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What are some things you do when you log on to the game?

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Hi guys this is just a thread for me to see what people like to do when they log on


When I came back to this game this year after 5-6 year break (due to the rig at the time not able to handle the game) I had a vision of what I wanted my character to look like and also wanted to achieve map completion and max out MP.

Now that I have completed the look of my toon, got all the gears & skins I wanted and achieved what I was aiming for I don't know what to do anymore in the game.

These days I find that I aimlessly log on and stare at my toon, maybe partake a few daily fractals and do some meta's on LFG and log off


Just wanted to see what everyone else does when they log in and what fuels you to keep going/playing ?


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Make a charged quartz crystal.

Craft time gated ascended materials.

Collect flax on my characters parked at the VB flax farm.

Flip some items on the tp and refresh my buy orders as needed.

WvW dailies and roam around for a bit (if I have time).

Fractal dailies.

Practice my DPS rotations to stay fresh.

Run around the mistlock sanctuary and judge peoples fashion. (Just to be clear, I don't say anything to people, I just rate them to myself)

edit: Farm winterberries on my 2 thieves. I use other classes sometimes if I need more, but typically I prefer just dashing around with daredevil.

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Depends on how much time I have. Sometimes just the daily and farming home if I just have about 30 mins or so. Longer than maybe some WvW and/or PvE stuff. Map completion on alts or maybe work on my legendary that I have slowly been working on since year 3 or so. Maybe the boss train. It all depends on what I feel like at the time.

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No particular order, this is just things I regularly do in the game:


Farm my home instance

Do my guilds daily event

Look for achievements I want to complete

Map complete on a character that still needs it

Replay story on characters that havnt done it yet

World boss train


Things I do less often but sometimes im feeling it:


t4 fractal dailies

Map Metas (DS, serpents ire, etc)



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-Log in and do daily.

-Wander aimlessly (usually on my main) and just act on whims and whatever curiosities I have at that time. (aka climb a mountain, talk to npcs I haven't talked to before, or join group and meta events)

-Level up charas by doing hearts and events

-contemplate which armors,outfits, weapons, look best for each chara and proceed to search the wikia and see if it's attainable for myself.

-Only play stories when I have a lot of time set aside/am willing to immerse myself instead of doing work that should probably be done lol

-It's mostly casual, aimless, wandering though. I find that most fun for myself.

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Daily crafting, home instance and tp'ing, then usually gms, keyrunning or wvw if I haven't done enough of those for the week. I'll sometimes do some node farming. I tell myself I'm working on map completion on my engi and running some more dungeons -- still haven't finished hobby dungeon explorer -- but those are mostly just lies . . .

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I've never been one for daily plans, so I do whatever looks fun that day (this is my entertainment time after all). Some days I join a friend or two for wvw roaming. Other days I'm greeted by a party request from friends about to hit some dungeons. Again other days I just pick one of my numerous characters and go explore the world, harvest stuff, play some story, whatever.


If what you usually do in this game doesn't excite you any more, then maybe try for something different. Make a new character with a fun theme, and try to see the world from their eyes. Go into the random zone and explore the stories behind the zone events and npc. Put up an lfg for a dungeon path you haven't run (or haven't run in a long time) to (re-)discover what it's all about. Make a tour of all of the vistas in game to (re-)discover the most beautiful views and screenshot the best. Go on an interactive movie spree by playing a character's story all the way from the tutorial to Dragonfall in one continuous journey. Level a scribe and get creative with guild hall decorating.


There's so much to do and to experience in this game. Stories to discover, npc to get to know, places to see. Try it all, there sure is something else that you will enjoy.

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The only thing I do every single day is collect the login reward. Most days I farm the nodes in my home instance and guild hall as well, then it depends on what I want to do.


At the moment I actually have a fairly set routine, because I've just started working on The Claw of the Khan-Ur. So I hop onto my thief to gather elder wood and mithril along with Winterberries in Bitterfrost Frontier (because he's still missing an accessory with Marauder stats, and it seems silly to give him a legendary before he's got a complete set). Then I switch to my ranger to do 2-3 hearts in Vabbi to buy Funerary incense, then onto my weaver to do a bit of WvW for the Gift of Battle.


But of course that's only temporary. I'll swap it around when I finish those goals, or get bored with them or something else comes along which takes priority.

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daily crafting and gatger home instance. then


I randomly pick between


*Work on a 3rd character being set up for fractals. (than a 4th, 5th etc)

*Achieves. I've been progressing through the story/map meta achieves that I had avoided. Most of them aren't too bad so far. I don't do any really difficult ones.

*Map meta events. Usually either Casino, AB, TD or whatever I'm in the mind for.(unfortunately some of them dont have enough people, like VB).


*World bossed, mainly Teq or Karka.


I still find the game fun, so I do everything depending on mood ^^.


I really encourage starting a 2nd character. This game is highly suited to alt-ing.


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