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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

Are you saying that EVERY MMO that does this (makes previous Expansions free after the newest one releases) is spitting in their veterans' faces? GW2 is giving us something while most games (WoW, FF14, etc) don't give the "early adopters" anything.

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Completely underwhelming on every level. New LW story, new boss, one new armor for WvW and the same list of "coming soon to an Anet game near you" speech! I'm truly believe they are completely out of touch with reality and their audience / player base! If this is all we have to look forward to this is a death knoll on many levels for many players. I wore red for a reason today!

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> @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> > They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

> Are you saying that EVERY MMO that does this (makes previous Expansions free after the newest one releases) is spitting in their veterans' faces? GW2 is giving us something while most games (WoW, FF14, etc) don't give the "early adopters" anything.


what is it giving us? their usual 3 month content that i do in 2 days ? and build templates after 7 years ? why wait till the game is almost dead before you do what they ask for... majority who asked for it probably dont even play anymore

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Well there goes my last hope for the game, been playing since one of the first betas, and played gw1, and here we are 7 years later having more gemstore content, irl merch and another stale wait 3-5 months for a 1 hour content update living story thing, a year+ delayed WvW alliance update that probs will be delayed, and the game mode is already dead, PvP dead. But hey atleast more stale PvE content! (This is coming from a primarily PvE player). I aint going to WoW but I probs wont continue playing this game for long. So burnt out and bored of this endless timegated LS content and no PvP/WvW content.

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Met them, was expecting only lw and got that.


Surprised they dropped the concept of raids entirely for strikes tho, as well that afaik no new elite specs for the next 2 years.


Who ever still plays the game for more than 2 days every 3 months, i hope playing the same stuff you played for the last 2 years will be enough for you guys.

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I really wish you wouldn't have even had an event if this was all you were going to announce. You led players to believe there was something significant coming, not just the same thing you always put out. I've been defending the game since I've been enjoying it so much, but I feel very disappointed, and I feel foolish for getting my hopes up.

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Anet needs a "Is this an out of season April Fools joke?" wake up call. This isn't what the community wanted. I'll log on in September, play for 1 or 2 hours for story maybe stay on a week to grind the map for achievements and more new map currency then log off until the next update 2 or 3 months away. **This isn't going to work.**

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Disappointing, had expected far more from the hyped up big reveal.


Hyped up? I only saw like 2 announcements and both on the guildwars2.com website. That's not "hyped up"? Hyped up would have been Anet-employees talking about it every day somewhere on the internet and in many different media channels. Where else were they talking about it?


The level of features announced today is basically what I was expecting.

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> @"alonewestand.9164" said:

> I really wish you wouldn't have even had an event if this was all you were going to announce. You led players to believe there was something significant coming, not just the same thing you always put out. I've been defending the game since I've been enjoying it so much, but I feel very disappointed, and I feel foolish for getting my hopes up.


I agree, I think a simple blog post would have sufficed. The countdown timer and announcement on stage led me to believe it was going to be more than just another season, or at least a season that would have more expansion like content (something anet hinted at a while ago).

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Why is it an insult to veterans? not a tall. Look at Wow, they began to give older expansions for free so you dont have buy a zillion expacks to get up to par. Should we whining about that too?


It's entitlement. Someone is getting something that someone else didn't get so they're upset. Where were all of the "I'm disappointed!" threads when the expansions went on sale? Nowhere.

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I don't know ... they seemed pretty confident for devs of a game that is "almost dead". (And only they now the sales numbers from the gem sales.) And giving away free stuff is normal. I mean ... players now already don't need to buy the core game. They can start for free and just needed to buy 1 expansion to remove the limits on free account. Players that played from the start had to pay for the core game and then for the expansions I guess.


But then again they hat lots more time to spend in the game. New players will have to catch up on lots of things. So ... old player could just have waited. But then they would have lost time.

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The strike missions seem like they may be interesting but we'll have to see the systems around those. Like why will people do these strike missions? What are the rewards like? The rest seems... OK... not much that's very exciting though.


18 days until we get the "prologue" and who knows how much or little will be in that. With the revelation that episode 1 and 2 will build upon the same map who knows what they will bring.


Predictably light on real details about what's coming down the road and especially when. All vague and sometime in the coming months.

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It was beyond disappointing!!! This could’ve just been a blog post with the trailer. Build templates and charr and norn lore is nice, but come on. They could’ve at least showed us a bit of WvW upcoming changes but they completely brushed off the topic and said months. “Soon™” “Months™” SMH! We’ve been hearing this for a long time! I understand it was a living world event announcement but they could’ve at least talked about wvw for a bit but we get NOTHING!

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> > > They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

> > Are you saying that EVERY MMO that does this (makes previous Expansions free after the newest one releases) is spitting in their veterans' faces? GW2 is giving us something while most games (WoW, FF14, etc) don't give the "early adopters" anything.


> what is it giving us? their usual 3 month content that i do in 2 days ? and build templates after 7 years ? why wait till the game is almost dead before you do what they ask for... majority who asked for it probably dont even play anymore


Not sure what your complaining about to be honest. I have been playing since Beta and fine with HOT being free to POF buyers. Hell if anything I was expecting this. Older content always eventually gets bundled with the newer. If they didn't do this as an industry-standard I wouldn't own as many games as I do. Hell most games actually give more stuff in the future bundles to entice new players that original day 1 player can not get till they buy the bundle pack (even if though they already have the game).


You can do all the content in GW2? holy crap let me see if your name is the highest on the leaderboard for achievements then!

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> @"Razorsharp Blade.9283" said:

> Well there goes my last hope for the game, been playing since one of the first betas, and played gw1, and here we are 7 years later having more gemstore content, irl merch and another stale wait 3-5 months for a 1 hour content update living story thing, a year+ delayed WvW alliance update that probs will be delayed, and the game mode is already dead, PvP dead. But hey atleast more stale PvE content! (This is coming from a primarily PvE player). I aint going to WoW but I probs wont continue playing this game for long. So burnt out and bored of this endless timegated LS content and no PvP/WvW content.


My thoughts exactly. I quit 6 months ago, came back to see what the announcement would be and was "SHOCKED" with the gemstore content, merch. But hey, At least PvPs getting a new armor set right? For that 1 pvp fan in the back.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

> They give vets some ugly glider, like.... why'd i even bother with glider 90% of the time when I can use a mount....

> They give us some armor unlock that's useless to most and a title most won't even use....

> Most mmos come with build templates, yet Anet gives it after 7 years......


> There has to be people who came from different states, literally paying tickets there and back and probably hotel stay over night... for what ? THIS.

> I'd definitely be furious if I did it just to be told 1st expansion is going to be free...

> They pay some cringey guy to host it, he yelled my ears off trying to create hype about something they know is going to kitten off most

> I also said in another thread that I've witnessed all their hypes in 7 years and I've learnt my lesson. I love being right. I just wish people would understand that it always was like it and always will be and not to expect much.

> It was probably hype for f2p accounts, they get things to do.. as for fevs... absolutely nothing.


> also how many mistakes they had, it's unbelievable ... they don't know their own game.


Well, nobody listens to wvw/pvp community...but it's because they cater to the casual pve community that the population state of the game keeps declining. So how are people still surprised they give away their expac for free after a few years? If they had just made some fundamental changes and improvements on some basic areas of the game, then newer players would stay longer and keep the population higher, and then they could sustain gemsales.


Edit: Btw i'm agreeing with your post. Just saying it shouldn't surprise you or make you feel upset, since it was to be expected ANYWAY.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> They know they messed up since they're deleting most of the posts... gotta keep their imaginary paradise clean and pristine. Can't have a single complaint or critique ...


I think they're merging them rather than deleting them to keep the forums more tidy? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85965/merged-huge-disappointment-today#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85965/merged-huge-disappointment-today#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85965/merged-huge-disappointment-today#latest")

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