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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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It looks like they lost some posts when they tried to merge threads. To paraphrase what I said in the now banished-to-the-mists post -


while I am still excited for the new story content, today was a bit of a train wreck and Anet has only themselves and their antiquated marketing practices to blame. Stop marketing like its the early 80s and actually listen to what your customers are talking about on a regular basis. People have been building hype for new elite specs (which many just assumed were coming), as well as other potential "hopes," for the past month. One look at any of that and Anet would have known today's announcement was going to fall flat and disappoint the more avid fans. People came in expecting a lot more than this - and that cannot be blamed on the players, because they have been talking about what they expected long and loud enough for Anet to see (if they were actually listening/looking).

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> Totally underwhelming on every front, I'm glad I wore a red shirt, wish I could have been there to ask the question. This hype was totally unfounded, it was a sad day, and I feel bad for those who wasted their time going there for something that should have been a blog post or mere patch notes.


Yeah, since it was the start to a long weekend and I was ahead in my project with most people home I decided to go home and catch the stream. Wished I had stayed at work, read the blog posts later, and made $$ instead.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anyway

> > > > They spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...

> > > Are you saying that EVERY MMO that does this (makes previous Expansions free after the newest one releases) is spitting in their veterans' faces? GW2 is giving us something while most games (WoW, FF14, etc) don't give the "early adopters" anything.

> >

> > what is it giving us? their usual 3 month content that i do in 2 days ? and build templates after 7 years ? why wait till the game is almost dead before you do what they ask for... majority who asked for it probably dont even play anymore


> 1) giving old content away as new is introduced isnt spitting in anyone's face.

> 2) what would you be saying if build templates werent announced? Complaining?

> 3) yes "giving."


> Look, I am pretty disappointed with the game myself, but the entitlement and complaining if the compa y does add something specific and complaining if they dont is ridiculous.


> That said, I have long since learned to ignore ANet attempts at hype. I honestly do not think that they are adept at managing customer expectations while creating buzz. It is a real skill, something that some companies invest in developing, but not one that ANet seems to be very good at IMO.


You can look back into my post if you care, which probably you dont, but I never complained about build templates cuz i never expected them anyway, why would i after years of not having them, I just got used to it and played on

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I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.


I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.


It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.


Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.


I now officially fear for the future of this game.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> A blog post and forum announcement was all that was needed for this.


> You overhyped this and of course people are disappointed.


> The players saying "You knew what they were gonna announce"......


> No, the 1 month wait and countdown caused many to think there would be more.


> LOL.


I certainly thought so. I didn't expect an expansion or anything, but I expected more than this, maybe a season that will have expansion like content (like elite specs).

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > @"Kallist.5917" said:

> > > That Live stream was a voiced version of the episode announcement page. Wth Anet, you didnt really give us anything new we didnt already expect. The Builds system coming up, and the Strikes. That was pretty much the only real content of the stream. The rest was "Look at what you can buy!"

> >

> > And how are strikes different than bounties? lmao

> >

> >


> Since they 10 man they said, I assume Strike Missions are instanced content unlike Bounties which is just zerged down fights


Up to 10 scalable and you can bring your guild or queue from a lfr type thing. Those actually sound good, im glad they added them. But they need to think about adding a new raid and new wvw maps. Smaller ,maps that you can queue a team for 20v20 or 10v10

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.


> I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.


> It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.


> Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.


> I now officially fear for the future of this game.


Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

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> @"LuSilver.5760" said:

> I put up with another month of game play because of this announcement. Now I am uninstalling the game. kitten this bs. Dead game. kitten delete my account or ban me, it doesn't make any difference. Next time maybe anet will listen.


This may come as a shock to you, but you didn't have to play the game to watch the announcement.

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.


Really? We "needed" that? What we need is good writing, exciting story content that will hopefully keep us busy and be presented in a way that will allow us to replay it on several characters without becoming boring after the second time. If they manage **that**, I think they have accomplished _a lot_. So we'll see.


P.S. I'm not that much into the elite specs system, so I am happy for the features that _will_ come: build templates, for once, and hopefully other practical updates.

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If you didn't like the look of what they showed then yes, you should fear for the future because clearly you're not interested in playing it.


Is this the whole "gamers are entitled" thing again? Because I feel like that's what many of these posts will have me believe. Yes, this **is** enough, this is all they announced because that's all that's on the table. We don't know what will come after this. There CAN be more legendaries, there CAN be new weapons. They can decide to roll that in a different format, like how they released the last raid a few weeks after the episode. If you take off that lense of unrealistic expectations this WAS big. We know the new enemy, we know about the map and the story, what our mastery will be. The fact previous masteries will continue to be relevant... that's huge. People looked at this like it was a 100% guarantee for another expansion, but it wasn't. It was "Living world season 5 announcement", which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"LuSilver.5760" said:

> > I put up with another month of game play because of this announcement. Now I am uninstalling the game. kitten this bs. Dead game. kitten delete my account or ban me, it doesn't make any difference. Next time maybe anet will listen.


> This may come as a shock to you, but you didn't have to play the game to watch the announcement.


Don't worry. I wont be anymore, and Ill be damned if I watch another announcement. l8r

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I’ve been part of a WvW guild for years, with a fun group of people who have been waiting and waiting for new WvW content for years. Mounts only screwed up the play style for mobility roamers. Now players are quitting the game, and I’m super bummed that the stupid devs won’t pull their heads of their endless story and gem store cash-grab long enough to show a little love to the zergs, and keep the game from dying.

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> @"Suddenflame.2601" said:

> > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.

> >

> > I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

> >

> > It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

> >

> > Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

> >

> > I now officially fear for the future of this game.


> Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.


I'm glad you enjoyed it but this is still a letdown for a lot of people. Its more of the same and to host an event and play it up like something major is changing is very misleading. The people who love lore and story progression are going to be happy as usual. As for literally everyone else, sorry, you don't get much of anything outside of build templates for the next several months...minimum.

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No reason for an event to show us this kind of content. We didn't have one for all the other living world "sagas". These type of events should be geared towards making people want to play. Only people that this event inspired are people who are fans of Norn and Char. This is a total miss on anets part. They had our attention and they didn't make the most of it. They didn't have to show us things ready for release but they could have went into more of what coming that will change the game in a fundamental way like templates or elaborate more on these new "modes".


For what they shown it did look nice and the content will probably be fun. 90% of my characters I have are Norn. So yes their lore does interest me. But to not really go into the meat and potatoes of anything new but story is a giant miss. They did however throw a bone to pvp but they totally avoided WvW. I had a lot of friends that have been waiting for this event solely for what they would say about WvW. I'm 100% certain that the rage is boiling their blood right now.

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A bit disappointed by the lack of this:


_"We will be taking questions in advance and we will answer as many as we can over the course of the event. So share below what you’d like to know from the team about the newest chapter of Guild Wars 2 Living World."_



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> If you didn't like the look of what they showed then yes, you should fear for the future because clearly you're not interested in playing it.


> Is this the whole "gamers are entitled" thing again? Because I feel like that's what many of these posts will have me believe. Yes, this **is** enough, this is all they announced because that's all that's on the table. We don't know what will come after this. There CAN be more legendaries, there CAN be new weapons. They can decide to roll that in a different format, like how they released the last raid a few weeks after the episode. If you take off that lense of unrealistic expectations this WAS big. We know the new enemy, we know about the map and the story, what our mastery will be. The fact previous masteries will continue to be relevant... that's huge. People looked at this like it was a 100% guarantee for another expansion, but it wasn't. It was "Living world season 5 announcement", which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.


There's no entitlement here, games are required to produce content, it's simple. If there is no content, players will leave. This is a business, there is no entitlement wanting content it is literally what a customer should expect when playing an MMO with continuous updates. They provide content but this wasn't nearly enough to justify an announcement on stream.


It's a video form of their basic announcement article, they could have used the money they spent on the production of this stream and hiring the announcer and actually given it to the developers/designers to produce actual content for us and then just make an article announcement.


The reality is , they tried to hype this up as much as possible, and with that hype they failed to deliver and wasted money really.


I will say i did like the cut scene and the artistic approach of the trailer was good, this was a fresh and different approach to what they normally did before.

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We know that other games give their old paid content for free sometimes or bundle it up with newer releases, no point trying to hype that up to current players for a month and disappointing the ones left that expected something more that is actually targeted to them (See the disappointment about no new elite specs)

Some might be a bit annoyed that the expansion they paid full price for back then was only just finally fully delivered by half-expansion Mike in War Eternal (with the last set 2 legendary promised to us in 2015 with the expansion release); i guess it's OK for it to go free now it's fully complete I guess? :)

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