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Thank you for this great game

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First of all, english is not my first language, if u see so much mistakes sorry.


Thanks, is all I can say, I am an old player from gw1, who bought the game before it was free, and for different reasons I left it, after years without playing I have returned, willing to go through the whole history of starting to Anyway, it may take time to live all the sequences of the living world, but since I came back I am delighted, this game received a lot of criticism in its beginnings, that if they delete classes (ritualist I miss you), that if the pvp was not so good, It was very complicated ... at first I was not hooked but after 7 years, I returned, I gave him another chance and I could not be happier.

I may not have so much publicity, that his mechanics do not just convince everyone or that he lacks content at the end, but I can only applaud this work of art. I am having fun like when I was a child who has just discovered this genre, everything Appreciative and with the years you appreciate it more. It can be frustrating sometimes certain aspects, but do not forget that those who made the game really did it with love, it shows when playing it and not only as a punch (Blizzard ... Activision better) but rather as a space in which millions of people, like me, can relax-entertain-enjoy a thousand ways.


Thanks Arenanet, thanks for giving us this game, I hope you continue like this, if I leave again it will be for lack of time in the future and not for desire, you are great and u did a real master piece.

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Really refreshing to see something positive on the forums. Not that GW2 couldn't make improvements (as is the case with every game) but i've loved it since day one as well. I agree, the devs are amazing, i don't think the average player realizes how difficult it is to produce many of the facets of the game we enjoy. Best of luck to you and welcome back to Tyria!

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I agree with the two posts above.


I disagree with the concern about the ‘negative’ posts.


People truly are passionate about this game, which often causes them to react with hyperbole in their critique of what they perceive as problems.


Even your ‘toxic’ WvW and PvP players feel that the combat system here is better than anything out there.


Their ‘outrage’ and critical complaints, while rarely being super constructive, come from a place of true caring for what the game has the potential to become.


Silence would be worse....

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This game has brought a lot of joy to friends and family. There is a lot to accomplish still and a lot to do.


I've played from the start of gw1 days. Its been only go to game thus so far.


Thanks Anet for a wonderful game. Love the game so much I've bought items in the gem store.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I agree with the two posts above.


> I disagree with the concern about the ‘negative’ posts.


> People truly are passionate about this game, which often causes them to react with hyperbole in their critique of what they perceive as problems.


> Even your ‘toxic’ WvW and PvP players feel that the combat system here is better than anything out there.


> Their ‘outrage’ and critical complaints, while rarely being super constructive, come from a place of true caring for what the game has the potential to become.


> Silence would be worse....


I agree, silence is the Deathstroke. But, it's still lovely to see someone just gush now and then, brings back the days when everything was new and wonderful and exciting. While there are certainly many things that need to be addressed (depending on opinion of course) it is still a gem. Thank you, for not only creating a wonderful world for me to escape to, but also a conduit for meeting some of the most wonderful people in the world.

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What can i say everywhere i turn is a beautiful screenshot, to engaging story to combat, the world is enchanting and immersive i delight in everything it has to offer.

i had a gw1 account but did not play due to time restrictions, so when Gw2 came out i had more free time to play, so here we are now 7 years have gone fast and i hope it continues as i rate GW2 one of the best games i've ever played and am still playing, it's like magic, thankyou anet.......





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I didn't get the expansion confirmation I really wanted to hear and we're not currently focusing on the Sea Dragon or going to Cantha which again I really wanted.


We are however getting a Jormag focused story ark which was my main theory on what comes next and we're finally getting to go back into both the far shiverpeaks and the Charr homelands which are Gw1 Eye of the north locations I very much enjoyed playing in and are full of lore potential, I am especially excited to fight Drakkar and finally get revenge for my old Gw1 pal Jora for what he did to her brother Svanir.

Getting to learn about the other spirits of the wild is going to be a great thing as well, i'm very excited for all the upcoming lore we'll be getting in season 5.


I am not disappointed, not at all.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I didn't get the expansion confirmation I really wanted to hear and we're not currently focusing on the Sea Dragon or going to Cantha which again I really wanted.


> We are however getting a Jormag focused story ark which was my main theory on what comes next and we're finally getting to go back into both the far shiverpeaks and the Charr homelands which are Gw1 Eye of the north locations I very much enjoyed playing in and are full of lore potential, I am especially excited to fight Drakkar and finally get revenge for my old Gw1 pal Jora for what he did to her brother Svanir.

> Getting to learn about the other spirits of the wild is going to be a great thing as well, i'm very excited for all the upcoming lore we'll be getting in season 5.


> I am not disappointed, not at all.



Yeah i'll buy it. I had the stream set up on the telly and hoped Mike z would say 'cantha somewhere' I was almost begging him to say it. Geez. How sad.

However I'm not going to write a 'i'm done post' when they have said they would say more in the coming months. What's funny is all these quitters never say what content they want other than balance, but think saying the word quit will suddenly get them what they want.

I am quietly going to farm my GS and look forward to the Charr homelands which looks stunning. Only the other day I took my griffin for a ride and screen shot some of the places I got to. This game is beautiful.

/bows out from forum.


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You guys are doing amazing work, that can't be denied by even the saltiest players. It's just a shame that we have to accept this game is going in a much different direction than what I originally bought in 2012. In many ways that's totally fine, but in other ways it just makes me sad. Will the core game ever be re-polished. How did you reason adding invisible walls to core tyria while ignoring the warclaw exploits for the entire summer? How are alliances still not ready to be announced? So many things that hinted at today being for us, but it seems to have been geared toward pulling new players in. Thats fine, but please don't shorten the presentation and then halve the amount of time actually spent on the things we were repeatedly told it would be about. Thats not as cool.

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