bought it.


> EDIT: The Rift concept art, however, is (supposedly) from 2012. Interpret that how you will. [More deets here](

"More deets here").


We can't use hyperlinks. Can you edit your post?


Perhaps, the artist has sold his wares elsewhere for a longer period of time.


Edit: Seems Vanilla fixed the link issue, at last.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> We can't use hyperlinks.


A flaw in the GW2 forum, I'm afraid; Hopefully it's being worked on.


In the meantime, you can click the red text in a post (or a link if there is one) and then copy+paste the url provided into your browser to bypass the problem.


EDIT: Actually, I just tried clicking both of my hyperlinks and, after the 'you are leaving the website!' page, I was able to go to the websites just fine. Perhaps it's been resolved after all.



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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > We can't use hyperlinks.


> A flaw in the GW2 forum, I'm afraid; Hopefully it's being worked on.


> In the meantime, you can click the red text in a post (or a link if there is one) and then copy+paste the url provided into your browser to bypass the problem.


> EDIT: Actually, I just tried clicking both of my hyperlinks and, after the 'you are leaving the website!' page, I was able to go to the websites just fine. Perhaps it's been resolved after all.




What device are you using? For me, it works fine on my phone but not on my desktop - so I guess either it's depends on whether you're using the mobile version, or perhaps it's browser-dependent.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > All the people sitting here saying they ripped off Rift while I've seen so many versions of this I can't even place the first time I've seen it.

> And yet the examples you've given are significantly different.



> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > All the people sitting here saying they ripped off Rift while I've seen so many versions of this I can't even place the first time I've seen it. I wanna say one of the Final Fantasy games. Then there's Penny from RWBY, I think there was a Magic the Gathering card, and I never forgot that annoying blade monster that was a giant sword with blades around it in SotT. Didn't Runescape or Everquest have something like that too?


> But this isn't borrowing from the design. This looks like a copy. So what's with the defending?


> This weapon was created after the one in Rift. And it's just as identical as it gets. It's cool to draw inspiration from different sources but this is a straight rip off. Isn't it?


> The artists here walk a very risky path.

> While I love the artstyle od GW2, this is unacceptable to me and I want to know what's behind this weapon. I think some people (including me) want answers.



I'm not defending anything. I'm talking about the whole thing. The blade wings and the 'unique' design of the sword which I'm damn sure I've seen before in some iteration and it wasn't from Rift and it frustrates me that I can't place it because I know that sword design wasn't unique to Rift. Besides finding a version that is for sale that was posted last year in a 3d shop; I've seen that, angelish person where the wings become the blade of the sword design and I've spent around two hours so far googling the games I used to play obsessively as a kid, Chrono Cross, FF8, FF9, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Mana, Dragon Quest, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles, any Castlevania game I could grab, Phantasy Star Online 2 and dozens of others. For some reason though, I remember the design being like a two-hander weapon. Overall, all I've found is my love for Skies of Aracadia Legends hasn't simmered at all in 17 years and I'd throw all my money at a Switch port or a graphic remastered version. I guess I'll be happy with Crystal Chronicles,

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Oh come on! Even a lazy google search bring up dozens of designs like this. Even from real life. The fantasy design busines heavily depend on the medieval designs. If you search for a real source for this you have to look up some dagger designs. There are plenty. Even with dragon wings.

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> Oh come on! Even a lazy google search bring up dozens of designs like this. Even from real life. The fantasy design busines heavily depend on the medieval designs. If you search for a real source for this you have to look up some dagger designs. There are plenty. Even with dragon wings.


Please link us to even one such example on Google. I tried, being curious if this could be a real world sword which both referenced, but failed to come up with something similar.



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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> Oh come on! Even a lazy google search bring up dozens of designs like this.

It's not "a design like it". It is _the same design_. The chances of it being accidental is exactly zero. Either one of the artists ripped off of another, or they both used the same other design as basis. If you say it is the second case, why won't you point us to that earlier design? (the previous person that said so brought up designs that were significantly different, not as close as the one in the OP post).



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