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Can a Necromancer raise a dragon corpse?


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Was thinking about Vlast and then I wondered if a dragon could raise his corpse and use it to fight but

~~ "The scion crystallized and exploded into fragments"~~


It seems Vlast seems safe in that regard.... which made me wonder if a dragon can actually be used and raised by a necromancer or is that impossible?

And yes I was hoping we would one day raise a dragons corpse and launch them into our enemies!

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It should possible but Vlast corpse exploded into pieces of crystal.

We don't know how Necromancer actually summon the dead( nothing in wiki), based on other example in order to raise one body you must give enough energy for it to be alive.

For one dragon maybe you need to sacrifice one being close to his power to get it back


Don't forget what happen to us in storyline and how we did come back( I mean the fight with Baltha)

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According to GW1 the answer is yes, they can: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bone_Dragon


Of course that doesn't necessarily mean any necromancer could raise a dragon, just like Queen Jennah putting a dome over DR doesn't mean every mesmer could do that, it might well be something which requires exceptional power or skill (or the Scepter of Orr) or special preparation in advance to do. But it is possible.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> According to GW1 the answer is yes, they can: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bone_Dragon


Basically this. Though a better example would be [Rotscale](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rotscale), as the other bone dragons were created by The Cataclysm. Rotscale, instead, was raised by a group of Stone Summit (aka dwarven) necromancers.


So an "extremely powerful" necromancer may not be necessary. A powerful one, or a group of necromancers working the spell together, should suffice.


Of course, we hit the issue if there not really being any normal dragon corpses out there. You're more likely to see an undead wyvern than an undead dragon, given that the only draogns of flesh and blood would be the brand new skyscales and Zhaitan's minions, and as far as we know, it's not possible to undead a risen - the reason being that risen, in the books, function even when chopped to pieces. This doesn't translate well into game mechanic, but basically the only way to truly kill a risen seems to be by destroying the body (digestion - such as when maggots ate Morgus Lethe entirely, or when the Maw consumed corpses) or through other means of incineration, etc. Since making an undead requires a corpse, and risen do not leave a corpse in technicality, and other dragons are made of ice, crystal, or rock, that just leaves the "lesser dragons" to be made into undead: skyscales, hydras, wyverns, and drakes.


Though I guess mordrem dragons would be able to be made undead too, like Awakened Sylvari. But Mordremoth only had one dragon - the Shadow of the Dragon.


On an aside, I kinda wish we had Awakened Wyverns and Awakened Hydras now. Would make sense for Joko to make a few for an elite squad under the Beastmarshal or something. Awakened Junundu too. Kind of weird how he restricted himself to just humans since conquering Elona (until, of course, Season 4).

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I think you're right that the lack of dragon corpses is the biggest barrier to seeing undead dragons. Although if the majority of bone dragons in GW1 were created by the Cataclysm it's possible there are dragon corpses in other parts of Tyria which were unaffected. The problem would be finding them, especially finding one in any kind of condition to be useful. I suspect that's something which won't be addressed until Anet wants to delve into the history of the elder dragons.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> On an aside, I kinda wish we had Awakened Wyverns and Awakened Hydras now. Would make sense for Joko to make a few for an elite squad under the Beastmarshal or something. Awakened Junundu too. Kind of weird how he restricted himself to just humans since conquering Elona (until, of course, Season 4).


Joko didn't awaken centaurs either, instead he used their bones to decorate his palace. I suspect either Joko was a racist who considered non-humans unworthy of awakening or (given there were awakened centaurs, giants and other things in GW1) he thought awakening beasts would interfere with his propaganda that awakening was a gift only given to those truly worthy and that something for all Elonians to aim for.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Although if the majority of bone dragons in GW1 were created by the Cataclysm it's possible there are dragon corpses in other parts of Tyria which were unaffected.

Unless those dragon corpses that became Bone Dragons primarily / solely existed in Orr, of course. For all we know, those are what Zhaitan used to create Tequatl and other risen dragons. Leaving few to none left.


> Joko didn't awaken centaurs either, instead he used their bones to decorate his palace. I suspect either Joko was a racist who considered non-humans unworthy of awakening or (given there were awakened centaurs, giants and other things in GW1) he thought awakening beasts would interfere with his propaganda that awakening was a gift only given to those truly worthy and that something for all Elonians to aim for.


He was racist against centaurs, that's pretty clear through GW1 dialogue. But as you point out, his racism didn't stop him from Awakening centaurs, giants, and charr (suspected) in GW1; or from awakening asura, sylvari, and charr in GW2.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Man an Awakened Hydra is a scary thought..those things are bad enough alive!!


> Still, a seriously large awakened Hydra guarding Gandara would have been epic. Aurene could have battled it as we slipped past.


Kralkatorrik has absorbed the powers of previous Elder Dragons, so he could raise a corpse (because of Zhaitan's power) + brand it. After PoF epilogue there's a cutscene where you can see rising corpses.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Man an Awakened Hydra is a scary thought..those things are bad enough alive!!

> >

> > Still, a seriously large awakened Hydra guarding Gandara would have been epic. Aurene could have battled it as we slipped past.


> Kralkatorrik has absorbed the powers of previous Elder Dragons, so he could raise a corpse (because of Zhaitan's power) + brand it. After PoF epilogue there's a cutscene where you can see rising corpses.


I'm honestly a little disappointed that the third boss from the Dragonfall meta is just "Branded Hydra". It could have been cool to have our first and only Death-Branded Hydra or something instead. The other two bosses were rather unique - Death-Branded Wrathbringer, and Riftstalker Matriarch (if just unique in name for the latter) - so it felt a little meh that the third boss wasn't even a uniquely named Hydra.


Could have even been Death-Branded [Pek Rakt Grag](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pek_Rakt_Grag). Would even make sense most of the last-defense lines would be Death-Branded champions.


Or it could have been a return of [Dominus Crystallum](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dominus_Crystallum) who technically doesn't die in that event but flies away every time in E2 and then is never heard from again (so no need to Death-Brand it).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Man an Awakened Hydra is a scary thought..those things are bad enough alive!!

> > >

> > > Still, a seriously large awakened Hydra guarding Gandara would have been epic. Aurene could have battled it as we slipped past.

> >

> > Kralkatorrik has absorbed the powers of previous Elder Dragons, so he could raise a corpse (because of Zhaitan's power) + brand it. After PoF epilogue there's a cutscene where you can see rising corpses.


> I'm honestly a little disappointed that the third boss from the Dragonfall meta is just "Branded Hydra". It could have been cool to have our first and only Death-Branded Hydra or something instead. The other two bosses were rather unique - Death-Branded Wrathbringer, and Riftstalker Matriarch (if just unique in name for the latter) - so it felt a little meh that the third boss wasn't even a uniquely named Hydra.


> Could have even been Death-Branded [Pek Rakt Grag](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pek_Rakt_Grag). Would even make sense most of the last-defense lines would be Death-Branded champions.


> Or it could have been a return of [Dominus Crystallum](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dominus_Crystallum) who technically doesn't die in that event but flies away every time in E2 and then is never heard from again (so no need to Death-Brand it).


They could have replaced Hydra with Wyvern. There is a wyvern in Dragonfall attacking players.

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