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Would you be interested in some Class themed Living Story/Personal Story fit to your class?

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I was wondering how the players would feel about getting a series of living story/Personal Story instances and missions based around your character's class that can contribute to being immersive and also giving deep class Lore of the classes we play?

Although I wouldn't want Elite Specializations put behind a gated living world feature like this, I would really be down for some living world/person story instances that explain the Lore behind these classes new elite specializations.


For example, would be cool to have a personal story instance for Warriors showing how the Paragon's spears broke and they were forced to use the tips in battle as daggers in which they trained in the mystic art of countering magical properties. Something like that detailed out could be cool.

For me, sometimes when I am bored in the game I want to read up on the story and Lore of the world, but it's been somewhat lacking.


Some of the discussions in my recent Justicar Support Elite Spec idea thread on the Warrior sub forum and the thread on the Lore forum regarding Warrior's use of magic, kind of inspired this thought. There is not a lot of Class Lore in the game like other MMOs like WoW, which has deep class Lore for all its classes.

Would love that here. There is some stuff out there from the original game but vaguely mentioned if at all, like the Holy Justicar warriors. Would like more class Lore heroes to learn about as well. I play a Norn Revenant. Shouldn't I get just as much Ventari Lore as Sylvari do? Just saying.

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I like ideas. FF14 has profession story and mission, and was not so bad. But there's big problem with voice acting. ArenaNet currently recording full commander's voice for 5 races x 2 gender = 10 per each story. And if we had x 9 classes = 90. It's insane ammount of resourcess.

If they make soundless story like LW1and 2, I prefer it doesn't happen. So, soundless side story might be better...

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Although I like the idea and this being one of the best parts of swtor, it is also what subsequently killed that great game, because they couldn't deliver anything remotely close to what the served story wise in 1.0. Once you go down that road, any story you deliver that isn't race/class specific, just isn't "enough" anymore. And the requirements to deliver that much story content as well as voice acting is just too much to handle, especially if you also want to deliver other content.

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I'd love to see that. Maybe create a collection class related (like the elite spec weapon collections) giving one cool weapon skin strongly related to that class/elite-spec. We could do again that design-a-weapon contest ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Design-a-Weapon_Contest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Design-a-Weapon_Contest "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Design-a-Weapon_Contest")) to let players design weapons for their loved classes.

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I'm torn. On one side, I loved the different story paths they put into the personal story, from the racial ones all the way to the parallel story paths in Orr. On the other side I know a lot of players who haven't even experienced half of the story branches available in game and wouldn't care for even more parallel stories, thus making this effectively content for just a minority of the playerbase, and I wonder if those development resources wouldn't really be better used in creating one continuous story line that a majority of the playerbase would experience. I'm an altoholic, but I really don't want those who are not to lose out on story experiences.


Personally I'd rather see them go into more depth with open world lore related to player classes. Something like the elite spec npcs in PoF that tell you more about the origin of the elite if you talk to them, but a bit more in-the-face and extended. Maybe a collection questline similar to the Caladbold side story, giving out lore on the class and it's abilities and some kind of skin/mini/novelty at the end that's pure, account-bound fluff, so those who like that kind of contend are free to enjoy it, while those that don't won't miss a thing if they don't do it.


It would still take resources to develop (and I suspect a serious bit, as it would need content designers, story writers, artists, ui designers, possibly some tech, quality assurance and who knows what else), but it would be available to everyone in the open world, giving background to classes/specs/races but available to everyone without the need to invest in additional characters if you prefer to play just one or a few.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Sounds more like side stories than personal story. My only worry is that people would feel forced to make a character of every class for fear of missing content.


So? ;) I would love this, but then again, I would love story path choices in general as we used to have during the core campaign.

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I'm not sure I'm sold on class based side stories, but I would like to see more class and personal story interaction. Ls3 ep 4 has to be among my favourite LS episodes because there are so many easter eggs - engineers could hack turrets, rangers could tame dogs and thieves could open doors. None of this changed the story in any significant way, but it made me feel my character was more involved with the story compared to later episodes where we only really exist to hit things until they die.

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Nope I'm more interested with racial side stories. I'm not expecting more than simple additionnal dialogues if your character match specific class. Just too many choices, I don't see that released after 5 bland years. (2013-14 was cool). I just want more story steps like personnal story with different paths but again I think I'm hoping too high. The only replayability/fun I have currently is creating a toon and doing another lvl 1-40 story.


PS, oh god please more story steps that add npcs in your home instance (if you choose them during a specific step).

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