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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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Just figures. I don't care for the aesthetic (though the Joko one is kinda cute). The only Funko I've ever bought was an ESO nord so I could get a white wolfhound pet. The marketing guy did say these figures include in-game minis but I do not need more physical cruft in my house after pack ratting for 17 years in it.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> What even are Funko pops?

> Are they just some chibi-esque figures, or are they containers with sweets in them?


The former. Massively collectible - pretty much every franchise, comic, tv series, film and so forth has tie in Funkos. There are something like 200,000 different ones out there if I remember rightly

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Anet was squarely at fault here, drumming up too big excitement. Of course people is going to be disappointed when it turned out to be something that couldve been covered in a blog post.

> > >

> > > Yea but it wasn't anything beyond what they stated it would be. All of you are ignoring the fact that the playerbase took the hype generated and overhyped it even more thinking this would be an expansion announcement. Which means very few people complaining have any common sense. We were told an expansion was not planned. We were told that the next living story is what is planned. The email literally says tune in to learn about the next chapter of the living story.

> > >

> > > You are correct that it could have been covered in a blog post. There was 0 reason to do this event. But to say the community did not fashion this annoucement into something more is an outright lie.

> >

> > I never said it would be an expansion, nor did I expect it.

> > 1: We did not get an expansion at the end at LS4, leading many to think that LS5 might offer more expansion like content to keep people interested. Such as new especs.

> > 2: Especially when Anet overhyped it badly, making people thing the reveal would be BIG!

> >

> > Yet we got just served with more of the same.

> >

> > Again, Anet is solely at fault here for mishandling it and creating false expectations.


> Your first point is again your fault as a community for thinking that. Not once has a living story chapter given us new elite specs or anything expansion worthy. Other than the mount in the last chapter.


> Did they overhype it though? The email literally states "Tune in to learn more about the next living story chapter."


The problem was the format of the announcement. Live gathering. Countdown timer. Several weeks of lead up. Anet did a very bad job managing expectations. Hope people didn’t pay money for flight tickets or anything like that. Definitely not a “ I was there event.”


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Well said, you truly understand why a lot of people are upset with Anet.


Yeah, it was like taking the red pill. I wish I could throw it up. I wish I never saw the stream, and I didn't have reddit account to learn about the stream.


I was that-one-guy to defend Anet, because I fell in love with GW2. I couldn't wrap up, why people were upset with them; I was too charmed by the game, too faithful in their actions. I had a lot of empathy towards the developers, I could understand some actions, and justify them.


Today's event was like a bitchslap towards my expectations, my love towards the game, and towards the person that I am. I literally gave up hope on trusting other people, yet, I trusted Anet.


I'm not gonna think twice on spending cash on gems for outfits. I just won't buy them anymore, untill I get what I expected so far from the game. I will grind for the gems instead, if I find an outfit that I like, or some other stuff.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> I bet you're wondering why you haven't gotten any responses, meanwhile every other post has.


> Let it sink in.


Every other post? you mean player response? because anet only answered 1 post since announcement in the discussion to thank a fan...

The rest are gem store related posts btw

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Relax, we'll have more details soon. Plus a new expansion is nearly certain after this season so specs then probably


> I ~~need~~ would really like confirmation from ANet that a new expansion is coming at some point. I'd rather pay for a huge, content-rich expansion pack than get LW stuff free.



I want a confirmation too, but I can understand the beginning of what could be up to a two year "saga" could be too early

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Relax, we'll have more details soon. Plus a new expansion is nearly certain after this season so specs then probably


> Nearly certain you say?


> Source?



Logic. Hence nearly certain, and not confirmed 100% by anyone

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > I bet you're wondering why you haven't gotten any responses, meanwhile every other post has.

> >

> > Let it sink in.


> Every other post? you mean player response? because anet only answered 1 post since announcement in the discussion to thank a fan...

> The rest are gem store related posts btw


I was definitely not referring to Anet responding, as that rarely happens.

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I've been a PVPer for years: Darkfall (nastiest PVP MMO ever) Wow..basically any MMO offering PVP I've at least tried it. The one common denominator is that PVP players are a whining pain in the azz bunch who are never happy with ANYTHING. PVPers are the only ones crying about balance because some class pwned them - I'm quite frankly done with PVP because of all the whining. PVPers complained about the exact same thing in WOW: "The devs only care about PVE whine whine whine". Guild Wars 2 is one of the best MMO's ever produced and provides a ton of content for $0. Those of you not old enough to remember when in order to play a video game you had to head to the arcade and pump quarters into machines for a few mins of playtime wouldn't complain about a free game that you can play 24-7 from the comfort of your home. You just don't know the struggle :)

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Watch that WvW with Devs segment they have on twitch and it's beyond noticeable that the dev's don't even play this game.

The only team working on this game that currently matters are the ones who run the gem store.

They should honestly fire every single other person, because at the moment this game is a hot dog stand and instead of selling hot dogs they are selling 'cool skins'.

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I'm so looking forward to playing in the Blood Legion and Far Shiverpeaks areas. The maps in the trailers looked really good, and you could still see the flavor of the Charr lands from GW1. The story content and maps have just been better and better for each season that has come out, and I'm sure we'll see some fantastic landscapes, and enjoy a good story. After 7 years and more than 14k hours of gameplay in PvE, WvW, and some PvP (I suck at PvP), I'm still enjoying GW2!


It's nice they mentioned the upcoming WvW alliances, with a bit more of a timeline ('the next few months'), and we're perhaps seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a change that's been in the works for a couple of years. Looking forward to that.


Thanks so much to the Anet team for being able to pull through all this, especially in light of the layoffs in February. It's hard to imagine how tough it has been to pick up and carry forward this past six months. Good job, Anet! Despite the vocal nay-sayers out there, please know there are those of us who appreciate and enjoy what you have created for us.


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What i feel and share with my guild and many other players is that we miss the old gw, and the direction they took with classes, specs and balance overall is not fun at all, many bunker, perma evade, block, stab, stealth, one shot meme, condi one shot, mega supports, the fun aspect core classes brought was the timing and skill based style of combat, now i feel i can grab an overperforming spec, run a meta build, spam every skill and win, happened to me in pvp with holo.


What i didn't like at all is to see that instead of at least making a post or two every week to tell us how they are planning to go back to when the game was fun and challenging to play they just throw more pve content at us and they are still silent at forums.


They have more responses from devs in reddit ..

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I wish people would stop saying...Free Content. The content is not free. You have to own Path of Fire.


> Or is it now?

> Season 3 did require HoT, the xpac that was the story right before it.

> Season 4 requires PoF, the xpac that is the story right before it.


> Both xpacs were requirement for ONE season right after it.

> Maybe Season 5 will not require any xpac. In that case, Season 5 would indeed be free content.




Except they stated you need to own PoF to get the episode for free.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> I mean you don't do those things, but they got you all to watch and were up there on twitch so overall their strategy worked. Poorly executed but it worked. As everyone complaining are long time players which aren't their main target anymore.


> To say that build templates and strikes aren't great content for a chapter of an entire season is asinine. Build Templates needed to be at release but hey.


> At the end of the day if you read the email that said "Info about the living story season." Then thought they would announcement a ton of content that seemed like an expansion today then you really do not know how to go past surface level.


> This community is down with the cesspool that is The Division 2 community.


I can't consider myself a long-time player, as I played the game for 4 years only.

I can give you that - despite reading the email, I had my hopes up. Maybe I didn't pass the surface level on that one, but seeing such big event made me think that more stuff is gonna be told.

As for build templates - I never needed them, maybe that's why I don't feel oh-so-excited about it.

Indeed its a cesspool. A cesspool that Anet helped creating, because community doesn't go this mad and bad for nothing.

Warframe is a F2P-friendly game, that has much better management, and has much better contact with the community. They have a roadmap, that is brought up on streams every now and then, to let know what they are working on. Content that they were working on several years prior is brought up time to time, so players know it's not forgotten, just in development/polishing. And if they make an event, such Tennocon, it's worth to go. Last Tennocon was about 3h long, and was overfilled with plans for the game in the future, with content to be released this and the next year.


Anet could learn a lot from Digital Extremes, especially when Warframe is F2P, and GW2 requires to buy expansions (or basic game at the least) to fully enjoy.


Maybe my expectation bar is set too high. Who knows.


I agree with you on some level. I don't agree with you with some parts. By the end of the day, people were left in dissapointment.

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> @"Suddenflame.2601" said:

> > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > > @"Suddenflame.2601" said:

> > > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > > > I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this **just isn't enough.** This _needed_ to have new especs, or new weapons... or _something_ that changed the way we played the game.

> > > >

> > > > I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

> > > >

> > > > It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

> > > >

> > > > Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

> > > >

> > > > I now officially fear for the future of this game.

> > >

> > > Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

> >

> > I'm glad you enjoyed it but this is still a letdown for a lot of people. Its more of the same and to host an event and play it up like something major is changing is very misleading. The people who love lore and story progression are going to be happy as usual. As for literally everyone else, sorry, you don't get much of anything outside of build templates for the next several months...minimum.


> Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.


> Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?


I don't think its overly misleading, just somewhat. Making this into a live event and even drawing it out further by putting the timer on their stream just made it seem like this was going to be big. Its not though. This is just the same style of content we've been getting for years now. Its just weird. Why didn't they just do a blog post or a live stream in the office for this? It would have saved them a lot more money and been less of an ordeal than how we are seeing it unfold today.

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So...I want to try to be constructive and I would like this thread to stay on topic so people, I ask you please to write here your constructive feedback and how the Anet team could try to make the announcement feel less terrible.


Let's start.


-The trailer was actually well done, a good mix also on the graphic side, I enjoyed it.

-More norn and charr lore = yey!

-The little video of the story with the little fight was good!



1.The gift to the players that bought all the expansions full price(or discounted) feels cheap. I checked it ingame and it's just the mordrem glider and a choice of 1 piece of BL armor from a small selection.

2. the over hype without showing enough to the players to look forward to.

Let's face it, just a few artworks of monsters, a few video about masteries and maps is just not enough for an event like this.

If this is all Anet has to show(and tell) to the players about what to expect in the new amazing season/saga, I'm really worried....and I say it as a fan that loves this game and wants to stay!

3.The time given to the merch.. it felt like you were more interested in showing us more stuff to buy instead of how much we will be able to play in the new season.



1. The present for the people that bought all of the expansions I think feels especially cheap since the glider is not the most looked up to item to get these days... If it was a cool

glider/backpack combo, maybe.... but still I would have expected a mount skin.

Everybody knows that mounts are the new thing, and what is best than showing off your unique mount skin in the new maps?

They could have made a set of mordrem mount skins and give the option to the people that bought both expansions to get 1 for free and put the rest on the BL to buy...to me it sounds more like something I would think as a good deal than the old "just glider" skin ....also I would have still gotten all of the mount skins from the BL if that was the case.

The choice of 1 piece of armor from the small selection also feels cheap.... why not giving the option to pick any armor piece? Why not give the option to unlck an armor set(or outfit) from the BL?

2.About the over hype, make a blog post showing more about the saga!

Show us more in details what we could expect.

-The norn mastery line for example, does it mean that everybody will be able to acquire the norn beast forms? Does that mean that we will get an improved version of the norn skills? how flashy will it be?

-What if I play as a Norn or a Charr? Do I get story options, special dialogues like in HoT for Sylvary and other species?

-Can we expect new weapons and armor sets to unlock during the episodes maybe norn and charr themed?

-Can we expect new mounts?

-Can we expect elite masteries?

-Is there anything special (mechanics, events) that you can tease a little more?

-Can you show us more of how the Build Templates system is set up in game?

3.I have nothing agains merch, instead I like it, but seeing how short the part dedicated to the actual season 5 announcement was, the merch part was kind of not needed in my opinion.

With this one we go back to point 2, I wanted to see more stuff about the season 5.

4. Tell us if you are working or not on a new EXPANSION! I think that most of the community needs to know, if this game has a future or it will always be about small living story updates...

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I wasn't sure what to expect beside ice, but i'm very please and hyped about what's coming to the game - less so about anet's handling of the reveal (yes, it's bigger than other LW seasons in hitting TWO new regions in one season and for other reasons, but it wasn't nearly big enough for 45 minutes. Anet needed to be more upfront about what to expect, or have done a smaller event.)

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It's humorous to see people on these forums damage control for ANet. It's like facts don't even matter in this world anymore. People expected something more coming out of this event and ANet simply did not deliver. Now people are doing damage control and trying to turn it back on us. "Your expectations were too high!"


This was a disappointment, no ifs ands or buts. Now coming into this, I was prepared for the worst...and it happened. gw2 did not announce anything substantial, anything that justifies a live event such as this. So, the usual LW/gem store content....what else? WHERE is the wvw/pvp? WHERE is the guild content(missions, etc)? WHERE is the update on the alliance system and swiss tournaments? What is even the wvw/spvp community in this game? Chopped liver? Well, this announcement definitely clinched that for us.

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